
Defines functions syn_for_one get_item_pairs psychsyn

Documented in psychsyn

#' Computes the psychometric synonym/antonym score
#' Takes a matrix of item responses and identifies item pairs that are highly
#' correlated within the overall dataset.
#' What defines "highly correlated" is set by the critical value (e.g., r > .60).
#' Each respondents' psychometric synonym
#' score is then computed as the within-person correlation between the
#' identified item-pairs.
#' Alternatively computes the psychometric antonym score which is a
#' variant that uses item pairs that are highly \emph{negatively} correlated.
#' @param x is a matrix of item responses
#' @param critval is the minimum magnitude of the correlation between two items
#' in order for them to be considered psychometric synonyms. Defaults to .60
#' @param anto determines whether psychometric antonyms are returned instead of
#' psychometric synonyms. Defaults to \code{FALSE}
#' @param diag additionally return the number of item pairs available for each observation. Useful if dataset contains many missing values.
#' @param resample_na if psychsyn returns NA for a respondent resample to attempt getting a non-NA result.
#' @author Richard Yentes \email{ryentes@gmail.com}, Francisco Wilhelm \email{franciscowilhelm@gmail.com}
#' @references
#' Meade, A. W., & Craig, S. B. (2012). Identifying careless responses in survey data.
#' \emph{Psychological Methods, 17(3)}, 437-455. \doi{10.1037/a0028085}
#' @seealso \code{\link{psychant}} for a more concise way to calculate the psychometric antonym score,
#'  \code{\link{psychsyn_critval}} for a helper that allows to set an
#' adequate critical value for the size of the correlation.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' synonyms <- psychsyn(careless_dataset, .60)
#' antonyms <- psychsyn(careless_dataset2, .50, anto = TRUE)
#' antonyms <- psychant(careless_dataset2, .50)
#' #with diagnostics
#' synonyms <- psychsyn(careless_dataset, .60, diag = TRUE)
#' antonyms <- psychant(careless_dataset2, .50, diag = TRUE)

psychsyn <- function(x, critval=.60, anto=FALSE, diag=FALSE, resample_na=TRUE) {
  x <- as.matrix(x)
  item_pairs <- get_item_pairs(x, critval, anto)
  synonyms <- apply(x,1,syn_for_one, item_pairs, resample_na)
  synonyms_df <- as.data.frame(aperm(synonyms))
  colnames(synonyms_df) <- c("numPairs", "cor")
  if(diag==TRUE) { return(synonyms_df) }
  else { return(synonyms_df$cor) }

# Helper function that identifies psychometric synonyms in a given dataset
get_item_pairs <- function(x, critval=.60, anto=FALSE) {
  critval <- abs(critval) #Dummy Proofing
  correlations <- stats::cor(x, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
  correlations[upper.tri(correlations, diag=TRUE)] <- NA
  correlations <- as.data.frame(as.table(correlations))

  # Identifying item pairs differs depending on whether the user wants
  # Psychometric Synonyms or Psychometric Antonyms
  if(anto==FALSE) {
    item_pair_names <- correlations[which(correlations$Freq > critval, arr.ind=TRUE),c(1,2)]
    if(nrow(item_pair_names)==0) {
      stop("No Psychometric Synonyms found.")
  else if(anto==TRUE) {
    item_pair_names <- correlations[which(correlations$Freq < -critval, arr.ind=TRUE),c(1,2)]
    if(nrow(item_pair_names)==0) {
      stop("No Psychometric Antonyms found.")

  matches <- item_pair_names

# Helper function to calculate the within person correlation for a single individual
syn_for_one <- function(x, item_pairs, resample_na) {
  item_pairs_omit_na <- which(!(is.na(x[item_pairs[,1]]) | is.na(x[item_pairs[,2]])))
  sum_item_pairs <- length(item_pairs_omit_na)
  #only execute if more than two item pairs
  if(sum_item_pairs > 2) {
    itemvalues <- cbind(as.numeric(x[as.numeric(item_pairs[,1])]), as.numeric(x[as.numeric(item_pairs[,2])]))

    # helper that calculates within-person correlation
    psychsyn_cor <- function(x) {
      suppressWarnings(stats::cor(x, use = "pairwise.complete.obs", method = "pearson")[1,2])

    # if resample_na == TRUE, re-calculate psychsyn should a result return NA
    if(resample_na == TRUE) {
      counter <- 1
      synvalue <- psychsyn_cor(itemvalues)
      while(counter <= 10 & is.na(synvalue)) {
        itemvalues <- t(apply(itemvalues, 1, sample, 2, replace = F))
        synvalue <- psychsyn_cor(itemvalues)
        counter = counter+1
    } else {
      synvalue <- psychsyn_cor(itemvalues) # executes if resample_na == FALSE

  } else {synvalue <- NA} # executes if insufficient item pairs

  return(c(sum_item_pairs, synvalue))
ryentes/careless documentation built on Oct. 4, 2023, 8:58 a.m.