Empirical Analysis of Community Assmebly using CAMI

In this script we will analyze community phylogenetic and trait data from plant species that occur in different lava flow islands, or kipukas, of Craters of the Moon (CRMO) National Preserve in south central Idaho. The species in the local communtiy only on a specific kipuka, while the regional species include those in the local community as well as plant species that occurr throughout the preserve. We are investigating whether the height of plants species that occur in the shrubb-steppe vegetation at CRMO is impacting which species occur on Kipuka island, via a non-neutral assembly process such as enviromnetal filtering or competitive exclusion.

We will begin by loading the relevent packages and data.

Load Data and Packages

## Load necessary packages

## Load phylogenetic and phenotypic data

## make sure phylogeny and data correspond, will say "OK" if they do
name.check(phy=Kip.regional.tree, data = Kip.regional.traits)

Next, we will sort through how many communities are present and how many species occur on each kipuka community.

## Load community data matrix
Kip.communtiy.matrix <- read.csv(file="KipComm_Matrix_edited.csv", header=T, sep=",", row.names =1)

## make NAs 0
Kip.communtiy.matrix[is.na(Kip.communtiy.matrix)] <- 0
sum(colSums(Kip.communtiy.matrix) >= 18)

## We will look 8 of the communities that have 18+ species
Kip.Coms <- Kip.communtiy.matrix[,colSums(Kip.communtiy.matrix) >= 18]

write.table(Kip.Coms, file="8KipukaComsMatrix.txt", sep="\t")

for (i in 1:ncol(Kip.Coms)) {
  species.list <- rownames(Kip.communtiy.matrix)[Kip.Coms[,i]==1]
  local.tree <- drop.tip(Kip.regional.tree, setdiff(Kip.regional.tree$tip.label, species.list))
  if (i == 1){
    kip.local.trees <- local.tree }
  else{  kip.local.trees <- c(kip.local.trees, local.tree)

## Get 8 corresponding trait datasets
kip.local.traits <- list()

for (i in 1:ncol(Kip.Coms)) {
 local.traits <- Kip.regional.traits[ match(kip.local.trees[[i]]$tip.label, names(Kip.regional.traits))]
 kip.local.traits[[i]] <- local.traits

Determine Model of Trait Evolution

Before we simulate communtiy assembly data and perform model selection, we need to know which model of trait evoltion to simualte under. From the power analysis, we know that we could perform model selection between all communtiy assembly models and trait evolution models, but we will not have the power we would have if we only compared community assembly models. Due to this, we will estimate the model of trait evolution beforehand and simulate our community assembly data accordingly.

BM.mod <- fitContinuous(phy = Kip.regional.tree, dat = log(Kip.regional.traits), model = "BM")
OU.mod <- fitContinuous(phy = Kip.regional.tree, dat = log(Kip.regional.traits), model = "OU", bounds=list(alpha=c(0.1, 0.9)))

alpha.ou <- seq(0.0,1.0, 0.05)

ou.res <- matrix(NA, length(alpha.ou), 5)
for (i in 1:length(alpha.ou)){
  OU.mod <- fitContinuous(phy = Kip.regional.tree, dat = log(Kip.regional.traits), model = "OU", bounds=list(alpha=c(0.01, alpha.ou[i])))
  ou.res[i,1:5] <- as.numeric(c(paste(OU.mod$opt[1]), paste(OU.mod$opt[2]), paste(OU.mod$opt[4]), paste(OU.mod$opt[7]), paste(OU.mod$opt[8])))

write.csv(ou.res, file="TrModResults_Emp.csv", sep=",")

alpha.ou <- seq(0.0,1.0, 0.05)
alpha.ou[1] <- 0.01
sigsq.ou <- c(0.3416, 0.536876, 0.766006, 1.002996, 1.244069, 1.486966, 1.7305, 1.974306, 2.218001, 2.461582, 2.705062)

Calculate Summary Statistics

We can use the function CalcSummaryStats() from the CAMI R package to calculate the empirical summary statistics.

