
Defines functions deleteStudentOfficeVisitTimeTransaction createStudentOfficeVisitTimeTransaction modifyStudentOfficeVisitTimeTransaction getStudentOfficeVisitTimeTransaction getAllStudentOfficeVisitTimeTransactions deleteStudentOfficeVisitReason createStudentOfficeVisitReason modifyStudentOfficeVisitReason getStudentOfficeVisitReason getAllStudentOfficeVisitReasons deleteStudentOfficeVisitNotification createStudentOfficeVisitNotification modifyStudentOfficeVisitNotification getStudentOfficeVisitNotification getAllStudentOfficeVisitNotifications deleteStudentOfficeVisitNote createStudentOfficeVisitNote modifyStudentOfficeVisitNote getStudentOfficeVisitNote getAllStudentOfficeVisitNotes deleteStudentOfficeVisit createStudentOfficeVisit modifyStudentOfficeVisit getStudentOfficeVisit getAllStudentOfficeVisits deleteOfficeVisitReason createOfficeVisitReason modifyOfficeVisitReason getOfficeVisitReason getAllOfficeVisitReasons deleteOfficeVisitGuardianResponse createOfficeVisitGuardianResponse modifyOfficeVisitGuardianResponse getOfficeVisitGuardianResponse getAllOfficeVisitGuardianResponses deleteOfficeVisitComment createOfficeVisitComment modifyOfficeVisitComment getOfficeVisitComment getAllOfficeVisitComments deleteNotificationMethod createNotificationMethod modifyNotificationMethod getNotificationMethod getAllNotificationMethods

Documented in createNotificationMethod createOfficeVisitComment createOfficeVisitGuardianResponse createOfficeVisitReason createStudentOfficeVisit createStudentOfficeVisitNote createStudentOfficeVisitNotification createStudentOfficeVisitReason createStudentOfficeVisitTimeTransaction deleteNotificationMethod deleteOfficeVisitComment deleteOfficeVisitGuardianResponse deleteOfficeVisitReason deleteStudentOfficeVisit deleteStudentOfficeVisitNote deleteStudentOfficeVisitNotification deleteStudentOfficeVisitReason deleteStudentOfficeVisitTimeTransaction getAllNotificationMethods getAllOfficeVisitComments getAllOfficeVisitGuardianResponses getAllOfficeVisitReasons getAllStudentOfficeVisitNotes getAllStudentOfficeVisitNotifications getAllStudentOfficeVisitReasons getAllStudentOfficeVisits getAllStudentOfficeVisitTimeTransactions

#' Get all NotificationMethods.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all NotificationMethods in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Guidance
#' @return All NotificationMethods in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
	getAllNotificationMethods <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnNotificationMethodID = F, returnCode = F, returnCodeDescription = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDescription = F, returnDistrictGroupKey = F, returnDistrictID = F, returnIsActive = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){


		functionParams <- as.list(environment())

		functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]

		searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]

		if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]

		searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")

		getAllDataObjectsForObject("Guidance", "NotificationMethod", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)


#' Get a specific NotificationMethod
#' This function returns fields for a NotificationMethod.
#' @param NotificationMethodID The id of the NotificationMethod.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllNotificationMethods}} for a list of NotificationMethods.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Guidance
#' @return Details for the NotificationMethod.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
	getNotificationMethod <- function(NotificationMethodID, EntityID = 1, returnNotificationMethodID = F, returnCode = F, returnCodeDescription = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDescription = F, returnDistrictGroupKey = F, returnDistrictID = F, returnIsActive = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){


		functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]

		functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]

		searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]

		if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]

		searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")

		getDataObject("Guidance",  "NotificationMethod", NotificationMethodID, searchFields, EntityID)


#' Modify a specific NotificationMethod
#' This function modifies fields for a NotificationMethod.
#' @param NotificationMethodID The id of the NotificationMethod to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllNotificationMethods}} for a list of NotificationMethods.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Guidance
#' @return Details of the modified NotificationMethod.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
	modifyNotificationMethod <- function(NotificationMethodID, EntityID = 1, setCode = NULL, setDescription = NULL, setDistrictGroupKey = NULL, setDistrictID = NULL, setIsActive = NULL){


		functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]

		functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]

		names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")

		modifyDataObject("Guidance",  "NotificationMethod", NotificationMethodID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)


