tools_path <- test_path("testdata", "tools.yml")
test_that("weighted churn temporal projection of dev 2 changing dev 1's file is accurate", {
timestamps <- as.POSIXct(c("Tue Aug 17 15:59:33 1999 +0000","Tue Aug 17 16:59:33 1999 +0000",
"Tue Aug 17 17:59:33 1999 +0000","Tue Aug 17 18:59:33 1999 +0000",
"Tue Aug 17 19:59:33 1999 +0000"),
format = "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %z", tz = "UTC")
project_git <- data.table(file_pathname = c("file_a","file_a","file_a","file_a","file_a"),
author_name_email = c("dev 1","dev 1","dev 2","dev 1","dev 2"),
committer_name_email = c("dev 1","dev 1","dev 2","dev 1","dev 2"),
author_datetimetz = timestamps,
committer_datetimetz = timestamps,
lines_added = c(1,1,3,5,7),
lines_removed = c(0,0,0,0,0))
project_git$weight <- project_git$lines_added + project_git$lines_removed
temporal_projection <- transform_gitlog_to_temporal_network(project_git,
mode = "author",
lag = "one_lag",
weight_scheme_function = weight_scheme_sum_edges)
expect_equal(temporal_projection[["edgelist"]][from == "dev 2" & to == "dev 1"]$weight, (1+3) + (5+7))
test_that("one time lag temporal projection of dev 2 changing dev 1's file twice has weight schme delete count of 2", {
timestamps <- as.POSIXct(c("Tue Aug 17 15:59:33 1999 +0000","Tue Aug 17 16:59:33 1999 +0000",
"Tue Aug 17 17:59:33 1999 +0000","Tue Aug 17 18:59:33 1999 +0000",
"Tue Aug 17 19:59:33 1999 +0000"),
format = "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %z", tz = "UTC")
project_git <- data.table(file_pathname = c("file_a","file_a","file_a","file_a","file_a"),
author_name_email = c("dev 1","dev 1","dev 2","dev 1","dev 2"),
committer_name_email = c("dev 1","dev 1","dev 2","dev 1","dev 2"),
author_datetimetz = timestamps,
committer_datetimetz = timestamps,
lines_added = c(1,1,3,5,7),
lines_removed = c(0,0,0,0,0))
project_git$weight <- project_git$lines_added + project_git$lines_removed
temporal_projection <- transform_gitlog_to_temporal_network(project_git,
mode = "author",
lag = "one_lag",
weight_scheme_function = weight_scheme_count_deleted_nodes)
expect_equal(temporal_projection[["edgelist"]][from == "dev 2" & to == "dev 1"]$weight, 1+1)
test_that("all time lag temporal projection matches original formulation", {
timestamps <- as.POSIXct(c("Tue Aug 17 15:59:33 1999 +0000","Tue Aug 17 16:59:33 1999 +0000",
"Tue Aug 17 17:59:33 1999 +0000","Tue Aug 17 18:59:33 1999 +0000"),
format = "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %z", tz = "UTC")
project_git <- data.table(file_pathname = c("file_a","file_a","file_a","file_a"),
author_name_email = c("dev 1","dev 2","dev 2","dev 3"),
committer_name_email = c("dev 1","dev 2","dev 2","dev 3"),
author_datetimetz = timestamps,
committer_datetimetz = timestamps,
lines_added = c(4,2,3,2),
lines_removed = c(0,0,0,0))
project_git$weight <- project_git$lines_added + project_git$lines_removed
temporal_projection <- transform_gitlog_to_temporal_network(project_git,
mode = "author",
lag = "all_lag",
weight_scheme_function = weight_scheme_cum_temporal)
