# Kaiaulu - https://github.com/sailuh/kaiaulu
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
# This file is meant to generate fake git data
#' Example Renamed File Repo
#' A repo with 3 commits. The first adds hello.R, , the second
#' renames the file to hi.R. and the third adds a second file bye.R.
#' This example can be used to test how parsers trace file renaming.
#' @param folder_path The path where the folder will be created
#' @param folder_name The name of the folder
#' @return git_repo of newly created empty repo
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
example_renamed_file <- function(folder_path="/tmp",folder_name) {
# Create folder & repo
folder_path <- io_make_folder(folder_path, folder_name)
git_repo <- file.path(folder_path, '.git')
# Add hello.R file and commit it
hello_path <- file.path(folder_path, "hello.R")
io_make_file(hello_path, "print('hello!')")
git_add(git_repo, folder_path, hello_path)
git_commit(git_repo, folder_path, "Commit hello.R file to empty repo", "John Doe", "JohnDoe@test.com")
# rename the file from hello.R to hi.R, then add and commit
git_mv(git_repo, folder_path, old_name = "hello.R", new_name = "hi.R")
hi_path <- file.path(folder_path, "hi.R")
git_add(git_repo, folder_path, hi_path)
git_commit(git_repo, folder_path, "Renamed file name to hi.R", "John Doe", "JohnDoe@test.com")
# Add bye.R file and commit it
bye_path <- file.path(folder_path, "bye.R")
io_make_file(bye_path, "print('bye!')")
git_add(git_repo, folder_path, bye_path)
git_commit(git_repo, folder_path, "Commit bye.R file to repo", "John Doe", "JohnDoe@test.com")
#' Example Unit Test and Examples Repository
#' A repository which contains test, example and
#' source files. Can be useful to test filter functions.
#' The repo contains 3 commits, where 1 file has as prefix
#' \_test.R, 1 file has the suffix example\_*.R, and 1 file
#' hello.R. The second renames the file to hi.R.
#' The third adds a second file bye.R
#' @param folder_path The path where the folder will be created
#' @param folder_name The name of the folder
#' @return git_repo of newly created empty repo
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
example_test_example_src_repo <- function(folder_path="/tmp",folder_name) {
# Create folder & repo
folder_path <- io_make_folder(folder_path,folder_name)
git_repo <- file.path(folder_path, '.git')
# Add example_test.R file and commit it
test_path <- file.path(folder_path, "test-hello.R")
io_make_file(test_path, "print('tester')")
git_add(git_repo, folder_path, test_path)
git_commit(git_repo, folder_path, "Commit test-example.R file to repo", "John Doe", "JohnDoe@test.com")
# Add hello.R file and commit it
example_path <- file.path(folder_path, "example-hi.R")
io_make_file(example_path, "print('example!')")
git_add(git_repo, folder_path, example_path)
git_commit(git_repo, folder_path, "Commit fake-example.R file", "John Doe", "JohnDoe@test.com")
# Add hello.R file and commit it
hello_path <- file.path(folder_path, "hello.R")
io_make_file(hello_path, "print('hello!')")
git_add(git_repo, folder_path, hello_path)
git_commit(git_repo, folder_path, "Commit hello.R file to empty repo", "John Doe", "JohnDoe@test.com")
#' Example Empty Repo
#' Creates an empty git repo named "empty_repo".
#' Useful to test the behavior of git_log exporter and parse_gitlog
#' on repositories with no commits.
#' @param folder_path The path where the folder will be created
#' @param folder_name The name of the folder
#' @return git_repo_path of newly created empty repo
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
example_empty_repo <- function(folder_path="/tmp",folder_name) {
# Create empty folder named "empty_repo"
folder_path <- io_make_folder(folder_path=folder_path, folder_name)
git_repo_path <- file.path(folder_path,'.git')
#' Example Commit Different Branches
#' One commit in two different with branches with 1 file each.
#' Useful to check parser includes commits from different branches.