#' Create new NotificationMethod.
#' This function creates a new NotificationMethod.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Guidance
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created NotificationMethod.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
	createNotificationMethod <- function(EntityID = 1, setCode = NULL, setDescription = NULL, setDistrictGroupKey = NULL, setDistrictID = NULL, setIsActive = NULL){


		functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]

		functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]

		names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")

		createDataObject("Guidance",  "NotificationMethod", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)


#' Delete a specific NotificationMethod
#' This function deletes a NotificationMethod.
#' @param NotificationMethodID The id of the NotificationMethod.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllNotificationMethods}} for a list of NotificationMethods.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Guidance
#' @return The id of the deleted NotificationMethod.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
	deleteNotificationMethod <- function(NotificationMethodID, EntityID = 1){


		deleteDataObject("Guidance",  "NotificationMethod", NotificationMethodID, EntityID)


#' Get all OfficeVisitComments.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all OfficeVisitComments in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Guidance
#' @return All OfficeVisitComments in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
	getAllOfficeVisitComments <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnOfficeVisitCommentID = F, returnCode = F, returnCodeDescription = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDescription = F, returnDistrictGroupKey = F, returnDistrictID = F, returnIsActive = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){


		functionParams <- as.list(environment())

		functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]

		searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]

		if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]

		searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")

		getAllDataObjectsForObject("Guidance", "OfficeVisitComment", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)


#' Get a specific OfficeVisitComment
#' This function returns fields for an OfficeVisitComment.
#' @param OfficeVisitCommentID The id of the OfficeVisitComment.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllOfficeVisitComments}} for a list of OfficeVisitComments.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Guidance
#' @return Details for the OfficeVisitComment.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
	getOfficeVisitComment <- function(OfficeVisitCommentID, EntityID = 1, returnOfficeVisitCommentID = F, returnCode = F, returnCodeDescription = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDescription = F, returnDistrictGroupKey = F, returnDistrictID = F, returnIsActive = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){


		functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]

		functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]

		searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]

		if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]

		searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")

		getDataObject("Guidance",  "OfficeVisitComment", OfficeVisitCommentID, searchFields, EntityID)


#' Modify a specific OfficeVisitComment
#' This function modifies fields for an OfficeVisitComment.
#' @param OfficeVisitCommentID The id of the OfficeVisitComment to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllOfficeVisitComments}} for a list of OfficeVisitComments.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Guidance
#' @return Details of the modified OfficeVisitComment.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
	modifyOfficeVisitComment <- function(OfficeVisitCommentID, EntityID = 1, setCode = NULL, setDescription = NULL, setDistrictGroupKey = NULL, setDistrictID = NULL, setIsActive = NULL){


		functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]

		functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]

		names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")

		modifyDataObject("Guidance",  "OfficeVisitComment", OfficeVisitCommentID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)


#' Create new OfficeVisitComment.
#' This function creates a new OfficeVisitComment.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Guidance
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created OfficeVisitComment.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
	createOfficeVisitComment <- function(EntityID = 1, setCode = NULL, setDescription = NULL, setDistrictGroupKey = NULL, setDistrictID = NULL, setIsActive = NULL){


		functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]

		functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]

		names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")

		createDataObject("Guidance",  "OfficeVisitComment", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)


#' Delete a specific OfficeVisitComment
#' This function deletes an OfficeVisitComment.
#' @param OfficeVisitCommentID The id of the OfficeVisitComment.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllOfficeVisitComments}} for a list of OfficeVisitComments.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Guidance
#' @return The id of the deleted OfficeVisitComment.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
	deleteOfficeVisitComment <- function(OfficeVisitCommentID, EntityID = 1){


		deleteDataObject("Guidance",  "OfficeVisitComment", OfficeVisitCommentID, EntityID)