expect_equal(temporal_projection[["edgelist"]][from == "dev 2" & to == "dev 1"]$weight, 4+2+3)
expect_equal(temporal_projection[["edgelist"]][from == "dev 3" & to == "dev 1"]$weight, 4+2)
expect_equal(temporal_projection[["edgelist"]][from == "dev 3" & to == "dev 2"]$weight, 2+3+2)
expect_equal(temporal_projection[["edgelist"]][from == "dev 2" & to == "dev 2"]$weight, 2+3)
test_that("all time lag temporal projection matches original formulation with alternating authors", {
timestamps <- as.POSIXct(c("Tue Aug 17 15:59:33 1999 +0000","Tue Aug 17 16:59:33 1999 +0000",
"Tue Aug 17 17:59:33 1999 +0000","Tue Aug 17 18:59:33 1999 +0000"),
format = "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %z", tz = "UTC")
project_git <- data.table(file_pathname = c("file_a","file_a","file_a","file_a"),
author_name_email = c("dev 1","dev 2","dev 1","dev 2"),
committer_name_email = c("dev 1","dev 2","dev 1","dev 2"),
author_datetimetz = timestamps,
committer_datetimetz = timestamps,
lines_added = c(1,3,5,7),
lines_removed = c(0,0,0,0))
project_git$weight <- project_git$lines_added + project_git$lines_removed
temporal_projection <- transform_gitlog_to_temporal_network(project_git,
mode = "author",
lag = "all_lag",
weight_scheme_function = weight_scheme_cum_temporal)
expect_equal(temporal_projection[["edgelist"]][from == "dev 2" & to == "dev 1"]$weight, 1+3+5+7)
expect_equal(temporal_projection[["edgelist"]][from == "dev 1" & to == "dev 2"]$weight, 3+5)
expect_equal(temporal_projection[["edgelist"]][from == "dev 1" & to == "dev 1"]$weight, 1+5)
expect_equal(temporal_projection[["edgelist"]][from == "dev 2" & to == "dev 2"]$weight, 3+7)
test_that("all time lag temporal projection correctly assign weights on distinct file contributions", {
timestamps <- as.POSIXct(c("Tue Aug 17 14:59:33 1999 +0000",
"Tue Aug 17 15:59:33 1999 +0000","Tue Aug 17 16:59:33 1999 +0000",
"Tue Aug 17 17:59:33 1999 +0000","Tue Aug 17 18:59:33 1999 +0000"),
format = "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %z", tz = "UTC")
project_git <- data.table(file_pathname = c("file_a","file_a","file_a","file_b","file_b"),
author_name_email = c("dev 1","dev 2","dev 1","dev 1","dev 2"),
committer_name_email = c("dev 1","dev 2","dev 1","dev 1","dev 2"),
author_datetimetz = timestamps,
committer_datetimetz = timestamps,
lines_added = c(1,3,20,5,7),
lines_removed = c(0,0,0,0,0))
project_git$weight <- project_git$lines_added + project_git$lines_removed
temporal_projection <- transform_gitlog_to_temporal_network(project_git,
mode = "author",
lag = "all_lag",
weight_scheme_function = weight_scheme_cum_temporal)
expect_equal(temporal_projection[["edgelist"]][from == "dev 2" & to == "dev 1"]$weight, (1+3) + (7+5))
expect_equal(temporal_projection[["edgelist"]][from == "dev 1" & to == "dev 1"]$weight, (20+1))
expect_equal(temporal_projection[["edgelist"]][from == "dev 1" & to == "dev 2"]$weight, 3+20)
test_that("temporal projections with only one author changing a file returns an empty table", {
