
Defines functions getPluginEvent listPluginEvents

Documented in getPluginEvent listPluginEvents

	#' List PluginEvents
	#' This function returns a dataframe or json object of PluginEvents
	#' @param fieldNames A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return the field for the given PluginEvents. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which, for convenience, returns all fields for the PluginEvents.
	#' @param fieldPaths Fields from other objects with 'Many to One' or 'One to One' relationships to the given object listed as text. Run \code{\link{getSchemaForObjects}}('PluginEvent') to get more field paths.
	#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{listSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
	#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
	#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
	#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param page Results are paginated. The page of results to return. Default is 1.
	#' @param pageSize Results are paginated. The number of records per page to return. Default is 100,000 (essentially all records for most objects).
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten results into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A list of PluginEvents
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	listPluginEvents <- function(searchConditionsList = NULL, AuditIDSource = F, CreatedTime = F, LogID = F, ModifiedTime = F, PluginEventID = F, PluginID = F, SchemaName = F, Status = F, TableName = F, UserIDCreatedBy = F, UserIDModifiedBy = F, fieldPaths = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, page = 1, pageSize = 100000, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		searchFields <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper())

		ifelse(!any(searchFields %>% unlist()), searchFields <- searchFields %>% names(), searchFields <- searchFields %>% purrr::keep(~.x) %>% names())

		listSkyObjects(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "PluginEvent", searchFields = searchFields %>% append(fieldPaths), page = page, pageSize = pageSize, SearchConditionsList = searchConditionsList, SearchConditionsGroupType = searchConditionsGroupType, SearchSortFieldNamesList = searchSortFieldNamesList, SearchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Get a PluginEvent
	#' This function returns a dataframe or json object of a PluginEvent
	#' @param PluginEventID The ID of the PluginEvent to return.
	#' @param fieldNames A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return the field for the given PluginEvent. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which, for convenience, returns all fields for the PluginEvent.
	#' @param fieldPaths Fields from other objects with 'Many to One' or 'One to One' relationships to the given object listed as text. Run \code{\link{getSchemaForObjects}}('PluginEvent') to get more field paths.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A dataframe or of PluginEvent
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	getPluginEvent <- function(PluginEventID, AuditIDSource = F, CreatedTime = F, LogID = F, ModifiedTime = F, PluginID = F, SchemaName = F, Status = F, TableName = F, UserIDCreatedBy = F, UserIDModifiedBy = F, fieldPaths = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment()) %>% purrr::keep(names(.) != "PluginEventID")

		searchFields <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper())

		ifelse(!any(searchFields %>% unlist()), searchFields <- searchFields %>% names(), searchFields <- searchFields %>% purrr::keep(~.x) %>% names())

		getSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "PluginEvent", objectId = PluginEventID, searchFields = searchFields, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Delete a PluginEvent
	#' This function deletes a PluginEvent
	#' @param PluginEventID The ID of the PluginEvent to delete
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return The PluginEventID of the deleted PluginEvent.
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	deletePluginEvent <- function(PluginEventID, ignoreWarnings = F, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		deleteSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "PluginEvent", objectId = PluginEventID, ignoreWarnings = ignoreWarnings, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Create a PluginEvent
	#' This function creates a PluginEvent
	#' @param fieldNames The field values to give the created PluginEvent. Each defaults to NULL.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A newly created PluginEvent
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	createPluginEvent <- function(AuditIDSource = NULL, LogID = NULL, PluginID = NULL, SchemaName = NULL, Status = NULL, TableName = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		body <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper()) %>% purrr::compact()

		createSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "PluginEvent", body = list(DataObject = body), searchFields = append("PluginEventID", body %>% names()), entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Modify a PluginEvent
	#' This function modifies a PluginEvent
	#' @param fieldNames The field values to give the modified PluginEvent. Each defaults to NULL.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return The modified PluginEvent
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	modifyPluginEvent <- function(PluginEventID, AuditIDSource = NULL, LogID = NULL, PluginID = NULL, SchemaName = NULL, Status = NULL, TableName = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		body <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper()) %>% purrr::compact()

		modifySkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "PluginEvent", objectId = PluginEventID, body = list(DataObject = body), searchFields = append("PluginEventID", body %>% names()), entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' List EventQueueConfigSystems
	#' This function returns a dataframe or json object of EventQueueConfigSystems
	#' @param fieldNames A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return the field for the given EventQueueConfigSystems. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which, for convenience, returns all fields for the EventQueueConfigSystems.
	#' @param fieldPaths Fields from other objects with 'Many to One' or 'One to One' relationships to the given object listed as text. Run \code{\link{getSchemaForObjects}}('EventQueueConfigSystem') to get more field paths.
	#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{listSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
	#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
	#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
	#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param page Results are paginated. The page of results to return. Default is 1.
	#' @param pageSize Results are paginated. The number of records per page to return. Default is 100,000 (essentially all records for most objects).
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten results into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A list of EventQueueConfigSystems
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	listEventQueueConfigSystems <- function(searchConditionsList = NULL, ConfigSystemID = F, CreatedTime = F, DaysToStoreEvents = F, IsEnabled = F, ModifiedTime = F, UserIDCreatedBy = F, UserIDModifiedBy = F, fieldPaths = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, page = 1, pageSize = 100000, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		searchFields <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper())

		ifelse(!any(searchFields %>% unlist()), searchFields <- searchFields %>% names(), searchFields <- searchFields %>% purrr::keep(~.x) %>% names())

		listSkyObjects(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "ConfigSystem", searchFields = searchFields %>% append(fieldPaths), page = page, pageSize = pageSize, SearchConditionsList = searchConditionsList, SearchConditionsGroupType = searchConditionsGroupType, SearchSortFieldNamesList = searchSortFieldNamesList, SearchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Get an EventQueueConfigSystem
	#' This function returns a dataframe or json object of an EventQueueConfigSystem
	#' @param EventQueueConfigSystemID The ID of the EventQueueConfigSystem to return.
	#' @param fieldNames A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return the field for the given EventQueueConfigSystem. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which, for convenience, returns all fields for the EventQueueConfigSystem.
	#' @param fieldPaths Fields from other objects with 'Many to One' or 'One to One' relationships to the given object listed as text. Run \code{\link{getSchemaForObjects}}('EventQueueConfigSystem') to get more field paths.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A dataframe or of EventQueueConfigSystem
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	getEventQueueConfigSystem <- function(EventQueueConfigSystemID, ConfigSystemID = F, CreatedTime = F, DaysToStoreEvents = F, IsEnabled = F, ModifiedTime = F, UserIDCreatedBy = F, UserIDModifiedBy = F, fieldPaths = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment()) %>% purrr::keep(names(.) != "EventQueueConfigSystemID")

		searchFields <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper())

		ifelse(!any(searchFields %>% unlist()), searchFields <- searchFields %>% names(), searchFields <- searchFields %>% purrr::keep(~.x) %>% names())

		getSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "ConfigSystem", objectId = EventQueueConfigSystemID, searchFields = searchFields, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Delete an EventQueueConfigSystem
	#' This function deletes an EventQueueConfigSystem
	#' @param EventQueueConfigSystemID The ID of the EventQueueConfigSystem to delete
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return The EventQueueConfigSystemID of the deleted EventQueueConfigSystem.
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	deleteEventQueueConfigSystem <- function(EventQueueConfigSystemID, ignoreWarnings = F, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		deleteSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "ConfigSystem", objectId = EventQueueConfigSystemID, ignoreWarnings = ignoreWarnings, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Create an EventQueueConfigSystem
	#' This function creates an EventQueueConfigSystem
	#' @param fieldNames The field values to give the created EventQueueConfigSystem. Each defaults to NULL.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A newly created EventQueueConfigSystem
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	createEventQueueConfigSystem <- function(DaysToStoreEvents = NULL, IsEnabled = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		body <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper()) %>% purrr::compact()

		createSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "ConfigSystem", body = list(DataObject = body), searchFields = append("ConfigSystemID", body %>% names()), entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Modify an EventQueueConfigSystem
	#' This function modifies an EventQueueConfigSystem
	#' @param fieldNames The field values to give the modified EventQueueConfigSystem. Each defaults to NULL.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return The modified EventQueueConfigSystem
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	modifyEventQueueConfigSystem <- function(ConfigSystemID, DaysToStoreEvents = NULL, IsEnabled = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		body <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper()) %>% purrr::compact()

		modifySkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "ConfigSystem", objectId = ConfigSystemID, body = list(DataObject = body), searchFields = append("ConfigSystemID", body %>% names()), entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' List Plugins
	#' This function returns a dataframe or json object of Plugins
	#' @param fieldNames A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return the field for the given Plugins. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which, for convenience, returns all fields for the Plugins.
	#' @param fieldPaths Fields from other objects with 'Many to One' or 'One to One' relationships to the given object listed as text. Run \code{\link{getSchemaForObjects}}('Plugin') to get more field paths.
	#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{listSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
	#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
	#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
	#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param page Results are paginated. The page of results to return. Default is 1.
	#' @param pageSize Results are paginated. The number of records per page to return. Default is 100,000 (essentially all records for most objects).
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten results into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A list of Plugins
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	listPlugins <- function(searchConditionsList = NULL, ApplicationID = F, CreatedTime = F, EdFiApplicationID = F, IsEnabled = F, ModifiedTime = F, Name = F, PluginID = F, ProcessEvents = F, TableWatchApplicationID = F, UserIDCreatedBy = F, UserIDModifiedBy = F, fieldPaths = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, page = 1, pageSize = 100000, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		searchFields <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper())