#' Get all OfficeVisitGuardianResponses.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all OfficeVisitGuardianResponses in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Guidance
#' @return All OfficeVisitGuardianResponses in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
	getAllOfficeVisitGuardianResponses <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnOfficeVisitGuardianResponseID = F, returnCode = F, returnCodeDescription = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDescription = F, returnDistrictGroupKey = F, returnDistrictID = F, returnIsActive = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){


		functionParams <- as.list(environment())

		functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]

		searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]

		if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]

		searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")

		getAllDataObjectsForObject("Guidance", "OfficeVisitGuardianResponse", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)


#' Get a specific OfficeVisitGuardianResponse
#' This function returns fields for an OfficeVisitGuardianResponse.
#' @param OfficeVisitGuardianResponseID The id of the OfficeVisitGuardianResponse.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllOfficeVisitGuardianResponses}} for a list of OfficeVisitGuardianResponses.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Guidance
#' @return Details for the OfficeVisitGuardianResponse.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
	getOfficeVisitGuardianResponse <- function(OfficeVisitGuardianResponseID, EntityID = 1, returnOfficeVisitGuardianResponseID = F, returnCode = F, returnCodeDescription = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDescription = F, returnDistrictGroupKey = F, returnDistrictID = F, returnIsActive = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){


		functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]

		functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]

		searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]

		if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]

		searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")

		getDataObject("Guidance",  "OfficeVisitGuardianResponse", OfficeVisitGuardianResponseID, searchFields, EntityID)


#' Modify a specific OfficeVisitGuardianResponse
#' This function modifies fields for an OfficeVisitGuardianResponse.
#' @param OfficeVisitGuardianResponseID The id of the OfficeVisitGuardianResponse to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllOfficeVisitGuardianResponses}} for a list of OfficeVisitGuardianResponses.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Guidance
#' @return Details of the modified OfficeVisitGuardianResponse.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
	modifyOfficeVisitGuardianResponse <- function(OfficeVisitGuardianResponseID, EntityID = 1, setCode = NULL, setDescription = NULL, setDistrictGroupKey = NULL, setDistrictID = NULL, setIsActive = NULL){


		functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]

		functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]

		names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")

		modifyDataObject("Guidance",  "OfficeVisitGuardianResponse", OfficeVisitGuardianResponseID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)


#' Create new OfficeVisitGuardianResponse.
#' This function creates a new OfficeVisitGuardianResponse.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Guidance
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created OfficeVisitGuardianResponse.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
	createOfficeVisitGuardianResponse <- function(EntityID = 1, setCode = NULL, setDescription = NULL, setDistrictGroupKey = NULL, setDistrictID = NULL, setIsActive = NULL){


		functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]

		functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]

		names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")

		createDataObject("Guidance",  "OfficeVisitGuardianResponse", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)


#' Delete a specific OfficeVisitGuardianResponse
#' This function deletes an OfficeVisitGuardianResponse.
#' @param OfficeVisitGuardianResponseID The id of the OfficeVisitGuardianResponse.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllOfficeVisitGuardianResponses}} for a list of OfficeVisitGuardianResponses.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Guidance
#' @return The id of the deleted OfficeVisitGuardianResponse.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
	deleteOfficeVisitGuardianResponse <- function(OfficeVisitGuardianResponseID, EntityID = 1){


		deleteDataObject("Guidance",  "OfficeVisitGuardianResponse", OfficeVisitGuardianResponseID, EntityID)


#' Get all OfficeVisitReasons.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all OfficeVisitReasons in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Guidance
#' @return All OfficeVisitReasons in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
	getAllOfficeVisitReasons <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnOfficeVisitReasonID = F, returnCode = F, returnCodeDescription = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDescription = F, returnDistrictGroupKey = F, returnDistrictID = F, returnIsActive = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){


		functionParams <- as.list(environment())

		functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]

		searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]

		if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]

		searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")

		getAllDataObjectsForObject("Guidance", "OfficeVisitReason", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)