## Calculate summary statistics for CAMI
Kip.summary.stats <- matrix(NA, 8, 30)
for (i in 1:ncol(Kip.Coms)){
  stats<-  CalcSummaryStats(regional.tree = Kip.regional.tree,
                                      local.tree = kip.local.trees[[i]],
                                      regional.traits = log(Kip.regional.traits),
                                      local.traits = log(kip.local.traits[[i]]))
  Kip.summary.stats[i,] <- stats
  colnames(Kip.summary.stats) <- names(stats)

   Kip.summary.stats[9,]<-  CalcSummaryStats(regional.tree = Kip.regional.tree,
                                      local.tree = Kip.local.tree,
                                      regional.traits = log(Kip.regional.traits),
                                      local.traits = log(Kip.local.traits))

## Calculate dispersion stats
Kip.dispersion.stats <- matrix(NA, 8, 32)
for (i in 1:ncol(Kip.Coms)){
  stats<-  CalcPhyDispStats(regional.tree = Kip.regional.tree,
                                      local.tree = kip.local.trees[[i]],
                                      regional.traits = log(Kip.regional.traits),
                                      local.traits = log(kip.local.traits[[i]]))
  Kip.dispersion.stats[i,] <- stats
  colnames(Kip.dispersion.stats) <- names(stats)

## Write out dispersion metrics table for Supplemental Material, one for phylogentic and one for phenotypic
phy.table <- Kip.dispersion.stats[,c(2,3,4,7,10,11,12,15)]
write.csv(phy.table, file="PhyDispTable8KipukaComs.csv")
phen.table <- Kip.dispersion.stats[,c(18,19,20,23, 26,27,28,31)]
write.csv(phen.table, file="PhenDispTable8KipukaComs.csv")

  stats<-  CalcPhyDispStats(regional.tree = Kip.regional.tree,
                                      local.tree = Kip.local.tree,
                                      regional.traits = log(Kip.regional.traits),
                                      local.traits = log(Kip.local.traits))

Simulate Community Assembly data

Now that we know the model of trait evolution to simulate under, and have an idea for the rate of cahracter change, we can simulate under the three communtiy assembly models; neutral, environmental filtering, and competitive exclusion. The simulations should be characterized to be as simular as possible to the empirical data.

sims <- 10000
N <- Ntip(all.species.tre)
local <- Ntip(kipuka.all.tre)

N <- Ntip(Kip.regional.tree)
local <- Ntip(Kip.local.tree)

#simulate data on crick under emp sims screen
BM.neutral.data <- SimCommunityAssembly(sims, N, local, traitsim = "BM", comsim = "neutral", sig2 = 0.77, tau=c(1,60)) #10000
BM.filtering.data <- SimCommunityAssembly(sims, N, local, traitsim = "BM", comsim = "filtering", sig2 = 0.77, tau=c(1,60)) #10000
BM.competition.data <- SimCommunityAssembly(sims, N, local, traitsim = "BM", comsim = "competition", sig2 = 0.77, tau=c(1,60)) #10000
OU.neutral.data <- SimCommunityAssembly(sims, N, local, traitsim = "OU", comsim = "neutral", sig2 = 0.77, alpha = 0.2, tau=c(1,60)) #10000
OU.filtering.data <- SimCommunityAssembly(sims, N, local, traitsim = "OU", comsim = "filtering", sig2 = 0.77, alpha = 0.2, tau=c(1,60)) #10000
OU.competition.data <- SimCommunityAssembly(sims, N, local, traitsim = "OU", comsim = "competition", sig2 = 0.77, alpha = 0.2, tau=c(1,60)) #10000

#save the data
save(BM.neutral.data, file="BMneutral.dataEmp.Rdata")
save(BM.filtering.data, file="BMfilt.dataEmp.Rdata")
save(BM.competition.data, file="BMcomp.dataEmp.Rdata")
save(OU.neutral.data, file="OUneutral.dataEmp.Rdata")
save(OU.filtering.data, file="OUfilt.dataEmp.Rdata")
save(OU.competition.data, file="OUcomp.dataEmp.Rdata")

#load the data
load( file="BMneutral.dataEmp.Rdata")

We can now use the simulated data to perform model selection using randomForest and Approximate Bayesian Computation.

Random Forest

#combine summary stats and model index into 1 data frame for RF and ABC; ALL MODELS
sum.stats.all <- rbind(BM.neutral.data$summary.stats[5001:10000,], BM.filtering.data$summary.stats[5001:10000,], BM.competition.data$summary.stats[5001:10000,], OU.neutral.data$summary.stats[5001:10000,], OU.filtering.data$summary.stats[5001:10000,], OU.competition.data$summary.stats[5001:10000,])
mod.index.all <- rep(c("BMneut", "BMfilt", "BMcomp", "OUneut", "OUfilt", "OUcomp"), each=5000)
ref.table.all <- na.omit(data.frame(sum.stats.all, mod.index.all))

#determine rf error rates using all data
rf.emp.all <- randomForest(mod.index.all ~., data=ref.table.all, ntree=1000, importance=T)