		ifelse(!any(searchFields %>% unlist()), searchFields <- searchFields %>% names(), searchFields <- searchFields %>% purrr::keep(~.x) %>% names())

		listSkyObjects(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "Plugin", searchFields = searchFields %>% append(fieldPaths), page = page, pageSize = pageSize, SearchConditionsList = searchConditionsList, SearchConditionsGroupType = searchConditionsGroupType, SearchSortFieldNamesList = searchSortFieldNamesList, SearchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Get a Plugin
	#' This function returns a dataframe or json object of a Plugin
	#' @param PluginID The ID of the Plugin to return.
	#' @param fieldNames A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return the field for the given Plugin. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which, for convenience, returns all fields for the Plugin.
	#' @param fieldPaths Fields from other objects with 'Many to One' or 'One to One' relationships to the given object listed as text. Run \code{\link{getSchemaForObjects}}('Plugin') to get more field paths.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A dataframe or of Plugin
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	getPlugin <- function(PluginID, ApplicationID = F, CreatedTime = F, EdFiApplicationID = F, IsEnabled = F, ModifiedTime = F, Name = F, ProcessEvents = F, TableWatchApplicationID = F, UserIDCreatedBy = F, UserIDModifiedBy = F, fieldPaths = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment()) %>% purrr::keep(names(.) != "PluginID")

		searchFields <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper())

		ifelse(!any(searchFields %>% unlist()), searchFields <- searchFields %>% names(), searchFields <- searchFields %>% purrr::keep(~.x) %>% names())

		getSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "Plugin", objectId = PluginID, searchFields = searchFields, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Delete a Plugin
	#' This function deletes a Plugin
	#' @param PluginID The ID of the Plugin to delete
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return The PluginID of the deleted Plugin.
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	deletePlugin <- function(PluginID, ignoreWarnings = F, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		deleteSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "Plugin", objectId = PluginID, ignoreWarnings = ignoreWarnings, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Create a Plugin
	#' This function creates a Plugin
	#' @param fieldNames The field values to give the created Plugin. Each defaults to NULL.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A newly created Plugin
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	createPlugin <- function(EdFiApplicationID = NULL, IsEnabled = NULL, Name = NULL, ProcessEvents = NULL, TableWatchApplicationID = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		body <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper()) %>% purrr::compact()

		createSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "Plugin", body = list(DataObject = body), searchFields = append("PluginID", body %>% names()), entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Modify a Plugin
	#' This function modifies a Plugin
	#' @param fieldNames The field values to give the modified Plugin. Each defaults to NULL.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return The modified Plugin
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	modifyPlugin <- function(PluginID, EdFiApplicationID = NULL, IsEnabled = NULL, Name = NULL, ProcessEvents = NULL, TableWatchApplicationID = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		body <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper()) %>% purrr::compact()

		modifySkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "Plugin", objectId = PluginID, body = list(DataObject = body), searchFields = append("PluginID", body %>% names()), entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' List PluginEventTables
	#' This function returns a dataframe or json object of PluginEventTables
	#' @param fieldNames A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return the field for the given PluginEventTables. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which, for convenience, returns all fields for the PluginEventTables.
	#' @param fieldPaths Fields from other objects with 'Many to One' or 'One to One' relationships to the given object listed as text. Run \code{\link{getSchemaForObjects}}('PluginEventTable') to get more field paths.
	#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{listSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
	#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
	#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
	#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param page Results are paginated. The page of results to return. Default is 1.
	#' @param pageSize Results are paginated. The number of records per page to return. Default is 100,000 (essentially all records for most objects).
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten results into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A list of PluginEventTables
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	listPluginEventTables <- function(searchConditionsList = NULL, CreatedTime = F, ModifiedTime = F, PluginEventTableID = F, PluginID = F, SchemaName = F, SkywardHash = F, SkywardID = F, TableName = F, UserIDCreatedBy = F, UserIDModifiedBy = F, fieldPaths = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, page = 1, pageSize = 100000, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		searchFields <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper())

		ifelse(!any(searchFields %>% unlist()), searchFields <- searchFields %>% names(), searchFields <- searchFields %>% purrr::keep(~.x) %>% names())

		listSkyObjects(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "PluginEventTable", searchFields = searchFields %>% append(fieldPaths), page = page, pageSize = pageSize, SearchConditionsList = searchConditionsList, SearchConditionsGroupType = searchConditionsGroupType, SearchSortFieldNamesList = searchSortFieldNamesList, SearchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Get a PluginEventTable
	#' This function returns a dataframe or json object of a PluginEventTable
	#' @param PluginEventTableID The ID of the PluginEventTable to return.
	#' @param fieldNames A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return the field for the given PluginEventTable. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which, for convenience, returns all fields for the PluginEventTable.
	#' @param fieldPaths Fields from other objects with 'Many to One' or 'One to One' relationships to the given object listed as text. Run \code{\link{getSchemaForObjects}}('PluginEventTable') to get more field paths.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A dataframe or of PluginEventTable
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	getPluginEventTable <- function(PluginEventTableID, CreatedTime = F, ModifiedTime = F, PluginID = F, SchemaName = F, SkywardHash = F, SkywardID = F, TableName = F, UserIDCreatedBy = F, UserIDModifiedBy = F, fieldPaths = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment()) %>% purrr::keep(names(.) != "PluginEventTableID")

		searchFields <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper())

		ifelse(!any(searchFields %>% unlist()), searchFields <- searchFields %>% names(), searchFields <- searchFields %>% purrr::keep(~.x) %>% names())

		getSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "PluginEventTable", objectId = PluginEventTableID, searchFields = searchFields, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Delete a PluginEventTable
	#' This function deletes a PluginEventTable
	#' @param PluginEventTableID The ID of the PluginEventTable to delete
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return The PluginEventTableID of the deleted PluginEventTable.
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	deletePluginEventTable <- function(PluginEventTableID, ignoreWarnings = F, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		deleteSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "PluginEventTable", objectId = PluginEventTableID, ignoreWarnings = ignoreWarnings, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Create a PluginEventTable
	#' This function creates a PluginEventTable
	#' @param fieldNames The field values to give the created PluginEventTable. Each defaults to NULL.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A newly created PluginEventTable
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	createPluginEventTable <- function(PluginID = NULL, SchemaName = NULL, TableName = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		body <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper()) %>% purrr::compact()

		createSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "PluginEventTable", body = list(DataObject = body), searchFields = append("PluginEventTableID", body %>% names()), entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Modify a PluginEventTable
	#' This function modifies a PluginEventTable
	#' @param fieldNames The field values to give the modified PluginEventTable. Each defaults to NULL.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return The modified PluginEventTable
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	modifyPluginEventTable <- function(PluginEventTableID, PluginID = NULL, SchemaName = NULL, TableName = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		body <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper()) %>% purrr::compact()

		modifySkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "PluginEventTable", objectId = PluginEventTableID, body = list(DataObject = body), searchFields = append("PluginEventTableID", body %>% names()), entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' List Events
	#' This function returns a dataframe or json object of Events
	#' @param fieldNames A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return the field for the given Events. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which, for convenience, returns all fields for the Events.
	#' @param fieldPaths Fields from other objects with 'Many to One' or 'One to One' relationships to the given object listed as text. Run \code{\link{getSchemaForObjects}}('Event') to get more field paths.
	#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{listSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
	#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
	#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
	#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param page Results are paginated. The page of results to return. Default is 1.
	#' @param pageSize Results are paginated. The number of records per page to return. Default is 100,000 (essentially all records for most objects).
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten results into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A list of Events
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	listEvents <- function(searchConditionsList = NULL, AuditIDSource = F, CreatedTime = F, EventID = F, ModifiedTime = F, SchemaName = F, Status = F, TableName = F, UserIDCreatedBy = F, UserIDModifiedBy = F, fieldPaths = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, page = 1, pageSize = 100000, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		searchFields <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper())

		ifelse(!any(searchFields %>% unlist()), searchFields <- searchFields %>% names(), searchFields <- searchFields %>% purrr::keep(~.x) %>% names())

		listSkyObjects(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "Event", searchFields = searchFields %>% append(fieldPaths), page = page, pageSize = pageSize, SearchConditionsList = searchConditionsList, SearchConditionsGroupType = searchConditionsGroupType, SearchSortFieldNamesList = searchSortFieldNamesList, SearchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Get an Event
	#' This function returns a dataframe or json object of an Event
	#' @param EventID The ID of the Event to return.
	#' @param fieldNames A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return the field for the given Event. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which, for convenience, returns all fields for the Event.
	#' @param fieldPaths Fields from other objects with 'Many to One' or 'One to One' relationships to the given object listed as text. Run \code{\link{getSchemaForObjects}}('Event') to get more field paths.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A dataframe or of Event
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	getEvent <- function(EventID, AuditIDSource = F, CreatedTime = F, ModifiedTime = F, SchemaName = F, Status = F, TableName = F, UserIDCreatedBy = F, UserIDModifiedBy = F, fieldPaths = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment()) %>% purrr::keep(names(.) != "EventID")