#' Get a specific OfficeVisitReason
#' This function returns fields for an OfficeVisitReason.
#' @param OfficeVisitReasonID The id of the OfficeVisitReason.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllOfficeVisitReasons}} for a list of OfficeVisitReasons.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Guidance
#' @return Details for the OfficeVisitReason.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
	getOfficeVisitReason <- function(OfficeVisitReasonID, EntityID = 1, returnOfficeVisitReasonID = F, returnCode = F, returnCodeDescription = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDescription = F, returnDistrictGroupKey = F, returnDistrictID = F, returnIsActive = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){


		functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]

		functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]

		searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]

		if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]

		searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")

		getDataObject("Guidance",  "OfficeVisitReason", OfficeVisitReasonID, searchFields, EntityID)


#' Modify a specific OfficeVisitReason
#' This function modifies fields for an OfficeVisitReason.
#' @param OfficeVisitReasonID The id of the OfficeVisitReason to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllOfficeVisitReasons}} for a list of OfficeVisitReasons.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Guidance
#' @return Details of the modified OfficeVisitReason.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
	modifyOfficeVisitReason <- function(OfficeVisitReasonID, EntityID = 1, setCode = NULL, setDescription = NULL, setDistrictGroupKey = NULL, setDistrictID = NULL, setIsActive = NULL){


		functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]

		functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]

		names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")

		modifyDataObject("Guidance",  "OfficeVisitReason", OfficeVisitReasonID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)


#' Create new OfficeVisitReason.
#' This function creates a new OfficeVisitReason.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Guidance
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created OfficeVisitReason.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
	createOfficeVisitReason <- function(EntityID = 1, setCode = NULL, setDescription = NULL, setDistrictGroupKey = NULL, setDistrictID = NULL, setIsActive = NULL){


		functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]

		functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]

		names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")

		createDataObject("Guidance",  "OfficeVisitReason", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)


#' Delete a specific OfficeVisitReason
#' This function deletes an OfficeVisitReason.
#' @param OfficeVisitReasonID The id of the OfficeVisitReason.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllOfficeVisitReasons}} for a list of OfficeVisitReasons.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Guidance
#' @return The id of the deleted OfficeVisitReason.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
	deleteOfficeVisitReason <- function(OfficeVisitReasonID, EntityID = 1){


		deleteDataObject("Guidance",  "OfficeVisitReason", OfficeVisitReasonID, EntityID)


#' Get all StudentOfficeVisits.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all StudentOfficeVisits in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Guidance
#' @return All StudentOfficeVisits in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
	getAllStudentOfficeVisits <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnStudentOfficeVisitID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDisplayStatus = F, returnDocumentationIsComplete = F, returnEntityID = F, returnHasBeenReleased = F, returnIsStudentOfficeVisitToday = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnOfficeVisitCommentID = F, returnSchoolID = F, returnSchoolYearID = F, returnStudentID = F, returnStudentOfficeVisitReasonsListDisplay = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){


		functionParams <- as.list(environment())

		functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]

		searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]

		if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]

		searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")

		getAllDataObjectsForObject("Guidance", "StudentOfficeVisit", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)


#' Get a specific StudentOfficeVisit
#' This function returns fields for a StudentOfficeVisit.
#' @param StudentOfficeVisitID The id of the StudentOfficeVisit.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllStudentOfficeVisits}} for a list of StudentOfficeVisits.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Guidance
#' @return Details for the StudentOfficeVisit.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
	getStudentOfficeVisit <- function(StudentOfficeVisitID, EntityID = 1, returnStudentOfficeVisitID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDisplayStatus = F, returnDocumentationIsComplete = F, returnEntityID = F, returnHasBeenReleased = F, returnIsStudentOfficeVisitToday = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnOfficeVisitCommentID = F, returnSchoolID = F, returnSchoolYearID = F, returnStudentID = F, returnStudentOfficeVisitReasonsListDisplay = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){


		functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]

		functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]

		searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]

		if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]

		searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")

		getDataObject("Guidance",  "StudentOfficeVisit", StudentOfficeVisitID, searchFields, EntityID)