#' @param folder_path The path where the folder will be created
#' @param folder_name The name of the folder
#' @return git_repo_path of newly created empty repo
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
example_different_branches <- function(folder_path="/tmp", folder_name) {
# Create folder & repo
folder_path <- io_make_folder(folder_path=folder_path, folder_name = folder_name)
# first branch (master)
git_repo_path <- file.path(folder_path, '.git')
file_path <- file.path(folder_path, "file1.R")
io_make_file(file_path, "print('hello world!')")
git_add(git_repo_path, folder_path, file_path)
git_commit(git_repo_path, folder_path, "committing first file", "fakeAuthor", "fakeEmail@email.com")
# second new branch
git_checkout(commit_hash="123", git_repo_path, new_branch = TRUE)
file_path <- file.path(folder_path, "file2.R")
io_make_file(file_path, "print('hello world!')")
git_add(git_repo_path, folder_path, file_path)
git_commit(git_repo_path, folder_path, "committing second file", "realAuthor", "realEmail@email.com")
#' Example Different Files Commit
#' Repo with 2 commits. The first commit contains 5 files modified, and
#' second commit contains only one file modified.
#' Useful to test unbalanced sized commits and filters.
#' @param folder_path The path where the folder will be created
#' @param folder_name The name of the folder
#' @return git_repo_path of newly created empty repo
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
example_large_sized_commits <- function(folder_path="/tmp", folder_name) {
# Create folder & repo
folder_path <- io_make_folder(folder_path=folder_path, folder_name = folder_name)
git_repo_path <- file.path(folder_path, '.git')
# Making 5 new files
file_path <- file.path(folder_path, "file1.R")
io_make_file(file_path, "print('hello world 1!')")
git_add(git_repo_path, folder_path, file_path)
file_path <- file.path(folder_path, "file2.R")
io_make_file(file_path, "print('hello world 2!')")
git_add(git_repo_path, folder_path, file_path)
file_path <- file.path(folder_path, "file3.R")
io_make_file(file_path, "print('hello world 3!')")
git_add(git_repo_path, folder_path, file_path)
file_path <- file.path(folder_path, "file4.R")
io_make_file(file_path, "print('hello world 4!')")
git_add(git_repo_path, folder_path, file_path)
file_path <- file.path(folder_path, "file5.R")
io_make_file(file_path, "print('hello world 5!')")
git_add(git_repo_path, folder_path, file_path)
git_commit(git_repo_path, folder_path, "committing 5 files", "testAuthor", "fakeEmail@email.com")
# Making one file
file_path <- file.path(folder_path, "file6.R")
io_make_file(file_path, "print('hello world 6!')")
git_add(git_repo_path, folder_path, file_path)
git_commit(git_repo_path, folder_path, "committing one file", "testAuthor", "fakeEmail@email.com")
#' Example Commit of R Notebooks
#' One commit that defines the function by Dev 1, then
#' one commit that modifies the same function by Dev 2.
#' Useful to check how git log entity behaves with files it does
#' not recognize.
#' @param folder_path The path where the folder will be created
#' @param folder_name The name of the folder
#' @return git_repo_path of newly created empty repo
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
example_notebook_function_in_code_blocks <- function(folder_path="/tmp", folder_name) {
# Create folder & repo
folder_path <- io_make_folder(folder_path=folder_path, folder_name = folder_name)
#initial file
body1 <- "
car <- function(x){
#changed file
body2 <- "
car <- function(x){
# first commit
git_repo_path <- file.path(folder_path, '.git')
file_path <- file.path(folder_path, "file1.Rmd")
io_make_file(file_path, body1)
git_add(git_repo_path, folder_path, file_path)
git_commit(git_repo_path, folder_path, "committing first file", "Author 1", "author1@email.com")
# second commit
file_path <- file.path(folder_path, "file1.Rmd")
io_make_file(file_path, body2)
git_add(git_repo_path, folder_path, file_path)
git_commit(git_repo_path, folder_path, "modifying first file", "Author 2", "author2@email.com")
#' Example Commit of R Function Declarations
#' One commit that defines the function by Dev 1, then
#' one commit that modifies the same function by Dev 2.
#' Useful to check how git log entity behaves with files it should
#' recognize.
#' @param folder_path The path where the folder will be created
#' @param folder_name The name of the folder
#' @return git_repo_path of newly created empty repo
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
example_function_in_files <- function(folder_path="/tmp", folder_name) {
# Create folder & repo
folder_path <- io_make_folder(folder_path=folder_path, folder_name = folder_name)
#initial file
body1 <- "
car <- function(x){
#changed file
body2 <- "
car <- function(x){
# first commit
git_repo_path <- file.path(folder_path, '.git')
file_path <- file.path(folder_path, "file1.R")
io_make_file(file_path, body1)
git_add(git_repo_path, folder_path, file_path)
git_commit(git_repo_path, folder_path, "committing first file", "Author 1", "author1@email.com")
# second commit
file_path <- file.path(folder_path, "file1.R")
io_make_file(file_path, body2)
git_add(git_repo_path, folder_path, file_path)
git_commit(git_repo_path, folder_path, "modifying first file", "Author 2", "author2@email.com")
#' Example Alternating Undecided Developers
#' Developers keep alternating the lines changes.
