#' Read Data from OANDA JSON Files
#' @param fxPair
#' @param fromDate
#' @param dest
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
#' read_oanda("CHFUSD")
#' read_oanda("CHFEUR")
#' read_oanda("EURCHF")
read_oanda <- function(fxPair = "USDCHF", fromDate = NA, dest = "../forex_oanda"){
stopifnot(nchar(fxPair) == 6)
# Source Path
path <- file.path(dest, fxPair)
# Source Files
fls <- list.files(path, fxPair, recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
# Check Number of files
if (length(fls) == 0){
fxPair2 <- paste0(substr(fxPair, 4,6),
substr(fxPair, 1,3))
path2 <- file.path(dest, fxPair2)
fls <- list.files(path2, fxPair2, recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
# Check Number of files
if(length(fls) > 0){
# Flag for Inversion (only suitable for mid quotes!)
doInvert <- TRUE
} else {
# Check Identity where no conversion is needed
if(substr(fxPair,1,3) == substr(fxPair,4,6)){
r <- list.files(list.files(gsub(fxPair, "", path), full.names = TRUE)[1]) %>%
substr(., 1,7) %>% paste0(.,"-01")%>% range() %>% as.Date()
dts <- seq(from=r[1], to=r[2], by="days")
return(tibble::tibble(DATE = dts ,VALUE = as.double(1)))
} else {
stop("Missing Files!")
} else {
# No Inversion
doInvert <- FALSE
# Filter
dt <- as.integer(sub("-","",substr(fromDate,1,7)))
dts <- as.integer(gsub("-","",substr(basename(fls),1,7)))
fls <- fls[which(dts >= dt)]
# Read json text files
json <- lapply(fls, read_oanda_json)
# Filter Nulls
isNull <- unlist(lapply(json, function(x) is.null(x)))
# Return result
result <- do.call(rbind, json[!isNull]) %>%
dplyr::arrange(DATE) %>% dplyr::distinct() %>%
dplyr::select(DATE, VALUE)
# Invert
if (doInvert) result$VALUE <- 1/result$VALUE
# Return
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