#' Modify a specific StudentOfficeVisit
#' This function modifies fields for a StudentOfficeVisit.
#' @param StudentOfficeVisitID The id of the StudentOfficeVisit to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllStudentOfficeVisits}} for a list of StudentOfficeVisits.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Guidance
#' @return Details of the modified StudentOfficeVisit.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
	modifyStudentOfficeVisit <- function(StudentOfficeVisitID, EntityID = 1, setDocumentationIsComplete = NULL, setEntityID = NULL, setHasBeenReleased = NULL, setIsStudentOfficeVisitToday = NULL, setOfficeVisitCommentID = NULL, setSchoolID = NULL, setSchoolYearID = NULL, setStudentID = NULL){


		functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]

		functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]

		names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")

		modifyDataObject("Guidance",  "StudentOfficeVisit", StudentOfficeVisitID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)


#' Create new StudentOfficeVisit.
#' This function creates a new StudentOfficeVisit.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Guidance
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created StudentOfficeVisit.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
	createStudentOfficeVisit <- function(EntityID = 1, setDocumentationIsComplete = NULL, setEntityID = NULL, setHasBeenReleased = NULL, setIsStudentOfficeVisitToday = NULL, setOfficeVisitCommentID = NULL, setSchoolID = NULL, setSchoolYearID = NULL, setStudentID = NULL){


		functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]

		functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]

		names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")

		createDataObject("Guidance",  "StudentOfficeVisit", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)


#' Delete a specific StudentOfficeVisit
#' This function deletes a StudentOfficeVisit.
#' @param StudentOfficeVisitID The id of the StudentOfficeVisit.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllStudentOfficeVisits}} for a list of StudentOfficeVisits.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Guidance
#' @return The id of the deleted StudentOfficeVisit.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
	deleteStudentOfficeVisit <- function(StudentOfficeVisitID, EntityID = 1){


		deleteDataObject("Guidance",  "StudentOfficeVisit", StudentOfficeVisitID, EntityID)


#' Get all StudentOfficeVisitNotes.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all StudentOfficeVisitNotes in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Guidance
#' @return All StudentOfficeVisitNotes in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
	getAllStudentOfficeVisitNotes <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnStudentOfficeVisitNoteID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnNote = F, returnStudentOfficeVisitID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){


		functionParams <- as.list(environment())

		functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]

		searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]

		if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]

		searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")

		getAllDataObjectsForObject("Guidance", "StudentOfficeVisitNote", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)


#' Get a specific StudentOfficeVisitNote
#' This function returns fields for a StudentOfficeVisitNote.
#' @param StudentOfficeVisitNoteID The id of the StudentOfficeVisitNote.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllStudentOfficeVisitNotes}} for a list of StudentOfficeVisitNotes.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Guidance
#' @return Details for the StudentOfficeVisitNote.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
	getStudentOfficeVisitNote <- function(StudentOfficeVisitNoteID, EntityID = 1, returnStudentOfficeVisitNoteID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnNote = F, returnStudentOfficeVisitID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){


		functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]

		functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]

		searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]

		if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]

		searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")

		getDataObject("Guidance",  "StudentOfficeVisitNote", StudentOfficeVisitNoteID, searchFields, EntityID)


#' Modify a specific StudentOfficeVisitNote
#' This function modifies fields for a StudentOfficeVisitNote.
#' @param StudentOfficeVisitNoteID The id of the StudentOfficeVisitNote to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllStudentOfficeVisitNotes}} for a list of StudentOfficeVisitNotes.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Guidance
#' @return Details of the modified StudentOfficeVisitNote.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
	modifyStudentOfficeVisitNote <- function(StudentOfficeVisitNoteID, EntityID = 1, setNote = NULL, setStudentOfficeVisitID = NULL){


		functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]

		functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]

		names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")

		modifyDataObject("Guidance",  "StudentOfficeVisitNote", StudentOfficeVisitNoteID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)


#' Create new StudentOfficeVisitNote.
#' This function creates a new StudentOfficeVisitNote.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Guidance
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created StudentOfficeVisitNote.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
	createStudentOfficeVisitNote <- function(EntityID = 1, setNote = NULL, setStudentOfficeVisitID = NULL){


		functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]

		functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]

		names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")

		createDataObject("Guidance",  "StudentOfficeVisitNote", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)


