
Defines functions distinct_2col

Documented in distinct_2col

#' Remove duplicates based on two columns, ignoring their order
#' @param df Dataframe
#' @param col1 Quoted name of first column
#' @param col2 Quoted name of second column
#' @return Dataframe with duplicates removed
#' @export

distinct_2col <- function(df, col1, col2) {
  col1q <- rlang::enquo(col1)
  col2q <- rlang::enquo(col2)
  df %>%
    dplyr::mutate(dupevec = purrr::map2(!!col1q, !!col2q, ~ sort(as.character(c(
      .x, .y
    ))))) %>%
    dplyr::distinct(.data$dupevec, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
samuelkaminsky/SKTools documentation built on Jan. 2, 2021, 4:06 a.m.