
Defines functions check_CARNIVAL_options default_CARNIVAL_options

Documented in default_CARNIVAL_options

#' Setting Default CARNIVAL Options
#' Returns the default CARNIVAL options as a list.  You can modify the elements
#' of the list and then use it as an argument in \code{\link{run_COSMOS_metabolism_to_signaling}} or 
#'  \code{\link{run_COSMOS_signaling_to_metabolism}}.
#' If you choose CPLEX or CBC, you must modify then the solverPath field and point to 
#' the CPLEX/CBC executable (See Details). 
#' @details COSMOS is dependent on CARNIVAL for exhibiting the signalling pathway optimisation.
#' CARNIVAL requires the interactive version of IBM Cplex, Gurobi or CBC-COIN solver
#'  as the network optimiser. The IBM ILOG Cplex is freely available through
#' Academic Initiative \href{https://www.ibm.com/products/ilog-cplex-optimization-studio}{here}.
#' Gurobi license is also free for academics, request a license following instructions
#' \href{https://www.gurobi.com/downloads/end-user-license-agreement-academic/}{here}.
#' The  \href{https://projects.coin-or.org/Cbc}{CBC} solver is open source and freely
#' available for any user, but has a significantly lower performance than CPLEX or 
#' Gurobi. Obtain CBC executable directly usable for cosmos
#'\href{https://ampl.com/products/solvers/open-source/#cbc}{here}. Alternatively for
#' small networks, users can rely on the freely available 
#'  \href{https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/lpSolve/index.html}{lpSolve R-package},
#'  which is automatically installed with the package.
#' @param solver one of `cplex` (recommended, but require 3rd party tool), `cbc` (also require 3rd party tool) or `lpSolve` (only for small networks) 
#' @return returns a list with all possible options implemented in CARNIVAL.
#' see the documentation on \code{\link[CARNIVAL]{runCARNIVAL}}.
#' @examples 
#' # load and change default options: 
#' my_options = default_CARNIVAL_options(solver = "cplex")
#' my_options$solverPath = "/Applications/CPLEX_Studio128/cplex/bin/x86-64_osx/cplex"
#' my_options$threads = 2
#' my_options$timelimit = 3600*15
#' @export
default_CARNIVAL_options = function(solver = NULL){
        stop("please call default_CARNIVAL_options(solver = 'cplex') with a 
        specific solver argument. Valid solvers are: 'lpSolve','cplex' or 'cbc'.")
    solver_options = c("lpSolve","cplex","cbc")
    solver <- match.arg(solver,choices = solver_options)
    if(solver == "lpSolve"){
        opts = CARNIVAL::defaultLpSolveCarnivalOptions()
    }else if(solver == "cplex"){
        opts = CARNIVAL::defaultCplexCarnivalOptions()
    }else if(solver == "cbc"){
        opts = CARNIVAL::defaultCbcSolveCarnivalOptions()
    opts$keepLPFiles = FALSE

#' Check CARNIVAL Options
#' Checks the list of input options for CARNIVAL for completeness.
#' @param opts An object of type \dQuote{\code{list}} defining the run parameters
#'   for CARNIVAL.  Use the \code{\link{default_CARNIVAL_options}} function to 
#'   create a list with default parameter settings. If cplex or cbc are chosen 
#'   as the solver, the parameter solverPath needs to be supplied (not 
#'   automatically added by \code{default_CARNIVAL_options()}).
#' @seealso \code{\link{default_CARNIVAL_options}},  
#'   \code{\link[CARNIVAL]{runCARNIVAL}}
#' @noRd
check_CARNIVAL_options <- function(opts){
    if(!is.list(opts)) stop("CARNIVAL options should be a list")
    req_names <- c("solver")
    if(!all(req_names %in% names(opts))){
        stop("CARNIVAL options should contain all options. 
             Start by calling CARNIVAL::defaultCbcCarnivalOptions() for CPLEX  or
             CARNIVAL::defaultCplexCarnivalOptions() for CBC solver, or
             CARNIVAL::defaultLpSolveCarnivalOptions() for LpSolve and replace entries. ")
    if(!(opts$solver %in% c("cplex","cbc","lpSolve"))) stop("current version supports only the CPLEX or cbc solver. lpSolve is also available for test runs.")
    if(opts$solver == "cbc") print("We recommend the users to use CPLEX if possible.")
    if(opts$solver == "lpSolve") print("lpSolve does not scale well with large PKNs. This solver is mainly for testing purposes. To run COSMSO, we recommend using cplex, or cbc solvers.")
    if(is.null(opts$solverPath) & opts$solver != "lpSolve") stop("path to CPLEX or cbc solver must be provided")
    return('List of CARNIVAL options is complete.')
saezlab/cosmosR documentation built on July 27, 2024, 1:30 p.m.