#' Get all BurstActions.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all BurstActions in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return All BurstActions in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllBurstActions <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnBurstActionID = F, returnActionHandler = F, returnActionHandlerXML = F, returnCanBeReverted = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnIsPrintAction = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnName = F, returnObjectID = F, returnParameterSxlPath = F, returnSkywardHash = F, returnSkywardID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Reporting", "BurstAction", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific BurstAction
#' This function returns fields for a BurstAction.
#' @param BurstActionID The id of the BurstAction.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllBurstActions}} for a list of BurstActions.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details for the BurstAction.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getBurstAction <- function(BurstActionID, EntityID = 1, returnBurstActionID = F, returnActionHandler = F, returnActionHandlerXML = F, returnCanBeReverted = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnIsPrintAction = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnName = F, returnObjectID = F, returnParameterSxlPath = F, returnSkywardHash = F, returnSkywardID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Reporting", "BurstAction", BurstActionID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific BurstAction
#' This function modifies fields for a BurstAction.
#' @param BurstActionID The id of the BurstAction to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllBurstActions}} for a list of BurstActions.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details of the modified BurstAction.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyBurstAction <- function(BurstActionID, EntityID = 1, setActionHandlerXML = NULL, setCanBeReverted = NULL, setIsPrintAction = NULL, setName = NULL, setObjectID = NULL, setParameterSxlPath = NULL, setSkywardHash = NULL, setSkywardID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Reporting", "BurstAction", BurstActionID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new BurstAction.
#' This function creates a new BurstAction.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created BurstAction.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createBurstAction <- function(EntityID = 1, setActionHandlerXML = NULL, setCanBeReverted = NULL, setIsPrintAction = NULL, setName = NULL, setObjectID = NULL, setParameterSxlPath = NULL, setSkywardHash = NULL, setSkywardID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Reporting", "BurstAction", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific BurstAction
#' This function deletes a BurstAction.
#' @param BurstActionID The id of the BurstAction.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllBurstActions}} for a list of BurstActions.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The id of the deleted BurstAction.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteBurstAction <- function(BurstActionID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Reporting", "BurstAction", BurstActionID, EntityID)
#' Get all ConfigSystems.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all ConfigSystems in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return All ConfigSystems in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllConfigSystemsReporting <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnConfigSystemID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDaysToSaveReportResults = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Reporting", "ConfigSystem", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific ConfigSystem
#' This function returns fields for a ConfigSystem.
#' @param ConfigSystemID The id of the ConfigSystem.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllConfigSystems}} for a list of ConfigSystems.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details for the ConfigSystem.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getConfigSystemReporting <- function(ConfigSystemID, EntityID = 1, returnConfigSystemID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDaysToSaveReportResults = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Reporting", "ConfigSystem", ConfigSystemID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific ConfigSystem
#' This function modifies fields for a ConfigSystem.
#' @param ConfigSystemID The id of the ConfigSystem to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllConfigSystems}} for a list of ConfigSystems.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details of the modified ConfigSystem.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyConfigSystemReporting <- function(ConfigSystemID, EntityID = 1, setDaysToSaveReportResults = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Reporting", "ConfigSystem", ConfigSystemID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new ConfigSystem.
#' This function creates a new ConfigSystem.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created ConfigSystem.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createConfigSystemReporting <- function(EntityID = 1, setDaysToSaveReportResults = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Reporting", "ConfigSystem", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific ConfigSystem
#' This function deletes a ConfigSystem.
#' @param ConfigSystemID The id of the ConfigSystem.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllConfigSystems}} for a list of ConfigSystems.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The id of the deleted ConfigSystem.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteConfigSystemReporting <- function(ConfigSystemID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Reporting", "ConfigSystem", ConfigSystemID, EntityID)
#' Get all DataMiningReports.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all DataMiningReports in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return All DataMiningReports in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllDataMiningReports <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnDataMiningReportID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnCurrentUserCanEdit = F, returnCurrentUserCanRead = F, returnCurrentUserCanRun = F, returnDelimiter = F, returnDelimiterCode = F, returnHasFieldsThatCanBeTotaled = F, returnIncludeSectionHeaders = F, returnIsFixedWidth = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnName = F, returnReportID = F, returnReportSchemaObject = F, returnSubjectID = F, returnTextQualifier = F, returnTextQualifierCode = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Reporting", "DataMiningReport", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific DataMiningReport
#' This function returns fields for a DataMiningReport.
#' @param DataMiningReportID The id of the DataMiningReport.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllDataMiningReports}} for a list of DataMiningReports.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details for the DataMiningReport.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getDataMiningReport <- function(DataMiningReportID, EntityID = 1, returnDataMiningReportID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnCurrentUserCanEdit = F, returnCurrentUserCanRead = F, returnCurrentUserCanRun = F, returnDelimiter = F, returnDelimiterCode = F, returnHasFieldsThatCanBeTotaled = F, returnIncludeSectionHeaders = F, returnIsFixedWidth = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnName = F, returnReportID = F, returnReportSchemaObject = F, returnSubjectID = F, returnTextQualifier = F, returnTextQualifierCode = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Reporting", "DataMiningReport", DataMiningReportID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific DataMiningReport
#' This function modifies fields for a DataMiningReport.
#' @param DataMiningReportID The id of the DataMiningReport to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllDataMiningReports}} for a list of DataMiningReports.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details of the modified DataMiningReport.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyDataMiningReport <- function(DataMiningReportID, EntityID = 1, setDelimiter = NULL, setDelimiterCode = NULL, setHasFieldsThatCanBeTotaled = NULL, setIncludeSectionHeaders = NULL, setIsFixedWidth = NULL, setReportID = NULL, setSubjectID = NULL, setTextQualifier = NULL, setTextQualifierCode = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Reporting", "DataMiningReport", DataMiningReportID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new DataMiningReport.
#' This function creates a new DataMiningReport.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created DataMiningReport.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createDataMiningReport <- function(EntityID = 1, setDelimiter = NULL, setDelimiterCode = NULL, setHasFieldsThatCanBeTotaled = NULL, setIncludeSectionHeaders = NULL, setIsFixedWidth = NULL, setReportID = NULL, setSubjectID = NULL, setTextQualifier = NULL, setTextQualifierCode = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Reporting", "DataMiningReport", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific DataMiningReport
#' This function deletes a DataMiningReport.
#' @param DataMiningReportID The id of the DataMiningReport.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllDataMiningReports}} for a list of DataMiningReports.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The id of the deleted DataMiningReport.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteDataMiningReport <- function(DataMiningReportID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Reporting", "DataMiningReport", DataMiningReportID, EntityID)
#' Get all DataMiningReportFields.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all DataMiningReportFields in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return All DataMiningReportFields in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllDataMiningReportFields <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnDataMiningReportFieldID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnCurrentUserCanRead = F, returnDataMiningReportID = F, returnDisplayOrder = F, returnEndPosition = F, returnIsNumeric = F, returnLabel = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnShowTotal = F, returnStartPosition = F, returnSubtopicFieldID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F, returnWidth = F, returnWidthInPixels = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Reporting", "DataMiningReportField", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific DataMiningReportField
#' This function returns fields for a DataMiningReportField.
#' @param DataMiningReportFieldID The id of the DataMiningReportField.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllDataMiningReportFields}} for a list of DataMiningReportFields.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details for the DataMiningReportField.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getDataMiningReportField <- function(DataMiningReportFieldID, EntityID = 1, returnDataMiningReportFieldID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnCurrentUserCanRead = F, returnDataMiningReportID = F, returnDisplayOrder = F, returnEndPosition = F, returnIsNumeric = F, returnLabel = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnShowTotal = F, returnStartPosition = F, returnSubtopicFieldID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F, returnWidth = F, returnWidthInPixels = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Reporting", "DataMiningReportField", DataMiningReportFieldID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific DataMiningReportField
#' This function modifies fields for a DataMiningReportField.
#' @param DataMiningReportFieldID The id of the DataMiningReportField to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllDataMiningReportFields}} for a list of DataMiningReportFields.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details of the modified DataMiningReportField.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyDataMiningReportField <- function(DataMiningReportFieldID, EntityID = 1, setDataMiningReportID = NULL, setDisplayOrder = NULL, setLabel = NULL, setShowTotal = NULL, setStartPosition = NULL, setSubtopicFieldID = NULL, setWidth = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Reporting", "DataMiningReportField", DataMiningReportFieldID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new DataMiningReportField.
#' This function creates a new DataMiningReportField.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created DataMiningReportField.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createDataMiningReportField <- function(EntityID = 1, setDataMiningReportID = NULL, setDisplayOrder = NULL, setLabel = NULL, setShowTotal = NULL, setStartPosition = NULL, setSubtopicFieldID = NULL, setWidth = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Reporting", "DataMiningReportField", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific DataMiningReportField
#' This function deletes a DataMiningReportField.
#' @param DataMiningReportFieldID The id of the DataMiningReportField.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllDataMiningReportFields}} for a list of DataMiningReportFields.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The id of the deleted DataMiningReportField.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteDataMiningReportField <- function(DataMiningReportFieldID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Reporting", "DataMiningReportField", DataMiningReportFieldID, EntityID)
#' Get all DataMiningReportFieldFilters.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all DataMiningReportFieldFilters in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return All DataMiningReportFieldFilters in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllDataMiningReportFieldFilters <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnDataMiningReportFieldFilterID = F, returnComparisonType = F, returnComparisonTypeCode = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnCurrentUserCanRead = F, returnDataMiningReportID = F, returnDistinctMultiSelectFieldPath = F, returnDistinctMultiSelectModule = F, returnDistinctMultiSelectObject = F, returnDistinctMultiSelectSchemaObject = F, returnFilterType = F, returnFilterTypeCode = F, returnFilterValue = F, returnFormatedDisplayValue = F, returnHigh = F, returnIsPrompt = F, returnList = F, returnListAsJsonDictionaryString = F, returnListAsJsonListString = F, returnListBackingData = F, returnListDisplayValue = F, returnLow = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnPromptIsRequired = F, returnPromptLabel = F, returnSubtopicFieldID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Reporting", "DataMiningReportFieldFilter", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific DataMiningReportFieldFilter
#' This function returns fields for a DataMiningReportFieldFilter.
#' @param DataMiningReportFieldFilterID The id of the DataMiningReportFieldFilter.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllDataMiningReportFieldFilters}} for a list of DataMiningReportFieldFilters.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details for the DataMiningReportFieldFilter.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getDataMiningReportFieldFilter <- function(DataMiningReportFieldFilterID, EntityID = 1, returnDataMiningReportFieldFilterID = F, returnComparisonType = F, returnComparisonTypeCode = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnCurrentUserCanRead = F, returnDataMiningReportID = F, returnDistinctMultiSelectFieldPath = F, returnDistinctMultiSelectModule = F, returnDistinctMultiSelectObject = F, returnDistinctMultiSelectSchemaObject = F, returnFilterType = F, returnFilterTypeCode = F, returnFilterValue = F, returnFormatedDisplayValue = F, returnHigh = F, returnIsPrompt = F, returnList = F, returnListAsJsonDictionaryString = F, returnListAsJsonListString = F, returnListBackingData = F, returnListDisplayValue = F, returnLow = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnPromptIsRequired = F, returnPromptLabel = F, returnSubtopicFieldID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Reporting", "DataMiningReportFieldFilter", DataMiningReportFieldFilterID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific DataMiningReportFieldFilter
#' This function modifies fields for a DataMiningReportFieldFilter.
#' @param DataMiningReportFieldFilterID The id of the DataMiningReportFieldFilter to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllDataMiningReportFieldFilters}} for a list of DataMiningReportFieldFilters.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details of the modified DataMiningReportFieldFilter.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyDataMiningReportFieldFilter <- function(DataMiningReportFieldFilterID, EntityID = 1, setComparisonType = NULL, setComparisonTypeCode = NULL, setDataMiningReportID = NULL, setFilterType = NULL, setFilterTypeCode = NULL, setHigh = NULL, setIsPrompt = NULL, setList = NULL, setListAsJsonDictionaryString = NULL, setListAsJsonListString = NULL, setListBackingData = NULL, setLow = NULL, setPromptIsRequired = NULL, setPromptLabel = NULL, setSubtopicFieldID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Reporting", "DataMiningReportFieldFilter", DataMiningReportFieldFilterID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new DataMiningReportFieldFilter.
#' This function creates a new DataMiningReportFieldFilter.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created DataMiningReportFieldFilter.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createDataMiningReportFieldFilter <- function(EntityID = 1, setComparisonType = NULL, setComparisonTypeCode = NULL, setDataMiningReportID = NULL, setFilterType = NULL, setFilterTypeCode = NULL, setHigh = NULL, setIsPrompt = NULL, setList = NULL, setListAsJsonDictionaryString = NULL, setListAsJsonListString = NULL, setListBackingData = NULL, setLow = NULL, setPromptIsRequired = NULL, setPromptLabel = NULL, setSubtopicFieldID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Reporting", "DataMiningReportFieldFilter", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific DataMiningReportFieldFilter
#' This function deletes a DataMiningReportFieldFilter.
#' @param DataMiningReportFieldFilterID The id of the DataMiningReportFieldFilter.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllDataMiningReportFieldFilters}} for a list of DataMiningReportFieldFilters.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The id of the deleted DataMiningReportFieldFilter.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteDataMiningReportFieldFilter <- function(DataMiningReportFieldFilterID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Reporting", "DataMiningReportFieldFilter", DataMiningReportFieldFilterID, EntityID)
#' Get all DataMiningReportFieldParameters.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all DataMiningReportFieldParameters in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return All DataMiningReportFieldParameters in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllDataMiningReportFieldParameters <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnDataMiningReportFieldParameterID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDataMiningReportID = F, returnDataType = F, returnDataTypeString = F, returnIsPrompt = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnParameterName = F, returnPromptLabel = F, returnPromptLabelOrParameterName = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F, returnValue = F, returnValueString = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Reporting", "DataMiningReportFieldParameter", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific DataMiningReportFieldParameter
#' This function returns fields for a DataMiningReportFieldParameter.