#' Useful to check how git log entity behaves with files it should
#' recognize.
#' @param folder_path The path where the folder will be created
#' @param folder_name The name of the folder
#' @return git_repo_path of newly created empty repo
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
example_notebook_alternating_function_in_files <- function(folder_path="/tmp", folder_name) {
# Create folder & repo
folder_path <- io_make_folder(folder_path=folder_path, folder_name = folder_name)
#initial file
body1 <- "
car <- function(x){return(x)}
body2 <- "
car <- function(x){
#changed file
body3 <- "
car <- function(x){
print('one more line!')
print('one more line again!')
print('one more line again 2!')
print('one more line again 3!')
body4 <- "
car <- function(x){
print('one more line!')
print('one more line again!')
print('5th line!')
print('6th line!')
print('7th line!')
print('8th line!')
print('9th line!')
print('10th line!')
print('11th line!')
# first commit
git_repo_path <- file.path(folder_path, '.git')
file_path <- file.path(folder_path, "file1.R")
io_make_file(file_path, body1)
git_add(git_repo_path, folder_path, file_path)
git_commit(git_repo_path, folder_path, "committing 1", "dev 1", "")
# second commit
file_path <- file.path(folder_path, "file1.R")
io_make_file(file_path, body2)
git_add(git_repo_path, folder_path, file_path)
git_commit(git_repo_path, folder_path, "commit 2", "dev 2", "")
# third commit
file_path <- file.path(folder_path, "file1.R")
io_make_file(file_path, body3)
git_add(git_repo_path, folder_path, file_path)
git_commit(git_repo_path, folder_path, "commit 3", "dev 1", "")
# forth commit
file_path <- file.path(folder_path, "file1.R")
io_make_file(file_path, body4)
git_add(git_repo_path, folder_path, file_path)
git_commit(git_repo_path, folder_path, "commit 4", "dev 2", "")
#' Create one No-Comment Issue with Two Components
#' This example can be used to evaluate the parser does not replicate
#' new components on new issues, which would severely bias metrics
#' associated to issues such as bugs (see #244).
#' @param folder_path The path where the folder will be created
#' @param folder_name The name of the folder
#' @return the JSON folder path of the newly created issue issue tracker
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
example_jira_issue_components <- function(folder_path = "/tmp", folder_name) {
# Create folder & repo
folder_path <- io_make_folder(folder_path = folder_path, folder_name = folder_name)
issue1 <- make_jira_issue(
jira_domain_url = "https://project.org/jira",
issue_key = "PROJECT-123",
project_key = "PROJECT",
summary = "Summary of new feature",
description = "The new features have been implemented",
issue_type = "New Feature",
resolution = "Finished",
priority = "Minor",
status = "Open",
labels = c("pull-request-available"),
components = c("jira", "mail"),
affects_versions = c("3.4.3"),
fix_versions = c("3.4.2"),
assignee_name = "Moe",
creator_name = "Bob",
reporter_name = "Joe"
issues <- list(issue1)
jira_json_path <- make_jira_issue_tracker(issues,
save_filepath=file.path(folder_path, "ONE_ISSUE_NO_COMMENTS_issues_1121646814_1121719175.json"))
#' Example JIRA Issue Tracker No Comments
#' Create fake JIRA issue tracker with 2 issues, no comments
#' @param folder_path The path where the folder will be created
#' @param folder_name The name of the folder
#' @return the JSON folder path of the newly created issue issue tracker
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
example_jira_two_issues <- function(folder_path = "/tmp", folder_name) {
# Create folder & repo
folder_path <- io_make_folder(folder_path = folder_path, folder_name = folder_name)
issue1 <- make_jira_issue(
jira_domain_url = "https://project.org/jira",
issue_key = "PROJECT-11",
project_key = "PROJECT",
summary = "Summary of issue 1",
description = "Description of summary 1",
issue_type = "New Feature",
resolution = "Finished",
priority = "Minor",
status = "Closed",
labels = c("pull-request-available"),
components = c("jira"),
affects_versions = c("1.1.1"),
fix_versions = c("1.1.1"),
assignee_name = "Moe",
creator_name = "Bob",
reporter_name = "Joe"
issue2 <- make_jira_issue(
jira_domain_url = "https://project.org/jira",
