
#' Set ANTARES study options related to the current benders decomposition
#' @param benders_options
#'   list of benders decomposition options, as returned by
#'   \code{\link{read_options}}.
#' @param candidates
#'   list of investment candidates, as returned by
#'   \code{\link{read_candidates}}
#' @param opts
#'   list of simulation parameters returned by the function
#'   \code{antaresRead::setSimulationPath}
#' @return nothing
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @importFrom antaresRead simOptions getLinks getAreas
#' @importFrom antaresEditObject updateGeneralSettings updateOptimizationSettings
#' @noRd
set_antares_options <- function(benders_options, candidates, opts = antaresRead::simOptions())
  # 1 - set output filtering options
  # set filtering of outputs and writing of year-by-year outputs
  antaresEditObject::updateGeneralSettings(filtering = "true", year.by.year = "true", opts = opts)
  filter_output_areas(areas = antaresRead::getAreas(opts = opts), filter = c("weekly", "annual"), type = c("year-by-year", "synthesis"), opts = opts)
  filter_output_links(links = antaresRead::getLinks(opts = opts), filter = c("weekly", "annual"), type = c("year-by-year", "synthesis"), opts = opts)
  if (length(with_profile(candidates)) > 0 )
    filter_output_links(links = with_profile(candidates), filter = c("hourly", "weekly", "annual"), type = c("year-by-year", "synthesis"), opts = opts)
  # 2 - set unit-commitment mode and optimization options
  if(benders_options$uc_type == "accurate")
    antaresEditObject::updateOptimizationSettings(unit.commitment.mode = "accurate", 
                                                  include.tc.min.stable.power = "true", 
                                                  include.tc.min.up.down.time = "true", 
                                                  include.dayahead = "true", 
                                                  opts = opts)
  if(benders_options$uc_type == "expansion_accurate")
    antaresEditObject::updateOptimizationSettings(unit.commitment.mode = "accurate", 
                                                  include.tc.min.stable.power = "true", 
                                                  include.tc.min.up.down.time = "true", 
                                                  include.dayahead = "true", 
                                                  opts = opts)
  if(benders_options$uc_type == "fast")
    antaresEditObject::updateOptimizationSettings(unit.commitment.mode = "fast", 
                                                  include.tc.min.stable.power = "true", 
                                                  include.tc.min.up.down.time = "true", 
                                                  include.dayahead = "true", 
                                                  opts = opts)
  if(benders_options$uc_type == "expansion_fast")
    antaresEditObject::updateOptimizationSettings(unit.commitment.mode = "fast", 
                                                  include.tc.min.stable.power = "false", 
                                                  include.tc.min.up.down.time = "false", 
                                                  include.dayahead = "false", 
                                                  opts = opts)
  # 3 - set week and initial day
  #    we need to ensure the consistency between the weekly optimisation and the weekly
  #    aggregation of the output
  month_name <- c("january", "december", "november", "october", "september", "august", "july", "june", "may", "april", "march", "february")
  day_per_month <- c(0, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 28)
  day_name <- c("Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday")
  if (opts$parameters$general$leapyear)
    day_per_month[12] <- 29
  month_id <- which(month_name == opts$parameters$general$"first-month-in-year")
  assertthat::assert_that(length(month_id) == 1)
  n_day <- (-sum(day_per_month[1:month_id]) + opts$parameters$general$simulation.start - 1) %% 7
  first_day_week <- day_name[((which(day_name == opts$parameters$general$january.1st) + n_day - 1) %% 7 ) +1]
  antaresEditObject::updateGeneralSettings(first.weekday = first_day_week)
rte-antares-rpackage/antaresXpansion documentation built on June 16, 2019, 2:35 p.m.