Test environments

R CMD check results

0 errors | 0 warnings | 1 note

Additional CRAN comments (Dec 1, 2019)

Please make sure that you do not change the user's options, par or working directory. If you really have to do so, please ensure with an immediate call of on.exit() that the settings are reset when the function is exited.

I have used the on.exit() function in the plotInter(), plot.sail() function to fix this issue

Do really all of your examples need to be wrapped in if(interactive()) ?

I have removed the interactive() wrapper around most of the examples.

Additional CRAN comments (Nov 25, 2019)

Please only capitalize names and sentence beginnings in the description.


Please ensure that you do not use more than 2 cores in your examples.


\dontrun{} should be only used if the example really cannot be executed (e.g. because of missing additional software, missing API keys, ...) by the user. That's why wrapping examples in \dontrun{} adds the comment ("# Not run:") as a warning for the user. Does not seem necessary, as you wrapped it in if(interactive())

I have removed \dontrun{} from all of the examples.

You write information messages to the console that cannot be easily suppressed. It is more R like to generate objects that can be used to extract the information a user is interested in, and then print() that object. Instead of print()/cat() rather use message()/warning() or if(verbose)cat(..) if you really have to write text to the console. (except for print() and summary() functions)

I have replaced cat() in the kkt() function with warning()

Please halve these tests runtimes: The overall threshold for the whole package check on CRAN is roughly 10 min. This had 15 min.

Fixed. I have significantly reduced the tests times.

sahirbhatnagar/sail documentation built on July 17, 2021, 5:10 a.m.