#' @param DataMiningReportFieldParameterID The id of the DataMiningReportFieldParameter.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllDataMiningReportFieldParameters}} for a list of DataMiningReportFieldParameters.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details for the DataMiningReportFieldParameter.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getDataMiningReportFieldParameter <- function(DataMiningReportFieldParameterID, EntityID = 1, returnDataMiningReportFieldParameterID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDataMiningReportID = F, returnDataType = F, returnDataTypeString = F, returnIsPrompt = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnParameterName = F, returnPromptLabel = F, returnPromptLabelOrParameterName = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F, returnValue = F, returnValueString = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Reporting", "DataMiningReportFieldParameter", DataMiningReportFieldParameterID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific DataMiningReportFieldParameter
#' This function modifies fields for a DataMiningReportFieldParameter.
#' @param DataMiningReportFieldParameterID The id of the DataMiningReportFieldParameter to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllDataMiningReportFieldParameters}} for a list of DataMiningReportFieldParameters.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details of the modified DataMiningReportFieldParameter.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyDataMiningReportFieldParameter <- function(DataMiningReportFieldParameterID, EntityID = 1, setDataMiningReportID = NULL, setDataType = NULL, setDataTypeString = NULL, setIsPrompt = NULL, setParameterName = NULL, setPromptLabel = NULL, setValue = NULL, setValueString = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Reporting", "DataMiningReportFieldParameter", DataMiningReportFieldParameterID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new DataMiningReportFieldParameter.
#' This function creates a new DataMiningReportFieldParameter.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created DataMiningReportFieldParameter.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createDataMiningReportFieldParameter <- function(EntityID = 1, setDataMiningReportID = NULL, setDataType = NULL, setDataTypeString = NULL, setIsPrompt = NULL, setParameterName = NULL, setPromptLabel = NULL, setValue = NULL, setValueString = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Reporting", "DataMiningReportFieldParameter", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific DataMiningReportFieldParameter
#' This function deletes a DataMiningReportFieldParameter.
#' @param DataMiningReportFieldParameterID The id of the DataMiningReportFieldParameter.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllDataMiningReportFieldParameters}} for a list of DataMiningReportFieldParameters.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The id of the deleted DataMiningReportFieldParameter.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteDataMiningReportFieldParameter <- function(DataMiningReportFieldParameterID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Reporting", "DataMiningReportFieldParameter", DataMiningReportFieldParameterID, EntityID)
#' Get all DataMiningReportFieldSorts.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all DataMiningReportFieldSorts in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return All DataMiningReportFieldSorts in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllDataMiningReportFieldSorts <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnDataMiningReportFieldSortID = F, returnBreakType = F, returnBreakTypeCode = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnCurrentUserCanRead = F, returnDataMiningReportID = F, returnLength = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnShowCount = F, returnShowSubtotals = F, returnSortDirection = F, returnSortDirectionCode = F, returnSortOrder = F, returnSubtopicFieldID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Reporting", "DataMiningReportFieldSort", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific DataMiningReportFieldSort
#' This function returns fields for a DataMiningReportFieldSort.
#' @param DataMiningReportFieldSortID The id of the DataMiningReportFieldSort.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllDataMiningReportFieldSorts}} for a list of DataMiningReportFieldSorts.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details for the DataMiningReportFieldSort.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getDataMiningReportFieldSort <- function(DataMiningReportFieldSortID, EntityID = 1, returnDataMiningReportFieldSortID = F, returnBreakType = F, returnBreakTypeCode = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnCurrentUserCanRead = F, returnDataMiningReportID = F, returnLength = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnShowCount = F, returnShowSubtotals = F, returnSortDirection = F, returnSortDirectionCode = F, returnSortOrder = F, returnSubtopicFieldID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Reporting", "DataMiningReportFieldSort", DataMiningReportFieldSortID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific DataMiningReportFieldSort
#' This function modifies fields for a DataMiningReportFieldSort.
#' @param DataMiningReportFieldSortID The id of the DataMiningReportFieldSort to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllDataMiningReportFieldSorts}} for a list of DataMiningReportFieldSorts.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details of the modified DataMiningReportFieldSort.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyDataMiningReportFieldSort <- function(DataMiningReportFieldSortID, EntityID = 1, setBreakType = NULL, setBreakTypeCode = NULL, setDataMiningReportID = NULL, setLength = NULL, setShowCount = NULL, setShowSubtotals = NULL, setSortDirection = NULL, setSortDirectionCode = NULL, setSortOrder = NULL, setSubtopicFieldID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Reporting", "DataMiningReportFieldSort", DataMiningReportFieldSortID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new DataMiningReportFieldSort.
#' This function creates a new DataMiningReportFieldSort.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created DataMiningReportFieldSort.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createDataMiningReportFieldSort <- function(EntityID = 1, setBreakType = NULL, setBreakTypeCode = NULL, setDataMiningReportID = NULL, setLength = NULL, setShowCount = NULL, setShowSubtotals = NULL, setSortDirection = NULL, setSortDirectionCode = NULL, setSortOrder = NULL, setSubtopicFieldID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Reporting", "DataMiningReportFieldSort", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific DataMiningReportFieldSort
#' This function deletes a DataMiningReportFieldSort.
#' @param DataMiningReportFieldSortID The id of the DataMiningReportFieldSort.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllDataMiningReportFieldSorts}} for a list of DataMiningReportFieldSorts.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The id of the deleted DataMiningReportFieldSort.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteDataMiningReportFieldSort <- function(DataMiningReportFieldSortID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Reporting", "DataMiningReportFieldSort", DataMiningReportFieldSortID, EntityID)
#' Get all DataMiningReportSortBreaks.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all DataMiningReportSortBreaks in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return All DataMiningReportSortBreaks in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllDataMiningReportSortBreaks <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnDataMiningReportSortBreakID = F, returnBreakType = F, returnBreakTypeCode = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDataMiningReportFieldSortID = F, returnHasDoubleUnderline = F, returnHasSeparator = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnSortBreakID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Reporting", "DataMiningReportSortBreak", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific DataMiningReportSortBreak
#' This function returns fields for a DataMiningReportSortBreak.
#' @param DataMiningReportSortBreakID The id of the DataMiningReportSortBreak.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllDataMiningReportSortBreaks}} for a list of DataMiningReportSortBreaks.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details for the DataMiningReportSortBreak.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getDataMiningReportSortBreak <- function(DataMiningReportSortBreakID, EntityID = 1, returnDataMiningReportSortBreakID = F, returnBreakType = F, returnBreakTypeCode = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDataMiningReportFieldSortID = F, returnHasDoubleUnderline = F, returnHasSeparator = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnSortBreakID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Reporting", "DataMiningReportSortBreak", DataMiningReportSortBreakID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific DataMiningReportSortBreak
#' This function modifies fields for a DataMiningReportSortBreak.
#' @param DataMiningReportSortBreakID The id of the DataMiningReportSortBreak to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllDataMiningReportSortBreaks}} for a list of DataMiningReportSortBreaks.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details of the modified DataMiningReportSortBreak.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyDataMiningReportSortBreak <- function(DataMiningReportSortBreakID, EntityID = 1, setBreakType = NULL, setBreakTypeCode = NULL, setDataMiningReportFieldSortID = NULL, setHasDoubleUnderline = NULL, setHasSeparator = NULL, setSortBreakID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Reporting", "DataMiningReportSortBreak", DataMiningReportSortBreakID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new DataMiningReportSortBreak.
#' This function creates a new DataMiningReportSortBreak.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created DataMiningReportSortBreak.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createDataMiningReportSortBreak <- function(EntityID = 1, setBreakType = NULL, setBreakTypeCode = NULL, setDataMiningReportFieldSortID = NULL, setHasDoubleUnderline = NULL, setHasSeparator = NULL, setSortBreakID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Reporting", "DataMiningReportSortBreak", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific DataMiningReportSortBreak
#' This function deletes a DataMiningReportSortBreak.
#' @param DataMiningReportSortBreakID The id of the DataMiningReportSortBreak.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllDataMiningReportSortBreaks}} for a list of DataMiningReportSortBreaks.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The id of the deleted DataMiningReportSortBreak.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteDataMiningReportSortBreak <- function(DataMiningReportSortBreakID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Reporting", "DataMiningReportSortBreak", DataMiningReportSortBreakID, EntityID)
#' Get all DataMiningReportSubtopics.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all DataMiningReportSubtopics in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return All DataMiningReportSubtopics in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllDataMiningReportSubtopics <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnDataMiningReportSubtopicID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnCurrentUserCanRead = F, returnDataMiningReportID = F, returnHasRecord = F, returnHasRecordCode = F, returnHasRecordIsEditable = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnOnlyShowTotals = F, returnShowCount = F, returnShowSubtotals = F, returnSubtopicID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Reporting", "DataMiningReportSubtopic", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific DataMiningReportSubtopic
#' This function returns fields for a DataMiningReportSubtopic.
#' @param DataMiningReportSubtopicID The id of the DataMiningReportSubtopic.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllDataMiningReportSubtopics}} for a list of DataMiningReportSubtopics.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details for the DataMiningReportSubtopic.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getDataMiningReportSubtopic <- function(DataMiningReportSubtopicID, EntityID = 1, returnDataMiningReportSubtopicID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnCurrentUserCanRead = F, returnDataMiningReportID = F, returnHasRecord = F, returnHasRecordCode = F, returnHasRecordIsEditable = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnOnlyShowTotals = F, returnShowCount = F, returnShowSubtotals = F, returnSubtopicID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Reporting", "DataMiningReportSubtopic", DataMiningReportSubtopicID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific DataMiningReportSubtopic
#' This function modifies fields for a DataMiningReportSubtopic.
#' @param DataMiningReportSubtopicID The id of the DataMiningReportSubtopic to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllDataMiningReportSubtopics}} for a list of DataMiningReportSubtopics.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details of the modified DataMiningReportSubtopic.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyDataMiningReportSubtopic <- function(DataMiningReportSubtopicID, EntityID = 1, setDataMiningReportID = NULL, setHasRecord = NULL, setHasRecordCode = NULL, setOnlyShowTotals = NULL, setShowCount = NULL, setShowSubtotals = NULL, setSubtopicID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Reporting", "DataMiningReportSubtopic", DataMiningReportSubtopicID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new DataMiningReportSubtopic.
#' This function creates a new DataMiningReportSubtopic.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created DataMiningReportSubtopic.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createDataMiningReportSubtopic <- function(EntityID = 1, setDataMiningReportID = NULL, setHasRecord = NULL, setHasRecordCode = NULL, setOnlyShowTotals = NULL, setShowCount = NULL, setShowSubtotals = NULL, setSubtopicID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Reporting", "DataMiningReportSubtopic", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific DataMiningReportSubtopic
#' This function deletes a DataMiningReportSubtopic.
#' @param DataMiningReportSubtopicID The id of the DataMiningReportSubtopic.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllDataMiningReportSubtopics}} for a list of DataMiningReportSubtopics.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The id of the deleted DataMiningReportSubtopic.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteDataMiningReportSubtopic <- function(DataMiningReportSubtopicID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Reporting", "DataMiningReportSubtopic", DataMiningReportSubtopicID, EntityID)
#' Get all DataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilters.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all DataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilters in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return All DataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilters in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllDataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilters <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnDataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilterID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDataMiningReportID = F, returnIsEnabled = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnSubtopicStandardFilterID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Reporting", "DataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilter", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific DataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilter
#' This function returns fields for a DataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilter.
#' @param DataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilterID The id of the DataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilter.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllDataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilters}} for a list of DataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilters.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details for the DataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilter.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getDataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilter <- function(DataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilterID, EntityID = 1, returnDataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilterID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDataMiningReportID = F, returnIsEnabled = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnSubtopicStandardFilterID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Reporting", "DataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilter", DataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilterID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific DataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilter
#' This function modifies fields for a DataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilter.
#' @param DataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilterID The id of the DataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilter to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllDataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilters}} for a list of DataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilters.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details of the modified DataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilter.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyDataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilter <- function(DataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilterID, EntityID = 1, setDataMiningReportID = NULL, setIsEnabled = NULL, setSubtopicStandardFilterID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Reporting", "DataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilter", DataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilterID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new DataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilter.
#' This function creates a new DataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilter.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created DataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilter.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createDataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilter <- function(EntityID = 1, setDataMiningReportID = NULL, setIsEnabled = NULL, setSubtopicStandardFilterID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Reporting", "DataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilter", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific DataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilter
#' This function deletes a DataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilter.
#' @param DataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilterID The id of the DataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilter.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllDataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilters}} for a list of DataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilters.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The id of the deleted DataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilter.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteDataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilter <- function(DataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilterID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Reporting", "DataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilter", DataMiningReportSubtopicStandardFilterID, EntityID)
#' Get all Pages.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all Pages in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return All Pages in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllPages <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnPageID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnPageNumber = F, returnReportQueueID = F, returnTables = F, returnTotalHeightInPoints = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Reporting", "Page", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific Page
#' This function returns fields for a Page.
#' @param PageID The id of the Page.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllPages}} for a list of Pages.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details for the Page.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getPage <- function(PageID, EntityID = 1, returnPageID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnPageNumber = F, returnReportQueueID = F, returnTables = F, returnTotalHeightInPoints = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Reporting", "Page", PageID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific Page
#' This function modifies fields for a Page.
#' @param PageID The id of the Page to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllPages}} for a list of Pages.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details of the modified Page.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyPage <- function(PageID, EntityID = 1, setPageNumber = NULL, setReportQueueID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Reporting", "Page", PageID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new Page.
#' This function creates a new Page.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created Page.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createPage <- function(EntityID = 1, setPageNumber = NULL, setReportQueueID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Reporting", "Page", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific Page
#' This function deletes a Page.
#' @param PageID The id of the Page.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllPages}} for a list of Pages.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The id of the deleted Page.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deletePage <- function(PageID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Reporting", "Page", PageID, EntityID)
#' Get all PageBursts.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all PageBursts in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return All PageBursts in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllPageBursts <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnPageBurstID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnObjectID = F, returnObjectPrimaryKey = F, returnPageID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Reporting", "PageBurst", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific PageBurst
#' This function returns fields for a PageBurst.
