#' Get all Buses.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all Buses in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return All Buses in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllBuses <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnBusID = F, returnCapacity = F, returnCode = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDescription = F, returnDistrictID = F, returnHasHistoricBusRoutes = F, returnIsActive = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Transportation", "Bus", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific Bus
#' This function returns fields for a Bus.
#' @param BusID The id of the Bus.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllBuses}} for a list of Buses.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return Details for the Bus.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getBus <- function(BusID, EntityID = 1, returnBusID = F, returnCapacity = F, returnCode = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDescription = F, returnDistrictID = F, returnHasHistoricBusRoutes = F, returnIsActive = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Transportation", "Bus", BusID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific Bus
#' This function modifies fields for a Bus.
#' @param BusID The id of the Bus to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllBuses}} for a list of Bus.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return Details of the modified Bus.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyBus <- function(BusID, EntityID = 1, setCapacity = NULL, setCode = NULL, setDescription = NULL, setDistrictID = NULL, setIsActive = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Transportation", "Bus", BusID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new Bus.
#' This function creates a new Bus.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created Bus.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createBus <- function(EntityID = 1, setCapacity = NULL, setCode = NULL, setDescription = NULL, setDistrictID = NULL, setIsActive = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Transportation", "Bus", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific Bus
#' This function deletes a Bus.
#' @param BusID The id of the Bus.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllBuses}} for a list of Buses.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return The id of the deleted Bus.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteBus <- function(BusID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Transportation", "Bus", BusID, EntityID)
#' Get all BusRoutes.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all BusRoutes in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return All BusRoutes in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllBusRoutes <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnBusRouteID = F, returnArrivalTime = F, returnBusID = F, returnBusRouteIDClonedFrom = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDepartureTime = F, returnDescription = F, returnHasBusStops = F, returnMileage = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnNameIDDriver = F, returnRouteType = F, returnRouteTypeCode = F, returnSchoolYearID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Transportation", "BusRoute", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific BusRoute
#' This function returns fields for a BusRoute.
#' @param BusRouteID The id of the BusRoute.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllBusRoutes}} for a list of BusRoutes.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return Details for the BusRoute.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getBusRoute <- function(BusRouteID, EntityID = 1, returnBusRouteID = F, returnArrivalTime = F, returnBusID = F, returnBusRouteIDClonedFrom = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDepartureTime = F, returnDescription = F, returnHasBusStops = F, returnMileage = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnNameIDDriver = F, returnRouteType = F, returnRouteTypeCode = F, returnSchoolYearID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Transportation", "BusRoute", BusRouteID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific BusRoute
#' This function modifies fields for a BusRoute.
#' @param BusRouteID The id of the BusRoute to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllBusRoutes}} for a list of BusRoutes.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return Details of the modified BusRoute.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyBusRoute <- function(BusRouteID, EntityID = 1, setArrivalTime = NULL, setBusID = NULL, setBusRouteIDClonedFrom = NULL, setDepartureTime = NULL, setDescription = NULL, setMileage = NULL, setNameIDDriver = NULL, setRouteType = NULL, setRouteTypeCode = NULL, setSchoolYearID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Transportation", "BusRoute", BusRouteID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new BusRoute.
#' This function creates a new BusRoute.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created BusRoute.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createBusRoute <- function(EntityID = 1, setArrivalTime = NULL, setBusID = NULL, setBusRouteIDClonedFrom = NULL, setDepartureTime = NULL, setDescription = NULL, setMileage = NULL, setNameIDDriver = NULL, setRouteType = NULL, setRouteTypeCode = NULL, setSchoolYearID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Transportation", "BusRoute", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific BusRoute
#' This function deletes a BusRoute.
#' @param BusRouteID The id of the BusRoute.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllBusRoutes}} for a list of BusRoutes.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return The id of the deleted BusRoute.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteBusRoute <- function(BusRouteID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Transportation", "BusRoute", BusRouteID, EntityID)
#' Get all BusStops.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all BusStops in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return All BusStops in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllBusStops <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnBusStopID = F, returnAddressID = F, returnArrivalTime = F, returnArrivalTimeFormatted = F, returnBusRouteID = F, returnBusStopIDClonedFrom = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDepartureTime = F, returnDescription = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnStopNumber = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Transportation", "BusStop", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific BusStop
#' This function returns fields for a BusStop.
