Man pages for sambiostat/WAPL
What the Package Does (One Line, Title Case)

cv.GLglmnetNCross validation for L1-Penalized Q-Leanring Given group...
cv_WAPLWAPL with CV This is based on WAPL, and uses cross validation...
DeformCoefreform X Can be viewed as the inverse function of reformX
gSAMGroup-Sparse Additive Machine A group version of Sparse...
gSimsimulate examples for WAPL This is the generative function...
MC_gSAMwrap models to test WAPL This peforms Monte Carlo simulation...
predict.gSAMpredict function for gSAM object
predict.linearclpredict.linearcl: predict labels for a given new instance...
predict.qlearnpredict function for class "qlearn" This is the prediction...
predict.rbfclpredict.rbfcl: predict labels for a given new instance when...
Qlearning_gglassoQlearning_gglasso This is the main function of Q-learning or...
reformXreform X Due to the use of group, this function can reform...
ROWLROWL, a function for OWL and RWL. This is used for benchmark...
vd_funITR value estimated given a list of fitted model Calculate...
wsvmwsvm to solve the subject-weighted SVM
sambiostat/WAPL documentation built on May 26, 2020, 12:17 a.m.