#' Delete a specific StudentOfficeVisitNote
#' This function deletes a StudentOfficeVisitNote.
#' @param StudentOfficeVisitNoteID The id of the StudentOfficeVisitNote.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllStudentOfficeVisitNotes}} for a list of StudentOfficeVisitNotes.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Guidance
#' @return The id of the deleted StudentOfficeVisitNote.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
	deleteStudentOfficeVisitNote <- function(StudentOfficeVisitNoteID, EntityID = 1){


		deleteDataObject("Guidance",  "StudentOfficeVisitNote", StudentOfficeVisitNoteID, EntityID)


#' Get all StudentOfficeVisitNotifications.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all StudentOfficeVisitNotifications in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Guidance
#' @return All StudentOfficeVisitNotifications in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
	getAllStudentOfficeVisitNotifications <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnStudentOfficeVisitNotificationID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnNameID = F, returnNote = F, returnNotificationMethodID = F, returnNotificationTime = F, returnNotificationTimeDate = F, returnNotificationTimeTime = F, returnOfficeVisitGuardianResponseID = F, returnStudentOfficeVisitID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){


		functionParams <- as.list(environment())

		functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]

		searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]

		if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]

		searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")

		getAllDataObjectsForObject("Guidance", "StudentOfficeVisitNotification", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)


#' Get a specific StudentOfficeVisitNotification
#' This function returns fields for a StudentOfficeVisitNotification.
#' @param StudentOfficeVisitNotificationID The id of the StudentOfficeVisitNotification.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllStudentOfficeVisitNotifications}} for a list of StudentOfficeVisitNotifications.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Guidance
#' @return Details for the StudentOfficeVisitNotification.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
	getStudentOfficeVisitNotification <- function(StudentOfficeVisitNotificationID, EntityID = 1, returnStudentOfficeVisitNotificationID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnNameID = F, returnNote = F, returnNotificationMethodID = F, returnNotificationTime = F, returnNotificationTimeDate = F, returnNotificationTimeTime = F, returnOfficeVisitGuardianResponseID = F, returnStudentOfficeVisitID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){


		functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]

		functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]

		searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]

		if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]

		searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")

		getDataObject("Guidance",  "StudentOfficeVisitNotification", StudentOfficeVisitNotificationID, searchFields, EntityID)


#' Modify a specific StudentOfficeVisitNotification
#' This function modifies fields for a StudentOfficeVisitNotification.
#' @param StudentOfficeVisitNotificationID The id of the StudentOfficeVisitNotification to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllStudentOfficeVisitNotifications}} for a list of StudentOfficeVisitNotifications.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Guidance
#' @return Details of the modified StudentOfficeVisitNotification.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
	modifyStudentOfficeVisitNotification <- function(StudentOfficeVisitNotificationID, EntityID = 1, setNameID = NULL, setNote = NULL, setNotificationMethodID = NULL, setNotificationTime = NULL, setNotificationTimeDate = NULL, setNotificationTimeTime = NULL, setOfficeVisitGuardianResponseID = NULL, setStudentOfficeVisitID = NULL){


		functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]

		functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]

		names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")

		modifyDataObject("Guidance",  "StudentOfficeVisitNotification", StudentOfficeVisitNotificationID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)


#' Create new StudentOfficeVisitNotification.
#' This function creates a new StudentOfficeVisitNotification.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Guidance
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created StudentOfficeVisitNotification.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
	createStudentOfficeVisitNotification <- function(EntityID = 1, setNameID = NULL, setNote = NULL, setNotificationMethodID = NULL, setNotificationTime = NULL, setNotificationTimeDate = NULL, setNotificationTimeTime = NULL, setOfficeVisitGuardianResponseID = NULL, setStudentOfficeVisitID = NULL){


		functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]

		functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]

		names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")

		createDataObject("Guidance",  "StudentOfficeVisitNotification", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)


