plots: signeR plot functions

plotsR Documentation

signeR plot functions


BICboxplot: Plot the measured values of the Bayesian Information Criterion (BICs) for tested model dimensions.

Paths: Plot the convergence of the Gibbs sampler for signatures and exposures on separate charts.

SignPlot: Plot the mutational signatures in a bar chart, with error bars according to the variation of individual entries along the generated Gibbs samples.

SignHeat: Plot the mutation signatures in a heatmap.

ExposureBarplot: Barplot of estimated exposure values, showing the contribution of the signatures to the mutation counts of each genome sample.

ExposureBoxplot: Boxplot of exposure values, showing their variation along the generated Gibbs samples.

ExposureHeat: Plot a heatmap of the exposures, along with a dendrogram of the samples grouped by exposure levels.


BICboxplot(signeRout, plot_to_file=FALSE, file="Model_selection_BICs.pdf")
## S4 method for signature 'SignExp'
Paths(signexp_obj, plot_to_file=FALSE,
    file_suffix="plot.pdf", plots_per_page=4, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'SignExp'
SignPlot(signexp_obj, plot_to_file=FALSE,
    file="Signature_plot.pdf", pal="bcr1", threshold=0, plots_per_page=4,
    gap=1, reord=NA, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'SignExp'
SignHeat(signexp_obj, plot_to_file=FALSE,
    file="Signature_heatmap.pdf", nbins=50, pal="roh", ...)
## S4 method for signature 'SignExp'
ExposureBarplot(signexp_obj, plot_to_file=FALSE,
    file="Exposure_barplot.pdf", col='tan2', threshold=0, relative=FALSE,
    title="", show_samples=NA, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'SignExp'
ExposureBoxplot(signexp_obj, plot_to_file=FALSE,
    file="Exposure_boxplot.pdf", col='tan2', threshold=0, show_samples=NA,
    plots_per_page=4, reord=NA, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'SignExp'
ExposureHeat(signexp_obj, plot_to_file=FALSE,
    file="Exposure_heatmap.pdf", nbins=50, pal="roh", distmethod="euclidean",
        clustermethod="complete", show_samples=NA, ...)



A SignExp object returned by signeR function. e.g.: sig$SignExposures


The list returned by the signeR function.


Whether to save the plot to the file parameter. Default is FALSE.


Output pdf file of the plots.


Color palette used. Options are: "brew","lba","bcr1", "bcr2","bw","rdh","roh","blh" or "bph".


Entries below this value will be rounded to 0. Default is 0 (all entries are kept).


How many plots in a single page, default is 4.


Distance between consecutive bars on the plot.


Order of signatures for plotting. Should be a permutation of 1:nsig, where nsig is the number of signatures. By default, signatures are ordered by the total exposure, in decreasing order.


The range of signature entries is divided into this number of bins for plotting, each bin corresponding to a different color.


The suffix of the output file.


Single color name for boxplots.


Distance measure used for grouping samples. Default is "euclidean", see the documentation of the dist function for other options.


Agglomeration method used for grouping samples. Default is "complete", see the documentation of the hclust function for other options.


Whether to normalize exposures of each sample so that they sum up to one. Default is FALSE, thus generating a plot of absolute contributions of signatures to mutation counts. Otherwise, relative contributions will be displayed.


Main title added to the plot. Default is no title.


Whether sample names will be shown in the plot. Default is NA, which leads to sample names being displayed only when there are less than 30 samples. However, even if show_samples=TRUE, due to display limitations sample names are not shown if there are more than 50 samples.




The plot result is exported to the current graphic device. If plot_to_file=TRUE, the plot is saved in the file defined by the file argument.


# each plot function needs the SignExposures object
# which is part of the result of the signeR() call
# etc ...

# BICboxplot needs the returned list itself

# see also

rvalieris/signeR documentation built on April 20, 2024, 2:08 p.m.