#' @param PageBurstID The id of the PageBurst.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllPageBursts}} for a list of PageBursts.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details for the PageBurst.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getPageBurst <- function(PageBurstID, EntityID = 1, returnPageBurstID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnObjectID = F, returnObjectPrimaryKey = F, returnPageID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Reporting", "PageBurst", PageBurstID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific PageBurst
#' This function modifies fields for a PageBurst.
#' @param PageBurstID The id of the PageBurst to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllPageBursts}} for a list of PageBursts.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details of the modified PageBurst.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyPageBurst <- function(PageBurstID, EntityID = 1, setObjectID = NULL, setObjectPrimaryKey = NULL, setPageID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Reporting", "PageBurst", PageBurstID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new PageBurst.
#' This function creates a new PageBurst.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created PageBurst.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createPageBurst <- function(EntityID = 1, setObjectID = NULL, setObjectPrimaryKey = NULL, setPageID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Reporting", "PageBurst", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific PageBurst
#' This function deletes a PageBurst.
#' @param PageBurstID The id of the PageBurst.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllPageBursts}} for a list of PageBursts.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The id of the deleted PageBurst.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deletePageBurst <- function(PageBurstID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Reporting", "PageBurst", PageBurstID, EntityID)
#' Get all PromptTemplates.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all PromptTemplates in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return All PromptTemplates in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllPromptTemplates <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnPromptTemplateID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnCrystalParameterData = F, returnCurrentUserHasAccess = F, returnCurrentUserIsOwnerOrCreator = F, returnCurrentUserIsOwnerOrCreatorNonOperation = F, returnDescription = F, returnEntityID = F, returnModifiedDate = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnName = F, returnPromptValues = F, returnPromptValuesJson = F, returnPromptXML = F, returnPublished = F, returnReportDefinition = F, returnReportDefinitionXml = F, returnReportID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F, returnUserIDOwner = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Reporting", "PromptTemplate", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific PromptTemplate
#' This function returns fields for a PromptTemplate.
#' @param PromptTemplateID The id of the PromptTemplate.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllPromptTemplates}} for a list of PromptTemplates.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details for the PromptTemplate.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getPromptTemplate <- function(PromptTemplateID, EntityID = 1, returnPromptTemplateID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnCrystalParameterData = F, returnCurrentUserHasAccess = F, returnCurrentUserIsOwnerOrCreator = F, returnCurrentUserIsOwnerOrCreatorNonOperation = F, returnDescription = F, returnEntityID = F, returnModifiedDate = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnName = F, returnPromptValues = F, returnPromptValuesJson = F, returnPromptXML = F, returnPublished = F, returnReportDefinition = F, returnReportDefinitionXml = F, returnReportID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F, returnUserIDOwner = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Reporting", "PromptTemplate", PromptTemplateID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific PromptTemplate
#' This function modifies fields for a PromptTemplate.
#' @param PromptTemplateID The id of the PromptTemplate to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllPromptTemplates}} for a list of PromptTemplates.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details of the modified PromptTemplate.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyPromptTemplate <- function(PromptTemplateID, EntityID = 1, setDescription = NULL, setEntityID = NULL, setName = NULL, setPromptValuesJson = NULL, setPublished = NULL, setReportID = NULL, setUserIDOwner = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Reporting", "PromptTemplate", PromptTemplateID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new PromptTemplate.
#' This function creates a new PromptTemplate.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created PromptTemplate.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createPromptTemplate <- function(EntityID = 1, setDescription = NULL, setEntityID = NULL, setName = NULL, setPromptValuesJson = NULL, setPublished = NULL, setReportID = NULL, setUserIDOwner = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Reporting", "PromptTemplate", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific PromptTemplate
#' This function deletes a PromptTemplate.
#' @param PromptTemplateID The id of the PromptTemplate.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllPromptTemplates}} for a list of PromptTemplates.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The id of the deleted PromptTemplate.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deletePromptTemplate <- function(PromptTemplateID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Reporting", "PromptTemplate", PromptTemplateID, EntityID)
#' Get all Reports.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all Reports in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return All Reports in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllReports <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnReportID = F, returnAllowOthersToClone = F, returnBottomMargin = F, returnBurstActionIDPrintAction = F, returnCanBeAddedToScreens = F, returnCanBePublished = F, returnCanBeScheduled = F, returnCanRevert = F, returnContainsStateSpecificFields = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnCrystalParameterData = F, returnCurrentUserCanClone = F, returnCurrentUserCanDelete = F, returnCurrentUserCanRead = F, returnCurrentUserCanSetStateID = F, returnCurrentUserCanUpdate = F, returnCurrentUserCanUpdateOverrideFields = F, returnCurrentUserIsEffectiveOwner = F, returnDefinitionWasModified = F, returnDescription = F, returnDescriptionOverride = F, returnDisplayInMainMenuAndListScreens = F, returnDisplayInMainMenuAndListScreensOverride = F, returnEffectiveDescription = F, returnEffectiveDisplayInMainMenuAndListScreens = F, returnEffectiveFileExtensionOverride = F, returnEncodingType = F, returnEncodingTypeCode = F, returnFileExtensionNewOverride = F, returnFileExtensionOverride = F, returnHasErrors = F, returnHasNoUnpublishedChanges = F, returnHasUnpublishedChanges = F, returnIsCrystalReport = F, returnIsEligibleForPrintAction = F, returnIsSkywardMaintained = F, returnIsSkywardReport = F, returnIsSummaryReport = F, returnJsonData = F, returnKeepDataSources = F, returnLastRunTime = F, returnLeftMargin = F, returnMediaIDCrystalRPT = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnModuleIDBase = F, returnModulePath = F, returnModules = F, returnName = F, returnNotPublished = F, returnObjectIDBase = F, returnObjectName = F, returnOriginReportSkywardID = F, returnOverrideDescription = F, returnOverrideDisplayInMainMenuAndListScreens = F, returnOverrideFileExtensionOverride = F, returnPageHeight = F, returnPageOrientation = F, returnPageOrientationCode = F, returnPageSize = F, returnPageSizeCode = F, returnPageWidth = F, returnPortal = F, returnPortalCode = F, returnPromptForFiscalYear = F, returnPromptList = F, returnPublished = F, returnPublishedCalculatedInCSharp = F, returnPublishedDefinitionText = F, returnPublishedReportDefinition = F, returnPublishedTime = F, returnReportType = F, returnReportTypeCode = F, returnRightMargin = F, returnRunCount = F, returnSaveUntil = F, returnSkywardHash = F, returnSkywardID = F, returnSkywardReportSystemVersion = F, returnStateID = F, returnStateSpecificFields = F, returnStateSpecificFieldsDisplay = F, returnTopMargin = F, returnUpdatesMadeToMasterReport = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F, returnUserIDOwner = F, returnWorkingDefinitionText = F, returnWorkingReportDefinition = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Reporting", "Report", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific Report
#' This function returns fields for a Report.
#' @param ReportID The id of the Report.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllReports}} for a list of Reports.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details for the Report.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getReport <- function(ReportID, EntityID = 1, returnReportID = F, returnAllowOthersToClone = F, returnBottomMargin = F, returnBurstActionIDPrintAction = F, returnCanBeAddedToScreens = F, returnCanBePublished = F, returnCanBeScheduled = F, returnCanRevert = F, returnContainsStateSpecificFields = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnCrystalParameterData = F, returnCurrentUserCanClone = F, returnCurrentUserCanDelete = F, returnCurrentUserCanRead = F, returnCurrentUserCanSetStateID = F, returnCurrentUserCanUpdate = F, returnCurrentUserCanUpdateOverrideFields = F, returnCurrentUserIsEffectiveOwner = F, returnDefinitionWasModified = F, returnDescription = F, returnDescriptionOverride = F, returnDisplayInMainMenuAndListScreens = F, returnDisplayInMainMenuAndListScreensOverride = F, returnEffectiveDescription = F, returnEffectiveDisplayInMainMenuAndListScreens = F, returnEffectiveFileExtensionOverride = F, returnEncodingType = F, returnEncodingTypeCode = F, returnFileExtensionNewOverride = F, returnFileExtensionOverride = F, returnHasErrors = F, returnHasNoUnpublishedChanges = F, returnHasUnpublishedChanges = F, returnIsCrystalReport = F, returnIsEligibleForPrintAction = F, returnIsSkywardMaintained = F, returnIsSkywardReport = F, returnIsSummaryReport = F, returnJsonData = F, returnKeepDataSources = F, returnLastRunTime = F, returnLeftMargin = F, returnMediaIDCrystalRPT = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnModuleIDBase = F, returnModulePath = F, returnModules = F, returnName = F, returnNotPublished = F, returnObjectIDBase = F, returnObjectName = F, returnOriginReportSkywardID = F, returnOverrideDescription = F, returnOverrideDisplayInMainMenuAndListScreens = F, returnOverrideFileExtensionOverride = F, returnPageHeight = F, returnPageOrientation = F, returnPageOrientationCode = F, returnPageSize = F, returnPageSizeCode = F, returnPageWidth = F, returnPortal = F, returnPortalCode = F, returnPromptForFiscalYear = F, returnPromptList = F, returnPublished = F, returnPublishedCalculatedInCSharp = F, returnPublishedDefinitionText = F, returnPublishedReportDefinition = F, returnPublishedTime = F, returnReportType = F, returnReportTypeCode = F, returnRightMargin = F, returnRunCount = F, returnSaveUntil = F, returnSkywardHash = F, returnSkywardID = F, returnSkywardReportSystemVersion = F, returnStateID = F, returnStateSpecificFields = F, returnStateSpecificFieldsDisplay = F, returnTopMargin = F, returnUpdatesMadeToMasterReport = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F, returnUserIDOwner = F, returnWorkingDefinitionText = F, returnWorkingReportDefinition = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Reporting", "Report", ReportID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific Report
#' This function modifies fields for a Report.
#' @param ReportID The id of the Report to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllReports}} for a list of Reports.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details of the modified Report.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyReport <- function(ReportID, EntityID = 1, setAllowOthersToClone = NULL, setBottomMargin = NULL, setBurstActionIDPrintAction = NULL, setCrystalParameterData = NULL, setDescription = NULL, setDescriptionOverride = NULL, setDisplayInMainMenuAndListScreens = NULL, setDisplayInMainMenuAndListScreensOverride = NULL, setEncodingType = NULL, setEncodingTypeCode = NULL, setFileExtensionNewOverride = NULL, setFileExtensionOverride = NULL, setIsSkywardMaintained = NULL, setJsonData = NULL, setKeepDataSources = NULL, setLeftMargin = NULL, setMediaIDCrystalRPT = NULL, setModuleIDBase = NULL, setName = NULL, setObjectIDBase = NULL, setOriginReportSkywardID = NULL, setOverrideDisplayInMainMenuAndListScreens = NULL, setPageHeight = NULL, setPageOrientationCode = NULL, setPageSizeCode = NULL, setPageWidth = NULL, setPortal = NULL, setPortalCode = NULL, setPromptForFiscalYear = NULL, setPublishedTime = NULL, setReportType = NULL, setReportTypeCode = NULL, setRightMargin = NULL, setSaveUntil = NULL, setSkywardHash = NULL, setSkywardID = NULL, setSkywardReportSystemVersion = NULL, setStateID = NULL, setTopMargin = NULL, setUserIDOwner = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Reporting", "Report", ReportID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new Report.
#' This function creates a new Report.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created Report.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createReport <- function(EntityID = 1, setAllowOthersToClone = NULL, setBottomMargin = NULL, setBurstActionIDPrintAction = NULL, setCrystalParameterData = NULL, setDescription = NULL, setDescriptionOverride = NULL, setDisplayInMainMenuAndListScreens = NULL, setDisplayInMainMenuAndListScreensOverride = NULL, setEncodingType = NULL, setEncodingTypeCode = NULL, setFileExtensionNewOverride = NULL, setFileExtensionOverride = NULL, setIsSkywardMaintained = NULL, setJsonData = NULL, setKeepDataSources = NULL, setLeftMargin = NULL, setMediaIDCrystalRPT = NULL, setModuleIDBase = NULL, setName = NULL, setObjectIDBase = NULL, setOriginReportSkywardID = NULL, setOverrideDisplayInMainMenuAndListScreens = NULL, setPageHeight = NULL, setPageOrientationCode = NULL, setPageSizeCode = NULL, setPageWidth = NULL, setPortal = NULL, setPortalCode = NULL, setPromptForFiscalYear = NULL, setPublishedTime = NULL, setReportType = NULL, setReportTypeCode = NULL, setRightMargin = NULL, setSaveUntil = NULL, setSkywardHash = NULL, setSkywardID = NULL, setSkywardReportSystemVersion = NULL, setStateID = NULL, setTopMargin = NULL, setUserIDOwner = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Reporting", "Report", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific Report
#' This function deletes a Report.
#' @param ReportID The id of the Report.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllReports}} for a list of Reports.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The id of the deleted Report.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteReport <- function(ReportID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Reporting", "Report", ReportID, EntityID)
#' Get all ReportErrors.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all ReportErrors in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return All ReportErrors in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllReportErrors <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnReportErrorID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnErrorMessage = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnReportID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Reporting", "ReportError", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific ReportError
#' This function returns fields for a ReportError.
#' @param ReportErrorID The id of the ReportError.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllReportErrors}} for a list of ReportErrors.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details for the ReportError.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getReportError <- function(ReportErrorID, EntityID = 1, returnReportErrorID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnErrorMessage = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnReportID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Reporting", "ReportError", ReportErrorID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific ReportError
#' This function modifies fields for a ReportError.
#' @param ReportErrorID The id of the ReportError to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllReportErrors}} for a list of ReportErrors.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details of the modified ReportError.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyReportError <- function(ReportErrorID, EntityID = 1, setErrorMessage = NULL, setReportID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Reporting", "ReportError", ReportErrorID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new ReportError.
#' This function creates a new ReportError.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created ReportError.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createReportError <- function(EntityID = 1, setErrorMessage = NULL, setReportID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Reporting", "ReportError", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific ReportError
#' This function deletes a ReportError.
