estimate_source_weights_characterization: Estimate data source weights of data sources of interest...

estimate_source_weights_characterizationR Documentation

Estimate data source weights of data sources of interest based on leave-one-in and leave-one-out characterization performances.


estimate_source_weights_characterization will estimate data source weights of data sources of interest based on a model that was trained to predict weights of data sources based on leave-one-in and leave-one-out characterization performances.


estimate_source_weights_characterization(loi_performances,loo_performances,source_weights_df, sources_oi, random_forest =FALSE)



Performances of models in which a particular data source of interest was the only data source in or the ligand-signaling or the gene regulatory network.


Performances of models in which a particular data source of interest was removed from the ligand-signaling or the gene regulatory network before model construction.


A data frame / tibble containing the weights associated to each individual data source. Sources with higher weights will contribute more to the final model performance (required columns: source, weight). Note that only interactions described by sources included here, will be retained during model construction.


The names of the data sources of which data source weights should be estimated based on leave-one-in and leave-one-out performances.


Indicate whether for the regression between leave-one-in + leave-one-out performances and data source weights a random forest model should be trained (TRUE) or a linear model (FALSE). Default: FALSE


A list containing two elements. $source_weights_df (the input source_weights_df extended by the estimated source_weighs for data sources of interest) and $model (model object of the regression between leave-one-in, leave-one-out performances and data source weights).


## Not run: 
settings = lapply(expression_settings_validation[1:4], convert_expression_settings_evaluation)
weights_settings_loi = prepare_settings_leave_one_in_characterization(lr_network = lr_network, sig_network = sig_network, gr_network = gr_network, source_weights_df)
weights_settings_loi = lapply(weights_settings_loi,add_hyperparameters_parameter_settings, lr_sig_hub = 0.25,gr_hub = 0.5,ltf_cutoff = 0,algorithm = "PPR", damping_factor = 0.2, correct_topology = TRUE)
doMC::registerDoMC(cores = 4)
job_characterization_loi = parallel::mclapply(weights_settings_loi[1:4], evaluate_model,lr_network = lr_network, sig_network = sig_network, gr_network = gr_network, settings,calculate_popularity_bias_target_prediction = FALSE, calculate_popularity_bias_ligand_prediction = FALSE, ncitations, mc.cores = 4)
loi_performances = process_characterization_target_prediction_average(job_characterization_loi)
weights_settings_loo = prepare_settings_leave_one_out_characterization(lr_network = lr_network, sig_network = sig_network, gr_network = gr_network, source_weights_df)
weights_settings_loo = lapply(weights_settings_loo,add_hyperparameters_parameter_settings, lr_sig_hub = 0.25,gr_hub = 0.5,ltf_cutoff = 0,algorithm = "PPR", damping_factor = 0.2, correct_topology = TRUE)
doMC::registerDoMC(cores = 4)
job_characterization_loo = parallel::mclapply(weights_settings_loo[1:4], evaluate_model,lr_network = lr_network, sig_network = sig_network, gr_network = gr_network, settings,calculate_popularity_bias_target_prediction = FALSE, calculate_popularity_bias_ligand_prediction = FALSE,ncitations,mc.cores = 4)
loo_performances = process_characterization_target_prediction_average(job_characterization_loo)
sources_oi = c("kegg_cytokines")
output = estimate_source_weights_characterization(loi_performances,loo_performances,source_weights_df %>% filter(source != "kegg_cytokines"), sources_oi, random_forest =FALSE)

## End(Not run)

saeyslab/nichenetr documentation built on March 26, 2024, 9:22 a.m.