
Defines functions filter_incomplete_accession_pairs preprocess_data transform_input.list transform_input.data.frame transform_input.default transform_input

#' @noRd
transform_input <- function(input, reference, query) {
  UseMethod("transform_input", input)

#' @export
transform_input.default <- function(input, reference, query) {
    cli::format_error("Input cannot be of {.cls {class(input)}} class"),
    call. = FALSE

#' @export
transform_input.data.frame <- function(input, reference, query) {

#' @export
transform_input.list <- function(input, reference, query) {
  # Suppress "no visible binding for global variable" note
  gene_id <- NULL
  Var1 <- NULL
  Var2 <- NULL

  # Validate names
  if (length(intersect(names(input), c("reference", "query"))) != 2) {
        "The elements of the input list must be {.val reference} and {.val query}.",
        "x" = "Your data contained {.val {names(input)[1]}} and {.val {names(input)[2]}}."
      call. = FALSE

  # Check elements classes
  elements_class <- lapply(input, class)

  # Numeric input
  if (all(elements_class$reference == "numeric", elements_class$query == "numeric")) {
    gene_uuid <- paste0(sample(c(letters[1:6], 0:9), 8, replace = TRUE), collapse = "")

    input <- rbind(
      # Reference data
        gene_id = gene_uuid,
        accession = reference,
        timepoint = seq_along(input$reference),
        replicate = 1,
        expression_value = input$reference
      # Query data
        gene_id = gene_uuid,
        accession = query,
        timepoint = seq_along(input$query),
        replicate = 1,
        expression_value = input$query


  # Data frame input
  if (all("data.frame" %in% elements_class$reference, "data.frame" %in% elements_class$query)) {
    # Have a possible combination of ref and query IDs
    df_ids <- expand.grid(

    # Set all to data.table
    input_ref <- data.table::as.data.table(input$reference)
    input_query <- data.table::as.data.table(input$query)

    # Create padded reference data
    ref_padded <- merge(
      df_ids, input_ref,
      by.x = "Var1", by.y = "gene_id",
      allow.cartesian = TRUE
    ref_padded[, gene_id := paste0(Var1, "_", Var2)]
    ref_padded <- ref_padded[, c("Var1", "Var2") := NULL]

    # Create padded query data
    query_padded <- merge(
      df_ids, input_query,
      by.x = "Var2", by.y = "gene_id",
      allow.cartesian = TRUE
    query_padded[, gene_id := paste0(Var1, "_", Var2)]
    query_padded <- query_padded[, c("Var1", "Var2") := NULL]

    # Bind data
    input <- rbind(ref_padded, query_padded)


#' Preprocess data before registration
#' \code{preprocess_data()} is a function that:
#' \item{Calculates expression \code{var} values for each timepoint.}
#' \item{Scales data via [scale_data()].}
#' @noRd
preprocess_data <- function(input, reference, query, exp_sd = NA, scaling_method = c("none", "z-score", "min-max")) {
  # Suppress "no visible binding for global variable" note
  gene_id <- NULL
  accession <- NULL
  timepoint <- NULL
  expression_value <- NULL

  # Validate input data and parameters
  cli::cli_h1("Validating input data")

    x = colnames(input),
    lookup = c("gene_id", "accession", "timepoint", "expression_value", "replicate"),
    error = "Must review the column names of your input data:",
    name_string = "column names"

    x = c(reference, query),
    lookup = unique(input$accession),
    error = "Must review the supplied {.var reference} and {.var query} values:",
    name_string = "accession values"

  scaling_method <- match.arg(scaling_method)

  # Make sure the data are data.tables
  all_data <- data.table::as.data.table(input)

  # Factor query and reference
  all_data[, accession := factor(accession, levels = c(reference, query), labels = c("ref", "query"))]

  # Filter genes that are missing one accession
  all_data <- filter_incomplete_accession_pairs(all_data)

  # Filter genes that do not change expression over time (sd == 0)
  all_data <- filter_unchanged_expressions(all_data)

  cli::cli_alert_info("Will process {length(unique(all_data$gene_id))} gene{?s}.")

