
Defines functions qqr

Documented in qqr

#' Creates a qq object
#' An object of class qq includes all the needed information for producing a
#' quantile-quantile plot of p-values. The goal is to seperate the
#' pre-processing of the quantile-quantile plot elements from the graphical
#' rendaring of the object, which could be done using any graphical device
#' including \code{\link[plotly]{plot_ly}} and \code{\link[graphics]{plot}} in
#' base \code{R}.
#' @param x A \code{data.frame} which must contain at least the following
#'   column: \itemize{ \item{a p-value, must be numeric} }
#' @param p A string denoting the column name for the p-values. Default is
#'   \code{p = "P"}. This column must be \code{numeric} or \code{integer}.
#'   Should not have missing, NA, NaN, or NULL values and should be between 0
#'   and 1.
#' @param snp A string denoting the column name for the SNP names (e.g. rs
#'   number). More generally, this column could be anything that identifies each
#'   point being plotted. For example, in an Epigenomewide association study
#'   (EWAS) this could be the probe name or cg number. This column should be a
#'   \code{character}. This argument is optional, however it is necessary to
#'   specify if you want to highlight points on the plot using the
#'   \code{highlight} argument in the \code{\link{qqly}} function
#' @inheritParams manhattanr
#' @param ... currently ignored
#' @note This function will return an error if any of the p-values are NA, less
#'   than 0 or greater than 1
#' @return An list object of class \code{qqr} with the following elements
#'   \describe{  \item{data}{processed data to be used for plotting the Q-Q plot
#'   including the observed and expected p-values on the -log10 scale}
#'   \item{pName, snpName, geneName, annotation1Name, annotation2Name}{The names
#'   of the columns corresponding to the data provided. This information is used
#'   for annotating the plot in the \code{\link{qqly}} function } }
#' @source The calculation of the expected p-value is taken from the
#'   qq function from the
#'   \href{https://github.com/stephenturner/qqman}{\code{qqman}} package
#' @seealso \code{\link{qqly}}
#' @examples
#' library(manhattanly)
#' qqrObj <- qqr(HapMap, snp = "SNP", highlight = significantSNP)
#' class(qqrObj)
#' head(qqrObj[["data"]])
#' @export

qqr <- function(x,
                p = "P",
                ...) {

  # Make sure you have p column exists in x.
  if (!(p %in% names(x))) stop(paste("Column", p, "not found 'x' data.frame"))

  # Check for numeric p
  if (!is.numeric(x[[p]])) stop(sprintf("p argument specified as %s but this column is not numeric in the 'x' data.frame", p))

  # Check if any p are not in (0,1)
  if (any(x[[p]] < 0, na.rm = TRUE)) stop("Negative p-values found. These must be removed.")
  if (any(x[[p]] > 1, na.rm = TRUE)) stop("P-values greater than 1 found. These must be removed.")
  if (any(is.na(x[[p]]))) stop("NA P-values found. These must be removed")

  # check if all specified annotations are in 'x' data.frame
  if (!missing(snp)) {
    if (!(snp %in% names(x))) stop(sprintf("snp argument specified as %s but this column not found in 'x' data.frame", snp))

  if (!missing(gene)) {
    if (!(gene %in% names(x))) stop(sprintf("gene argument specified as %s but this column not found in 'x' data.frame", gene))

  if (!missing(annotation1)) {
    if (!(annotation1 %in% names(x))) stop(sprintf("annotation1 argument specified as %s but this column not found in 'x' data.frame", annotation1))

  if (!missing(annotation2)) {
    if (!(annotation2 %in% names(x))) stop(sprintf("annotation2 argument specified as %s but this column not found in 'x' data.frame", annotation2))

  # Create a new data.frame with columns called P.
  d <- data.frame(P = x[[p]])

  # If the input data frame has a SNP column, add it to the new data frame
  # you're creating. Rename columns according to input
  if (!missing(snp)) {
    d[["SNP"]] <- x[[snp]]
    colnames(d)[which(colnames(d) == "SNP")] <- snp

  if (!missing(gene)) {
    d[["GENE"]] <- x[[gene]]
    colnames(d)[which(colnames(d) == "GENE")] <- gene

  if (!missing(annotation1)) {
    d[["ANNOTATION1"]] <- x[[annotation1]]
    colnames(d)[which(colnames(d) == "ANNOTATION1")] <- annotation1

  if (!missing(annotation2)) {
    d[["ANNOTATION2"]] <- x[[annotation2]]
    colnames(d)[which(colnames(d) == "ANNOTATION2")] <- annotation2

  # sort d by decreasing p-value
  d <- d[order(d[["P"]], decreasing = FALSE), , drop = FALSE]

  # Observed and expected
  d[["OBSERVED"]] <- -log10(d[["P"]])
  d[["EXPECTED"]] <- -log10(stats::ppoints(length(d[["P"]])))

  qqr <- list(
    data = d,
    pName = p,
    snpName = if (missing(snp)) NA else snp,
    geneName = if (missing(gene)) NA else gene,
    annotation1Name = if (missing(annotation1)) NA else annotation1,
    annotation2Name = if (missing(annotation2)) NA else annotation2

  class(qqr) <- "qqr"

sahirbhatnagar/manhattanly documentation built on May 1, 2021, 10:01 p.m.