#' @param BusStopID The id of the BusStop.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllBusStops}} for a list of BusStops.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return Details for the BusStop.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getBusStop <- function(BusStopID, EntityID = 1, returnBusStopID = F, returnAddressID = F, returnArrivalTime = F, returnArrivalTimeFormatted = F, returnBusRouteID = F, returnBusStopIDClonedFrom = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDepartureTime = F, returnDescription = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnStopNumber = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Transportation", "BusStop", BusStopID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific BusStop
#' This function modifies fields for a BusStop.
#' @param BusStopID The id of the BusStop to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllBusStops}} for a list of BusStops.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return Details of the modified BusStop.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyBusStop <- function(BusStopID, EntityID = 1, setAddressID = NULL, setArrivalTime = NULL, setBusRouteID = NULL, setBusStopIDClonedFrom = NULL, setDepartureTime = NULL, setDescription = NULL, setStopNumber = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Transportation", "BusStop", BusStopID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new BusStop.
#' This function creates a new BusStop.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created BusStop.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createBusStop <- function(EntityID = 1, setAddressID = NULL, setArrivalTime = NULL, setBusRouteID = NULL, setBusStopIDClonedFrom = NULL, setDepartureTime = NULL, setDescription = NULL, setStopNumber = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Transportation", "BusStop", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific BusStop
#' This function deletes a BusStop.
#' @param BusStopID The id of the BusStop.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllBusStops}} for a list of BusStops.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return The id of the deleted BusStop.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteBusStop <- function(BusStopID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Transportation", "BusStop", BusStopID, EntityID)
#' Get all ConfigDistricts.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all ConfigDistricts in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return All ConfigDistricts in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllConfigDistrictsTransportation <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnConfigDistrictID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDistrictID = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnTransportationImportFileLocation = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Transportation", "ConfigDistrict", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific ConfigDistrict
#' This function returns fields for a ConfigDistrict.
#' @param ConfigDistrictID The id of the ConfigDistrict.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllConfigDistricts}} for a list of ConfigDistricts.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return Details for the ConfigDistrict.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getConfigDistrictTransportation <- function(ConfigDistrictID, EntityID = 1, returnConfigDistrictID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDistrictID = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnTransportationImportFileLocation = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Transportation", "ConfigDistrict", ConfigDistrictID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific ConfigDistrict
#' This function modifies fields for a ConfigDistrict.
#' @param ConfigDistrictID The id of the ConfigDistrict to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllConfigDistricts}} for a list of ConfigDistricts.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return Details of the modified ConfigDistrict.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyConfigDistrictTransportation <- function(ConfigDistrictID, EntityID = 1, setDistrictID = NULL, setTransportationImportFileLocation = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Transportation", "ConfigDistrict", ConfigDistrictID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new ConfigDistrict.
#' This function creates a new ConfigDistrict.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created ConfigDistrict.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createConfigDistrictTransportation <- function(EntityID = 1, setDistrictID = NULL, setTransportationImportFileLocation = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Transportation", "ConfigDistrict", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific ConfigDistrict
#' This function deletes a ConfigDistrict.
#' @param ConfigDistrictID The id of the ConfigDistrict.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllConfigDistricts}} for a list of ConfigDistricts.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return The id of the deleted ConfigDistrict.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteConfigDistrictTransportation <- function(ConfigDistrictID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Transportation", "ConfigDistrict", ConfigDistrictID, EntityID)
#' Get all StudentBusStops.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all StudentBusStops in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return All StudentBusStops in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllStudentBusStops <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnStudentBusStopID = F, returnBusStopID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnIsFriday = F, returnIsMonday = F, returnIsSaturday = F, returnIsSunday = F, returnIsThursday = F, returnIsTuesday = F, returnIsWednesday = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnStopType = F, returnStopTypeCode = F, returnStudentID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Transportation", "StudentBusStop", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific StudentBusStop
#' This function returns fields for a StudentBusStop.
