
Defines functions vw roc_auc

Documented in vw

## original source:  vowpal_wabbit/R/r.vw/vw.R
## written by (per 'git log'):
##   Selim Raboudi <selim.raboudi@gmail.com>
##   Jongbin Jung <olorin86@gmail.com>
## and released under (3 clause) BSD like rest of vowpal_wabbit
## now maintained here by Dirk Eddelbuettel as part of rvw

#' Trains Vowpal Wabbit models from R.
#' This function is fairly simple and extensible to other problems, so
#' far just supports binary classification.  Thought to be used in
#' conjuction to perf in order to compute validation metrics on left
#' out datasets.  See osmot.cs.cornell.edu/kddcup/software.html for
#' more info about perf.
#' @param training_data a [data.frame] or path to a vw data file
#' @param validation_data a [data.frame] or path to a vw data file
#' @param model name of the model file
#' @param path_vw_data_train if training_data is a [data.frame], the
#'  path to which to save the vw data file. If NULL, the data is
#'  stored in a temporary folder and deleted before exiting the
#'  function
#' @param path_vw_data_val if validation_data is a [data.frame], the
#'  path to which to save the vw data file. If NULL, the data is
#'  stored in a temporary folder and deleted before exiting the
#'  function
#' @param target if training_data or validation_data is a [data.frame],
#'  the name of the variable in the [data.frame] corresponding to
#'  the target variable
#' @param namespaces used only if training_data or validation_data is a
#'  [data.frame]. See arguments of dt2vw
#' @param weight used only if training_data or validation_data is a
#'  [data.frame]. See arguments of dt2vw
#' @param tag used only if training_data or validation_data is a
#'  [data.frame]. See arguments of dt2vw
#' @param out_probs path to file where to save the predictions. If
#'  NULL, the file is stored in a temporary file then deleted.
#' @param loss loss function. By default logistic.
#' @param b number of bits for the weight vector allocation
#' @param learning_rate sets the learning rate, default is 0.5
#' @param passes sets the number of passes over the data, default 1
#' @param l1 l1 regularization
#' @param l2 l2 regularization
#' @param early_terminate specifies the number of passes tolerated
#'  when holdout loss does not decrease before early termination,
#   default is 3
#' @param link_function used to generate predictions
#' @param extra These is where more VW commands can be passed as text
#' @param validation_labels file to look for validation data true
#'  labels - to compute auc using perf or roc_auc() from the R
#'  package pROC. If the validation data is a [data.frame] and
#'  validation_labels is NULL, the validation labels file is
#'  deleted before exiting the function. If validation_labels is
#'  not NULL, it indicates the path where validation labels should
#'  be stored.
#' @param verbose mostly used to debug but shows AUC and the vw command
#'  used to train the model
#' @param keep_preds TRUE (default) to return a vector of the
#'  predictions
#' @param do_evaluation TRUE to compute auc on validation_data. Use
#'  FALSE, to just score data
#' @param use_perf use perf to compute auc. Otherwise, auc_roc() from
#'  the R package pROC is used.
#' @param plot_roc [bool] should ROC be plotted
#' @param keep_tempfiles [bool] should temporary files be kept, default FALSE
#' @param use_cache [bool] should cache files be used, default TRUE
#' @examples
#' # 1. Create a training set (training_data) and validation set (validation_data) in vw format.
#' # 2. Install perf
#' # 3. Create a vector of true labels for the validation dataset, in the [0, 1] range. This is what perf likes.
#' # 4. Run one model with the present code
#' \dontrun{
#' auc = vw(training_data='X_train.vw', validation_data='X_valid.vw',
#'         loss='logistic', model='mdl.vw', b=25, learning_rate=0.5,
#'         passes=20, l1=1e-08, l2=1e-08, early_terminate=2,
#'         interactions=NULL, extra='--stage_poly')
#' }
vw <- function(training_data, validation_data,  model='mdl.vw',
               path_vw_data_train = NULL, path_vw_data_val = NULL,
               target = NULL, namespaces = NULL, weight = NULL, tag = NULL,
               out_probs= NULL, validation_labels= NULL,
               loss='logistic', b=25,
               learning_rate=0.5, passes=1, l1=NULL, l2=NULL, early_terminate=NULL,
               link_function='--link=logistic', extra=NULL, keep_preds = TRUE,
               do_evaluation=TRUE, use_perf=TRUE, plot_roc=TRUE, verbose=TRUE,
               keep_tempfiles=FALSE, use_cache=TRUE) {

    if (.pkgenv$vw == "") stop("No 'vw' binary in your PATH.", call.=FALSE)

    if (use_perf && .pkgenv$vw == "") {
        warning("No 'perf' binary in your PATH. See 'use_perf' to FALSE")
        use_perf <- FALSE