		searchFields <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper())

		ifelse(!any(searchFields %>% unlist()), searchFields <- searchFields %>% names(), searchFields <- searchFields %>% purrr::keep(~.x) %>% names())

		getSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "Event", objectId = EventID, searchFields = searchFields, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Delete an Event
	#' This function deletes an Event
	#' @param EventID The ID of the Event to delete
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return The EventID of the deleted Event.
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	deleteEvent <- function(EventID, ignoreWarnings = F, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		deleteSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "Event", objectId = EventID, ignoreWarnings = ignoreWarnings, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Create an Event
	#' This function creates an Event
	#' @param fieldNames The field values to give the created Event. Each defaults to NULL.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A newly created Event
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	createEvent <- function(AuditIDSource = NULL, SchemaName = NULL, Status = NULL, TableName = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		body <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper()) %>% purrr::compact()

		createSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "Event", body = list(DataObject = body), searchFields = append("EventID", body %>% names()), entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Modify an Event
	#' This function modifies an Event
	#' @param fieldNames The field values to give the modified Event. Each defaults to NULL.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return The modified Event
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	modifyEvent <- function(EventID, AuditIDSource = NULL, SchemaName = NULL, Status = NULL, TableName = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		body <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper()) %>% purrr::compact()

		modifySkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "Event", objectId = EventID, body = list(DataObject = body), searchFields = append("EventID", body %>% names()), entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' List CodeGroups
	#' This function returns a dataframe or json object of CodeGroups
	#' @param fieldNames A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return the field for the given CodeGroups. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which, for convenience, returns all fields for the CodeGroups.
	#' @param fieldPaths Fields from other objects with 'Many to One' or 'One to One' relationships to the given object listed as text. Run \code{\link{getSchemaForObjects}}('CodeGroup') to get more field paths.
	#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{listSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
	#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
	#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
	#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param page Results are paginated. The page of results to return. Default is 1.
	#' @param pageSize Results are paginated. The number of records per page to return. Default is 100,000 (essentially all records for most objects).
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten results into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A list of CodeGroups
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	listCodeGroups <- function(searchConditionsList = NULL, Code = F, CodeDescription = F, CodeGroupID = F, CreatedTime = F, Description = F, HasSkywardID = F, ModifiedTime = F, PluginType = F, SkywardHash = F, SkywardID = F, UserIDCreatedBy = F, UserIDModifiedBy = F, fieldPaths = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, page = 1, pageSize = 100000, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		searchFields <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper())

		ifelse(!any(searchFields %>% unlist()), searchFields <- searchFields %>% names(), searchFields <- searchFields %>% purrr::keep(~.x) %>% names())

		listSkyObjects(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "CodeGroup", searchFields = searchFields %>% append(fieldPaths), page = page, pageSize = pageSize, SearchConditionsList = searchConditionsList, SearchConditionsGroupType = searchConditionsGroupType, SearchSortFieldNamesList = searchSortFieldNamesList, SearchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Get a CodeGroup
	#' This function returns a dataframe or json object of a CodeGroup
	#' @param CodeGroupID The ID of the CodeGroup to return.
	#' @param fieldNames A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return the field for the given CodeGroup. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which, for convenience, returns all fields for the CodeGroup.
	#' @param fieldPaths Fields from other objects with 'Many to One' or 'One to One' relationships to the given object listed as text. Run \code{\link{getSchemaForObjects}}('CodeGroup') to get more field paths.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A dataframe or of CodeGroup
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	getCodeGroup <- function(CodeGroupID, Code = F, CodeDescription = F, CreatedTime = F, Description = F, HasSkywardID = F, ModifiedTime = F, PluginType = F, SkywardHash = F, SkywardID = F, UserIDCreatedBy = F, UserIDModifiedBy = F, fieldPaths = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment()) %>% purrr::keep(names(.) != "CodeGroupID")

		searchFields <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper())

		ifelse(!any(searchFields %>% unlist()), searchFields <- searchFields %>% names(), searchFields <- searchFields %>% purrr::keep(~.x) %>% names())

		getSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "CodeGroup", objectId = CodeGroupID, searchFields = searchFields, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Delete a CodeGroup
	#' This function deletes a CodeGroup
	#' @param CodeGroupID The ID of the CodeGroup to delete
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return The CodeGroupID of the deleted CodeGroup.
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	deleteCodeGroup <- function(CodeGroupID, ignoreWarnings = F, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		deleteSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "CodeGroup", objectId = CodeGroupID, ignoreWarnings = ignoreWarnings, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Create a CodeGroup
	#' This function creates a CodeGroup
	#' @param fieldNames The field values to give the created CodeGroup. Each defaults to NULL.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A newly created CodeGroup
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	createCodeGroup <- function(Code = NULL, Description = NULL, PluginType = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		body <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper()) %>% purrr::compact()

		createSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "CodeGroup", body = list(DataObject = body), searchFields = append("CodeGroupID", body %>% names()), entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Modify a CodeGroup
	#' This function modifies a CodeGroup
	#' @param fieldNames The field values to give the modified CodeGroup. Each defaults to NULL.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return The modified CodeGroup
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	modifyCodeGroup <- function(CodeGroupID, Code = NULL, Description = NULL, PluginType = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		body <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper()) %>% purrr::compact()

		modifySkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "CodeGroup", objectId = CodeGroupID, body = list(DataObject = body), searchFields = append("CodeGroupID", body %>% names()), entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' List CodeGroupCodes
	#' This function returns a dataframe or json object of CodeGroupCodes
	#' @param fieldNames A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return the field for the given CodeGroupCodes. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which, for convenience, returns all fields for the CodeGroupCodes.
	#' @param fieldPaths Fields from other objects with 'Many to One' or 'One to One' relationships to the given object listed as text. Run \code{\link{getSchemaForObjects}}('CodeGroupCode') to get more field paths.
	#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{listSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
	#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
	#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
	#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param page Results are paginated. The page of results to return. Default is 1.
	#' @param pageSize Results are paginated. The number of records per page to return. Default is 100,000 (essentially all records for most objects).
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten results into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A list of CodeGroupCodes
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	listCodeGroupCodes <- function(searchConditionsList = NULL, Code = F, CodeDescription = F, CodeGroupCodeID = F, CodeGroupID = F, CreatedTime = F, Description = F, HasSkywardID = F, ModifiedTime = F, SkywardHash = F, SkywardID = F, UserIDCreatedBy = F, UserIDModifiedBy = F, fieldPaths = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, page = 1, pageSize = 100000, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		searchFields <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper())

		ifelse(!any(searchFields %>% unlist()), searchFields <- searchFields %>% names(), searchFields <- searchFields %>% purrr::keep(~.x) %>% names())

		listSkyObjects(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "CodeGroupCode", searchFields = searchFields %>% append(fieldPaths), page = page, pageSize = pageSize, SearchConditionsList = searchConditionsList, SearchConditionsGroupType = searchConditionsGroupType, SearchSortFieldNamesList = searchSortFieldNamesList, SearchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Get a CodeGroupCode
	#' This function returns a dataframe or json object of a CodeGroupCode
	#' @param CodeGroupCodeID The ID of the CodeGroupCode to return.
	#' @param fieldNames A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return the field for the given CodeGroupCode. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which, for convenience, returns all fields for the CodeGroupCode.
	#' @param fieldPaths Fields from other objects with 'Many to One' or 'One to One' relationships to the given object listed as text. Run \code{\link{getSchemaForObjects}}('CodeGroupCode') to get more field paths.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A dataframe or of CodeGroupCode
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	getCodeGroupCode <- function(CodeGroupCodeID, Code = F, CodeDescription = F, CodeGroupID = F, CreatedTime = F, Description = F, HasSkywardID = F, ModifiedTime = F, SkywardHash = F, SkywardID = F, UserIDCreatedBy = F, UserIDModifiedBy = F, fieldPaths = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment()) %>% purrr::keep(names(.) != "CodeGroupCodeID")

		searchFields <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper())

		ifelse(!any(searchFields %>% unlist()), searchFields <- searchFields %>% names(), searchFields <- searchFields %>% purrr::keep(~.x) %>% names())

		getSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "CodeGroupCode", objectId = CodeGroupCodeID, searchFields = searchFields, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Delete a CodeGroupCode
	#' This function deletes a CodeGroupCode
	#' @param CodeGroupCodeID The ID of the CodeGroupCode to delete
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return The CodeGroupCodeID of the deleted CodeGroupCode.
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	deleteCodeGroupCode <- function(CodeGroupCodeID, ignoreWarnings = F, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		deleteSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "CodeGroupCode", objectId = CodeGroupCodeID, ignoreWarnings = ignoreWarnings, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Create a CodeGroupCode
	#' This function creates a CodeGroupCode
	#' @param fieldNames The field values to give the created CodeGroupCode. Each defaults to NULL.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A newly created CodeGroupCode
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	createCodeGroupCode <- function(Code = NULL, CodeGroupID = NULL, Description = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		body <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper()) %>% purrr::compact()

		createSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "CodeGroupCode", body = list(DataObject = body), searchFields = append("CodeGroupCodeID", body %>% names()), entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Modify a CodeGroupCode
	#' This function modifies a CodeGroupCode
	#' @param fieldNames The field values to give the modified CodeGroupCode. Each defaults to NULL.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return The modified CodeGroupCode
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	modifyCodeGroupCode <- function(CodeGroupCodeID, Code = NULL, CodeGroupID = NULL, Description = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		body <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper()) %>% purrr::compact()

		modifySkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "CodeGroupCode", objectId = CodeGroupCodeID, body = list(DataObject = body), searchFields = append("CodeGroupCodeID", body %>% names()), entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' List CodeGroupCodeCrossReferences
	#' This function returns a dataframe or json object of CodeGroupCodeCrossReferences
	#' @param fieldNames A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return the field for the given CodeGroupCodeCrossReferences. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which, for convenience, returns all fields for the CodeGroupCodeCrossReferences.
	#' @param fieldPaths Fields from other objects with 'Many to One' or 'One to One' relationships to the given object listed as text. Run \code{\link{getSchemaForObjects}}('CodeGroupCodeCrossReference') to get more field paths.
	#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{listSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
	#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
	#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
	#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param page Results are paginated. The page of results to return. Default is 1.
	#' @param pageSize Results are paginated. The number of records per page to return. Default is 100,000 (essentially all records for most objects).
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten results into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A list of CodeGroupCodeCrossReferences
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	listCodeGroupCodeCrossReferences <- function(searchConditionsList = NULL, CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceID = F, CodeGroupCodeID = F, CodeGroupID = F, CreatedTime = F, HasSkywardID = F, ModifiedTime = F, SkywardHash = F, SkywardID = F, UserIDCreatedBy = F, UserIDModifiedBy = F, Value = F, fieldPaths = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, page = 1, pageSize = 100000, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		searchFields <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper())

		ifelse(!any(searchFields %>% unlist()), searchFields <- searchFields %>% names(), searchFields <- searchFields %>% purrr::keep(~.x) %>% names())

		listSkyObjects(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "CodeGroupCodeCrossReference", searchFields = searchFields %>% append(fieldPaths), page = page, pageSize = pageSize, SearchConditionsList = searchConditionsList, SearchConditionsGroupType = searchConditionsGroupType, SearchSortFieldNamesList = searchSortFieldNamesList, SearchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Get a CodeGroupCodeCrossReference
	#' This function returns a dataframe or json object of a CodeGroupCodeCrossReference
	#' @param CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceID The ID of the CodeGroupCodeCrossReference to return.
	#' @param fieldNames A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return the field for the given CodeGroupCodeCrossReference. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which, for convenience, returns all fields for the CodeGroupCodeCrossReference.
	#' @param fieldPaths Fields from other objects with 'Many to One' or 'One to One' relationships to the given object listed as text. Run \code{\link{getSchemaForObjects}}('CodeGroupCodeCrossReference') to get more field paths.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A dataframe or of CodeGroupCodeCrossReference
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	getCodeGroupCodeCrossReference <- function(CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceID, CodeGroupCodeID = F, CodeGroupID = F, CreatedTime = F, HasSkywardID = F, ModifiedTime = F, SkywardHash = F, SkywardID = F, UserIDCreatedBy = F, UserIDModifiedBy = F, Value = F, fieldPaths = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment()) %>% purrr::keep(names(.) != "CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceID")

		searchFields <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper())

		ifelse(!any(searchFields %>% unlist()), searchFields <- searchFields %>% names(), searchFields <- searchFields %>% purrr::keep(~.x) %>% names())

		getSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "CodeGroupCodeCrossReference", objectId = CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceID, searchFields = searchFields, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Delete a CodeGroupCodeCrossReference
	#' This function deletes a CodeGroupCodeCrossReference
	#' @param CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceID The ID of the CodeGroupCodeCrossReference to delete
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return The CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceID of the deleted CodeGroupCodeCrossReference.
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	deleteCodeGroupCodeCrossReference <- function(CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceID, ignoreWarnings = F, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		deleteSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "CodeGroupCodeCrossReference", objectId = CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceID, ignoreWarnings = ignoreWarnings, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Create a CodeGroupCodeCrossReference
	#' This function creates a CodeGroupCodeCrossReference
	#' @param fieldNames The field values to give the created CodeGroupCodeCrossReference. Each defaults to NULL.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A newly created CodeGroupCodeCrossReference
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	createCodeGroupCodeCrossReference <- function(CodeGroupCodeID = NULL, CodeGroupID = NULL, Value = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		body <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper()) %>% purrr::compact()

		createSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "CodeGroupCodeCrossReference", body = list(DataObject = body), searchFields = append("CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceID", body %>% names()), entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Modify a CodeGroupCodeCrossReference
	#' This function modifies a CodeGroupCodeCrossReference
	#' @param fieldNames The field values to give the modified CodeGroupCodeCrossReference. Each defaults to NULL.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return The modified CodeGroupCodeCrossReference
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	modifyCodeGroupCodeCrossReference <- function(CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceID, CodeGroupCodeID = NULL, CodeGroupID = NULL, Value = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		body <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper()) %>% purrr::compact()

		modifySkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "CodeGroupCodeCrossReference", objectId = CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceID, body = list(DataObject = body), searchFields = append("CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceID", body %>% names()), entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' List CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverrides
	#' This function returns a dataframe or json object of CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverrides
	#' @param fieldNames A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return the field for the given CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverrides. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which, for convenience, returns all fields for the CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverrides.
	#' @param fieldPaths Fields from other objects with 'Many to One' or 'One to One' relationships to the given object listed as text. Run \code{\link{getSchemaForObjects}}('CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverride') to get more field paths.
	#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{listSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
	#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
	#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
	#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param page Results are paginated. The page of results to return. Default is 1.
	#' @param pageSize Results are paginated. The number of records per page to return. Default is 100,000 (essentially all records for most objects).
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten results into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A list of CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverrides
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	listCodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverrides <- function(searchConditionsList = NULL, CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceID = F, CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverrideID = F, CodeGroupCodeID = F, CodeGroupID = F, CreatedTime = F, ModifiedTime = F, OverrideType = F, PluginID = F, UserIDCreatedBy = F, UserIDModifiedBy = F, Value = F, fieldPaths = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, page = 1, pageSize = 100000, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		searchFields <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper())

		ifelse(!any(searchFields %>% unlist()), searchFields <- searchFields %>% names(), searchFields <- searchFields %>% purrr::keep(~.x) %>% names())

		listSkyObjects(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverride", searchFields = searchFields %>% append(fieldPaths), page = page, pageSize = pageSize, SearchConditionsList = searchConditionsList, SearchConditionsGroupType = searchConditionsGroupType, SearchSortFieldNamesList = searchSortFieldNamesList, SearchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Get a CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverride
	#' This function returns a dataframe or json object of a CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverride
	#' @param CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverrideID The ID of the CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverride to return.
	#' @param fieldNames A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return the field for the given CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverride. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which, for convenience, returns all fields for the CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverride.
	#' @param fieldPaths Fields from other objects with 'Many to One' or 'One to One' relationships to the given object listed as text. Run \code{\link{getSchemaForObjects}}('CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverride') to get more field paths.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A dataframe or of CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverride
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	getCodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverride <- function(CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverrideID, CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceID = F, CodeGroupCodeID = F, CodeGroupID = F, CreatedTime = F, ModifiedTime = F, OverrideType = F, PluginID = F, UserIDCreatedBy = F, UserIDModifiedBy = F, Value = F, fieldPaths = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment()) %>% purrr::keep(names(.) != "CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverrideID")

		searchFields <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper())

		ifelse(!any(searchFields %>% unlist()), searchFields <- searchFields %>% names(), searchFields <- searchFields %>% purrr::keep(~.x) %>% names())

		getSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverride", objectId = CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverrideID, searchFields = searchFields, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Delete a CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverride
	#' This function deletes a CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverride
	#' @param CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverrideID The ID of the CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverride to delete
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return The CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverrideID of the deleted CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverride.
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	deleteCodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverride <- function(CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverrideID, ignoreWarnings = F, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		deleteSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverride", objectId = CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverrideID, ignoreWarnings = ignoreWarnings, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Create a CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverride
	#' This function creates a CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverride
	#' @param fieldNames The field values to give the created CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverride. Each defaults to NULL.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A newly created CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverride
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	createCodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverride <- function(CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceID = NULL, CodeGroupCodeID = NULL, CodeGroupID = NULL, OverrideType = NULL, PluginID = NULL, Value = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		body <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper()) %>% purrr::compact()

		createSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverride", body = list(DataObject = body), searchFields = append("CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverrideID", body %>% names()), entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Modify a CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverride
	#' This function modifies a CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverride
	#' @param fieldNames The field values to give the modified CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverride. Each defaults to NULL.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return The modified CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverride
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	modifyCodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverride <- function(CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverrideID, CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceID = NULL, CodeGroupCodeID = NULL, CodeGroupID = NULL, OverrideType = NULL, PluginID = NULL, Value = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		body <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper()) %>% purrr::compact()

		modifySkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverride", objectId = CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverrideID, body = list(DataObject = body), searchFields = append("CodeGroupCodeCrossReferenceOverrideID", body %>% names()), entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' List CodeGroupCrossReferenceSources
	#' This function returns a dataframe or json object of CodeGroupCrossReferenceSources
	#' @param fieldNames A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return the field for the given CodeGroupCrossReferenceSources. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which, for convenience, returns all fields for the CodeGroupCrossReferenceSources.
	#' @param fieldPaths Fields from other objects with 'Many to One' or 'One to One' relationships to the given object listed as text. Run \code{\link{getSchemaForObjects}}('CodeGroupCrossReferenceSource') to get more field paths.
	#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{listSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
	#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
	#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
	#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param page Results are paginated. The page of results to return. Default is 1.
	#' @param pageSize Results are paginated. The number of records per page to return. Default is 100,000 (essentially all records for most objects).
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten results into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A list of CodeGroupCrossReferenceSources
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	listCodeGroupCrossReferenceSources <- function(searchConditionsList = NULL, CodeGroupCodeIDFallback = F, CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceID = F, CodeGroupID = F, CreatedTime = F, HasSkywardID = F, ModifiedTime = F, ObjectIDBase = F, SearchConditionData = F, SkywardHash = F, SkywardID = F, SkywardIDObject = F, SourceType = F, UserIDCreatedBy = F, UserIDModifiedBy = F, fieldPaths = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, page = 1, pageSize = 100000, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		searchFields <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper())

		ifelse(!any(searchFields %>% unlist()), searchFields <- searchFields %>% names(), searchFields <- searchFields %>% purrr::keep(~.x) %>% names())

		listSkyObjects(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "CodeGroupCrossReferenceSource", searchFields = searchFields %>% append(fieldPaths), page = page, pageSize = pageSize, SearchConditionsList = searchConditionsList, SearchConditionsGroupType = searchConditionsGroupType, SearchSortFieldNamesList = searchSortFieldNamesList, SearchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Get a CodeGroupCrossReferenceSource
	#' This function returns a dataframe or json object of a CodeGroupCrossReferenceSource
	#' @param CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceID The ID of the CodeGroupCrossReferenceSource to return.
	#' @param fieldNames A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return the field for the given CodeGroupCrossReferenceSource. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which, for convenience, returns all fields for the CodeGroupCrossReferenceSource.
	#' @param fieldPaths Fields from other objects with 'Many to One' or 'One to One' relationships to the given object listed as text. Run \code{\link{getSchemaForObjects}}('CodeGroupCrossReferenceSource') to get more field paths.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A dataframe or of CodeGroupCrossReferenceSource
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	getCodeGroupCrossReferenceSource <- function(CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceID, CodeGroupCodeIDFallback = F, CodeGroupID = F, CreatedTime = F, HasSkywardID = F, ModifiedTime = F, ObjectIDBase = F, SearchConditionData = F, SkywardHash = F, SkywardID = F, SkywardIDObject = F, SourceType = F, UserIDCreatedBy = F, UserIDModifiedBy = F, fieldPaths = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment()) %>% purrr::keep(names(.) != "CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceID")

		searchFields <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper())

		ifelse(!any(searchFields %>% unlist()), searchFields <- searchFields %>% names(), searchFields <- searchFields %>% purrr::keep(~.x) %>% names())

		getSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "CodeGroupCrossReferenceSource", objectId = CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceID, searchFields = searchFields, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Delete a CodeGroupCrossReferenceSource
	#' This function deletes a CodeGroupCrossReferenceSource
	#' @param CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceID The ID of the CodeGroupCrossReferenceSource to delete
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return The CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceID of the deleted CodeGroupCrossReferenceSource.
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	deleteCodeGroupCrossReferenceSource <- function(CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceID, ignoreWarnings = F, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		deleteSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "CodeGroupCrossReferenceSource", objectId = CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceID, ignoreWarnings = ignoreWarnings, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Create a CodeGroupCrossReferenceSource
	#' This function creates a CodeGroupCrossReferenceSource
	#' @param fieldNames The field values to give the created CodeGroupCrossReferenceSource. Each defaults to NULL.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A newly created CodeGroupCrossReferenceSource
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	createCodeGroupCrossReferenceSource <- function(CodeGroupCodeIDFallback = NULL, CodeGroupID = NULL, ObjectIDBase = NULL, SkywardIDObject = NULL, SourceType = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		body <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper()) %>% purrr::compact()

		createSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "CodeGroupCrossReferenceSource", body = list(DataObject = body), searchFields = append("CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceID", body %>% names()), entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Modify a CodeGroupCrossReferenceSource
	#' This function modifies a CodeGroupCrossReferenceSource
	#' @param fieldNames The field values to give the modified CodeGroupCrossReferenceSource. Each defaults to NULL.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return The modified CodeGroupCrossReferenceSource
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	modifyCodeGroupCrossReferenceSource <- function(CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceID, CodeGroupCodeIDFallback = NULL, CodeGroupID = NULL, ObjectIDBase = NULL, SkywardIDObject = NULL, SourceType = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		body <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper()) %>% purrr::compact()

		modifySkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "CodeGroupCrossReferenceSource", objectId = CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceID, body = list(DataObject = body), searchFields = append("CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceID", body %>% names()), entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' List CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetails
	#' This function returns a dataframe or json object of CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetails
	#' @param fieldNames A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return the field for the given CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetails. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which, for convenience, returns all fields for the CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetails.
	#' @param fieldPaths Fields from other objects with 'Many to One' or 'One to One' relationships to the given object listed as text. Run \code{\link{getSchemaForObjects}}('CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetail') to get more field paths.
	#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{listSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
	#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
	#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
	#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param page Results are paginated. The page of results to return. Default is 1.
	#' @param pageSize Results are paginated. The number of records per page to return. Default is 100,000 (essentially all records for most objects).
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten results into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A list of CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetails
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	listCodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetails <- function(searchConditionsList = NULL, CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailID = F, CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceID = F, CreatedTime = F, DataPath = F, DisplayOrder = F, DisplaySortOrder = F, HasSkywardID = F, IndexNumberMapping = F, ModifiedTime = F, SkywardHash = F, SkywardID = F, UserIDCreatedBy = F, UserIDModifiedBy = F, fieldPaths = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, page = 1, pageSize = 100000, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		searchFields <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper())

		ifelse(!any(searchFields %>% unlist()), searchFields <- searchFields %>% names(), searchFields <- searchFields %>% purrr::keep(~.x) %>% names())

		listSkyObjects(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetail", searchFields = searchFields %>% append(fieldPaths), page = page, pageSize = pageSize, SearchConditionsList = searchConditionsList, SearchConditionsGroupType = searchConditionsGroupType, SearchSortFieldNamesList = searchSortFieldNamesList, SearchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Get a CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetail
	#' This function returns a dataframe or json object of a CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetail
	#' @param CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailID The ID of the CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetail to return.
	#' @param fieldNames A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return the field for the given CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetail. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which, for convenience, returns all fields for the CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetail.
	#' @param fieldPaths Fields from other objects with 'Many to One' or 'One to One' relationships to the given object listed as text. Run \code{\link{getSchemaForObjects}}('CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetail') to get more field paths.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A dataframe or of CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetail
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	getCodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetail <- function(CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailID, CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceID = F, CreatedTime = F, DataPath = F, DisplayOrder = F, DisplaySortOrder = F, HasSkywardID = F, IndexNumberMapping = F, ModifiedTime = F, SkywardHash = F, SkywardID = F, UserIDCreatedBy = F, UserIDModifiedBy = F, fieldPaths = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment()) %>% purrr::keep(names(.) != "CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailID")

		searchFields <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper())

		ifelse(!any(searchFields %>% unlist()), searchFields <- searchFields %>% names(), searchFields <- searchFields %>% purrr::keep(~.x) %>% names())

		getSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetail", objectId = CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailID, searchFields = searchFields, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Delete a CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetail
	#' This function deletes a CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetail
	#' @param CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailID The ID of the CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetail to delete
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return The CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailID of the deleted CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetail.
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	deleteCodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetail <- function(CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailID, ignoreWarnings = F, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		deleteSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetail", objectId = CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailID, ignoreWarnings = ignoreWarnings, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Create a CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetail
	#' This function creates a CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetail
	#' @param fieldNames The field values to give the created CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetail. Each defaults to NULL.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A newly created CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetail
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	createCodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetail <- function(CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceID = NULL, DataPath = NULL, DisplayOrder = NULL, DisplaySortOrder = NULL, IndexNumberMapping = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		body <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper()) %>% purrr::compact()

		createSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetail", body = list(DataObject = body), searchFields = append("CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailID", body %>% names()), entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Modify a CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetail
	#' This function modifies a CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetail
	#' @param fieldNames The field values to give the modified CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetail. Each defaults to NULL.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return The modified CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetail
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	modifyCodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetail <- function(CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailID, CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceID = NULL, DataPath = NULL, DisplayOrder = NULL, DisplaySortOrder = NULL, IndexNumberMapping = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		body <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper()) %>% purrr::compact()

		modifySkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetail", objectId = CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailID, body = list(DataObject = body), searchFields = append("CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailID", body %>% names()), entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' List CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValues
	#' This function returns a dataframe or json object of CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValues
	#' @param fieldNames A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return the field for the given CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValues. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which, for convenience, returns all fields for the CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValues.
	#' @param fieldPaths Fields from other objects with 'Many to One' or 'One to One' relationships to the given object listed as text. Run \code{\link{getSchemaForObjects}}('CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValue') to get more field paths.
	#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{listSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
	#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
	#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
	#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param page Results are paginated. The page of results to return. Default is 1.
	#' @param pageSize Results are paginated. The number of records per page to return. Default is 100,000 (essentially all records for most objects).
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten results into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A list of CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValues
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	listCodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValues <- function(searchConditionsList = NULL, CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailID = F, CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValueID = F, CreatedTime = F, HasSkywardID = F, ModifiedTime = F, RowNumber = F, SkywardHash = F, SkywardID = F, UserIDCreatedBy = F, UserIDModifiedBy = F, Value = F, fieldPaths = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, page = 1, pageSize = 100000, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		searchFields <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper())

		ifelse(!any(searchFields %>% unlist()), searchFields <- searchFields %>% names(), searchFields <- searchFields %>% purrr::keep(~.x) %>% names())

		listSkyObjects(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValue", searchFields = searchFields %>% append(fieldPaths), page = page, pageSize = pageSize, SearchConditionsList = searchConditionsList, SearchConditionsGroupType = searchConditionsGroupType, SearchSortFieldNamesList = searchSortFieldNamesList, SearchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Get a CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValue
	#' This function returns a dataframe or json object of a CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValue
	#' @param CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValueID The ID of the CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValue to return.
	#' @param fieldNames A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return the field for the given CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValue. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which, for convenience, returns all fields for the CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValue.
	#' @param fieldPaths Fields from other objects with 'Many to One' or 'One to One' relationships to the given object listed as text. Run \code{\link{getSchemaForObjects}}('CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValue') to get more field paths.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A dataframe or of CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValue
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	getCodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValue <- function(CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValueID, CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailID = F, CreatedTime = F, HasSkywardID = F, ModifiedTime = F, RowNumber = F, SkywardHash = F, SkywardID = F, UserIDCreatedBy = F, UserIDModifiedBy = F, Value = F, fieldPaths = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment()) %>% purrr::keep(names(.) != "CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValueID")

		searchFields <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper())

		ifelse(!any(searchFields %>% unlist()), searchFields <- searchFields %>% names(), searchFields <- searchFields %>% purrr::keep(~.x) %>% names())

		getSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValue", objectId = CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValueID, searchFields = searchFields, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Delete a CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValue
	#' This function deletes a CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValue
	#' @param CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValueID The ID of the CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValue to delete
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return The CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValueID of the deleted CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValue.
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	deleteCodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValue <- function(CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValueID, ignoreWarnings = F, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		deleteSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValue", objectId = CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValueID, ignoreWarnings = ignoreWarnings, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Create a CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValue
	#' This function creates a CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValue
	#' @param fieldNames The field values to give the created CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValue. Each defaults to NULL.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A newly created CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValue
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	createCodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValue <- function(CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailID = NULL, RowNumber = NULL, Value = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		body <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper()) %>% purrr::compact()

		createSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValue", body = list(DataObject = body), searchFields = append("CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValueID", body %>% names()), entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Modify a CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValue
	#' This function modifies a CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValue
	#' @param fieldNames The field values to give the modified CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValue. Each defaults to NULL.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return The modified CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValue
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	modifyCodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValue <- function(CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValueID, CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailID = NULL, RowNumber = NULL, Value = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		body <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper()) %>% purrr::compact()

		modifySkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValue", objectId = CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValueID, body = list(DataObject = body), searchFields = append("CodeGroupCrossReferenceSourceDetailValueID", body %>% names()), entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' List Maps
	#' This function returns a dataframe or json object of Maps
	#' @param fieldNames A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return the field for the given Maps. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which, for convenience, returns all fields for the Maps.
	#' @param fieldPaths Fields from other objects with 'Many to One' or 'One to One' relationships to the given object listed as text. Run \code{\link{getSchemaForObjects}}('Map') to get more field paths.
	#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{listSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
	#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
	#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
	#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param page Results are paginated. The page of results to return. Default is 1.
	#' @param pageSize Results are paginated. The number of records per page to return. Default is 100,000 (essentially all records for most objects).
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten results into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A list of Maps
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	listMaps <- function(searchConditionsList = NULL, CreatedTime = F, Description = F, HasSkywardID = F, MapID = F, ModifiedTime = F, Name = F, NameDescription = F, ObjectIDBase = F, PluginCategory = F, ReportEvents = F, SearchConditionData = F, SkywardHash = F, SkywardID = F, SkywardIDObject = F, UserIDCreatedBy = F, UserIDModifiedBy = F, fieldPaths = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, page = 1, pageSize = 100000, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		searchFields <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper())

		ifelse(!any(searchFields %>% unlist()), searchFields <- searchFields %>% names(), searchFields <- searchFields %>% purrr::keep(~.x) %>% names())

		listSkyObjects(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "Map", searchFields = searchFields %>% append(fieldPaths), page = page, pageSize = pageSize, SearchConditionsList = searchConditionsList, SearchConditionsGroupType = searchConditionsGroupType, SearchSortFieldNamesList = searchSortFieldNamesList, SearchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Get a Map
	#' This function returns a dataframe or json object of a Map
	#' @param MapID The ID of the Map to return.
	#' @param fieldNames A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return the field for the given Map. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which, for convenience, returns all fields for the Map.
	#' @param fieldPaths Fields from other objects with 'Many to One' or 'One to One' relationships to the given object listed as text. Run \code{\link{getSchemaForObjects}}('Map') to get more field paths.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A dataframe or of Map
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	getMap <- function(MapID, CreatedTime = F, Description = F, HasSkywardID = F, ModifiedTime = F, Name = F, NameDescription = F, ObjectIDBase = F, PluginCategory = F, ReportEvents = F, SearchConditionData = F, SkywardHash = F, SkywardID = F, SkywardIDObject = F, UserIDCreatedBy = F, UserIDModifiedBy = F, fieldPaths = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment()) %>% purrr::keep(names(.) != "MapID")

		searchFields <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper())

		ifelse(!any(searchFields %>% unlist()), searchFields <- searchFields %>% names(), searchFields <- searchFields %>% purrr::keep(~.x) %>% names())

		getSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "Map", objectId = MapID, searchFields = searchFields, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Delete a Map
	#' This function deletes a Map
	#' @param MapID The ID of the Map to delete
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return The MapID of the deleted Map.
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	deleteMap <- function(MapID, ignoreWarnings = F, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		deleteSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "Map", objectId = MapID, ignoreWarnings = ignoreWarnings, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Create a Map
	#' This function creates a Map
	#' @param fieldNames The field values to give the created Map. Each defaults to NULL.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A newly created Map
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	createMap <- function(Description = NULL, Name = NULL, ObjectIDBase = NULL, PluginCategory = NULL, ReportEvents = NULL, SkywardIDObject = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		body <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper()) %>% purrr::compact()

		createSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "Map", body = list(DataObject = body), searchFields = append("MapID", body %>% names()), entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Modify a Map
	#' This function modifies a Map
	#' @param fieldNames The field values to give the modified Map. Each defaults to NULL.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return The modified Map
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	modifyMap <- function(MapID, Description = NULL, Name = NULL, ObjectIDBase = NULL, PluginCategory = NULL, ReportEvents = NULL, SkywardIDObject = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		body <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper()) %>% purrr::compact()

		modifySkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "Map", objectId = MapID, body = list(DataObject = body), searchFields = append("MapID", body %>% names()), entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' List MapElements
	#' This function returns a dataframe or json object of MapElements
	#' @param fieldNames A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return the field for the given MapElements. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which, for convenience, returns all fields for the MapElements.
	#' @param fieldPaths Fields from other objects with 'Many to One' or 'One to One' relationships to the given object listed as text. Run \code{\link{getSchemaForObjects}}('MapElement') to get more field paths.
	#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{listSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
	#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
	#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
	#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param page Results are paginated. The page of results to return. Default is 1.
	#' @param pageSize Results are paginated. The number of records per page to return. Default is 100,000 (essentially all records for most objects).
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten results into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A list of MapElements
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	listMapElements <- function(searchConditionsList = NULL, ArrayRelationshipPath = F, CodeGroupID = F, CreatedTime = F, HasSkywardID = F, HasValue = F, IsRequired = F, MapElementID = F, MapElementIDParent = F, MapID = F, ModifiedTime = F, Name = F, ReportEvents = F, SkywardHash = F, SkywardID = F, Type = F, UserIDCreatedBy = F, UserIDModifiedBy = F, fieldPaths = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, page = 1, pageSize = 100000, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		searchFields <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper())