#' @param StudentBusStopID The id of the StudentBusStop.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllStudentBusStops}} for a list of StudentBusStops.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return Details for the StudentBusStop.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getStudentBusStop <- function(StudentBusStopID, EntityID = 1, returnStudentBusStopID = F, returnBusStopID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnIsFriday = F, returnIsMonday = F, returnIsSaturday = F, returnIsSunday = F, returnIsThursday = F, returnIsTuesday = F, returnIsWednesday = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnStopType = F, returnStopTypeCode = F, returnStudentID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Transportation", "StudentBusStop", StudentBusStopID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific StudentBusStop
#' This function modifies fields for a StudentBusStop.
#' @param StudentBusStopID The id of the StudentBusStop to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllStudentBusStops}} for a list of StudentBusStops.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return Details of the modified StudentBusStop.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyStudentBusStop <- function(StudentBusStopID, EntityID = 1, setBusStopID = NULL, setIsFriday = NULL, setIsMonday = NULL, setIsSaturday = NULL, setIsSunday = NULL, setIsThursday = NULL, setIsTuesday = NULL, setIsWednesday = NULL, setStopType = NULL, setStopTypeCode = NULL, setStudentID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Transportation", "StudentBusStop", StudentBusStopID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new StudentBusStop.
#' This function creates a new StudentBusStop.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created StudentBusStop.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createStudentBusStop <- function(EntityID = 1, setBusStopID = NULL, setIsFriday = NULL, setIsMonday = NULL, setIsSaturday = NULL, setIsSunday = NULL, setIsThursday = NULL, setIsTuesday = NULL, setIsWednesday = NULL, setStopType = NULL, setStopTypeCode = NULL, setStudentID = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Transportation", "StudentBusStop", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific StudentBusStop
#' This function deletes a StudentBusStop.
#' @param StudentBusStopID The id of the StudentBusStop.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllStudentBusStops}} for a list of StudentBusStops.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return The id of the deleted StudentBusStop.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteStudentBusStop <- function(StudentBusStopID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Transportation", "StudentBusStop", StudentBusStopID, EntityID)
#' Get all StudentTransportations.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all StudentTransportations in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return All StudentTransportations in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllStudentTransportations <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnStudentTransportationID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDistrictID = F, returnEndDate = F, returnMiles = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnSchoolYearID = F, returnStartDate = F, returnStateDistrictMNID = F, returnStudentID = F, returnStudentTransportationMNID = F, returnTransportationCategoryID = F, returnTransported = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Transportation", "StudentTransportation", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific StudentTransportation
#' This function returns fields for a StudentTransportation.
#' @param StudentTransportationID The id of the StudentTransportation.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllStudentTransportations}} for a list of StudentTransportations.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return Details for the StudentTransportation.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getStudentTransportation <- function(StudentTransportationID, EntityID = 1, returnStudentTransportationID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDistrictID = F, returnEndDate = F, returnMiles = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnSchoolYearID = F, returnStartDate = F, returnStateDistrictMNID = F, returnStudentID = F, returnStudentTransportationMNID = F, returnTransportationCategoryID = F, returnTransported = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Transportation", "StudentTransportation", StudentTransportationID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific StudentTransportation
#' This function modifies fields for a StudentTransportation.
#' @param StudentTransportationID The id of the StudentTransportation to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllStudentTransportations}} for a list of StudentTransportations.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return Details of the modified StudentTransportation.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyStudentTransportation <- function(StudentTransportationID, EntityID = 1, setDistrictID = NULL, setEndDate = NULL, setMiles = NULL, setSchoolYearID = NULL, setStartDate = NULL, setStateDistrictMNID = NULL, setStudentID = NULL, setTransportationCategoryID = NULL, setTransported = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Transportation", "StudentTransportation", StudentTransportationID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new StudentTransportation.
#' This function creates a new StudentTransportation.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created StudentTransportation.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createStudentTransportation <- function(EntityID = 1, setDistrictID = NULL, setEndDate = NULL, setMiles = NULL, setSchoolYearID = NULL, setStartDate = NULL, setStateDistrictMNID = NULL, setStudentID = NULL, setTransportationCategoryID = NULL, setTransported = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Transportation", "StudentTransportation", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific StudentTransportation
#' This function deletes a StudentTransportation.
