createClusterBulk: Create serial thermal cluster

View source: R/createClusterBulk.R

createClusterBulkR Documentation

Create serial thermal cluster


For each area, the thermal cluster data are generated :

  • Writing .ini files

  • Writing time_series files

  • Writing prepro_data files

  • Writing prepro_modulation files


  add_prefix = TRUE,
  opts = antaresRead::simOptions()



list mutiple list containing the parameters for writing each cluster


character name of area to create cluster


logical prefix cluster name with area name


List of simulation parameters returned by the function antaresRead::setSimulationPath()


see the example to write a cluster object, see the original function createCluster()

Structure of cluster_object :

The list must be structured with named items

  • parameter : list of paramaters to write in .ini file

  • overwrite : logical to choose to overwrite an existing cluster (if not present, set to FALSE)

  • time_series : matrix or data.frame the "ready-made" 8760-hour time-series

  • prepro_data : matrix or data.frame Pre-process data

  • prepro_modulation : matrix or data.frame Pre-process modulation

Details for sublist cluster_object[["parameter"]] :

  • name : Name for the cluster, it will prefixed by area name, unless you set add_prefix = FALSE

  • group : Group of the cluster, depends on cluster type

  • ... : Parameters to write in the Ini file


An updated list containing various information about the simulation.

list containing meta information about the simulation


## Not run: 

# /!\/!\/!\ use or create a study /!\/!\/!\

# data preparation for sutructures
ts <- matrix(rep(c(0, 8000), each = 24*364), 
             ncol = 2)

df_pd <- matrix(rep(c(1, 1, 1, 0), each = 24*365), 
                ncol = 4)

df_pm <- matrix(data = c(rep(1, times = 365 * 24 * 3), rep(0, times = 365 * 24 * 1)), 
                ncol = 4)

# Example cluster object
zone_test_1 <- list(
  `CCGT old 1`= list(
  parameter= list(
  name= "CCGT old 1",
  group = "Other",
  unitcount= 10L,
  nominalcapacity= 100,
   enabled= "true",
   `min-stable-power`= 80L,
   `min-up-time`= 20L,
   `min-down_time`= 30L),
   overwrite= TRUE,
   time_series = ts_8760,
   prepro_data = df_pd,
   prepro_modulation = df_pm))
 # overwrite existing cluster
zone_test_2 <- list(
 `PEAK`= list(parameter= list(
   name= "PEAK",
   group = "Other"),
   overwrite= TRUE,
   time_series = ts,
   prepro_data = df_pd,
   prepro_modulation = df_pm))

# Create multiple areas with multiple clusters
list_areas <- antaresRead::getAreas()[1:5]

lapply(list_areas, createClusterBulk,
cluster_object = c(zone_test_1, zone_test_2),
add_prefix = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

rte-antares-rpackage/antaresEditObject documentation built on April 23, 2024, 8:38 a.m.