#' @param ReportErrorID The id of the ReportError.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllReportErrors}} for a list of ReportErrors.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The id of the deleted ReportError.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteReportError <- function(ReportErrorID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Reporting", "ReportError", ReportErrorID, EntityID)
#' Get all ReportMenuModules.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all ReportMenuModules in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return All ReportMenuModules in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllReportMenuModules <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnReportMenuModuleID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnEffectiveIsPrimary = F, returnIsPrimary = F, returnIsPrimaryOverride = F, returnIsSkywardReportMenuModule = F, returnMenuModuleID = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnReportID = F, returnSkywardHash = F, returnSkywardID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Reporting", "ReportMenuModule", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific ReportMenuModule
#' This function returns fields for a ReportMenuModule.
#' @param ReportMenuModuleID The id of the ReportMenuModule.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllReportMenuModules}} for a list of ReportMenuModules.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details for the ReportMenuModule.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getReportMenuModule <- function(ReportMenuModuleID, EntityID = 1, returnReportMenuModuleID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnEffectiveIsPrimary = F, returnIsPrimary = F, returnIsPrimaryOverride = F, returnIsSkywardReportMenuModule = F, returnMenuModuleID = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnReportID = F, returnSkywardHash = F, returnSkywardID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Reporting", "ReportMenuModule", ReportMenuModuleID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific ReportMenuModule
#' This function modifies fields for a ReportMenuModule.
#' @param ReportMenuModuleID The id of the ReportMenuModule to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllReportMenuModules}} for a list of ReportMenuModules.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details of the modified ReportMenuModule.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyReportMenuModule <- function(ReportMenuModuleID, EntityID = 1, setIsPrimary = NULL, setIsPrimaryOverride = NULL, setMenuModuleID = NULL, setReportID = NULL, setSkywardHash = NULL, setSkywardID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Reporting", "ReportMenuModule", ReportMenuModuleID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new ReportMenuModule.
#' This function creates a new ReportMenuModule.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created ReportMenuModule.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createReportMenuModule <- function(EntityID = 1, setIsPrimary = NULL, setIsPrimaryOverride = NULL, setMenuModuleID = NULL, setReportID = NULL, setSkywardHash = NULL, setSkywardID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Reporting", "ReportMenuModule", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific ReportMenuModule
#' This function deletes a ReportMenuModule.
#' @param ReportMenuModuleID The id of the ReportMenuModule.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllReportMenuModules}} for a list of ReportMenuModules.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The id of the deleted ReportMenuModule.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteReportMenuModule <- function(ReportMenuModuleID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Reporting", "ReportMenuModule", ReportMenuModuleID, EntityID)
#' Get all ReportQueues.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all ReportQueues in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return All ReportQueues in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllReportQueues <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnReportQueueID = F, returnApplication = F, returnBurstObjectIDs = F, returnCachedEntity = F, returnCachedFiscalYear = F, returnCachedFiscalYearSelectedOrCurrent = F, returnCachedSchoolYear = F, returnCachedSchoolYearSelectedOrCurrent = F, returnCanCancel = F, returnConcatenatedPromptValues = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnCrystalParameterData = F, returnCurrentUserCanView = F, returnDataSource = F, returnDataSourceCode = F, returnEncoding = F, returnEncodingType = F, returnEncodingTypeCode = F, returnEndTime = F, returnEntityID = F, returnEntityIDList = F, returnFiscalYearID = F, returnFiscalYearIDSelectedOrCurrent = F, returnFTPResultID = F, returnHasContent = F, returnHasContentDownloadable = F, returnHasContentViewable = F, returnHasPrintAction = F, returnHideFiscalYear = F, returnHideSchoolYear = F, returnHostname = F, returnIsCrystalReport = F, returnIsEligibleForNonPrintBurstAction = F, returnIsFromPublishedVersion = F, returnIsViewableReport = F, returnLastActivity = F, returnLogID = F, returnMediaID = F, returnMediaIDCsv = F, returnMediaIDDownload = F, returnMediaIDPrint = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnPageCount = F, returnPageCountWhenCompleted = F, returnProcessID = F, returnPromptTemplateID = F, returnPromptValues = F, returnQueryDuration = F, returnQueryStartTime = F, returnQueue = F, returnQueueCode = F, returnQueuedDuration = F, returnReferrerPath = F, returnRenderingDuration = F, returnRenderingStartTime = F, returnReportDefinition = F, returnReportFileExtensionOverride = F, returnReportID = F, returnReportName = F, returnReportQueueIDSummaryReport = F, returnReportQueueIDSummaryReportSource = F, returnReportType = F, returnReportTypeCode = F, returnSaveUntil = F, returnScheduledReportID = F, returnSchoolYearID = F, returnSchoolYearIDSelectedOrCurrent = F, returnSchoolYearNumericYearOrCurrent = F, returnSectionID = F, returnSkywardReportSystemVersion = F, returnStatus = F, returnStatusAction = F, returnStatusActionXML = F, returnStatusCode = F, returnThreadName = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Reporting", "ReportQueue", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific ReportQueue
#' This function returns fields for a ReportQueue.
#' @param ReportQueueID The id of the ReportQueue.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllReportQueues}} for a list of ReportQueues.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details for the ReportQueue.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getReportQueue <- function(ReportQueueID, EntityID = 1, returnReportQueueID = F, returnApplication = F, returnBurstObjectIDs = F, returnCachedEntity = F, returnCachedFiscalYear = F, returnCachedFiscalYearSelectedOrCurrent = F, returnCachedSchoolYear = F, returnCachedSchoolYearSelectedOrCurrent = F, returnCanCancel = F, returnConcatenatedPromptValues = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnCrystalParameterData = F, returnCurrentUserCanView = F, returnDataSource = F, returnDataSourceCode = F, returnEncoding = F, returnEncodingType = F, returnEncodingTypeCode = F, returnEndTime = F, returnEntityID = F, returnEntityIDList = F, returnFiscalYearID = F, returnFiscalYearIDSelectedOrCurrent = F, returnFTPResultID = F, returnHasContent = F, returnHasContentDownloadable = F, returnHasContentViewable = F, returnHasPrintAction = F, returnHideFiscalYear = F, returnHideSchoolYear = F, returnHostname = F, returnIsCrystalReport = F, returnIsEligibleForNonPrintBurstAction = F, returnIsFromPublishedVersion = F, returnIsViewableReport = F, returnLastActivity = F, returnLogID = F, returnMediaID = F, returnMediaIDCsv = F, returnMediaIDDownload = F, returnMediaIDPrint = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnPageCount = F, returnPageCountWhenCompleted = F, returnProcessID = F, returnPromptTemplateID = F, returnPromptValues = F, returnQueryDuration = F, returnQueryStartTime = F, returnQueue = F, returnQueueCode = F, returnQueuedDuration = F, returnReferrerPath = F, returnRenderingDuration = F, returnRenderingStartTime = F, returnReportDefinition = F, returnReportFileExtensionOverride = F, returnReportID = F, returnReportName = F, returnReportQueueIDSummaryReport = F, returnReportQueueIDSummaryReportSource = F, returnReportType = F, returnReportTypeCode = F, returnSaveUntil = F, returnScheduledReportID = F, returnSchoolYearID = F, returnSchoolYearIDSelectedOrCurrent = F, returnSchoolYearNumericYearOrCurrent = F, returnSectionID = F, returnSkywardReportSystemVersion = F, returnStatus = F, returnStatusAction = F, returnStatusActionXML = F, returnStatusCode = F, returnThreadName = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Reporting", "ReportQueue", ReportQueueID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific ReportQueue
#' This function modifies fields for a ReportQueue.
#' @param ReportQueueID The id of the ReportQueue to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllReportQueues}} for a list of ReportQueues.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details of the modified ReportQueue.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyReportQueue <- function(ReportQueueID, EntityID = 1, setApplication = NULL, setCrystalParameterData = NULL, setDataSource = NULL, setDataSourceCode = NULL, setEncodingType = NULL, setEncodingTypeCode = NULL, setEndTime = NULL, setEntityID = NULL, setFiscalYearID = NULL, setFiscalYearIDSelectedOrCurrent = NULL, setFTPResultID = NULL, setHostname = NULL, setIsFromPublishedVersion = NULL, setLastActivity = NULL, setLogID = NULL, setMediaID = NULL, setMediaIDCsv = NULL, setMediaIDDownload = NULL, setMediaIDPrint = NULL, setPageCountWhenCompleted = NULL, setProcessID = NULL, setPromptTemplateID = NULL, setQueryStartTime = NULL, setQueue = NULL, setReferrerPath = NULL, setRenderingStartTime = NULL, setReportFileExtensionOverride = NULL, setReportID = NULL, setReportName = NULL, setReportQueueIDSummaryReportSource = NULL, setReportType = NULL, setReportTypeCode = NULL, setSaveUntil = NULL, setScheduledReportID = NULL, setSchoolYearID = NULL, setSchoolYearIDSelectedOrCurrent = NULL, setSchoolYearNumericYearOrCurrent = NULL, setSectionID = NULL, setSkywardReportSystemVersion = NULL, setStatus = NULL, setStatusActionXML = NULL, setThreadName = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Reporting", "ReportQueue", ReportQueueID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new ReportQueue.
#' This function creates a new ReportQueue.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created ReportQueue.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createReportQueue <- function(EntityID = 1, setApplication = NULL, setCrystalParameterData = NULL, setDataSource = NULL, setDataSourceCode = NULL, setEncodingType = NULL, setEncodingTypeCode = NULL, setEndTime = NULL, setEntityID = NULL, setFiscalYearID = NULL, setFiscalYearIDSelectedOrCurrent = NULL, setFTPResultID = NULL, setHostname = NULL, setIsFromPublishedVersion = NULL, setLastActivity = NULL, setLogID = NULL, setMediaID = NULL, setMediaIDCsv = NULL, setMediaIDDownload = NULL, setMediaIDPrint = NULL, setPageCountWhenCompleted = NULL, setProcessID = NULL, setPromptTemplateID = NULL, setQueryStartTime = NULL, setQueue = NULL, setReferrerPath = NULL, setRenderingStartTime = NULL, setReportFileExtensionOverride = NULL, setReportID = NULL, setReportName = NULL, setReportQueueIDSummaryReportSource = NULL, setReportType = NULL, setReportTypeCode = NULL, setSaveUntil = NULL, setScheduledReportID = NULL, setSchoolYearID = NULL, setSchoolYearIDSelectedOrCurrent = NULL, setSchoolYearNumericYearOrCurrent = NULL, setSectionID = NULL, setSkywardReportSystemVersion = NULL, setStatus = NULL, setStatusActionXML = NULL, setThreadName = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Reporting", "ReportQueue", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific ReportQueue
#' This function deletes a ReportQueue.
#' @param ReportQueueID The id of the ReportQueue.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllReportQueues}} for a list of ReportQueues.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The id of the deleted ReportQueue.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteReportQueue <- function(ReportQueueID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Reporting", "ReportQueue", ReportQueueID, EntityID)
#' Get all ReportQueueBurstActions.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all ReportQueueBurstActions in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return All ReportQueueBurstActions in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllReportQueueBurstActions <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnReportQueueBurstActionID = F, returnBurstActionID = F, returnChangesetXML = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnLogID = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnParameters = F, returnParametersXML = F, returnReportQueueID = F, returnStatus = F, returnStatusCode = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Reporting", "ReportQueueBurstAction", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific ReportQueueBurstAction
#' This function returns fields for a ReportQueueBurstAction.
#' @param ReportQueueBurstActionID The id of the ReportQueueBurstAction.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllReportQueueBurstActions}} for a list of ReportQueueBurstActions.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details for the ReportQueueBurstAction.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getReportQueueBurstAction <- function(ReportQueueBurstActionID, EntityID = 1, returnReportQueueBurstActionID = F, returnBurstActionID = F, returnChangesetXML = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnLogID = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnParameters = F, returnParametersXML = F, returnReportQueueID = F, returnStatus = F, returnStatusCode = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Reporting", "ReportQueueBurstAction", ReportQueueBurstActionID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific ReportQueueBurstAction
#' This function modifies fields for a ReportQueueBurstAction.
#' @param ReportQueueBurstActionID The id of the ReportQueueBurstAction to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllReportQueueBurstActions}} for a list of ReportQueueBurstActions.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details of the modified ReportQueueBurstAction.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyReportQueueBurstAction <- function(ReportQueueBurstActionID, EntityID = 1, setBurstActionID = NULL, setChangesetXML = NULL, setLogID = NULL, setParametersXML = NULL, setReportQueueID = NULL, setStatus = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Reporting", "ReportQueueBurstAction", ReportQueueBurstActionID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new ReportQueueBurstAction.
#' This function creates a new ReportQueueBurstAction.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created ReportQueueBurstAction.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createReportQueueBurstAction <- function(EntityID = 1, setBurstActionID = NULL, setChangesetXML = NULL, setLogID = NULL, setParametersXML = NULL, setReportQueueID = NULL, setStatus = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Reporting", "ReportQueueBurstAction", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific ReportQueueBurstAction
#' This function deletes a ReportQueueBurstAction.
#' @param ReportQueueBurstActionID The id of the ReportQueueBurstAction.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllReportQueueBurstActions}} for a list of ReportQueueBurstActions.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The id of the deleted ReportQueueBurstAction.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteReportQueueBurstAction <- function(ReportQueueBurstActionID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Reporting", "ReportQueueBurstAction", ReportQueueBurstActionID, EntityID)
#' Get all ReportQueueSQLs.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all ReportQueueSQLs in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return All ReportQueueSQLs in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllReportQueueSQLs <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnReportQueueSQLID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnExecutedQuery = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnReportQueueID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Reporting", "ReportQueueSQL", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific ReportQueueSQL
#' This function returns fields for a ReportQueueSQL.
#' @param ReportQueueSQLID The id of the ReportQueueSQL.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllReportQueueSQLs}} for a list of ReportQueueSQLs.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details for the ReportQueueSQL.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getReportQueueSQL <- function(ReportQueueSQLID, EntityID = 1, returnReportQueueSQLID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnExecutedQuery = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnReportQueueID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Reporting", "ReportQueueSQL", ReportQueueSQLID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific ReportQueueSQL
#' This function modifies fields for a ReportQueueSQL.
