setOldClass(Classes="family", prototype=gaussian())

setRefClass(Class = "pGLM",
	fields = list(
		samp = "logical",
		formula = "formula",
		family = "family",
		coefficients = "matrix",
		epsilon = "function",
		covariates = "list",
		data = "data.frame",
		model_frame = "data.frame",
		mm = "matrix",
		mf = "data.frame",
		dat = "data.frame"
	methods = list(
		initialize = function(
			formula = ~ 1, 
			family = gaussian(),
			coefficients = list(intercept=0),
			epsilon = function(n) {rep(0,n)},
			samp = FALSE
		) {
			formula 			<<- formula
			family 				<<- family

			nc <- length(coefficients)
			if (length(coefficients) > 0 ) {
				coef_tmp <- matrix(unlist(coefficients), nrow=nc, byrow=TRUE)
				rownames(coef_tmp) <- names(coefficients)
				coefficients 	<<- coef_tmp
			} else {
				coefficients <<- matrix()

			epsilon 			<<- epsilon
			samp 					<<- samp
		model_matrix = function(
			new_data = NULL, 
			covariates = NULL,
			n = NULL 
		) {
			if (is.null(new_data))   got_data <- FALSE else got_data <- TRUE
			if (is.null(covariates)) got_cov  <- FALSE else got_cov  <- TRUE
			if (is.null(n))					 got_n    <- FALSE else got_n    <- TRUE

			if ( got_data && got_cov) stop("Call model matrix with data OR covariates")
			if ( got_data) 								n <- nrow(new_data)
			if (!got_data && !got_n ) 		n <- 1
			if (!got_data) 				 new_data <- data.frame(row = 1:n)

			if (!got_data && got_cov) {
		    for ( nom in names(covariates) ) {
    		  ### Relies on recycling to get the right number of entries:
		      new_data[[nom]] <- covariates[[nom]]
			## Make model frame and model matrix
			mf <<- model.frame(formula = formula, data = new_data)
			mm <<- model.matrix(object = formula, data = mf)

			## Reorder coefficients matrix to match the model matrix...
			m_coef_to_mm <- match(x=rownames(coefficients), table=colnames(mm))
			if (any(is.na(m_coef_to_mm))) { 
				missing <- rownames(coefficients)[is.na(m_coef_to_mm)]
				msg <- paste("Model matrix columns for some coefficients ",
										 "missing:\n\tMissing columns for:\n\t\t", missing, "\n", collapse=", ", sep='')
			m_mm_to_coef <- match(x=colnames(mm), rownames(coefficients))
			if (any(is.na(m_mm_to_coef))) { 
				missing <- colnames(mm)[is.na(m_mm_to_coef)]
				msg <- paste("Coefficients for some model matrix columns ",
										 "missing:\n\tMissing coefficients for:\n\t\t", missing, "\n", collapse=", ", sep='')
			## Deal with gratuitous type conversions:
			nc <- ncol(coefficients)
			nr <- nrow(coefficients)
			rn <- rownames(coefficients)
			cn <- colnames(coefficients)
			coef_tmp <- coefficients[m_coef_to_mm,]
			if ((nc>1) && (nr>1)) {
				coefficients <<- coef_tmp
			} else if ((nr>1) && (nc==1)) {
				coef_tmp <- matrix(coef_tmp,nrow=nr)
				rownames(coef_tmp) <- rn
				colnames(coef_tmp) <- cn
				coefficients <<- coef_tmp
			} else if ((nr==1) && (nc>1)) {
				coef_tmp <- matrix(coef_tmp,ncol=nc)
				rownames(coef_tmp) <- rn
				colnames(coef_tmp) <- cn
				coefficients <<- coef_tmp
		predict = function(
			newdata = NULL, 
			covariates = NULL,
			n = NULL, 
		) {
			if (!is.null(covariates)) covariates <<- covariates
			ml <- as.list(match.call())
			draw <- 1
			if (samp) {
				draw <- sample(x=1:ncol(.self$coefficients), size=1)
			model_matrix(newdata, covariates, n)
			mo <- model.offset(mf)
			if (ncol(.self$mm) == length(.self$coefficients[,draw])) {
				pred <- .self$mm %*% coefficients[,draw] + epsilon(n=nrow(.self$mm))
				if (!is.null(mo)) pred <- pred + mo
				pred <- family$linkinv(pred)
				### Add inverse link function using $family field.
			} else {
				stop("Object not ready for predictions, model matrix not formed.\n\n")
		errors = function(n = 100) epsilon(n=n)
sakrejda/dodo documentation built on May 29, 2019, 1 p.m.