Man pages for rtlemos/scallops
Lemos and Sanso' (2012) model, edited for speed

get_ellipsesObtain dataframe of kernel ellipses centered at the DPC...
get_ellipses_plotPlot kernel ellipses centered at the DPC gridpoints
get_emOptimize kernel parameters
get_estimatesGet posterior predictive mean estimates at location(s) in the...
get_gamma_sampleSample gamma from its full conditional distribution
get_gridProduce a regular Discrete Process Convolution grid.
get_gridded_estimatesPlot gridded posterior predictive means
get_influence_plotPlot the influence of a gridded Gaussian variable on the...
get_interpolation_plotPlot the interpolated surface
get_kernel_evaluationGet kernel evaluation(s) centered at s_i and evaluated at one...
get_kernel_matrixConstruct a sparse kernel matrix
get_kernel_vectorObtain the vector of kernel evaluations for all the...
get_list2matConvert list of observation locations into data frame
get_mat2listConvert matrix/data.frame observation locations into list
get_mcmcMarkov chain Monte Carlo (Gibbs) method to sample from the...
get_neighbors_iIdentify the gridpoints in the neighborhood of location s_i
get_neighbors_of_gridpointsIdentify the observation locations that are in the...
get_point_estimateGet a point estimate for a single location
get_posterior_meanCompute the full conditional (given tau, rho, and data) mean...
get_posterior_precisionCompute the full conditional (given tau, rho, and data)...
get_prior_precision_matrixConstruct gamma's precision matrix for a given DPC grid
get_priorsBuild basic priors for gamma and tau
get_Sigma_inverseLemos and Sanso' (2012) Inverse Sigma matrix
get_tau_sampleSample tau from its full conditional distribution
haversineHaversine distance between two points on the Earth's surface
rtlemos/scallops documentation built on May 4, 2019, 7:43 p.m.