#' @param ReportQueueSQLID The id of the ReportQueueSQL to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllReportQueueSQLs}} for a list of ReportQueueSQLs.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details of the modified ReportQueueSQL.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyReportQueueSQL <- function(ReportQueueSQLID, EntityID = 1, setExecutedQuery = NULL, setReportQueueID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Reporting", "ReportQueueSQL", ReportQueueSQLID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new ReportQueueSQL.
#' This function creates a new ReportQueueSQL.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created ReportQueueSQL.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createReportQueueSQL <- function(EntityID = 1, setExecutedQuery = NULL, setReportQueueID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Reporting", "ReportQueueSQL", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific ReportQueueSQL
#' This function deletes a ReportQueueSQL.
#' @param ReportQueueSQLID The id of the ReportQueueSQL.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllReportQueueSQLs}} for a list of ReportQueueSQLs.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The id of the deleted ReportQueueSQL.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteReportQueueSQL <- function(ReportQueueSQLID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Reporting", "ReportQueueSQL", ReportQueueSQLID, EntityID)
#' Get all ReportRoles.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all ReportRoles in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return All ReportRoles in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllReportRoles <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnReportRoleID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnReportID = F, returnRoleID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Reporting", "ReportRole", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific ReportRole
#' This function returns fields for a ReportRole.
#' @param ReportRoleID The id of the ReportRole.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllReportRoles}} for a list of ReportRoles.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details for the ReportRole.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getReportRole <- function(ReportRoleID, EntityID = 1, returnReportRoleID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnReportID = F, returnRoleID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Reporting", "ReportRole", ReportRoleID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific ReportRole
#' This function modifies fields for a ReportRole.
#' @param ReportRoleID The id of the ReportRole to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllReportRoles}} for a list of ReportRoles.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details of the modified ReportRole.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyReportRole <- function(ReportRoleID, EntityID = 1, setReportID = NULL, setRoleID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Reporting", "ReportRole", ReportRoleID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new ReportRole.
#' This function creates a new ReportRole.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created ReportRole.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createReportRole <- function(EntityID = 1, setReportID = NULL, setRoleID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Reporting", "ReportRole", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific ReportRole
#' This function deletes a ReportRole.
#' @param ReportRoleID The id of the ReportRole.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllReportRoles}} for a list of ReportRoles.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The id of the deleted ReportRole.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteReportRole <- function(ReportRoleID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Reporting", "ReportRole", ReportRoleID, EntityID)
#' Get all ReportRunInfos.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all ReportRunInfos in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return All ReportRunInfos in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllReportRunInfos <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnReportRunInfoID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnObjectID = F, returnObjectSkywardID = F, returnPromptDataSources = F, returnPromptDataSourcesJson = F, returnPromptDataSourcesXml = F, returnReportID = F, returnSecurityLocationReportSetSkywardID = F, returnSourceSchemaObject = F, returnSourceTypeName = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Reporting", "ReportRunInfo", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific ReportRunInfo
#' This function returns fields for a ReportRunInfo.
#' @param ReportRunInfoID The id of the ReportRunInfo.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllReportRunInfos}} for a list of ReportRunInfos.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details for the ReportRunInfo.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getReportRunInfo <- function(ReportRunInfoID, EntityID = 1, returnReportRunInfoID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnObjectID = F, returnObjectSkywardID = F, returnPromptDataSources = F, returnPromptDataSourcesJson = F, returnPromptDataSourcesXml = F, returnReportID = F, returnSecurityLocationReportSetSkywardID = F, returnSourceSchemaObject = F, returnSourceTypeName = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Reporting", "ReportRunInfo", ReportRunInfoID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific ReportRunInfo
#' This function modifies fields for a ReportRunInfo.
#' @param ReportRunInfoID The id of the ReportRunInfo to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllReportRunInfos}} for a list of ReportRunInfos.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details of the modified ReportRunInfo.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyReportRunInfo <- function(ReportRunInfoID, EntityID = 1, setObjectID = NULL, setPromptDataSourcesJson = NULL, setPromptDataSourcesXml = NULL, setReportID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Reporting", "ReportRunInfo", ReportRunInfoID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new ReportRunInfo.
#' This function creates a new ReportRunInfo.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created ReportRunInfo.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createReportRunInfo <- function(EntityID = 1, setObjectID = NULL, setPromptDataSourcesJson = NULL, setPromptDataSourcesXml = NULL, setReportID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Reporting", "ReportRunInfo", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific ReportRunInfo
#' This function deletes a ReportRunInfo.
#' @param ReportRunInfoID The id of the ReportRunInfo.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllReportRunInfos}} for a list of ReportRunInfos.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The id of the deleted ReportRunInfo.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteReportRunInfo <- function(ReportRunInfoID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Reporting", "ReportRunInfo", ReportRunInfoID, EntityID)
#' Get all ReportStyles.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all ReportStyles in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return All ReportStyles in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllReportStyles <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnReportStyleID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnCurrentUserCanDelete = F, returnCurrentUserCanMakeNotPublic = F, returnCurrentUserCanMakePublic = F, returnIsNotSkywardReportStyle = F, returnIsPublic = F, returnIsSkywardReportStyle = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnName = F, returnReportDefinition = F, returnReportDefinitionXML = F, returnSkywardHash = F, returnSkywardID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Reporting", "ReportStyle", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific ReportStyle
#' This function returns fields for a ReportStyle.
#' @param ReportStyleID The id of the ReportStyle.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllReportStyles}} for a list of ReportStyles.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details for the ReportStyle.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getReportStyle <- function(ReportStyleID, EntityID = 1, returnReportStyleID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnCurrentUserCanDelete = F, returnCurrentUserCanMakeNotPublic = F, returnCurrentUserCanMakePublic = F, returnIsNotSkywardReportStyle = F, returnIsPublic = F, returnIsSkywardReportStyle = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnName = F, returnReportDefinition = F, returnReportDefinitionXML = F, returnSkywardHash = F, returnSkywardID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Reporting", "ReportStyle", ReportStyleID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific ReportStyle
#' This function modifies fields for a ReportStyle.
#' @param ReportStyleID The id of the ReportStyle to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllReportStyles}} for a list of ReportStyles.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details of the modified ReportStyle.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyReportStyle <- function(ReportStyleID, EntityID = 1, setIsPublic = NULL, setName = NULL, setReportDefinitionXML = NULL, setSkywardHash = NULL, setSkywardID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Reporting", "ReportStyle", ReportStyleID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new ReportStyle.
#' This function creates a new ReportStyle.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created ReportStyle.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createReportStyle <- function(EntityID = 1, setIsPublic = NULL, setName = NULL, setReportDefinitionXML = NULL, setSkywardHash = NULL, setSkywardID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Reporting", "ReportStyle", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific ReportStyle
#' This function deletes a ReportStyle.
#' @param ReportStyleID The id of the ReportStyle.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllReportStyles}} for a list of ReportStyles.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The id of the deleted ReportStyle.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteReportStyle <- function(ReportStyleID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Reporting", "ReportStyle", ReportStyleID, EntityID)
#' Get all ScheduledReports.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all ScheduledReports in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return All ScheduledReports in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllScheduledReports <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnScheduledReportID = F, returnAutomateFileName = F, returnAutoUpdate = F, returnCachedEntity = F, returnCachedFiscalYear = F, returnCachedSchoolYear = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnCrystalParameterData = F, returnDaysToSaveReport = F, returnDefinitionUpdatedTime = F, returnEncodingType = F, returnEncodingTypeCode = F, returnEntityID = F, returnEntityIDList = F, returnExportFileName = F, returnFiscalYearID = F, returnFTPConnectionID = F, returnIsCrystalReport = F, returnMediaIDCrystalRPT = F, returnMessageMasterID = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnName = F, returnNetworkLocation = F, returnNotifyByEmail = F, returnNotifyByMessageCenter = F, returnOverwriteExistingFile = F, returnPromptValues = F, returnPromptXML = F, returnReportDefinition = F, returnReportDefinitionXML = F, returnReportFileExtensionOverride = F, returnReportID = F, returnReportIsCurrent = F, returnReportName = F, returnReportType = F, returnReportTypeCode = F, returnRunCount = F, returnSaveToFtp = F, returnSaveToNetworkLocation = F, returnScheduledTaskID = F, returnSchoolYearID = F, returnSchoolYearNumericYearOrCurrent = F, returnSectionID = F, returnSkywardReportSystemVersion = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F, returnUserIDOwner = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Reporting", "ScheduledReport", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific ScheduledReport
#' This function returns fields for a ScheduledReport.
#' @param ScheduledReportID The id of the ScheduledReport.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllScheduledReports}} for a list of ScheduledReports.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details for the ScheduledReport.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getScheduledReport <- function(ScheduledReportID, EntityID = 1, returnScheduledReportID = F, returnAutomateFileName = F, returnAutoUpdate = F, returnCachedEntity = F, returnCachedFiscalYear = F, returnCachedSchoolYear = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnCrystalParameterData = F, returnDaysToSaveReport = F, returnDefinitionUpdatedTime = F, returnEncodingType = F, returnEncodingTypeCode = F, returnEntityID = F, returnEntityIDList = F, returnExportFileName = F, returnFiscalYearID = F, returnFTPConnectionID = F, returnIsCrystalReport = F, returnMediaIDCrystalRPT = F, returnMessageMasterID = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnName = F, returnNetworkLocation = F, returnNotifyByEmail = F, returnNotifyByMessageCenter = F, returnOverwriteExistingFile = F, returnPromptValues = F, returnPromptXML = F, returnReportDefinition = F, returnReportDefinitionXML = F, returnReportFileExtensionOverride = F, returnReportID = F, returnReportIsCurrent = F, returnReportName = F, returnReportType = F, returnReportTypeCode = F, returnRunCount = F, returnSaveToFtp = F, returnSaveToNetworkLocation = F, returnScheduledTaskID = F, returnSchoolYearID = F, returnSchoolYearNumericYearOrCurrent = F, returnSectionID = F, returnSkywardReportSystemVersion = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F, returnUserIDOwner = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Reporting", "ScheduledReport", ScheduledReportID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific ScheduledReport
#' This function modifies fields for a ScheduledReport.
#' @param ScheduledReportID The id of the ScheduledReport to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllScheduledReports}} for a list of ScheduledReports.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details of the modified ScheduledReport.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyScheduledReport <- function(ScheduledReportID, EntityID = 1, setAutomateFileName = NULL, setAutoUpdate = NULL, setDaysToSaveReport = NULL, setDefinitionUpdatedTime = NULL, setEncodingType = NULL, setEncodingTypeCode = NULL, setEntityID = NULL, setExportFileName = NULL, setFTPConnectionID = NULL, setMediaIDCrystalRPT = NULL, setMessageMasterID = NULL, setName = NULL, setNetworkLocation = NULL, setNotifyByEmail = NULL, setNotifyByMessageCenter = NULL, setOverwriteExistingFile = NULL, setReportDefinitionXML = NULL, setReportFileExtensionOverride = NULL, setReportID = NULL, setReportName = NULL, setReportType = NULL, setReportTypeCode = NULL, setScheduledTaskID = NULL, setSectionID = NULL, setSkywardReportSystemVersion = NULL, setUserIDOwner = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Reporting", "ScheduledReport", ScheduledReportID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new ScheduledReport.
#' This function creates a new ScheduledReport.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created ScheduledReport.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createScheduledReport <- function(EntityID = 1, setAutomateFileName = NULL, setAutoUpdate = NULL, setDaysToSaveReport = NULL, setDefinitionUpdatedTime = NULL, setEncodingType = NULL, setEncodingTypeCode = NULL, setEntityID = NULL, setExportFileName = NULL, setFTPConnectionID = NULL, setMediaIDCrystalRPT = NULL, setMessageMasterID = NULL, setName = NULL, setNetworkLocation = NULL, setNotifyByEmail = NULL, setNotifyByMessageCenter = NULL, setOverwriteExistingFile = NULL, setReportDefinitionXML = NULL, setReportFileExtensionOverride = NULL, setReportID = NULL, setReportName = NULL, setReportType = NULL, setReportTypeCode = NULL, setScheduledTaskID = NULL, setSectionID = NULL, setSkywardReportSystemVersion = NULL, setUserIDOwner = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Reporting", "ScheduledReport", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific ScheduledReport
#' This function deletes a ScheduledReport.
#' @param ScheduledReportID The id of the ScheduledReport.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllScheduledReports}} for a list of ScheduledReports.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The id of the deleted ScheduledReport.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteScheduledReport <- function(ScheduledReportID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Reporting", "ScheduledReport", ScheduledReportID, EntityID)
#' Get all SecurityLocationReportSets.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all SecurityLocationReportSets in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return All SecurityLocationReportSets in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllSecurityLocationReportSets <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnSecurityLocationReportSetID = F, returnAcceptsDataObject = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDataObjectID = F, returnFullLocation = F, returnIsSkywardLoaded = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnModule = F, returnName = F, returnObject = F, returnPrimaryKeySource = F, returnScreen = F, returnSecurityLocationID = F, returnSkywardHash = F, returnSkywardID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Reporting", "SecurityLocationReportSet", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific SecurityLocationReportSet
#' This function returns fields for a SecurityLocationReportSet.
#' @param SecurityLocationReportSetID The id of the SecurityLocationReportSet.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllSecurityLocationReportSets}} for a list of SecurityLocationReportSets.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details for the SecurityLocationReportSet.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getSecurityLocationReportSet <- function(SecurityLocationReportSetID, EntityID = 1, returnSecurityLocationReportSetID = F, returnAcceptsDataObject = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDataObjectID = F, returnFullLocation = F, returnIsSkywardLoaded = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnModule = F, returnName = F, returnObject = F, returnPrimaryKeySource = F, returnScreen = F, returnSecurityLocationID = F, returnSkywardHash = F, returnSkywardID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Reporting", "SecurityLocationReportSet", SecurityLocationReportSetID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific SecurityLocationReportSet
#' This function modifies fields for a SecurityLocationReportSet.
