createLink: Create a link between two areas

View source: R/createLink.R

createLinkR Documentation


Antares API OK

Create a new link between two areas in an Antares study.


  propertiesLink = propertiesLinkOptions(),
  dataLink = NULL,
  tsLink = NULL,
  overwrite = FALSE,
  opts = antaresRead::simOptions()


from, to

The two areas linked together.


a named list containing the link properties, e.g. hurdles-cost or transmission-capacities for example. See propertiesLinkOptions().


See Details section below.


Transmission capacities time series. First N columns are direct TS, following N are indirect ones.


Logical, overwrite the previous between the two areas if exist


List of simulation parameters returned by the function antaresRead::setSimulationPath()


The eight potential times-series are:

  • NTC direct : the upstream-to-downstream capacity, in MW. Default to 1.

  • NTC indirect : the downstream-to-upstream capacity, in MW. Default to 1.

  • Hurdle cost direct : an upstream-to-downstream transmission fee, in euro/MWh. Default to 0.

  • Hurdle cost indirect : a downstream-to-upstream transmission fee, in euro/MWh. Default to 0.

  • Impedances : virtual impedances that are used in economy simulations to give a physical meaning to raw outputs, when no binding constraints have been defined to enforce Kirchhoff's laws. Default to 0.

  • Loop flow : amount of power flowing circularly though the grid when all "nodes" are perfectly balanced (no import and no export). Default to 0.

  • PST min : lower bound of phase-shifting that can be reached by a PST installed on the link, if any. Default to 0.

  • PST max : upper bound of phase-shifting that can be reached by a PST installed on the link, if any. Default to 0.

According to Antares version, usage may vary :

< v7.0.0 : 5 first columns are used in the following order: NTC direct, NTC indirect, Impedances, Hurdle cost direct, Hurdle cost indirect.

>= v7.0.0 : 8 columns in order above are expected.

>= v8.2.0 : there's 2 cases :

  • 8 columns are provided: 2 first are used in tsLink, other 6 are used for link data

  • 6 columns are provided: you must provide NTC data in tsLink argument.


An updated list containing various information about the simulation.


In Antares, areas are sorted in alphabetical order to establish links between. For example, link between "fr" and "be" will appear under "be". So the areas are sorted before creating the link between them, and dataLink is rearranged to match the new order.

See Also

editLink(), removeLink()


## Not run: 


# Set simulation path
setSimulationPath(path = "PATH/TO/SIMULATION", simulation = "input")

# Create a link between two areas
createLink(from = "first_area", to  = "second_area")

## End(Not run)

rte-antares-rpackage/antaresEditObject documentation built on Sept. 7, 2024, 9:40 p.m.