BuildSOM: Build a self-organizing map

View source: R/2_buildSOM.R

BuildSOMR Documentation

Build a self-organizing map


Build a SOM based on the data contained in the FlowSOM object


BuildSOM(fsom, colsToUse = NULL, silent = FALSE, outlierMAD = 4, ...)



FlowSOM object containing the data, as constructed by the ReadInput function


Markers, channels or indices to use for building the SOM


if TRUE, no progress updates will be printed


Number of MAD when a cell is considered an outlier. See also TestOutliers


options to pass on to the SOM function (xdim, ydim, rlen, mst, alpha, radius, init, distf, importance)


FlowSOM object containing the SOM result, which can be used as input for the BuildMST function


This code is strongly based on the kohonen package. R. Wehrens and L.M.C. Buydens, Self- and Super-organising Maps in R: the kohonen package J. Stat. Softw., 21(5), 2007

See Also

ReadInput, BuildMST


# Read from file
fileName <- system.file("extdata", "68983.fcs", package = "FlowSOM")
flowSOM.res <- ReadInput(fileName, compensate = TRUE, transform = TRUE,
                         scale = TRUE)

# Build the Self-Organizing Map
# E.g. with gridsize 5x5, presenting the dataset 20 times, 
# no use of MST in neighborhood calculations in between
flowSOM.res <- BuildSOM(flowSOM.res, colsToUse = c(9, 12, 14:18),
                        xdim = 5, ydim = 5, rlen = 20)

# Build the minimal spanning tree and apply metaclustering
flowSOM.res <- BuildMST(flowSOM.res)
metacl <- MetaClustering(flowSOM.res$map$codes,
                         "metaClustering_consensus", max = 10)

saeyslab/FlowSOM documentation built on July 6, 2024, 10:59 a.m.