#' Delete a specific StudentOfficeVisitNotification
#' This function deletes a StudentOfficeVisitNotification.
#' @param StudentOfficeVisitNotificationID The id of the StudentOfficeVisitNotification.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllStudentOfficeVisitNotifications}} for a list of StudentOfficeVisitNotifications.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Guidance
#' @return The id of the deleted StudentOfficeVisitNotification.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
	deleteStudentOfficeVisitNotification <- function(StudentOfficeVisitNotificationID, EntityID = 1){


		deleteDataObject("Guidance",  "StudentOfficeVisitNotification", StudentOfficeVisitNotificationID, EntityID)


#' Get all StudentOfficeVisitReasons.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all StudentOfficeVisitReasons in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Guidance
#' @return All StudentOfficeVisitReasons in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
	getAllStudentOfficeVisitReasons <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnStudentOfficeVisitReasonID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnOfficeVisitReasonID = F, returnStudentOfficeVisitID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){


		functionParams <- as.list(environment())

		functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]

		searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]

		if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]

		searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")

		getAllDataObjectsForObject("Guidance", "StudentOfficeVisitReason", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)


#' Get a specific StudentOfficeVisitReason
#' This function returns fields for a StudentOfficeVisitReason.
#' @param StudentOfficeVisitReasonID The id of the StudentOfficeVisitReason.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllStudentOfficeVisitReasons}} for a list of StudentOfficeVisitReasons.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Guidance
#' @return Details for the StudentOfficeVisitReason.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
	getStudentOfficeVisitReason <- function(StudentOfficeVisitReasonID, EntityID = 1, returnStudentOfficeVisitReasonID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnOfficeVisitReasonID = F, returnStudentOfficeVisitID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){


		functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]

		functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]

		searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]

		if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]

		searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")

		getDataObject("Guidance",  "StudentOfficeVisitReason", StudentOfficeVisitReasonID, searchFields, EntityID)


#' Modify a specific StudentOfficeVisitReason
#' This function modifies fields for a StudentOfficeVisitReason.
#' @param StudentOfficeVisitReasonID The id of the StudentOfficeVisitReason to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllStudentOfficeVisitReasons}} for a list of StudentOfficeVisitReasons.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Guidance
#' @return Details of the modified StudentOfficeVisitReason.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
	modifyStudentOfficeVisitReason <- function(StudentOfficeVisitReasonID, EntityID = 1, setOfficeVisitReasonID = NULL, setStudentOfficeVisitID = NULL){


		functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]

		functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]

		names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")

		modifyDataObject("Guidance",  "StudentOfficeVisitReason", StudentOfficeVisitReasonID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)


#' Create new StudentOfficeVisitReason.
#' This function creates a new StudentOfficeVisitReason.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Guidance
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created StudentOfficeVisitReason.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
	createStudentOfficeVisitReason <- function(EntityID = 1, setOfficeVisitReasonID = NULL, setStudentOfficeVisitID = NULL){


		functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]

		functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]

		names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")

		createDataObject("Guidance",  "StudentOfficeVisitReason", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)


#' Delete a specific StudentOfficeVisitReason
#' This function deletes a StudentOfficeVisitReason.
#' @param StudentOfficeVisitReasonID The id of the StudentOfficeVisitReason.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllStudentOfficeVisitReasons}} for a list of StudentOfficeVisitReasons.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Guidance
#' @return The id of the deleted StudentOfficeVisitReason.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
	deleteStudentOfficeVisitReason <- function(StudentOfficeVisitReasonID, EntityID = 1){


		deleteDataObject("Guidance",  "StudentOfficeVisitReason", StudentOfficeVisitReasonID, EntityID)


#' Get all StudentOfficeVisitTimeTransactions.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all StudentOfficeVisitTimeTransactions in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Guidance
#' @return All StudentOfficeVisitTimeTransactions in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
	getAllStudentOfficeVisitTimeTransactions <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnStudentOfficeVisitTimeTransactionID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDisplayDuration = F, returnDisplayOrder = F, returnDuration = F, returnEndTime = F, returnEndTimeDate = F, returnEndTimeTime = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnNote = F, returnStartTime = F, returnStartTimeDate = F, returnStartTimeTime = F, returnStatus = F, returnStatusCode = F, returnStudentOfficeVisitID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){


		functionParams <- as.list(environment())

		functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]

		searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]

		if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]

		searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")

		getAllDataObjectsForObject("Guidance", "StudentOfficeVisitTimeTransaction", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)