#' @param StudentTransportationID The id of the StudentTransportation.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllStudentTransportations}} for a list of StudentTransportations.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return The id of the deleted StudentTransportation.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteStudentTransportation <- function(StudentTransportationID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Transportation", "StudentTransportation", StudentTransportationID, EntityID)
#' Get all TempStudentBusStops.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all TempStudentBusStops in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return All TempStudentBusStops in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllTempStudentBusStops <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnTempStudentBusStopID = F, returnBusStopArrivalTime = F, returnBusStopDescription = F, returnBusStopFullAddress = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnExceptions = F, returnHasExceptions = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnStudentBusStopID = F, returnStudentNameLFM = F, returnStudentNumber = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Transportation", "TempStudentBusStop", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific TempStudentBusStop
#' This function returns fields for a TempStudentBusStop.
#' @param TempStudentBusStopID The id of the TempStudentBusStop.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllTempStudentBusStops}} for a list of TempStudentBusStops.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return Details for the TempStudentBusStop.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getTempStudentBusStop <- function(TempStudentBusStopID, EntityID = 1, returnTempStudentBusStopID = F, returnBusStopArrivalTime = F, returnBusStopDescription = F, returnBusStopFullAddress = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnExceptions = F, returnHasExceptions = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnStudentBusStopID = F, returnStudentNameLFM = F, returnStudentNumber = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Transportation", "TempStudentBusStop", TempStudentBusStopID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific TempStudentBusStop
#' This function modifies fields for a TempStudentBusStop.
#' @param TempStudentBusStopID The id of the TempStudentBusStop to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllTempStudentBusStops}} for a list of TempStudentBusStops.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return Details of the modified TempStudentBusStop.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyTempStudentBusStop <- function(TempStudentBusStopID, EntityID = 1, setBusStopArrivalTime = NULL, setBusStopDescription = NULL, setBusStopFullAddress = NULL, setExceptions = NULL, setHasExceptions = NULL, setStudentBusStopID = NULL, setStudentNameLFM = NULL, setStudentNumber = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Transportation", "TempStudentBusStop", TempStudentBusStopID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new TempStudentBusStop.
#' This function creates a new TempStudentBusStop.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created TempStudentBusStop.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createTempStudentBusStop <- function(EntityID = 1, setBusStopArrivalTime = NULL, setBusStopDescription = NULL, setBusStopFullAddress = NULL, setExceptions = NULL, setHasExceptions = NULL, setStudentBusStopID = NULL, setStudentNameLFM = NULL, setStudentNumber = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Transportation", "TempStudentBusStop", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific TempStudentBusStop
#' This function deletes a TempStudentBusStop.
#' @param TempStudentBusStopID The id of the TempStudentBusStop.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllTempStudentBusStops}} for a list of TempStudentBusStops.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return The id of the deleted TempStudentBusStop.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteTempStudentBusStop <- function(TempStudentBusStopID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Transportation", "TempStudentBusStop", TempStudentBusStopID, EntityID)
#' Get all TempStudentTransportations.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all TempStudentTransportations in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return All TempStudentTransportations in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllTempStudentTransportations <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnTempStudentTransportationID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnExceptions = F, returnHasExceptions = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnStartDate = F, returnStudentNameLFM = F, returnStudentNumber = F, returnStudentTransportationID = F, returnTransportationCategoryDescription = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Transportation", "TempStudentTransportation", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific TempStudentTransportation
#' This function returns fields for a TempStudentTransportation.
#' @param TempStudentTransportationID The id of the TempStudentTransportation.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllTempStudentTransportations}} for a list of TempStudentTransportations.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return Details for the TempStudentTransportation.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getTempStudentTransportation <- function(TempStudentTransportationID, EntityID = 1, returnTempStudentTransportationID = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnExceptions = F, returnHasExceptions = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnStartDate = F, returnStudentNameLFM = F, returnStudentNumber = F, returnStudentTransportationID = F, returnTransportationCategoryDescription = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Transportation", "TempStudentTransportation", TempStudentTransportationID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific TempStudentTransportation
#' This function modifies fields for a TempStudentTransportation.