#variable importance information

vote.all <- predict(rf.emp.all, Kip.summary.stats, type="prob")

##combine summary stats and model index into 1 data frame for RF and ABC; OU MODELS ONLY
sum.stats.ou <- rbind(OU.neutral.data$summary.stats[1:10000,], OU.filtering.data$summary.stats[1:10000,], OU.competition.data$summary.stats[1:10000,])
mod.index.ou <- rep(c("neut", "filt", "comp"), each=10000)
ref.table.ou <- na.omit(data.frame(sum.stats.ou-c(17,18,21,22,29)], mod.index.ou))

#determine rf error rates using OU data
rf.emp.ou <- randomForest(mod.index.ou ~., data=ref.table.ou, ntree=1000, importance=T)

vote.ou <- predict(rf.emp.ou, Kip.summary.stats-c(17,18,21,22,29)], type="prob")


## Write out dispersion metrics table for Supplemental Material, one for phylogentic and one for phenotypic
write.csv(vote.all, file="RF_allMods_Table8KipukaComs.csv")
write.csv(vote.ou, file="RF_OUMods_Table8KipukaComs.csv")

vote.ou <- read.csv(file="RF_OUMods_Table8KipukaComs.csv", row.names = 1)

coul = brewer.pal(5, "Set2") 

pdf(file = "legend.pdf", width = 5, height = 4)
barplot(t(vote.ou), col=coul , border="white", xlab="Kipuka Communities" )
legend("top", legend = c("competition", "filtering", "neutral"), fill = coul, cex=2, bg="white")


#For ABC we will only use the top 10 summary statistics for model selection, see varImpPlot()
Kip.summary.stats.abc <- Kip.summary.stats[,c(4, 10, 12, 13, 16, 18, 19, 20)]

#determine error rate from cross validation using all data
cv.emp.all <- cv4postpr(mod.index.all, sum.stats.all[,c(4, 10, 12, 13, 16, 18, 19, 20)], nval=500, tols=.005, method="rejection")

#determine error rate from cross validation using only OU data
cv.emp.ou <- cv4postpr(mod.index.ou, sum.stats.ou[,c(4, 10, 12, 13, 16, 18, 19, 20)], nval=500, tols=.005, method="rejection")

#determine posterior model probabilities for empirical data using all data
ABC.all.summary <- list()
for (i in 1:9){
abc.emp.all <- postpr(target = Kip.summary.stats.abc[i,], index = mod.index.all,
                     sumstat = sum.stats.all[, c(4, 10, 12, 13, 16, 18, 19, 20)],
                     tol = 0.002, method="rejection")
ABC.all.summary[[i]] <- summary(abc.emp.all)

ABC.all.table <- matrix(NA, 9, 6)
for (i in 1:9){      
  ABC.all.table[i,] <- ABC.all.summary[[i]]$Prob
  colnames(ABC.all.table) <- names(ABC.all.summary[[i]]$Prob)

#determine posterior model probabilities for empirical data using only OU data
ABC.ou.summary <- list()
for (i in 1:ncol(Kip.Coms)){
  abc.emp.ou <- postpr(target = Kip.summary.stats.abc[i,], index = mod.index.ou,
                     sumstat = sum.stats.ou[, c(4, 10, 12, 13, 16, 18, 19, 20)],
                     tol = 0.002, method="rejection")
  ABC.ou.summary[[i]] <- summary(abc.emp.ou)

ABC.ou.table <- matrix(NA, 8, 3)
for (i in 1:ncol(Kip.Coms)){      
  ABC.ou.table[i,] <- ABC.ou.summary[[i]]$Prob
  colnames(ABC.ou.table) <- names(ABC.ou.summary[[i]]$Prob)

write.csv(ABC.all.table, file="ABC_allMods_Table8KipukaComs.csv")
write.csv(ABC.ou.table, file="ABC_OUMods_Table8KipukaComs.csv")

Parameter Estimation


Tau.estimates <- list()

for (i in 1:ncol(Kip.Coms)){
  Kip.Param.Est <- abc(target = Kip.summary.stats.abc[i,], param =OU.filtering.data$params, sumstat = OU.filtering.data$summary.stats[,c(4, 10, 12, 13, 16, 18, 19, 20)], tol = 0.01, method="rejection")

  tau <- as.numeric(paste(Kip.Param.Est$unadj.values[,colnames(Kip.Param.Est$unadj.values) == "tau"]))