    ## this should not create an unnecessary copy of the arguments
    data_args <- list(train = training_data, val = validation_data)
    path_data_args <- list(path_vw_data_train, path_vw_data_val)
    for(i in 1:2) {
        if ("data.frame" %in% class(data_args[[i]])) {
            if (is.null(target))
                            "data argument: input argument is a data.frame, ",
                            "argument 'target' should be specified "))

            if (class(path_data_args[[i]]) != "character")
                #path_data_args[[i]] <- paste0(tempdir(),"/", names(data_args)[i],".vw")
                path_data_args[[i]] <- paste0(names(data_args)[i],".vw")

            dt2vw(data = data_args[[i]], fileName = path_data_args[[i]],
                  namespaces = namespaces, target = target, weight = weight, tag = tag)
        } else {
            path_data_args[[i]] <- data_args[[i]]

    training_data <- path_data_args[[1]]
    cmd <- sprintf('%s -d %s --loss_function %s -f %s', getVW(), training_data, loss, model)
    cmd <- sprintf('%s --learning_rate=%s --passes %s', cmd, learning_rate, passes)
    if (use_cache) cmd <- sprintf("%s -c", cmd)

    if (!is.null(l1)) cmd <- sprintf('%s --l1 %s', cmd, l1)
    if (!is.null(l2)) cmd <- sprintf('%s --l2 %s', cmd, l2)

    if (!is.null(b)) cmd <- sprintf('%s -b %s', cmd, b)

    if (!is.null(early_terminate)) cmd <- sprintf('%s --early_terminate %s', cmd, early_terminate)

    if (!is.null(extra)) cmd <- sprintf('%s %s', cmd, extra)

    cat('Model parameters\n', cmd, '\n')

    if (is.null(out_probs)) {
        #out_probs <- paste0(tempdir(),"/preds.vw")
        out_probs <- "preds.vw"
        del_prob <- TRUE
    } else
        del_prob <- FALSE

    validation_data <- path_data_args[[2]]
    predict <- sprintf('%s -t -i %s -p %s %s -d %s',
                       getVW(), model, out_probs,
                       link_function, validation_data)

    auc <- NA                           # fallback
    if (do_evaluation) {
        if ("data.frame" %in% class(data_args[[2]])) {
            if (is.null(validation_labels)) {
                del_val <- TRUE
                #validation_labels <- paste0(tempdir(),"/val_labs.vw")
                validation_labels <- "val_labs.vw"
            } else
                del_val <- FALSE

            write.table(x <- data_args[[2]][[target]], file = validation_labels, row.names = F,
                        col.names = F)

        if (use_perf) {
            ## compute auc using perf
            eval_model <- sprintf("%s -ROC -files %s %s | cut -c8-14",
                                  getPerf(), validation_labels, out_probs)
            auc <- system(eval_model, intern = TRUE)
        } else {
            auc <- roc_auc(out_probs, validation_labels, plot_roc, cmd)

        if (verbose)
            cat('\nModel Parameters\n', cmd, "\n\nAUC: ", auc, "\n")

    if (keep_preds) probs <- fread(out_probs)[['V1']]

    ## delete temporary files (unless overridden)
    if (!keep_tempfiles) {
        for (i in 1:2) {
            if ("data.frame" %in% class(data_args[[i]])) {
                cachefile <- paste0(path_data_args[[i]], ".cache")
                if (file.exists(cachefile)) unlink(cachefile)
        if (del_prob) file.remove(out_probs)
        if (exists("del_val") && del_val) file.remove(validation_labels)
        if (file.exists("mdl.vw")) file.remove("mdl.vw")

    ##return(list(auc=auc, preds=probs))
                data=setDT(data.frame(predicted=probs)), #, actual=as.factor(validation_data[, factor]))),


# Reads labels file (from the validation dataset)
# and probabilities (out_file) from vowpal wabbit
# Also added an option to plot or not the AUC
roc_auc <- function(out_probs, validation_labels, plot_roc, cmd, ...){
    probs <- fread(out_probs)[['V1']]
    labels <- fread(validation_labels)[['V1']]

    if (!identical(length(probs), length(labels)))
        stop('The length of the probabilities and labels is different')

    ## Fix cmd for adding it in title
    cmd <- sapply(strsplit(cmd, '-f'), function(x) paste0(x, collapse='\n'))
    cmd <- sapply(strsplit(cmd, '-c'), function(x) paste0(x, collapse='\n'))

    ## Plot ROC curve and return AUC
    roc <- roc(labels, probs, auc=TRUE, print.auc=TRUE, print.thres=TRUE)
    if (plot_roc){
        print(plot.roc(roc, main=cmd, cex.main = 0.5, ...))

    auc_value <- as.numeric(roc$auc[[1]])
rvw-org/rvw-legacy documentation built on May 5, 2019, 6:56 p.m.