#' @param TempStudentTransportationID The id of the TempStudentTransportation to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllTempStudentTransportations}} for a list of TempStudentTransportations.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return Details of the modified TempStudentTransportation.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyTempStudentTransportation <- function(TempStudentTransportationID, EntityID = 1, setExceptions = NULL, setHasExceptions = NULL, setStartDate = NULL, setStudentNameLFM = NULL, setStudentNumber = NULL, setStudentTransportationID = NULL, setTransportationCategoryDescription = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Transportation", "TempStudentTransportation", TempStudentTransportationID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new TempStudentTransportation.
#' This function creates a new TempStudentTransportation.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created TempStudentTransportation.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createTempStudentTransportation <- function(EntityID = 1, setExceptions = NULL, setHasExceptions = NULL, setStartDate = NULL, setStudentNameLFM = NULL, setStudentNumber = NULL, setStudentTransportationID = NULL, setTransportationCategoryDescription = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Transportation", "TempStudentTransportation", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific TempStudentTransportation
#' This function deletes a TempStudentTransportation.
#' @param TempStudentTransportationID The id of the TempStudentTransportation.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllTempStudentTransportations}} for a list of TempStudentTransportations.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return The id of the deleted TempStudentTransportation.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteTempStudentTransportation <- function(TempStudentTransportationID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Transportation", "TempStudentTransportation", TempStudentTransportationID, EntityID)
#' Get all TempTransportations.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all TempTransportations in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return All TempTransportations in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllTempTransportations <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnTempTransportationID = F, returnArrivalTime = F, returnBus = F, returnBusRoute = F, returnBusStop = F, returnBusStopAddress = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDays = F, returnDriver = F, returnExceptions = F, returnFirstName = F, returnGradeLevel = F, returnHasExceptions = F, returnLastName = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnSchool = F, returnStopType = F, returnStudentAddress = F, returnStudentNumber = F, returnTransportationCategory = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Transportation", "TempTransportation", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific TempTransportation
#' This function returns fields for a TempTransportation.
#' @param TempTransportationID The id of the TempTransportation.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllTempTransportations}} for a list of TempTransportations.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return Details for the TempTransportation.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getTempTransportation <- function(TempTransportationID, EntityID = 1, returnTempTransportationID = F, returnArrivalTime = F, returnBus = F, returnBusRoute = F, returnBusStop = F, returnBusStopAddress = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDays = F, returnDriver = F, returnExceptions = F, returnFirstName = F, returnGradeLevel = F, returnHasExceptions = F, returnLastName = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnSchool = F, returnStopType = F, returnStudentAddress = F, returnStudentNumber = F, returnTransportationCategory = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Transportation", "TempTransportation", TempTransportationID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific TempTransportation
#' This function modifies fields for a TempTransportation.
#' @param TempTransportationID The id of the TempTransportation to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllTempTransportations}} for a list of TempTransportations.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return Details of the modified TempTransportation.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyTempTransportation <- function(TempTransportationID, EntityID = 1, setArrivalTime = NULL, setBus = NULL, setBusRoute = NULL, setBusStop = NULL, setBusStopAddress = NULL, setDays = NULL, setDriver = NULL, setExceptions = NULL, setFirstName = NULL, setGradeLevel = NULL, setHasExceptions = NULL, setLastName = NULL, setSchool = NULL, setStopType = NULL, setStudentAddress = NULL, setStudentNumber = NULL, setTransportationCategory = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Transportation", "TempTransportation", TempTransportationID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new TempTransportation.
#' This function creates a new TempTransportation.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created TempTransportation.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createTempTransportation <- function(EntityID = 1, setArrivalTime = NULL, setBus = NULL, setBusRoute = NULL, setBusStop = NULL, setBusStopAddress = NULL, setDays = NULL, setDriver = NULL, setExceptions = NULL, setFirstName = NULL, setGradeLevel = NULL, setHasExceptions = NULL, setLastName = NULL, setSchool = NULL, setStopType = NULL, setStudentAddress = NULL, setStudentNumber = NULL, setTransportationCategory = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Transportation", "TempTransportation", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific TempTransportation
#' This function deletes a TempTransportation.
#' @param TempTransportationID The id of the TempTransportation.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllTempTransportations}} for a list of TempTransportations.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return The id of the deleted TempTransportation.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteTempTransportation <- function(TempTransportationID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Transportation", "TempTransportation", TempTransportationID, EntityID)
#' Get all TransportationCategories.