issue_key = "PROJECT-22",
project_key = "PROJECT",
summary = "Summary of issue 2",
description = "Description of summary 2",
issue_type = "New Feature",
resolution = "Finished",
priority = "Minor",
status = "Open",
labels = c("pull-request-available"),
components = c("jira"),
affects_versions = c("2.2.2"),
fix_versions = c("2.2.2"),
assignee_name = "Steven",
creator_name = "Nathan",
reporter_name = "Matthew"
issues <- list(issue1, issue2)
jira_json_path <- make_jira_issue_tracker(issues,
save_filepath=file.path(folder_path, "TWO_ISSUES_NO_COMMENTS_issues_1121646814_1121719175.json"))
#' Example Jira Issue Tracker With Comments
#' Create fake jira issue tracker with one issue with 2 comments
#' @param folder_path The path where the folder will be created
#' @param folder_name The name of the folder
#' @return the JSON folder path of the newly created issue issue tracker
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
example_jira_issue_comments <- function(folder_path = "/tmp", folder_name) {
# Create folder & repo
folder_path <- io_make_folder(folder_path = folder_path, folder_name = folder_name)
issue1 <- make_jira_issue(
jira_domain_url = "https://project.org/jira",
issue_key = "PROJECT-123",
project_key = "PROJECT",
summary = "Summary of new feature",
description = "The new features have been implemented",
issue_type = "New Feature",
resolution = "Finished",
priority = "Minor",
status = "Open",
labels = c("pull-request-available"),
components = c("jira", "mail"),
affects_versions = c("3.4.3"),
fix_versions = c("3.4.2"),
assignee_name = "Moe",
creator_name = "Bob",
reporter_name = "Joe",
comments = c(
"This is the first body comment.",
"This is the second body comment."
issues <- list(issue1)
jira_json_path <- make_jira_issue_tracker(
issues, save_filepath=file.path(folder_path,"ONE_ISSUE_WITH_COMMENTS_issues_1121646814_1121719175.json"))
#' Two Thread and Three Replies Mailing List
#' Create a mailing list of two e-mail threads, with
#' two and one reply respectively by two developers.
#' @param folder_path Default folder path set to "/tmp"
#' @param folder_name Name of the example folder
#' @param file_name Name of the file where .mbox will be stored
#' @return Folder path of .mbox sample file that was created
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
example_mailing_list_two_threads <- function(folder_path = "/tmp", folder_name, file_name) {
# Create folder & repo
folder_path <- io_make_folder(folder_path=folder_path, folder_name = folder_name)
# Step 1: Create fake mbox replies and assign them to variables for easy editing
thread_1_reply_1 <- make_mbox_reply(mailing_list="test-list",
reply_from_author = "John Doe", reply_from_email = "johndoe@example.com",
reply_to_author = "", reply_to_email = "dev@test-list.com",
reply_cc_author = "Smithsonian Doe", reply_cc_email = "smith_doe@example.com",
reply_datetime = "2023-01-15T08:30:00", timezone = "EST",
reply_subject = "Subject 1",
reply_body = "This is the body of the test email 1 of thread 1.")
thread_1_reply_2 <- make_mbox_reply(mailing_list="test-list",
reply_from_author = "Smithsonian Doe", reply_from_email = "smith_doe@example.com",
reply_to_author = "", reply_to_email = "dev@test-list.com",
reply_cc_author = "John Doe", reply_cc_email = "johndoe@example.com",
reply_datetime = "2023-01-16T09:30:00", timezone = "EST",
reply_subject = "Re: Subject 1",
reply_body = "This is the body of the test email 2 of thread 1.")
thread_2_reply_1 <- make_mbox_reply(mailing_list="test-list",
reply_from_author = "Smithsonian Doe", reply_from_email = "smith_doe@example.com",
reply_to_author = "", reply_to_email = "dev@test-list.com",
reply_cc_author = "John Doe", reply_cc_email = "johndoe@example.com",
reply_datetime = "2023-01-16T09:30:00", timezone = "EST",
reply_subject = "Subject 2",
reply_body = "This is the body of the test email 1 of thread 2.")
# Step 2: Concatenate each reply into the replies variable
replies <- c(thread_1_reply_1, thread_1_reply_2, thread_2_reply_1)
# Create mbox file from the list of replies
mbox_path <- make_mbox_mailing_list(replies = replies, folder_path = folder_path, file_name = file_name)
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