
Defines functions install_sk

Documented in install_sk

#' Install commonly used packages
#' @param extra TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether you want to install supplemental packages
#' @param dependencies TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether you want to pass TRUE to the install.packages() dependencies argument
#' @export
#' @description Installs packages that I like
#' @details Packages installed with the default arguments include:
#' * clipr
#' * data.table
#' * knitr
#' * lavaan
#' * openxlsx
#' * pander
#' * psych
#' * rmarkdown
#' * roxygen2
#' * shiny
#' * sjmisc
#' * sjlabelled
#' * tidyverse
#' * writexl
#' @details Packages installed with the extra=TRUE argument include:
#' * anytime
#' * car
#' * caret
#' * doParallel
#' * DT
#' * ez
#' * dtplyr
#' * effsize
#' * foreach
#' * formatR
#' * GGally
#' * ggthemes
#' * googlesheets
#' * gtools
#' * iopsych
#' * janitor
#' * lmerTest
#' * lsr
#' * multilevel
#' * nycflights13
#' * parallel
#' * parsedate
#' * pdftools
#' * plotly
#' * qualtRics
#' * relaimpo
#' * reprex
#' * reshape2
#' * semTools
#' * shinythemes
#' @md

install_sk <- function(extra = FALSE, dependencies = FALSE) {
  list_of_packages <-
  if (isTRUE(extra)) {
    list_of_packages <-
  new.packages <-
    list_of_packages[!(list_of_packages %in%
      utils::installed.packages()[, "Package"])]
  if (length(new.packages)) {
    utils::install.packages(new.packages, dependencies = dependencies)
  } else {
    message("All packages already installed!")
samuelkaminsky/SKTools documentation built on Jan. 2, 2021, 4:06 a.m.