#' @param SecurityLocationReportSetID The id of the SecurityLocationReportSet to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllSecurityLocationReportSets}} for a list of SecurityLocationReportSets.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details of the modified SecurityLocationReportSet.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifySecurityLocationReportSet <- function(SecurityLocationReportSetID, EntityID = 1, setDataObjectID = NULL, setIsSkywardLoaded = NULL, setName = NULL, setPrimaryKeySource = NULL, setSecurityLocationID = NULL, setSkywardHash = NULL, setSkywardID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Reporting", "SecurityLocationReportSet", SecurityLocationReportSetID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new SecurityLocationReportSet.
#' This function creates a new SecurityLocationReportSet.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created SecurityLocationReportSet.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createSecurityLocationReportSet <- function(EntityID = 1, setDataObjectID = NULL, setIsSkywardLoaded = NULL, setName = NULL, setPrimaryKeySource = NULL, setSecurityLocationID = NULL, setSkywardHash = NULL, setSkywardID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Reporting", "SecurityLocationReportSet", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific SecurityLocationReportSet
#' This function deletes a SecurityLocationReportSet.
#' @param SecurityLocationReportSetID The id of the SecurityLocationReportSet.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllSecurityLocationReportSets}} for a list of SecurityLocationReportSets.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The id of the deleted SecurityLocationReportSet.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteSecurityLocationReportSet <- function(SecurityLocationReportSetID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Reporting", "SecurityLocationReportSet", SecurityLocationReportSetID, EntityID)
#' Get all SecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfos.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all SecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfos in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return All SecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfos in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllSecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfos <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnSecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfoID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnInUse = F, returnIsSkywardLoaded = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnReportRunInfoID = F, returnSecurityLocationReportSetID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Reporting", "SecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfo", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific SecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfo
#' This function returns fields for a SecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfo.
#' @param SecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfoID The id of the SecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfo.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllSecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfos}} for a list of SecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfos.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details for the SecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfo.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getSecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfo <- function(SecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfoID, EntityID = 1, returnSecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfoID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnInUse = F, returnIsSkywardLoaded = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnReportRunInfoID = F, returnSecurityLocationReportSetID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Reporting", "SecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfo", SecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfoID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific SecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfo
#' This function modifies fields for a SecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfo.
#' @param SecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfoID The id of the SecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfo to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllSecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfos}} for a list of SecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfos.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details of the modified SecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfo.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifySecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfo <- function(SecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfoID, EntityID = 1, setIsSkywardLoaded = NULL, setReportRunInfoID = NULL, setSecurityLocationReportSetID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Reporting", "SecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfo", SecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfoID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new SecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfo.
#' This function creates a new SecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfo.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created SecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfo.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createSecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfo <- function(EntityID = 1, setIsSkywardLoaded = NULL, setReportRunInfoID = NULL, setSecurityLocationReportSetID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Reporting", "SecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfo", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific SecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfo
#' This function deletes a SecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfo.
#' @param SecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfoID The id of the SecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfo.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllSecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfos}} for a list of SecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfos.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The id of the deleted SecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfo.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteSecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfo <- function(SecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfoID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Reporting", "SecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfo", SecurityLocationReportSetReportRunInfoID, EntityID)
#' Get all Sorts.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all Sorts in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return All Sorts in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllSorts <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnSortID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnSkywardHash = F, returnSkywardID = F, returnSortDirection = F, returnSortDirectionCode = F, returnSortGroupID = F, returnSortOrder = F, returnSubtopicFieldID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Reporting", "Sort", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific Sort
#' This function returns fields for a Sort.
#' @param SortID The id of the Sort.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllSorts}} for a list of Sorts.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details for the Sort.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getSort <- function(SortID, EntityID = 1, returnSortID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnSkywardHash = F, returnSkywardID = F, returnSortDirection = F, returnSortDirectionCode = F, returnSortGroupID = F, returnSortOrder = F, returnSubtopicFieldID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Reporting", "Sort", SortID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific Sort
#' This function modifies fields for a Sort.
#' @param SortID The id of the Sort to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllSorts}} for a list of Sorts.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details of the modified Sort.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifySort <- function(SortID, EntityID = 1, setSkywardHash = NULL, setSkywardID = NULL, setSortDirection = NULL, setSortDirectionCode = NULL, setSortGroupID = NULL, setSortOrder = NULL, setSubtopicFieldID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Reporting", "Sort", SortID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new Sort.
#' This function creates a new Sort.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created Sort.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createSort <- function(EntityID = 1, setSkywardHash = NULL, setSkywardID = NULL, setSortDirection = NULL, setSortDirectionCode = NULL, setSortGroupID = NULL, setSortOrder = NULL, setSubtopicFieldID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Reporting", "Sort", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific Sort
#' This function deletes a Sort.
#' @param SortID The id of the Sort.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllSorts}} for a list of Sorts.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The id of the deleted Sort.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteSort <- function(SortID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Reporting", "Sort", SortID, EntityID)
#' Get all SortBreaks.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all SortBreaks in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return All SortBreaks in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllSortBreaks <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnSortBreakID = F, returnCharacterPosition = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDataObjectFieldPathID = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnSkywardHash = F, returnSkywardID = F, returnSubtopicID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Reporting", "SortBreak", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific SortBreak
#' This function returns fields for a SortBreak.
#' @param SortBreakID The id of the SortBreak.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllSortBreaks}} for a list of SortBreaks.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details for the SortBreak.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getSortBreak <- function(SortBreakID, EntityID = 1, returnSortBreakID = F, returnCharacterPosition = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDataObjectFieldPathID = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnSkywardHash = F, returnSkywardID = F, returnSubtopicID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Reporting", "SortBreak", SortBreakID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific SortBreak
#' This function modifies fields for a SortBreak.
#' @param SortBreakID The id of the SortBreak to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllSortBreaks}} for a list of SortBreaks.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details of the modified SortBreak.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifySortBreak <- function(SortBreakID, EntityID = 1, setCharacterPosition = NULL, setDataObjectFieldPathID = NULL, setSkywardHash = NULL, setSkywardID = NULL, setSubtopicID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Reporting", "SortBreak", SortBreakID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new SortBreak.
#' This function creates a new SortBreak.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created SortBreak.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createSortBreak <- function(EntityID = 1, setCharacterPosition = NULL, setDataObjectFieldPathID = NULL, setSkywardHash = NULL, setSkywardID = NULL, setSubtopicID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Reporting", "SortBreak", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific SortBreak
#' This function deletes a SortBreak.
#' @param SortBreakID The id of the SortBreak.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllSortBreaks}} for a list of SortBreaks.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The id of the deleted SortBreak.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteSortBreak <- function(SortBreakID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Reporting", "SortBreak", SortBreakID, EntityID)
#' Get all SortGroups.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all SortGroups in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return All SortGroups in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllSortGroups <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnSortGroupID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnIsDefault = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnName = F, returnObjectID = F, returnSkywardHash = F, returnSkywardID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Reporting", "SortGroup", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific SortGroup
#' This function returns fields for a SortGroup.
#' @param SortGroupID The id of the SortGroup.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllSortGroups}} for a list of SortGroups.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details for the SortGroup.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getSortGroup <- function(SortGroupID, EntityID = 1, returnSortGroupID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnIsDefault = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnName = F, returnObjectID = F, returnSkywardHash = F, returnSkywardID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Reporting", "SortGroup", SortGroupID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific SortGroup
#' This function modifies fields for a SortGroup.
#' @param SortGroupID The id of the SortGroup to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllSortGroups}} for a list of SortGroups.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details of the modified SortGroup.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifySortGroup <- function(SortGroupID, EntityID = 1, setIsDefault = NULL, setName = NULL, setObjectID = NULL, setSkywardHash = NULL, setSkywardID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Reporting", "SortGroup", SortGroupID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new SortGroup.
#' This function creates a new SortGroup.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created SortGroup.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createSortGroup <- function(EntityID = 1, setIsDefault = NULL, setName = NULL, setObjectID = NULL, setSkywardHash = NULL, setSkywardID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Reporting", "SortGroup", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific SortGroup
#' This function deletes a SortGroup.
#' @param SortGroupID The id of the SortGroup.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllSortGroups}} for a list of SortGroups.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The id of the deleted SortGroup.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteSortGroup <- function(SortGroupID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Reporting", "SortGroup", SortGroupID, EntityID)
#' Get all Subjects.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all Subjects in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return All Subjects in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllSubjectsReporting <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnSubjectID = F, returnAllowAccountBreaks = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnCurrentUserHasAccess = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnName = F, returnObjectID = F, returnPromptForFiscalYear = F, returnSkywardHash = F, returnSkywardID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Reporting", "Subject", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific Subject
#' This function returns fields for a Subject.
#' @param SubjectID The id of the Subject.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllSubjects}} for a list of Subjects.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details for the Subject.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getSubjectReporting <- function(SubjectID, EntityID = 1, returnSubjectID = F, returnAllowAccountBreaks = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnCurrentUserHasAccess = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnName = F, returnObjectID = F, returnPromptForFiscalYear = F, returnSkywardHash = F, returnSkywardID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Reporting", "Subject", SubjectID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific Subject
#' This function modifies fields for a Subject.
#' @param SubjectID The id of the Subject to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllSubjects}} for a list of Subjects.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details of the modified Subject.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifySubjectReporting <- function(SubjectID, EntityID = 1, setName = NULL, setObjectID = NULL, setPromptForFiscalYear = NULL, setSkywardHash = NULL, setSkywardID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Reporting", "Subject", SubjectID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new Subject.
#' This function creates a new Subject.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created Subject.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createSubjectReporting <- function(EntityID = 1, setName = NULL, setObjectID = NULL, setPromptForFiscalYear = NULL, setSkywardHash = NULL, setSkywardID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Reporting", "Subject", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific Subject
#' This function deletes a Subject.
#' @param SubjectID The id of the Subject.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllSubjects}} for a list of Subjects.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The id of the deleted Subject.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteSubjectReporting <- function(SubjectID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Reporting", "Subject", SubjectID, EntityID)
#' Get all SubjectSecurityLocations.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all SubjectSecurityLocations in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return All SubjectSecurityLocations in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllSubjectSecurityLocations <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnSubjectSecurityLocationID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnSecurityLocationID = F, returnSkywardHash = F, returnSkywardID = F, returnSubjectID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Reporting", "SubjectSecurityLocation", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific SubjectSecurityLocation
#' This function returns fields for a SubjectSecurityLocation.
#' @param SubjectSecurityLocationID The id of the SubjectSecurityLocation.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllSubjectSecurityLocations}} for a list of SubjectSecurityLocations.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details for the SubjectSecurityLocation.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getSubjectSecurityLocation <- function(SubjectSecurityLocationID, EntityID = 1, returnSubjectSecurityLocationID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnSecurityLocationID = F, returnSkywardHash = F, returnSkywardID = F, returnSubjectID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Reporting", "SubjectSecurityLocation", SubjectSecurityLocationID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific SubjectSecurityLocation
#' This function modifies fields for a SubjectSecurityLocation.
#' @param SubjectSecurityLocationID The id of the SubjectSecurityLocation to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllSubjectSecurityLocations}} for a list of SubjectSecurityLocations.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details of the modified SubjectSecurityLocation.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifySubjectSecurityLocation <- function(SubjectSecurityLocationID, EntityID = 1, setSecurityLocationID = NULL, setSkywardHash = NULL, setSkywardID = NULL, setSubjectID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Reporting", "SubjectSecurityLocation", SubjectSecurityLocationID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new SubjectSecurityLocation.
#' This function creates a new SubjectSecurityLocation.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created SubjectSecurityLocation.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createSubjectSecurityLocation <- function(EntityID = 1, setSecurityLocationID = NULL, setSkywardHash = NULL, setSkywardID = NULL, setSubjectID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Reporting", "SubjectSecurityLocation", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific SubjectSecurityLocation
#' This function deletes a SubjectSecurityLocation.
#' @param SubjectSecurityLocationID The id of the SubjectSecurityLocation.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllSubjectSecurityLocations}} for a list of SubjectSecurityLocations.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The id of the deleted SubjectSecurityLocation.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteSubjectSecurityLocation <- function(SubjectSecurityLocationID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Reporting", "SubjectSecurityLocation", SubjectSecurityLocationID, EntityID)
#' Get all Subtopics.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all Subtopics in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return All Subtopics in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllSubtopics <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnSubtopicID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnCurrentUserHasAccess = F, returnCustomizationID = F, returnDataObjectFieldPathIDDefaultSort = F, returnDefaultSortDirection = F, returnDefaultSortDirectionCode = F, returnDisplayOrder = F, returnFieldAreaPath = F, returnFieldPrefix = F, returnIsOneToMany = F, returnIsSkywardLoaded = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnName = F, returnObjectID = F, returnOneToManyRelationshipPath = F, returnRelationshipPath = F, returnSkywardHash = F, returnSkywardID = F, returnTopicID = F, returnUniqueID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Reporting", "Subtopic", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific Subtopic
#' This function returns fields for a Subtopic.
#' @param SubtopicID The id of the Subtopic.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllSubtopics}} for a list of Subtopics.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details for the Subtopic.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getSubtopic <- function(SubtopicID, EntityID = 1, returnSubtopicID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnCurrentUserHasAccess = F, returnCustomizationID = F, returnDataObjectFieldPathIDDefaultSort = F, returnDefaultSortDirection = F, returnDefaultSortDirectionCode = F, returnDisplayOrder = F, returnFieldAreaPath = F, returnFieldPrefix = F, returnIsOneToMany = F, returnIsSkywardLoaded = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnName = F, returnObjectID = F, returnOneToManyRelationshipPath = F, returnRelationshipPath = F, returnSkywardHash = F, returnSkywardID = F, returnTopicID = F, returnUniqueID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Reporting", "Subtopic", SubtopicID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific Subtopic
#' This function modifies fields for a Subtopic.
