
Defines functions rscontract_ide

Documented in rscontract_ide

#' Mirrors the RStudio IDE connection contract arguments
#' @description
#' Creates an object that contains all of the necessary information to create a connection
#' contract. This function if meant as a lower level integration with the connections pane.
#' @param type Type of the connection.
#' @param host Name of the host
#' @param icon Path to the connection's icon. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param displayName The connection's name.
#' @param connectCode The text of the connection code.
#' @param disconnect Function to use to disconnect. Default to function(){}.
#' @param previewObject Function to run when the preview table icon is clicked on. Default to function(){}.
#' @param listObjectTypes Function that provides the structure of the connection.
#' The default function will work properly, it is going to be rare when it needs to be changed.
#' @param listObjects Function to run to get the catalogs, schema, tables or views based what has been
#' expanded on. Default to function(){}.
#' @param listColumns Function to run that pull the field information. Default to function(){}.
#' @param actions Additional buttons to add to the connection pane. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param connectionObject The connection object. Default to NULL.
#' @examples
#' str(rscontract_ide())
#' @return
#' An `rs_contract_ide` class object
#' @export
rscontract_ide <- function(
                           connectionObject = NULL,
                           type = "",
                           host = "",
                           icon = NULL,
                           displayName = "",
                           connectCode = "",
                           disconnect = function() {},
                           previewObject = function() {},
                           listObjectTypes = default_types(),
                           listObjects = function() {},
                           listColumns = function() {},
                           actions = NULL) {
  a <- as.list(environment())
  structure(as.list(a), class = "rscontract_ide")
rstudio/rscontract documentation built on Dec. 15, 2020, 7:29 p.m.