		ifelse(!any(searchFields %>% unlist()), searchFields <- searchFields %>% names(), searchFields <- searchFields %>% purrr::keep(~.x) %>% names())

		listSkyObjects(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "MapElement", searchFields = searchFields %>% append(fieldPaths), page = page, pageSize = pageSize, SearchConditionsList = searchConditionsList, SearchConditionsGroupType = searchConditionsGroupType, SearchSortFieldNamesList = searchSortFieldNamesList, SearchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Get a MapElement
	#' This function returns a dataframe or json object of a MapElement
	#' @param MapElementID The ID of the MapElement to return.
	#' @param fieldNames A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return the field for the given MapElement. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which, for convenience, returns all fields for the MapElement.
	#' @param fieldPaths Fields from other objects with 'Many to One' or 'One to One' relationships to the given object listed as text. Run \code{\link{getSchemaForObjects}}('MapElement') to get more field paths.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A dataframe or of MapElement
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	getMapElement <- function(MapElementID, ArrayRelationshipPath = F, CodeGroupID = F, CreatedTime = F, HasSkywardID = F, HasValue = F, IsRequired = F, MapElementIDParent = F, MapID = F, ModifiedTime = F, Name = F, ReportEvents = F, SkywardHash = F, SkywardID = F, Type = F, UserIDCreatedBy = F, UserIDModifiedBy = F, fieldPaths = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment()) %>% purrr::keep(names(.) != "MapElementID")

		searchFields <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper())

		ifelse(!any(searchFields %>% unlist()), searchFields <- searchFields %>% names(), searchFields <- searchFields %>% purrr::keep(~.x) %>% names())

		getSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "MapElement", objectId = MapElementID, searchFields = searchFields, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Delete a MapElement
	#' This function deletes a MapElement
	#' @param MapElementID The ID of the MapElement to delete
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return The MapElementID of the deleted MapElement.
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	deleteMapElement <- function(MapElementID, ignoreWarnings = F, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		deleteSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "MapElement", objectId = MapElementID, ignoreWarnings = ignoreWarnings, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Create a MapElement
	#' This function creates a MapElement
	#' @param fieldNames The field values to give the created MapElement. Each defaults to NULL.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A newly created MapElement
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	createMapElement <- function(ArrayRelationshipPath = NULL, CodeGroupID = NULL, HasValue = NULL, IsRequired = NULL, MapElementIDParent = NULL, MapID = NULL, Name = NULL, ReportEvents = NULL, Type = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		body <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper()) %>% purrr::compact()

		createSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "MapElement", body = list(DataObject = body), searchFields = append("MapElementID", body %>% names()), entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Modify a MapElement
	#' This function modifies a MapElement
	#' @param fieldNames The field values to give the modified MapElement. Each defaults to NULL.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return The modified MapElement
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	modifyMapElement <- function(MapElementID, ArrayRelationshipPath = NULL, CodeGroupID = NULL, HasValue = NULL, IsRequired = NULL, MapElementIDParent = NULL, MapID = NULL, Name = NULL, ReportEvents = NULL, Type = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		body <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper()) %>% purrr::compact()

		modifySkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "MapElement", objectId = MapElementID, body = list(DataObject = body), searchFields = append("MapElementID", body %>% names()), entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' List MapElementDetails
	#' This function returns a dataframe or json object of MapElementDetails
	#' @param fieldNames A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return the field for the given MapElementDetails. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which, for convenience, returns all fields for the MapElementDetails.
	#' @param fieldPaths Fields from other objects with 'Many to One' or 'One to One' relationships to the given object listed as text. Run \code{\link{getSchemaForObjects}}('MapElementDetail') to get more field paths.
	#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{listSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
	#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
	#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
	#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param page Results are paginated. The page of results to return. Default is 1.
	#' @param pageSize Results are paginated. The number of records per page to return. Default is 100,000 (essentially all records for most objects).
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten results into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A list of MapElementDetails
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	listMapElementDetails <- function(searchConditionsList = NULL, CreatedTime = F, HasSkywardID = F, IndexNumber = F, MapElementDetailID = F, MapElementID = F, ModifiedTime = F, ReportEvents = F, SkywardHash = F, SkywardID = F, UserIDCreatedBy = F, UserIDModifiedBy = F, Value = F, ValueType = F, fieldPaths = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, page = 1, pageSize = 100000, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		searchFields <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper())

		ifelse(!any(searchFields %>% unlist()), searchFields <- searchFields %>% names(), searchFields <- searchFields %>% purrr::keep(~.x) %>% names())

		listSkyObjects(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "MapElementDetail", searchFields = searchFields %>% append(fieldPaths), page = page, pageSize = pageSize, SearchConditionsList = searchConditionsList, SearchConditionsGroupType = searchConditionsGroupType, SearchSortFieldNamesList = searchSortFieldNamesList, SearchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Get a MapElementDetail
	#' This function returns a dataframe or json object of a MapElementDetail
	#' @param MapElementDetailID The ID of the MapElementDetail to return.
	#' @param fieldNames A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return the field for the given MapElementDetail. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which, for convenience, returns all fields for the MapElementDetail.
	#' @param fieldPaths Fields from other objects with 'Many to One' or 'One to One' relationships to the given object listed as text. Run \code{\link{getSchemaForObjects}}('MapElementDetail') to get more field paths.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A dataframe or of MapElementDetail
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	getMapElementDetail <- function(MapElementDetailID, CreatedTime = F, HasSkywardID = F, IndexNumber = F, MapElementID = F, ModifiedTime = F, ReportEvents = F, SkywardHash = F, SkywardID = F, UserIDCreatedBy = F, UserIDModifiedBy = F, Value = F, ValueType = F, fieldPaths = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment()) %>% purrr::keep(names(.) != "MapElementDetailID")

		searchFields <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper())

		ifelse(!any(searchFields %>% unlist()), searchFields <- searchFields %>% names(), searchFields <- searchFields %>% purrr::keep(~.x) %>% names())

		getSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "MapElementDetail", objectId = MapElementDetailID, searchFields = searchFields, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Delete a MapElementDetail
	#' This function deletes a MapElementDetail
	#' @param MapElementDetailID The ID of the MapElementDetail to delete
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return The MapElementDetailID of the deleted MapElementDetail.
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	deleteMapElementDetail <- function(MapElementDetailID, ignoreWarnings = F, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		deleteSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "MapElementDetail", objectId = MapElementDetailID, ignoreWarnings = ignoreWarnings, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Create a MapElementDetail
	#' This function creates a MapElementDetail
	#' @param fieldNames The field values to give the created MapElementDetail. Each defaults to NULL.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A newly created MapElementDetail
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	createMapElementDetail <- function(IndexNumber = NULL, MapElementID = NULL, ReportEvents = NULL, Value = NULL, ValueType = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		body <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper()) %>% purrr::compact()

		createSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "MapElementDetail", body = list(DataObject = body), searchFields = append("MapElementDetailID", body %>% names()), entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Modify a MapElementDetail
	#' This function modifies a MapElementDetail
	#' @param fieldNames The field values to give the modified MapElementDetail. Each defaults to NULL.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return The modified MapElementDetail
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	modifyMapElementDetail <- function(MapElementDetailID, IndexNumber = NULL, MapElementID = NULL, ReportEvents = NULL, Value = NULL, ValueType = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		body <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper()) %>% purrr::compact()

		modifySkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "MapElementDetail", objectId = MapElementDetailID, body = list(DataObject = body), searchFields = append("MapElementDetailID", body %>% names()), entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' List PluginMaps
	#' This function returns a dataframe or json object of PluginMaps
	#' @param fieldNames A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return the field for the given PluginMaps. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which, for convenience, returns all fields for the PluginMaps.
	#' @param fieldPaths Fields from other objects with 'Many to One' or 'One to One' relationships to the given object listed as text. Run \code{\link{getSchemaForObjects}}('PluginMap') to get more field paths.
	#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{listSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
	#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
	#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
	#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param page Results are paginated. The page of results to return. Default is 1.
	#' @param pageSize Results are paginated. The number of records per page to return. Default is 100,000 (essentially all records for most objects).
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten results into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A list of PluginMaps
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	listPluginMaps <- function(searchConditionsList = NULL, CreatedTime = F, MapID = F, ModifiedTime = F, PluginID = F, PluginMapID = F, ReportEvents = F, UserIDCreatedBy = F, UserIDModifiedBy = F, fieldPaths = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, page = 1, pageSize = 100000, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		searchFields <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper())