#' Get a specific StudentOfficeVisitTimeTransaction
#' This function returns fields for a StudentOfficeVisitTimeTransaction.
#' @param StudentOfficeVisitTimeTransactionID The id of the StudentOfficeVisitTimeTransaction.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllStudentOfficeVisitTimeTransactions}} for a list of StudentOfficeVisitTimeTransactions.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Guidance
#' @return Details for the StudentOfficeVisitTimeTransaction.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
	getStudentOfficeVisitTimeTransaction <- function(StudentOfficeVisitTimeTransactionID, EntityID = 1, returnStudentOfficeVisitTimeTransactionID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDisplayDuration = F, returnDisplayOrder = F, returnDuration = F, returnEndTime = F, returnEndTimeDate = F, returnEndTimeTime = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnNote = F, returnStartTime = F, returnStartTimeDate = F, returnStartTimeTime = F, returnStatus = F, returnStatusCode = F, returnStudentOfficeVisitID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){


		functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]

		functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]

		searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]

		if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]

		searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")

		getDataObject("Guidance",  "StudentOfficeVisitTimeTransaction", StudentOfficeVisitTimeTransactionID, searchFields, EntityID)


#' Modify a specific StudentOfficeVisitTimeTransaction
#' This function modifies fields for a StudentOfficeVisitTimeTransaction.
#' @param StudentOfficeVisitTimeTransactionID The id of the StudentOfficeVisitTimeTransaction to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllStudentOfficeVisitTimeTransactions}} for a list of StudentOfficeVisitTimeTransactions.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Guidance
#' @return Details of the modified StudentOfficeVisitTimeTransaction.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
	modifyStudentOfficeVisitTimeTransaction <- function(StudentOfficeVisitTimeTransactionID, EntityID = 1, setDisplayOrder = NULL, setEndTime = NULL, setEndTimeDate = NULL, setEndTimeTime = NULL, setNote = NULL, setStartTime = NULL, setStartTimeDate = NULL, setStartTimeTime = NULL, setStatus = NULL, setStatusCode = NULL, setStudentOfficeVisitID = NULL){


		functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]

		functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]

		names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")

		modifyDataObject("Guidance",  "StudentOfficeVisitTimeTransaction", StudentOfficeVisitTimeTransactionID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)


#' Create new StudentOfficeVisitTimeTransaction.
#' This function creates a new StudentOfficeVisitTimeTransaction.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Guidance
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created StudentOfficeVisitTimeTransaction.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
	createStudentOfficeVisitTimeTransaction <- function(EntityID = 1, setDisplayOrder = NULL, setEndTime = NULL, setEndTimeDate = NULL, setEndTimeTime = NULL, setNote = NULL, setStartTime = NULL, setStartTimeDate = NULL, setStartTimeTime = NULL, setStatus = NULL, setStatusCode = NULL, setStudentOfficeVisitID = NULL){


		functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]

		functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]

		names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")

		createDataObject("Guidance",  "StudentOfficeVisitTimeTransaction", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)


#' Delete a specific StudentOfficeVisitTimeTransaction
#' This function deletes a StudentOfficeVisitTimeTransaction.
#' @param StudentOfficeVisitTimeTransactionID The id of the StudentOfficeVisitTimeTransaction.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllStudentOfficeVisitTimeTransactions}} for a list of StudentOfficeVisitTimeTransactions.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Guidance
#' @return The id of the deleted StudentOfficeVisitTimeTransaction.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
	deleteStudentOfficeVisitTimeTransaction <- function(StudentOfficeVisitTimeTransactionID, EntityID = 1){


		deleteDataObject("Guidance",  "StudentOfficeVisitTimeTransaction", StudentOfficeVisitTimeTransactionID, EntityID)

samterfa/SkywardSDK documentation built on Oct. 13, 2020, 6:53 a.m.