  Tau.estimates[[i]] <- tau

save(Tau.estimates, file="TauMedEstimates_8Kipukas.Rdata")

hist( Tau.estimates[[1]])
hist( Tau.estimates[[2]])
hist( Tau.estimates[[3]])
hist( Tau.estimates[[4]])
hist( Tau.estimates[[5]])
hist( Tau.estimates[[6]])
hist( Tau.estimates[[7]])
hist( Tau.estimates[[8]])

#do the same for tau

pdf('KipukaCom_8_TauPlot.pdf', width=5, height=4)
tau.pp <- data.frame(dt=factor(c(rep("prior", each=nrow(OU.filtering.data$params)), rep("posterior", each= nrow(Kip.Param.Est$unadj.values)))),
                      tau = c(as.numeric(paste(OU.filtering.data$params[,10])), Tau.estimates[[i]]))

ggplot(tau.pp, aes(x=tau, fill=dt)) +
  geom_density() +
  scale_fill_manual(values=c(rgb(.2, .2, .2, .8), rgb(.5, .5, .5, .4))) +
  theme(legend.position="none") +
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept=median(Tau.estimates[[i]])), color="black", linetype="dashed", lwd=1.2)

##All local community
Kip.Param.Est <- abc(target = stats[c(4, 10, 12, 13, 16, 18, 19, 20)], param =OU.filtering.data$params, sumstat = OU.filtering.data$summary.stats[,c(4, 10, 12, 13, 16, 18, 19, 20)], tol = 0.01, method="rejection")

pdf('AllLocalCom_KipukaTauEst.pdf', width=5, height=4)
tau.pp <- data.frame(dt=factor(c(rep("prior", each=nrow(OU.filtering.data$params)), rep("posterior", each= nrow(Kip.Param.Est$unadj.values)))),
                      tau = c(as.numeric(paste(OU.filtering.data$params[,10])),  as.numeric(paste(Kip.Param.Est$unadj.values[,10]))))

ggplot(tau.pp, aes(x=tau, fill=dt)) +
  geom_density() +
  scale_fill_manual(values=c(rgb(.2, .2, .2, .8), rgb(.5, .5, .5, .4))) +
  theme(legend.position="none") +
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept=median(as.numeric(paste(Kip.Param.Est$unadj.values[,10])))), color="black", linetype="dashed", lwd=1.2)
median.taus <- c()
for (i in 1:8) {
  median.taus <- c(median.taus, median(Tau.estimates[[i]]))

ParamEstDataTable <- cbind(seq(1,8), vote.ou[1:8,2], ABC.ou.table[,2], median.taus)
rownames(ParamEstDataTable) <- colnames(Kip.Coms)
colnames(ParamEstDataTable) <-c("kipuka","RF prob", "ABC prob",  "median.tau")
ParamEstDataTable <- ParamEstDataTable[order(ParamEstDataTable[,4]),]

write.csv(ParamEstDataTable, file="ParamEstTable_RF&ABC_8Kipukas.csv")

## Makes Figure
pdf('ModProb_V_TauEst_8Kipukas.pdf', width=6, height=4.5)
plot(ParamEstDataTable[,3] ~ ParamEstDataTable[,4], pch=22, cex=1.8, ylab="Model Support for Environmental Filtering", xlab="Tau Median Estimate", bty="l", bg="grey80")
abline(lm(ParamEstDataTable[,3] ~ ParamEstDataTable[,4]), lwd=1.5, lty=5, col="grey40")
points(ParamEstDataTable[,2] ~ ParamEstDataTable[,4], pch=16, cex=1.5, ylab="Model Support for Environmental Filtering", xlab="Tau Median Estimate")
abline(lm(ParamEstDataTable[,2] ~ ParamEstDataTable[,4]), lwd=1.5, lty=1, col="black")
legend("topright", legend = c("ABC", "RF"), pch=c(22, 16), col=c("black", "black"), lty=c(5,1), cex=1.5, pt.bg=c("grey80", "black"), pt.cex=c(1.8, 1.5), lwd=c(1.2,1.5), seg.len=4, bty="n")

Now Let's see where these Kipuka occur on a map.


LatLongData <- read.csv(file="8Kipuka_LatLongs.txt", sep="\t", header=T)

map(database= "state", ylim=c(45,70), xlim=c(-150,-100), col="grey80", fill=TRUE, projection="gilbert", orientation= c(90,0,225))
data <- read.csv("/Users/Megan/Documents/InlandLocals_ForDan.txt", sep = "\t", header=T)


tm_shape(usa) +

ruffleymr/CAMI documentation built on Aug. 21, 2019, 2:55 p.m.