Man pages for rte-antares-rpackage/antaresEditObject
Edit an 'Antares' Simulation

activateRESActivate RES in an Antares study
activateSTActivate st-storage in an Antares study
add_week_number_column_to_tsAdd week number column to a data.time of time series type
adequacyOptionsAdequacy patch parameters for creating an area
antaresEditObject-packageantaresEditObject: Edit an 'Antares' Simulation
backupStudyCreate a backup with an Antares Study
check_consistency_reservoir_valuesFor a given area, check consistency between reservoir and...
check_mingen_vs_hydro_storageCheck if mingen data and hydro storage data are consistent
check_mingen_vs_maxpowerCheck if mingen data and maxpower data are consistent
checkRemovedAreaSeek for a removed area
check-versionIs study an Antares v7 study ?
cleanUpOutputClean up output based on geographic trimming
computeOtherFromHourlyMultiCompute daily, weekly, monthly and annual mc-ind from hourly...
computeOtherFromHourlyYearCompute daily, weekly, monthly and annual mc-ind from hourly...
computeTimeStampFromHourlyCompute daily, weekly, monthly and annual mc-ind from hourly...
convertConfigToAdqRead adequacy patch config.yml into Antares (v8.5+)
copyOutputCopy of the output files of an Antares study
copyStudyWebImport physical study to Antares Web (managed study)
createAreaCreate an area in an Antares study
createBindingConstraintCreate a binding constraint
createBindingConstraintBulkCreate multiple binding constraint at once.
createClusterCreate a cluster
createClusterBulkCreate serial thermal cluster
createClusterSTCreate a short-term storage cluster
createDistrictCreate a district
createDSRCreate a Demand Side Response (DSR)
createLinkCreate a link between two areas
createPSPCreate a Pumped Storage Power plant (PSP)
create_scb_referential_series_typeCreate the correspondence data frame between the symbol and...
create-studyCreate an empty Antares study
deleteStudyDelete a study or a simulation
detect_pattern_in_binding_constraintDetect a pattern in a binding constraint coefficient
dicoGeneralSettingsCorrespondence between arguments of 'updateGeneralSettings'...
dicoOptimizationSettingsCorrespondence between arguments of...
dicoOutputSettingsCorrespondence between arguments of 'updateOutputSettings'...
dot-api_command_execute_edit_areaEdit area's parameters in API mode.
dot-dailyToWeeklyComputation function for rebuild mc-ind weekly from daily...
dot-format_ini_rhsFormat a value to a suitable format to rhs in an .ini file.
dot-hourlyToOtherComputation function for rebuild mc-ind daily, monthly and...
dot-initializeLinksAreaInitialize links data for a new area. For disk mode only.
dot-initializeRenewablesAreaInitialize renewables data for a new area. For disk mode...
dot-initializeThermalAreaInitialize thermal data for a new area. For disk mode only.
dot-split_nodalOptimization_by_targetSplit list nodalOptimization by target file.
editAreaEdit an area in an Antares study
editBindingConstraintUpdate an existing binding constraint
editClusterEdit an existing cluster
editClusterSTEdit a short-term storage cluster
editLinkEdit a link between two areas
fill_empty_hydro_ini_fileWrite default values in hydro.ini file if the section is...
fill_empty_hydro_ts_fileWrite default input time series if 'mingen.txt' or/and...
filteringOptionsOutput profile options for creating an area
get_default_hydro_ini_valuesGet default hydro.ini values
getJobLogsRetrieve job log from API
getJobsRetrieve API jobs
get_type_check_mingen_vs_hydrostorageGet the type of control to execute using the 3 necessary...
get_type_check_mingen_vs_hydrostorage_to_triggerGet the type of control to execute between mingen data and...
get_type_check_mingen_vs_maxpower_to_triggerGet the type of control to execute between mingen data and...
group_values_meta_checkCheck dimension of time series for binding constraints
importZipStudyWebImport a local study to Antares Web
list_pollutants_valuesOutput pollutants list for thermal clusters
mockSimulationAPIMock API usage
nodalOptimizationOptionsNodal optimization parameters for creating an area
playlistGet the playlist of an Antares study Antares API: *OK*
propertiesLinkOptionsProperties for creating a link
removeAreaRemove an area from an Antares study
removeBindingConstraintRemove a Binding Constraint
removeClusterRemove a cluster
removeLinkRemove a link between two areas
replicate_missing_tsReplicate a data.table as many times as needed to get the...
rollback_to_previous_dataRollback to previous hydro data if the data is not consistent
runSimulationRun an Antares Simulation
runTsGeneratorRun Time-Series Generator
scenario-builderRead, create, update & deduplicate scenario builder
searchStudySearch study in AntaREST
setAPImodeSet API mode
setSolverPathSet path to Antares Solver
storage_values_defaultShort Term Storage Property List
updateAdequacySettingsUpdate adequacy parameters of an Antares study
updateGeneralSettingsUpdate general parameters of an Antares study
updateInputSettingsUpdate input parameters of an Antares study
updateOptimizationSettingsUpdate optimization parameters of an Antares study
updateOutputSettingsUpdate output parameters of an Antares study
variantCreate a study's variant
variant-commandsGet API commands generated
writeEconomicOptionsWrite Economic Options
writeHydroValuesWrite Hydro Values
write-iniWrite configuration options in file or API
writeIniHydroEdit hydro.ini values
writeInputTSWrite input time series
writeMiscGenWrite Misc Gen data
writeOutputValuesWrite output value for Antares
writeSeriesPreproWrite prepro data
writeWaterValuesWrite water values
rte-antares-rpackage/antaresEditObject documentation built on Sept. 7, 2024, 9:40 p.m.