#' @param SubtopicID The id of the Subtopic to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllSubtopics}} for a list of Subtopics.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details of the modified Subtopic.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifySubtopic <- function(SubtopicID, EntityID = 1, setCustomizationID = NULL, setDataObjectFieldPathIDDefaultSort = NULL, setDefaultSortDirection = NULL, setDefaultSortDirectionCode = NULL, setDisplayOrder = NULL, setFieldAreaPath = NULL, setFieldPrefix = NULL, setIsOneToMany = NULL, setIsSkywardLoaded = NULL, setName = NULL, setObjectID = NULL, setOneToManyRelationshipPath = NULL, setRelationshipPath = NULL, setSkywardHash = NULL, setSkywardID = NULL, setTopicID = NULL, setUniqueID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Reporting", "Subtopic", SubtopicID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new Subtopic.
#' This function creates a new Subtopic.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created Subtopic.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createSubtopic <- function(EntityID = 1, setCustomizationID = NULL, setDataObjectFieldPathIDDefaultSort = NULL, setDefaultSortDirection = NULL, setDefaultSortDirectionCode = NULL, setDisplayOrder = NULL, setFieldAreaPath = NULL, setFieldPrefix = NULL, setIsOneToMany = NULL, setIsSkywardLoaded = NULL, setName = NULL, setObjectID = NULL, setOneToManyRelationshipPath = NULL, setRelationshipPath = NULL, setSkywardHash = NULL, setSkywardID = NULL, setTopicID = NULL, setUniqueID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Reporting", "Subtopic", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific Subtopic
#' This function deletes a Subtopic.
#' @param SubtopicID The id of the Subtopic.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllSubtopics}} for a list of Subtopics.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The id of the deleted Subtopic.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteSubtopic <- function(SubtopicID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Reporting", "Subtopic", SubtopicID, EntityID)
#' Get all SubtopicFields.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all SubtopicFields in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return All SubtopicFields in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllSubtopicFields <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnSubtopicFieldID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnCurrentUserHasAccess = F, returnDataObjectFieldPathID = F, returnFriendlyNameWithPrefix = F, returnFullFieldPath = F, returnIsBoolean = F, returnIsCalculatedInCSharp = F, returnIsDateTime = F, returnIsEnum = F, returnIsFilterable = F, returnIsNotEnumOrBoolean = F, returnIsNumeric = F, returnIsString = F, returnIsTimeSpan = F, returnMaxSortBreakPosition = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnSubtopicID = F, returnSystemType = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Reporting", "SubtopicField", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific SubtopicField
#' This function returns fields for a SubtopicField.
#' @param SubtopicFieldID The id of the SubtopicField.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllSubtopicFields}} for a list of SubtopicFields.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details for the SubtopicField.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getSubtopicField <- function(SubtopicFieldID, EntityID = 1, returnSubtopicFieldID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnCurrentUserHasAccess = F, returnDataObjectFieldPathID = F, returnFriendlyNameWithPrefix = F, returnFullFieldPath = F, returnIsBoolean = F, returnIsCalculatedInCSharp = F, returnIsDateTime = F, returnIsEnum = F, returnIsFilterable = F, returnIsNotEnumOrBoolean = F, returnIsNumeric = F, returnIsString = F, returnIsTimeSpan = F, returnMaxSortBreakPosition = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnSubtopicID = F, returnSystemType = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Reporting", "SubtopicField", SubtopicFieldID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific SubtopicField
#' This function modifies fields for a SubtopicField.
#' @param SubtopicFieldID The id of the SubtopicField to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllSubtopicFields}} for a list of SubtopicFields.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details of the modified SubtopicField.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifySubtopicField <- function(SubtopicFieldID, EntityID = 1, setDataObjectFieldPathID = NULL, setSubtopicID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Reporting", "SubtopicField", SubtopicFieldID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new SubtopicField.
#' This function creates a new SubtopicField.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created SubtopicField.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createSubtopicField <- function(EntityID = 1, setDataObjectFieldPathID = NULL, setSubtopicID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Reporting", "SubtopicField", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific SubtopicField
#' This function deletes a SubtopicField.
#' @param SubtopicFieldID The id of the SubtopicField.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllSubtopicFields}} for a list of SubtopicFields.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The id of the deleted SubtopicField.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteSubtopicField <- function(SubtopicFieldID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Reporting", "SubtopicField", SubtopicFieldID, EntityID)
#' Get all SubtopicStandardFilters.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all SubtopicStandardFilters in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return All SubtopicStandardFilters in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllSubtopicStandardFilters <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnSubtopicStandardFilterID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDisplayOnReport = F, returnIsRequired = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnPath = F, returnSkywardHash = F, returnSkywardID = F, returnStandardFilterID = F, returnSubtopicID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Reporting", "SubtopicStandardFilter", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific SubtopicStandardFilter
#' This function returns fields for a SubtopicStandardFilter.
#' @param SubtopicStandardFilterID The id of the SubtopicStandardFilter.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllSubtopicStandardFilters}} for a list of SubtopicStandardFilters.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details for the SubtopicStandardFilter.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getSubtopicStandardFilter <- function(SubtopicStandardFilterID, EntityID = 1, returnSubtopicStandardFilterID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDisplayOnReport = F, returnIsRequired = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnPath = F, returnSkywardHash = F, returnSkywardID = F, returnStandardFilterID = F, returnSubtopicID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Reporting", "SubtopicStandardFilter", SubtopicStandardFilterID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific SubtopicStandardFilter
#' This function modifies fields for a SubtopicStandardFilter.
#' @param SubtopicStandardFilterID The id of the SubtopicStandardFilter to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllSubtopicStandardFilters}} for a list of SubtopicStandardFilters.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details of the modified SubtopicStandardFilter.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifySubtopicStandardFilter <- function(SubtopicStandardFilterID, EntityID = 1, setIsRequired = NULL, setPath = NULL, setSkywardHash = NULL, setSkywardID = NULL, setStandardFilterID = NULL, setSubtopicID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Reporting", "SubtopicStandardFilter", SubtopicStandardFilterID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new SubtopicStandardFilter.
#' This function creates a new SubtopicStandardFilter.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created SubtopicStandardFilter.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createSubtopicStandardFilter <- function(EntityID = 1, setIsRequired = NULL, setPath = NULL, setSkywardHash = NULL, setSkywardID = NULL, setStandardFilterID = NULL, setSubtopicID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Reporting", "SubtopicStandardFilter", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific SubtopicStandardFilter
#' This function deletes a SubtopicStandardFilter.
#' @param SubtopicStandardFilterID The id of the SubtopicStandardFilter.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllSubtopicStandardFilters}} for a list of SubtopicStandardFilters.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The id of the deleted SubtopicStandardFilter.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteSubtopicStandardFilter <- function(SubtopicStandardFilterID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Reporting", "SubtopicStandardFilter", SubtopicStandardFilterID, EntityID)
#' Get all SummaryReportParameters.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all SummaryReportParameters in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return All SummaryReportParameters in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllSummaryReportParameters <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnSummaryReportParameterID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnName = F, returnReportQueueID = F, returnUsedBy = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F, returnValue = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Reporting", "SummaryReportParameter", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific SummaryReportParameter
#' This function returns fields for a SummaryReportParameter.
#' @param SummaryReportParameterID The id of the SummaryReportParameter.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllSummaryReportParameters}} for a list of SummaryReportParameters.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details for the SummaryReportParameter.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getSummaryReportParameter <- function(SummaryReportParameterID, EntityID = 1, returnSummaryReportParameterID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnName = F, returnReportQueueID = F, returnUsedBy = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F, returnValue = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Reporting", "SummaryReportParameter", SummaryReportParameterID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific SummaryReportParameter
#' This function modifies fields for a SummaryReportParameter.
#' @param SummaryReportParameterID The id of the SummaryReportParameter to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllSummaryReportParameters}} for a list of SummaryReportParameters.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details of the modified SummaryReportParameter.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifySummaryReportParameter <- function(SummaryReportParameterID, EntityID = 1, setName = NULL, setReportQueueID = NULL, setUsedBy = NULL, setValue = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Reporting", "SummaryReportParameter", SummaryReportParameterID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new SummaryReportParameter.
#' This function creates a new SummaryReportParameter.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created SummaryReportParameter.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createSummaryReportParameter <- function(EntityID = 1, setName = NULL, setReportQueueID = NULL, setUsedBy = NULL, setValue = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Reporting", "SummaryReportParameter", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific SummaryReportParameter
#' This function deletes a SummaryReportParameter.
#' @param SummaryReportParameterID The id of the SummaryReportParameter.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllSummaryReportParameters}} for a list of SummaryReportParameters.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The id of the deleted SummaryReportParameter.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteSummaryReportParameter <- function(SummaryReportParameterID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Reporting", "SummaryReportParameter", SummaryReportParameterID, EntityID)
#' Get all SummaryReportPrompts.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all SummaryReportPrompts in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return All SummaryReportPrompts in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllSummaryReportPrompts <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnSummaryReportPromptID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnLabel = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnOrder = F, returnReportQueueID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F, returnValue = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Reporting", "SummaryReportPrompt", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific SummaryReportPrompt
#' This function returns fields for a SummaryReportPrompt.
#' @param SummaryReportPromptID The id of the SummaryReportPrompt.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllSummaryReportPrompts}} for a list of SummaryReportPrompts.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details for the SummaryReportPrompt.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getSummaryReportPrompt <- function(SummaryReportPromptID, EntityID = 1, returnSummaryReportPromptID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnLabel = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnOrder = F, returnReportQueueID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F, returnValue = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Reporting", "SummaryReportPrompt", SummaryReportPromptID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific SummaryReportPrompt
#' This function modifies fields for a SummaryReportPrompt.
#' @param SummaryReportPromptID The id of the SummaryReportPrompt to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllSummaryReportPrompts}} for a list of SummaryReportPrompts.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details of the modified SummaryReportPrompt.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifySummaryReportPrompt <- function(SummaryReportPromptID, EntityID = 1, setLabel = NULL, setOrder = NULL, setReportQueueID = NULL, setValue = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Reporting", "SummaryReportPrompt", SummaryReportPromptID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new SummaryReportPrompt.
#' This function creates a new SummaryReportPrompt.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created SummaryReportPrompt.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createSummaryReportPrompt <- function(EntityID = 1, setLabel = NULL, setOrder = NULL, setReportQueueID = NULL, setValue = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Reporting", "SummaryReportPrompt", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific SummaryReportPrompt
#' This function deletes a SummaryReportPrompt.
#' @param SummaryReportPromptID The id of the SummaryReportPrompt.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllSummaryReportPrompts}} for a list of SummaryReportPrompts.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The id of the deleted SummaryReportPrompt.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteSummaryReportPrompt <- function(SummaryReportPromptID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Reporting", "SummaryReportPrompt", SummaryReportPromptID, EntityID)
#' Get all SummaryReportSections.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all SummaryReportSections in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return All SummaryReportSections in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllSummaryReportSections <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnSummaryReportSectionID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDisplayName = F, returnHiddenType = F, returnHiddenTypeCode = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnOrder = F, returnPath = F, returnReportQueueID = F, returnSummaryReportSectionIDParent = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Reporting", "SummaryReportSection", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific SummaryReportSection
#' This function returns fields for a SummaryReportSection.
#' @param SummaryReportSectionID The id of the SummaryReportSection.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllSummaryReportSections}} for a list of SummaryReportSections.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details for the SummaryReportSection.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getSummaryReportSection <- function(SummaryReportSectionID, EntityID = 1, returnSummaryReportSectionID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDisplayName = F, returnHiddenType = F, returnHiddenTypeCode = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnOrder = F, returnPath = F, returnReportQueueID = F, returnSummaryReportSectionIDParent = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Reporting", "SummaryReportSection", SummaryReportSectionID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific SummaryReportSection
#' This function modifies fields for a SummaryReportSection.
#' @param SummaryReportSectionID The id of the SummaryReportSection to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllSummaryReportSections}} for a list of SummaryReportSections.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details of the modified SummaryReportSection.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifySummaryReportSection <- function(SummaryReportSectionID, EntityID = 1, setDisplayName = NULL, setHiddenType = NULL, setOrder = NULL, setPath = NULL, setReportQueueID = NULL, setSummaryReportSectionIDParent = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Reporting", "SummaryReportSection", SummaryReportSectionID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new SummaryReportSection.
#' This function creates a new SummaryReportSection.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created SummaryReportSection.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createSummaryReportSection <- function(EntityID = 1, setDisplayName = NULL, setHiddenType = NULL, setOrder = NULL, setPath = NULL, setReportQueueID = NULL, setSummaryReportSectionIDParent = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Reporting", "SummaryReportSection", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific SummaryReportSection
#' This function deletes a SummaryReportSection.
#' @param SummaryReportSectionID The id of the SummaryReportSection.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllSummaryReportSections}} for a list of SummaryReportSections.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The id of the deleted SummaryReportSection.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteSummaryReportSection <- function(SummaryReportSectionID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Reporting", "SummaryReportSection", SummaryReportSectionID, EntityID)
#' Get all SummaryReportSectionColumns.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all SummaryReportSectionColumns in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return All SummaryReportSectionColumns in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllSummaryReportSectionColumns <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnSummaryReportSectionColumnID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDataType = F, returnDisplayName = F, returnFieldName = F, returnHiddenType = F, returnHiddenTypeCode = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnSummaryReportSectionID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Reporting", "SummaryReportSectionColumn", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific SummaryReportSectionColumn
#' This function returns fields for a SummaryReportSectionColumn.
#' @param SummaryReportSectionColumnID The id of the SummaryReportSectionColumn.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllSummaryReportSectionColumns}} for a list of SummaryReportSectionColumns.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details for the SummaryReportSectionColumn.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getSummaryReportSectionColumn <- function(SummaryReportSectionColumnID, EntityID = 1, returnSummaryReportSectionColumnID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDataType = F, returnDisplayName = F, returnFieldName = F, returnHiddenType = F, returnHiddenTypeCode = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnSummaryReportSectionID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Reporting", "SummaryReportSectionColumn", SummaryReportSectionColumnID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific SummaryReportSectionColumn
#' This function modifies fields for a SummaryReportSectionColumn.