# Note this is a special case where auto loops are not reported, as there are no collaborations
# in the first place.
timestamps <- as.POSIXct(c("Tue Aug 17 15:59:33 1999 +0000","Tue Aug 17 16:59:33 1999 +0000",
"Tue Aug 17 17:59:33 1999 +0000","Tue Aug 17 18:59:33 1999 +0000"),
format = "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %z", tz = "UTC")
project_git <- data.table(file_pathname = c("file_a","file_a","file_a","file_a"),
author_name_email = c("dev 1","dev 1","dev 1","dev 1"),
committer_name_email = c("dev 1","dev 1","dev 1","dev 1"),
author_datetimetz = timestamps,
committer_datetimetz = timestamps,
lines_added = c(1,3,5,7),
lines_removed = c(0,0,0,0))
git_graph <- copy(project_git)
temporal_projection <- transform_gitlog_to_temporal_network(git_graph,
mode = "author",
lag = "all_lag",
weight_scheme_function = weight_scheme_cum_temporal)
expect_equal(nrow(temporal_projection[["edgelist"]]), 0)
test_that("Parsing git log function entities on R function declarations returns correct weight", {
tools_path <- file.path(tools_path)
tool <- yaml::read_yaml(tools_path)
perceval_path <- tool[["perceval"]]
utags_path <- tool[["utags"]]
git_repo_path <- example_function_in_files(folder_path = "/tmp",
folder_name = "example_function_in_files")
project_git <- parse_gitlog(perceval_path, git_repo_path)
result <- parse_gitlog_entity(git_repo_path=git_repo_path,
utags_path = utags_path,
project_git_log = project_git,
kinds=list( r=c('f')),
progress_bar = FALSE)
io_delete_folder(folder_path="/tmp", "example_function_in_files")
temporal_projection <- transform_gitlog_to_entity_temporal_network(result,
mode = "author",
lag = "all_lag",
weight_scheme_function = weight_scheme_cum_temporal)
expect_equal(temporal_projection[["edgelist"]][from == "Author 2 <>" &
to == "Author 1 <>"]$weight, (3+1))
test_that("Parsing git log function entities on alternating devs changing the same function returns correct weight", {
tools_path <- file.path(tools_path)
tool <- yaml::read_yaml(tools_path)
perceval_path <- tool[["perceval"]]
utags_path <- tool[["utags"]]
git_repo_path <- example_notebook_alternating_function_in_files(folder_path = "/tmp",
folder_name = "example_alternating_devs")
project_git <- parse_gitlog(perceval_path, git_repo_path)
result <- parse_gitlog_entity(git_repo_path=git_repo_path,
utags_path = utags_path,
project_git_log = project_git,
kinds=list( r=c('f')),
progress_bar = FALSE)
io_delete_folder(folder_path="/tmp", "example_alternating_devs")
temporal_projection <- transform_gitlog_to_entity_temporal_network(result,
mode = "author",
lag = "all_lag",
weight_scheme_function = weight_scheme_cum_temporal)
expect_equal(temporal_projection[["edgelist"]][from == "dev 2 <>" & to == "dev 1 <>"]$weight, 1+3+5+7)
expect_equal(temporal_projection[["edgelist"]][from == "dev 1 <>" & to == "dev 2 <>"]$weight, 3+5)
expect_equal(temporal_projection[["edgelist"]][from == "dev 1 <>" & to == "dev 1 <>"]$weight, 1+5)
expect_equal(temporal_projection[["edgelist"]][from == "dev 2 <>" & to == "dev 2 <>"]$weight, 3+7)
test_that("Check Pair Wise Cumulative Temporal Sum reflects Codeface actual implementation", {
tools_path <- file.path(tools_path)
tool <- yaml::read_yaml(tools_path)
perceval_path <- tool[["perceval"]]
utags_path <- tool[["utags"]]
git_repo_path <- example_notebook_alternating_function_in_files(folder_path = "/tmp",
folder_name = "example_alternating_devs")
project_git <- parse_gitlog(perceval_path, git_repo_path)
result <- parse_gitlog_entity(git_repo_path=git_repo_path,
utags_path = utags_path,
project_git_log = project_git,
kinds=list( r=c('f')),
progress_bar = FALSE)
io_delete_folder(folder_path="/tmp", "example_alternating_devs")
temporal_projection <- transform_gitlog_to_entity_temporal_network(result,
mode = "author",
lag = "all_lag",
weight_scheme_function = weight_scheme_pairwise_cum_temporal)
# (c4+c1) + (c4 +c3) + (c2 + c1)
expect_equal(temporal_projection[["edgelist"]][from == "dev 2 <>" & to == "dev 1 <>"]$weight, (7+1) + (7+5) + (3+1))
# (c3 + c2)
expect_equal(temporal_projection[["edgelist"]][from == "dev 1 <>" & to == "dev 2 <>"]$weight, 3+5)
# (c3 + c1)
expect_equal(temporal_projection[["edgelist"]][from == "dev 1 <>" & to == "dev 1 <>"]$weight, 5+1)
# (c4 + c2)
expect_equal(temporal_projection[["edgelist"]][from == "dev 2 <>" & to == "dev 2 <>"]$weight, 7+3)
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