		ifelse(!any(searchFields %>% unlist()), searchFields <- searchFields %>% names(), searchFields <- searchFields %>% purrr::keep(~.x) %>% names())

		listSkyObjects(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "PluginMap", searchFields = searchFields %>% append(fieldPaths), page = page, pageSize = pageSize, SearchConditionsList = searchConditionsList, SearchConditionsGroupType = searchConditionsGroupType, SearchSortFieldNamesList = searchSortFieldNamesList, SearchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Get a PluginMap
	#' This function returns a dataframe or json object of a PluginMap
	#' @param PluginMapID The ID of the PluginMap to return.
	#' @param fieldNames A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return the field for the given PluginMap. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which, for convenience, returns all fields for the PluginMap.
	#' @param fieldPaths Fields from other objects with 'Many to One' or 'One to One' relationships to the given object listed as text. Run \code{\link{getSchemaForObjects}}('PluginMap') to get more field paths.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A dataframe or of PluginMap
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	getPluginMap <- function(PluginMapID, CreatedTime = F, MapID = F, ModifiedTime = F, PluginID = F, ReportEvents = F, UserIDCreatedBy = F, UserIDModifiedBy = F, fieldPaths = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment()) %>% purrr::keep(names(.) != "PluginMapID")

		searchFields <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper())

		ifelse(!any(searchFields %>% unlist()), searchFields <- searchFields %>% names(), searchFields <- searchFields %>% purrr::keep(~.x) %>% names())

		getSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "PluginMap", objectId = PluginMapID, searchFields = searchFields, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Delete a PluginMap
	#' This function deletes a PluginMap
	#' @param PluginMapID The ID of the PluginMap to delete
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return The PluginMapID of the deleted PluginMap.
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	deletePluginMap <- function(PluginMapID, ignoreWarnings = F, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		deleteSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "PluginMap", objectId = PluginMapID, ignoreWarnings = ignoreWarnings, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Create a PluginMap
	#' This function creates a PluginMap
	#' @param fieldNames The field values to give the created PluginMap. Each defaults to NULL.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A newly created PluginMap
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	createPluginMap <- function(MapID = NULL, PluginID = NULL, ReportEvents = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		body <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper()) %>% purrr::compact()

		createSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "PluginMap", body = list(DataObject = body), searchFields = append("PluginMapID", body %>% names()), entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Modify a PluginMap
	#' This function modifies a PluginMap
	#' @param fieldNames The field values to give the modified PluginMap. Each defaults to NULL.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return The modified PluginMap
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	modifyPluginMap <- function(PluginMapID, MapID = NULL, PluginID = NULL, ReportEvents = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		body <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper()) %>% purrr::compact()

		modifySkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "PluginMap", objectId = PluginMapID, body = list(DataObject = body), searchFields = append("PluginMapID", body %>% names()), entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' List QueueActivities
	#' This function returns a dataframe or json object of QueueActivities
	#' @param fieldNames A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return the field for the given QueueActivities. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which, for convenience, returns all fields for the QueueActivities.
	#' @param fieldPaths Fields from other objects with 'Many to One' or 'One to One' relationships to the given object listed as text. Run \code{\link{getSchemaForObjects}}('QueueActivity') to get more field paths.
	#' @param searchConditionsList A list of search conditions to filter results which are joined by the searchConditionsGroupType. Of the form {FieldName} {ConditionType} {SearchCondition}. For example, c('StudentID LessEqual 500', 'LastName Like Ander\%'). Run \code{\link{listSearchConditionTypes}} for a list of ConditionTypes. Defaults to NULL (unfiltered).
	#' @param searchConditionsGroupType The conjunction which joins multiple searchConditions in the searchConditionsList. Either 'Or' or 'And'. Defaults to 'And'.
	#' @param searchSortFieldNamesList The list of fields sort results by. Defaults to NULL (unsorted).
	#' @param searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList A list of T/F values corresponding to whether to sort each field in searchSortFieldNamesList in descending order. Defaults to F for each FieldName in searchSortFieldNamesList.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param page Results are paginated. The page of results to return. Default is 1.
	#' @param pageSize Results are paginated. The number of records per page to return. Default is 100,000 (essentially all records for most objects).
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten results into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A list of QueueActivities
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	listQueueActivities <- function(searchConditionsList = NULL, BatchSize = F, CreatedTime = F, HostName = F, IsUnresponsive = F, LastActivity = F, ModifiedTime = F, PluginID = F, ProcessingWaitStartTime = F, QueueActivityID = F, QueueName = F, ThreadName = F, UserIDCreatedBy = F, UserIDModifiedBy = F, fieldPaths = NULL, searchConditionsGroupType = "And", searchSortFieldNamesList = NULL, searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, page = 1, pageSize = 100000, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		searchFields <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper())

		ifelse(!any(searchFields %>% unlist()), searchFields <- searchFields %>% names(), searchFields <- searchFields %>% purrr::keep(~.x) %>% names())

		listSkyObjects(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "QueueActivity", searchFields = searchFields %>% append(fieldPaths), page = page, pageSize = pageSize, SearchConditionsList = searchConditionsList, SearchConditionsGroupType = searchConditionsGroupType, SearchSortFieldNamesList = searchSortFieldNamesList, SearchSortFieldNamesDescendingList = searchSortFieldNamesDescendingList, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Get a QueueActivity
	#' This function returns a dataframe or json object of a QueueActivity
	#' @param QueueActivityID The ID of the QueueActivity to return.
	#' @param fieldNames A TRUE or FALSE value determining whether or not to return the field for the given QueueActivity. Defaults to FALSE for all return fields which, for convenience, returns all fields for the QueueActivity.
	#' @param fieldPaths Fields from other objects with 'Many to One' or 'One to One' relationships to the given object listed as text. Run \code{\link{getSchemaForObjects}}('QueueActivity') to get more field paths.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A dataframe or of QueueActivity
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	getQueueActivity <- function(QueueActivityID, BatchSize = F, CreatedTime = F, HostName = F, IsUnresponsive = F, LastActivity = F, ModifiedTime = F, PluginID = F, ProcessingWaitStartTime = F, QueueName = F, ThreadName = F, UserIDCreatedBy = F, UserIDModifiedBy = F, fieldPaths = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment()) %>% purrr::keep(names(.) != "QueueActivityID")

		searchFields <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper())

		ifelse(!any(searchFields %>% unlist()), searchFields <- searchFields %>% names(), searchFields <- searchFields %>% purrr::keep(~.x) %>% names())

		getSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "QueueActivity", objectId = QueueActivityID, searchFields = searchFields, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Delete a QueueActivity
	#' This function deletes a QueueActivity
	#' @param QueueActivityID The ID of the QueueActivity to delete
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return The QueueActivityID of the deleted QueueActivity.
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	deleteQueueActivity <- function(QueueActivityID, ignoreWarnings = F, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		deleteSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "QueueActivity", objectId = QueueActivityID, ignoreWarnings = ignoreWarnings, entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Create a QueueActivity
	#' This function creates a QueueActivity
	#' @param fieldNames The field values to give the created QueueActivity. Each defaults to NULL.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return A newly created QueueActivity
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	createQueueActivity <- function(BatchSize = NULL, HostName = NULL, LastActivity = NULL, PluginID = NULL, ProcessingWaitStartTime = NULL, QueueName = NULL, ThreadName = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		body <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper()) %>% purrr::compact()

		createSkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "QueueActivity", body = list(DataObject = body), searchFields = append("QueueActivityID", body %>% names()), entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)

	#' Modify a QueueActivity
	#' This function modifies a QueueActivity
	#' @param fieldNames The field values to give the modified QueueActivity. Each defaults to NULL.
	#' @param entityId The id of the entity (school). Run \code{\link{listEntities}} for a list of entities. Defaults to 1 (district).
	#' @param query Queries to be added to the request. Ex. list(SchoolYearID = 1). Defaults to NULL.
	#' @param flatten Whether to flatten result into a dataframe or return the json object. Default is TRUE (flatten to dataframe).
	#' @param returnResponse Whether to return the server response instead of the results. Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.
	#' @concept EventQueue
	#' @return The modified QueueActivity
	#' \href{https://help.skyward.com/}{Skyward's Knowledge Hub}
	#' @export
	modifyQueueActivity <- function(QueueActivityID, BatchSize = NULL, HostName = NULL, LastActivity = NULL, PluginID = NULL, ProcessingWaitStartTime = NULL, QueueName = NULL, ThreadName = NULL, entityId = 1, query = NULL, flatten = T, returnResponse = F){

		params <- as.list(environment())

		body <- params %>% purrr::keep(names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) == names(params) %>% stringr::str_sub(1,1) %>% stringr::str_to_upper()) %>% purrr::compact()

		modifySkyObject(module = "EventQueue", objectName = "QueueActivity", objectId = QueueActivityID, body = list(DataObject = body), searchFields = append("QueueActivityID", body %>% names()), entityId = entityId, query = query, flatten = flatten, returnResponse = returnResponse)
samterfa/rqmlativ documentation built on April 2, 2021, 12:03 p.m.