#' @param SummaryReportSectionColumnID The id of the SummaryReportSectionColumn to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllSummaryReportSectionColumns}} for a list of SummaryReportSectionColumns.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details of the modified SummaryReportSectionColumn.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifySummaryReportSectionColumn <- function(SummaryReportSectionColumnID, EntityID = 1, setDataType = NULL, setDisplayName = NULL, setFieldName = NULL, setHiddenType = NULL, setSummaryReportSectionID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Reporting", "SummaryReportSectionColumn", SummaryReportSectionColumnID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new SummaryReportSectionColumn.
#' This function creates a new SummaryReportSectionColumn.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created SummaryReportSectionColumn.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createSummaryReportSectionColumn <- function(EntityID = 1, setDataType = NULL, setDisplayName = NULL, setFieldName = NULL, setHiddenType = NULL, setSummaryReportSectionID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Reporting", "SummaryReportSectionColumn", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific SummaryReportSectionColumn
#' This function deletes a SummaryReportSectionColumn.
#' @param SummaryReportSectionColumnID The id of the SummaryReportSectionColumn.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllSummaryReportSectionColumns}} for a list of SummaryReportSectionColumns.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The id of the deleted SummaryReportSectionColumn.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteSummaryReportSectionColumn <- function(SummaryReportSectionColumnID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Reporting", "SummaryReportSectionColumn", SummaryReportSectionColumnID, EntityID)
#' Get all TempSubtopicRelationshipOptions.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all TempSubtopicRelationshipOptions in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return All TempSubtopicRelationshipOptions in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllTempSubtopicRelationshipOptions <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnTempSubtopicRelationshipOptionID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnRelationshipPath = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Reporting", "TempSubtopicRelationshipOption", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific TempSubtopicRelationshipOption
#' This function returns fields for a TempSubtopicRelationshipOption.
#' @param TempSubtopicRelationshipOptionID The id of the TempSubtopicRelationshipOption.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllTempSubtopicRelationshipOptions}} for a list of TempSubtopicRelationshipOptions.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details for the TempSubtopicRelationshipOption.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getTempSubtopicRelationshipOption <- function(TempSubtopicRelationshipOptionID, EntityID = 1, returnTempSubtopicRelationshipOptionID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnRelationshipPath = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Reporting", "TempSubtopicRelationshipOption", TempSubtopicRelationshipOptionID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific TempSubtopicRelationshipOption
#' This function modifies fields for a TempSubtopicRelationshipOption.
#' @param TempSubtopicRelationshipOptionID The id of the TempSubtopicRelationshipOption to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllTempSubtopicRelationshipOptions}} for a list of TempSubtopicRelationshipOptions.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details of the modified TempSubtopicRelationshipOption.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyTempSubtopicRelationshipOption <- function(TempSubtopicRelationshipOptionID, EntityID = 1, setRelationshipPath = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Reporting", "TempSubtopicRelationshipOption", TempSubtopicRelationshipOptionID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new TempSubtopicRelationshipOption.
#' This function creates a new TempSubtopicRelationshipOption.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created TempSubtopicRelationshipOption.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createTempSubtopicRelationshipOption <- function(EntityID = 1, setRelationshipPath = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Reporting", "TempSubtopicRelationshipOption", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific TempSubtopicRelationshipOption
#' This function deletes a TempSubtopicRelationshipOption.
#' @param TempSubtopicRelationshipOptionID The id of the TempSubtopicRelationshipOption.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllTempSubtopicRelationshipOptions}} for a list of TempSubtopicRelationshipOptions.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The id of the deleted TempSubtopicRelationshipOption.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteTempSubtopicRelationshipOption <- function(TempSubtopicRelationshipOptionID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Reporting", "TempSubtopicRelationshipOption", TempSubtopicRelationshipOptionID, EntityID)
#' Get all TempUploadDataMiningReportLogs.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all TempUploadDataMiningReportLogs in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return All TempUploadDataMiningReportLogs in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllTempUploadDataMiningReportLogs <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnTempUploadDataMiningReportLogID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnFileName = F, returnLogID = F, returnMessage = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnResult = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Reporting", "TempUploadDataMiningReportLog", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific TempUploadDataMiningReportLog
#' This function returns fields for a TempUploadDataMiningReportLog.
#' @param TempUploadDataMiningReportLogID The id of the TempUploadDataMiningReportLog.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllTempUploadDataMiningReportLogs}} for a list of TempUploadDataMiningReportLogs.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details for the TempUploadDataMiningReportLog.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getTempUploadDataMiningReportLog <- function(TempUploadDataMiningReportLogID, EntityID = 1, returnTempUploadDataMiningReportLogID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnFileName = F, returnLogID = F, returnMessage = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnResult = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Reporting", "TempUploadDataMiningReportLog", TempUploadDataMiningReportLogID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific TempUploadDataMiningReportLog
#' This function modifies fields for a TempUploadDataMiningReportLog.
#' @param TempUploadDataMiningReportLogID The id of the TempUploadDataMiningReportLog to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllTempUploadDataMiningReportLogs}} for a list of TempUploadDataMiningReportLogs.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details of the modified TempUploadDataMiningReportLog.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyTempUploadDataMiningReportLog <- function(TempUploadDataMiningReportLogID, EntityID = 1, setFileName = NULL, setLogID = NULL, setMessage = NULL, setResult = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Reporting", "TempUploadDataMiningReportLog", TempUploadDataMiningReportLogID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new TempUploadDataMiningReportLog.
#' This function creates a new TempUploadDataMiningReportLog.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created TempUploadDataMiningReportLog.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createTempUploadDataMiningReportLog <- function(EntityID = 1, setFileName = NULL, setLogID = NULL, setMessage = NULL, setResult = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Reporting", "TempUploadDataMiningReportLog", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific TempUploadDataMiningReportLog
#' This function deletes a TempUploadDataMiningReportLog.
#' @param TempUploadDataMiningReportLogID The id of the TempUploadDataMiningReportLog.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllTempUploadDataMiningReportLogs}} for a list of TempUploadDataMiningReportLogs.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The id of the deleted TempUploadDataMiningReportLog.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteTempUploadDataMiningReportLog <- function(TempUploadDataMiningReportLogID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Reporting", "TempUploadDataMiningReportLog", TempUploadDataMiningReportLogID, EntityID)
#' Get all Topics.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all Topics in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return All Topics in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllTopics <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnTopicID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnCurrentUserHasAccess = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnName = F, returnNameWithParentTopicName = F, returnSkywardHash = F, returnSkywardID = F, returnSubjectID = F, returnTopicIDParent = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Reporting", "Topic", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific Topic
#' This function returns fields for a Topic.
#' @param TopicID The id of the Topic.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllTopics}} for a list of Topics.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details for the Topic.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getTopic <- function(TopicID, EntityID = 1, returnTopicID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnCurrentUserHasAccess = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnName = F, returnNameWithParentTopicName = F, returnSkywardHash = F, returnSkywardID = F, returnSubjectID = F, returnTopicIDParent = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Reporting", "Topic", TopicID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific Topic
#' This function modifies fields for a Topic.
#' @param TopicID The id of the Topic to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllTopics}} for a list of Topics.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details of the modified Topic.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyTopic <- function(TopicID, EntityID = 1, setName = NULL, setSkywardHash = NULL, setSkywardID = NULL, setSubjectID = NULL, setTopicIDParent = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Reporting", "Topic", TopicID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new Topic.
#' This function creates a new Topic.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created Topic.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createTopic <- function(EntityID = 1, setName = NULL, setSkywardHash = NULL, setSkywardID = NULL, setSubjectID = NULL, setTopicIDParent = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Reporting", "Topic", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific Topic
#' This function deletes a Topic.
#' @param TopicID The id of the Topic.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllTopics}} for a list of Topics.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The id of the deleted Topic.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteTopic <- function(TopicID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Reporting", "Topic", TopicID, EntityID)
#' Get all UploadReportLogs.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all UploadReportLogs in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return All UploadReportLogs in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllUploadReportLogs <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnUploadReportLogID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnFileName = F, returnLogID = F, returnMessage = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnReportID = F, returnResult = F, returnResultCode = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F, returnWorkflowInstanceID = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Reporting", "UploadReportLog", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific UploadReportLog
#' This function returns fields for an UploadReportLog.
#' @param UploadReportLogID The id of the UploadReportLog.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllUploadReportLogs}} for a list of UploadReportLogs.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details for the UploadReportLog.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getUploadReportLog <- function(UploadReportLogID, EntityID = 1, returnUploadReportLogID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnFileName = F, returnLogID = F, returnMessage = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnReportID = F, returnResult = F, returnResultCode = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F, returnWorkflowInstanceID = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Reporting", "UploadReportLog", UploadReportLogID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific UploadReportLog
#' This function modifies fields for an UploadReportLog.
#' @param UploadReportLogID The id of the UploadReportLog to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllUploadReportLogs}} for a list of UploadReportLogs.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details of the modified UploadReportLog.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyUploadReportLog <- function(UploadReportLogID, EntityID = 1, setFileName = NULL, setLogID = NULL, setMessage = NULL, setReportID = NULL, setResult = NULL, setResultCode = NULL, setWorkflowInstanceID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Reporting", "UploadReportLog", UploadReportLogID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new UploadReportLog.
#' This function creates a new UploadReportLog.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created UploadReportLog.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createUploadReportLog <- function(EntityID = 1, setFileName = NULL, setLogID = NULL, setMessage = NULL, setReportID = NULL, setResult = NULL, setResultCode = NULL, setWorkflowInstanceID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Reporting", "UploadReportLog", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific UploadReportLog
#' This function deletes an UploadReportLog.
#' @param UploadReportLogID The id of the UploadReportLog.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllUploadReportLogs}} for a list of UploadReportLogs.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The id of the deleted UploadReportLog.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteUploadReportLog <- function(UploadReportLogID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Reporting", "UploadReportLog", UploadReportLogID, EntityID)
#' Get all UserReportPrompts.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all UserReportPrompts in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return All UserReportPrompts in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllUserReportPrompts <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnUserReportPromptID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnCrystalPromptValues = F, returnCrystalPromptXML = F, returnEntityID = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnPromptTemplateID = F, returnReportID = F, returnSkywardPromptValues = F, returnSkywardPromptXML = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Reporting", "UserReportPrompt", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific UserReportPrompt
#' This function returns fields for an UserReportPrompt.
#' @param UserReportPromptID The id of the UserReportPrompt.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllUserReportPrompts}} for a list of UserReportPrompts.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details for the UserReportPrompt.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getUserReportPrompt <- function(UserReportPromptID, EntityID = 1, returnUserReportPromptID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnCrystalPromptValues = F, returnCrystalPromptXML = F, returnEntityID = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnPromptTemplateID = F, returnReportID = F, returnSkywardPromptValues = F, returnSkywardPromptXML = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Reporting", "UserReportPrompt", UserReportPromptID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific UserReportPrompt
#' This function modifies fields for an UserReportPrompt.
#' @param UserReportPromptID The id of the UserReportPrompt to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllUserReportPrompts}} for a list of UserReportPrompts.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details of the modified UserReportPrompt.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyUserReportPrompt <- function(UserReportPromptID, EntityID = 1, setCrystalPromptXML = NULL, setEntityID = NULL, setPromptTemplateID = NULL, setReportID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Reporting", "UserReportPrompt", UserReportPromptID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new UserReportPrompt.
#' This function creates a new UserReportPrompt.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created UserReportPrompt.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createUserReportPrompt <- function(EntityID = 1, setCrystalPromptXML = NULL, setEntityID = NULL, setPromptTemplateID = NULL, setReportID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Reporting", "UserReportPrompt", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific UserReportPrompt
#' This function deletes an UserReportPrompt.
#' @param UserReportPromptID The id of the UserReportPrompt.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllUserReportPrompts}} for a list of UserReportPrompts.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The id of the deleted UserReportPrompt.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteUserReportPrompt <- function(UserReportPromptID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Reporting", "UserReportPrompt", UserReportPromptID, EntityID)
#' Get all UserSettings.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all UserSettings in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return All UserSettings in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllUserSettings <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnUserSettingID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDataMiningLeftFieldSelectionPanelWidth = F, returnDataMiningMiddleFieldSelectionPanelWidth = F, returnDataMiningShowLeftFieldSelectionPanel = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnShowSideBar = F, returnSideBarWidth = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Reporting", "UserSetting", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific UserSetting
#' This function returns fields for an UserSetting.
#' @param UserSettingID The id of the UserSetting.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllUserSettings}} for a list of UserSettings.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details for the UserSetting.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getUserSetting <- function(UserSettingID, EntityID = 1, returnUserSettingID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDataMiningLeftFieldSelectionPanelWidth = F, returnDataMiningMiddleFieldSelectionPanelWidth = F, returnDataMiningShowLeftFieldSelectionPanel = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnShowSideBar = F, returnSideBarWidth = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Reporting", "UserSetting", UserSettingID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific UserSetting
#' This function modifies fields for an UserSetting.
#' @param UserSettingID The id of the UserSetting to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllUserSettings}} for a list of UserSettings.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return Details of the modified UserSetting.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyUserSetting <- function(UserSettingID, EntityID = 1, setDataMiningLeftFieldSelectionPanelWidth = NULL, setDataMiningMiddleFieldSelectionPanelWidth = NULL, setDataMiningShowLeftFieldSelectionPanel = NULL, setShowSideBar = NULL, setSideBarWidth = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Reporting", "UserSetting", UserSettingID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new UserSetting.
#' This function creates a new UserSetting.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created UserSetting.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createUserSetting <- function(EntityID = 1, setDataMiningLeftFieldSelectionPanelWidth = NULL, setDataMiningMiddleFieldSelectionPanelWidth = NULL, setDataMiningShowLeftFieldSelectionPanel = NULL, setShowSideBar = NULL, setSideBarWidth = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Reporting", "UserSetting", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific UserSetting
#' This function deletes an UserSetting.
#' @param UserSettingID The id of the UserSetting.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllUserSettings}} for a list of UserSettings.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Reporting
#' @return The id of the deleted UserSetting.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteUserSetting <- function(UserSettingID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Reporting", "UserSetting", UserSettingID, EntityID)
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