  # Calculate expression variance
  all_data <- calc_variance(all_data, exp_sd)

  # Scale data
  scaled_data <- scale_data(all_data, scaling_method)


#' Filter genes that are missing one accession
#' \code{filter_incomplete_accession_pairs()} is a function to filter out genes that are missing one accession.
#' @param all_data Input data including all replicates.
#' @noRd
filter_incomplete_accession_pairs <- function(all_data) {
  # Suppress "no visible binding for global variable" note
  gene_id <- NULL
  count <- NULL

  # Detect genes with only one accession
  accession_counts <- unique(all_data, by = c("gene_id", "accession"))[, .(count = .N), by = .(gene_id)]
  discarded_genes <- accession_counts[accession_counts$count == 1]$gene_id

  n_genes <- length(discarded_genes)
  if (n_genes > 0) {
    cli::cli_alert_warning("{n_genes} gene{?s} only {?has/have} data with one accession, therefore {?it/they} will be discarded.")

  return(all_data[!gene_id %in% discarded_genes])

#' Filter genes that do not change over time
#' \code{filter_unchanged_expressions()} is a function to filter out genes that do not change expression over time.
#' @param all_data Input data including all replicates.
#' @noRd
filter_unchanged_expressions <- function(all_data) {
  # Suppress "no visible binding for global variable" note
  gene_id <- NULL
  accession <- NULL
  expression_value <- NULL
  sd <- NULL
  exp_sd <- NULL

  # Calculate standard deviations
  gene_sds <- all_data[, .(exp_sd = sd(expression_value)), by = .(gene_id, accession)]
  discarded_genes <- unique(gene_sds[exp_sd <= 1e-16]$gene_id)
  n_genes <- length(discarded_genes)
  if (n_genes > 0) {
    cli::cli_alert_warning("{n_genes} gene{?s} {?does/do} not change over time, therefore {?it/they} will be discarded.")

  return(all_data[!gene_id %in% discarded_genes])

#' Scale data
#' \code{scale_all_rep_data()} is a function to scale both the mean expression data and original data including all replicates.
#' @param all_data Input data including all replicates.
#' @param scaling_method Scaling method applied to data prior to registration process. Either \code{none} (default), \code{z-score}, or \code{min-max}.
#' @noRd
scale_data <- function(all_data, scaling_method = c("none", "z-score", "min-max")) {
  # Validate parameters
  scaling_method <- match.arg(scaling_method)

  # Suppress "no visible binding for global variable" note
  gene_id <- NULL
  accession <- NULL
  expression_value <- NULL
  scaled_expression_value <- NULL

  cli::cli_alert_info("Using {.var scaling_method} = \"{scaling_method}\".")
  if (scaling_method == "z-score") {
    # Calculate mean and standard deviation of expression in all_data by accession
      c("mean_val", "sd_val") := .(mean(expression_value), stats::sd(expression_value)),
      by = .(gene_id, accession)

    # Scale replicates data
    all_data$expression_value <- (all_data$expression_value - all_data$mean_val) / all_data$sd_val
    all_data$var <- pmax(all_data$var / (all_data$sd_val)^2, 0.75^2)
    all_data[, c("mean_val", "sd_val") := NULL]
  } else if (scaling_method == "min-max") {
    # Calculate minimum and maximum of expression in all_data by accession
      c("min_val", "max_val") := .(min(expression_value), max(expression_value)),
      by = .(gene_id, accession)

    # Scale replicates data
    all_data$expression_value <- (all_data$expression_value - all_data$min_val) / (all_data$max_val - all_data$min_val)
    all_data$var <- all_data$var / (all_data$max_val - all_data$min_val)^2
    all_data[, c("min_val", "max_val") := NULL]

ruthkr/greatR documentation built on July 20, 2024, 7 p.m.