
Defines functions rename_view select_markers filter_views

Documented in filter_views rename_view select_markers

# mistyR view manipulation functions
# Copyleft (ɔ) 2021 Jovan Tanevski <jovan.tanevski@uni-heidelberg.de>

#' Filter spatial units
#' Select, remove (or duplicate) rows from all views in a composition by their
#' row locations or according to conditions based on a specific view.
#' The values in \code{rows} have priority over the other parameters. If
#' \code{rows} doesn't contain integer values then filtering
#' is performed based on the view specified in \code{view} and expressions
#' (\code{\link[dplyr:dplyr_data_masking]{...}}) returning logical values
#' defined in terms of the variables in \code{view}.
#' @param current.views the current view composition.
#' @param rows row (integer) location; positive values to keep (duplicate)
#' and/or negative to remove.
#' @param view the name of the view to be used for filtering.
#' @param ... logical expressions defined in terms of the variables in
#' \code{view} passed on to \code{\link[dplyr:filter]{dplyr::filter}()}.
#' @return A mistyR view composition with filtered spatial units from all views.
#' @seealso <\code{\link[dplyr:dplyr_data_masking]{data-masking}}>.
#' @family view manipulation functions
#' @examples
#' # Create a view composition with an intraview and filter
#' library(dplyr)
#' # get the expression data
#' data("synthetic")
#' expr <- synthetic[[1]] %>% select(-c(row, col, type))
#' # compose
#' misty.views <- create_initial_view(expr)
#' # select only the first 10 spatial units and preview
#' misty.views %>%
#'   filter_views(1:10) %>%
#'   str()
#' # select only the units where the expression of ligA is larger than 0.5
#' # and preview
#' misty.views %>%
#'   filter_views(NA, "intraview", ligA > 0.5) %>%
#'   str()
#' @export
filter_views <- function(current.views, rows, view = "intraview", ...) {
  if (!is.numeric(rows)) {
    assertthat::assert_that(length(view) == 1,
      msg = "Please select only a single view for filtering."
    assertthat::assert_that(view %in% names(current.views),
      msg = "The requested view cannot be found in the current view composition."
    assertthat::assert_that(view != "misty.uniqueid",
      msg = "Filtering based on the unique id is not possible."

    toslice <- current.views[[view]][["data"]] %>%
      dplyr::transmute(...) %>%
      apply(1, purrr::reduce, `&`) %>%
  } else {
    toslice <- rows

    ~ length(.x) > 1,
    ~ purrr::modify_at(.x, "data", ~ dplyr::slice(.x, toslice))

#' Select a subset of markers in a view
#' @inheritParams filter_views
#' @param view the name of the view to select markers for.
#' @param ... one or more \link[dplyr:dplyr_tidy_select]{select} expressions
#' \code{\link[dplyr:select]{dplyr::select}()} for the specified \code{view}.
#' @return A mistyR view composition with selected markers in \code{view}.
#' @seealso <\code{\link[dplyr:dplyr_tidy_select]{tidy-select}}>.
#' @family view manipulation functions
#' @examples
#' # Create a view composition with an intraview and select
#' library(dplyr)
#' # get the expression data
#' data("synthetic")
#' expr <- synthetic[[1]] %>% select(-c(row, col, type))
#' # compose
#' misty.views <- create_initial_view(expr)
#' # select markers from the intraview not starting with lig and preview
#' misty.views %>%
#'   select_markers("intraview", !starts_with("lig")) %>%
#'   str()
#' @export
select_markers <- function(current.views, view = "intraview", ...) {
  assertthat::assert_that(length(view) == 1,
    msg = "Please select only a single view for marker selection."
  assertthat::assert_that(view %in% names(current.views),
    msg = "The requested view cannot be found in the current view composition."
  assertthat::assert_that(view != "misty.uniqueid",
    msg = "Marker selection based on the unique id is not possible."

    current.views, view,
    function(x, ...) {
        x, "data",
        function(xdata, ...) dplyr::select(xdata, ...),
    }, ...

#' Rename view in a view composition
#' @inheritParams filter_views
#' @param old.name old name of the view.
#' @param new.name new name of the view.
#' @param new.abbrev new abbreviated name.
#' @return A mistyR view composition with a renamed view.
#' @family view manipulation functions
#' @examples
#' view1 <- data.frame(marker1 = rnorm(100, 10, 2), marker2 = rnorm(100, 15, 3))
#' view2 <- data.frame(marker1 = rnorm(100, 10, 5), marker2 = rnorm(100, 15, 5))
#' misty.views <- create_initial_view(view1) %>%
#'   add_views(create_view("originalname", view2, "on"))
#' str(misty.views)
#' # rename and preview
#' misty.views %>%
#'   rename_view("originalname", "renamed", "rn") %>%
#'   str()
#' @export
rename_view <- function(current.views, old.name,
                        new.name, new.abbrev = new.name) {
  assertthat::assert_that(old.name %in% names(current.views),
    msg = "The requested view cannot be found in the current view composition."

  old.view <- purrr::pluck(current.views, old.name)
  old.view$abbrev <- new.abbrev
  changed.view <- list(old.view)
  names(changed.view) <- new.name

  current.views %>%
    rlist::list.remove(old.name) %>%
saezlab/misty documentation built on March 25, 2024, 4:11 p.m.