options: Package Options

rsconnectOptionsR Documentation

Package Options


The rsconnect package supports several options that control the method used for http communications, the printing of diagnostic information for http requests, and the launching of an external browser after deployment.


Supported global options include:


Path to a custom bundle of Certificate Authority root certificates to use when connecting to servers via SSL. This option can also be specied in the environment variable RSCONNECT_CA_BUNDLE. Leave undefined to use your system's default certificate store.


Whether to check the SSL certificate when connecting to a remote host; defaults to TRUE. Setting to FALSE is insecure, but will allow you to connect to hosts using invalid certificates as a last resort.


Http implementation used for connections to the back-end service:

libcurl Secure https using the curl R package
rcurl Secure https using the Rcurl R package (deprecated)
curl Secure https using the curl system utility
internal Insecure http using raw sockets

If no option is specified then libcurl is used by default.


When TRUE, trace http calls (prints the method, path, and total milliseconds for each http request)


When TRUE, trace JSON content (shows JSON payloads sent to and received from the server))


When TRUE, print verbose output for http connections (useful only for debugging SSL certificate or http connection problems)


By default, rsconnect uses R's internal tar implementation to compress content bundles. This may cause invalid bundles in some environments. In those cases, use this option to specify a path to an alternate tar executable. This option can also be specified in the environment variable RSCONNECT_TAR. Leave undefined to use the default tar implementation.


A named list of additional cURL options to use when using the RCurl HTTP implementation in R. Run RCurl::curlOptions() to see available options.


A named list of additional cURL options to use when using the curl HTTP implementation in R. Run curl::curl_options() to see available options.


When TRUE, print detailed stack traces for errors occurring during deployment.


When TRUE, automatically launch a browser to view applications after they are deployed


When FALSE, disable the detected locale cache (Windows only).


Override the detected locale.


The maximum size, in bytes, for deployed content. If not set, defaults to 3 GB.


The maximum number of files to deploy. If not set, defaults to 10,000.


When TRUE, bypasses the prompt to confirm whether you wish to update previously-deployed content


A function to run prior to deploying content; it receives as an argument the directory containing the content about to be deployed.


A function to run after successfully deploying content; it receives as an argument the directory containing the content about to be deployed.


When TRUE, use the python executable specified by the RETICULATE_PYTHON environment variable and add a python section to the deployment manifest. By default, python is enabled when deploying to Posit Connect and disabled when deploying to shinyapps.io.

When deploying content from the RStudio IDE, the rsconnect package's deployment methods are executed in a vanilla R session that doesn't execute startup scripts. This can make it challenging to ensure options are set properly prior to push-button deployment, so the rsconnect package has a parallel set of “startup” scripts it runs prior to deploying. The follow are run in order, if they exist, prior to deployment:


Like Rprofile.site; for site-wide pre-flight and options.


Like .Rprofile; for user-specific content.


Like .Rprofile for projects; $PROJECT here refers to the root directory of the content being deployed.

Note that, unlike .Rprofile, these files don't replace each other; all three will be run if they exist.


## Not run: 

# use curl for http connections
options(rsconnect.http = "curl")

# trace http requests
options(rsconnect.http.trace = TRUE)

# print verbose output for http requests
options(rsconnect.http.verbose = TRUE)

# print JSON content
options(rsconnect.http.trace.json = TRUE)

# don't automatically launch a browser after deployment
options(rsconnect.launch.browser = FALSE)

## End(Not run)

rstudio/rsconnect documentation built on July 6, 2024, 4:40 a.m.