#' This function returns a dataframe of all TransportationCategories in the database.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{getAllSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return All TransportationCategories in the database.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getAllTransportationCategories <- function(EntityID = 1, searchConditionsList = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = rep(F, length(searchSortFieldNamesList)), page = 1, pageSize = "100000", returnTransportationCategoryID = F, returnCode = F, returnCodeDescription = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDescription = F, returnDistrictID = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnSchoolYearID = F, returnStateTransportationCategoryCodeMNID = F, returnTransportationCategoryIDClonedFrom = F, returnTransportationCategoryMNID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getAllDataObjectsForObject("Transportation", "TransportationCategory", searchFields, EntityID, searchConditionsList, searchConditionsGroupType, searchSortFieldNamesList, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, page, pageSize)
#' Get a specific TransportationCategory
#' This function returns fields for a TransportationCategory.
#' @param TransportationCategoryID The id of the TransportationCategory.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllTransportationCategories}} for a list of TransportationCategories.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param return{FieldName} A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return {FieldName} for the given object. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which for convenience returns all fields for the object.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return Details for the TransportationCategory.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
getTransportationCategory <- function(TransportationCategoryID, EntityID = 1, returnTransportationCategoryID = F, returnCode = F, returnCodeDescription = F, returnCreatedTime = F, returnDescription = F, returnDistrictID = F, returnModifiedTime = F, returnSchoolYearID = F, returnStateTransportationCategoryCodeMNID = F, returnTransportationCategoryIDClonedFrom = F, returnTransportationCategoryMNID = F, returnUserIDCreatedBy = F, returnUserIDModifiedBy = F){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
searchFields <- names(functionParams)[(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 1, x == T, F)))) & (names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return"))]
if(length(searchFields) == 0) searchFields <- names(functionParams)[names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_detect("^return")]
searchFields <- searchFields %>% stringr::str_replace("return", "")
getDataObject("Transportation", "TransportationCategory", TransportationCategoryID, searchFields, EntityID)
#' Modify a specific TransportationCategory
#' This function modifies fields for a TransportationCategory.
#' @param TransportationCategoryID The id of the TransportationCategory to be modified.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllTransportationCategories}} for a list of TransportationCategorys.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return Details of the modified TransportationCategory.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
modifyTransportationCategory <- function(TransportationCategoryID, EntityID = 1, setCode = NULL, setDescription = NULL, setDistrictID = NULL, setSchoolYearID = NULL, setStateTransportationCategoryCodeMNID = NULL, setTransportationCategoryIDClonedFrom = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-(1:2)]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
modifyDataObject("Transportation", "TransportationCategory", TransportationCategoryID, names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Create new TransportationCategory.
#' This function creates a new TransportationCategory.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @param set{FieldName} Values to set {FieldName} to for the given object. Defaults to NULL for all set fields which does not set the field's value.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return The fields used to define the newly created TransportationCategory.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
createTransportationCategory <- function(EntityID = 1, setCode = NULL, setDescription = NULL, setDistrictID = NULL, setSchoolYearID = NULL, setStateTransportationCategoryCodeMNID = NULL, setTransportationCategoryIDClonedFrom = NULL){
functionParams <- as.list(environment())[-1]
functionParams <- functionParams[which(unlist(lapply(functionParams, function(x) length(x) > 0)))]
names(functionParams) <- names(functionParams) %>% stringr::str_replace("set", "")
createDataObject("Transportation", "TransportationCategory", names(functionParams), functionParams, EntityID)
#' Delete a specific TransportationCategory
#' This function deletes a TransportationCategory.
#' @param TransportationCategoryID The id of the TransportationCategory.\cr Run \code{\link{getAllTransportationCategories}} for a list of TransportationCategories.
#' @param EntityID The id of the entity. Run \code{\link{getAllEntities}} for a list of entities.
#' @concept Transportation
#' @return The id of the deleted TransportationCategory.
#' @section References:
#' \{yourApiUrl\}/swagger\cr\cr
#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
#' @export
deleteTransportationCategory <- function(TransportationCategoryID, EntityID = 1){
deleteDataObject("Transportation", "TransportationCategory", TransportationCategoryID, EntityID)
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