
Defines functions prep_reach_dist

Documented in prep_reach_dist

prep_reach_dist <- function(wel_lon, wel_lat, stream_shp, reach_id, stream_pt_spacing, buffer_width = 0.1, nseed = 1) {
  #' Calculate the distance from a well to each reach within a stream network. This function splits a polyline stream network up into a series of evenly spaced points and
  #' calculates the distance from each of those points to a well.
  #' @param wel_lon longitude of well
  #' @param wel_lat latitude of well
  #' @param stream_shp shapefile of stream reaches
  #' @param reach_id string indicating name of column in \code{stream_shp} that
  #' @param stream_pt_spacing distance between points used for sampling each stream reach. The actual distance
  #' between points will be close to this (but not necessarily exact) due to sampling rounding error. The finer
  #' spacing you use, the more accurate your results will be but the function will run slower and use more memory.
  #' @param buffer_width width of buffer around stream used to match points with polylines
  #' @param nseed seed for random number generator (this is used to convert stream polylines to points)
  #' @return A data frame with four columns:
  #' \describe{
  #'   \item{reach}{a grouping variable with the name of each stream reach}
  #'   \item{dist}{distance of a point on that stream reach to the well of interest}
  #'   \item{lat}{latitude of that point}
  #'   \item{lon}{longitude of that point}
  #' }
  #' This data frame can be plugged directly into \link{apportion_inverse}, \link{apportion_polygon} (if \code{latlon=T}),
  #' or \link{apportion_web}
  #' @examples
  #' rdll <- prep_reach_dist(wel_lon = 295500, wel_lat = 4783200,
  #'    stream_shp = stream_lines, reach_id = "reach", stream_pt_spacing = 1)
  #' head(rdll)
  #' @export

  # only a couple functions need a bunch of spatial packages, so they are
  # Suggests rather than Imports. Check to make sure they are loaded here.
  if (!requireNamespace(c("dismo", "sp", "raster", "deldir", "rgeos"), quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Several spatial packages (\"dismo\", \"sp\", \"raster\", \"deldir\", \"rgeos\") are needed for this function to work. Please install them.",
      call. = FALSE

  # figure out how many points you will need to make
  n_stream_pts <- round(rgeos::gLength(stream_shp) / stream_pt_spacing)

  # sample points
  stream_shp_pts <- sp::spsample(stream_shp, n = n_stream_pts, type = "regular")

  # figure out what stream reach each point corresponds to
  stream_shp_buffer <- raster::buffer(stream_shp, buffer_width, dissolve = F)
  int <- raster::intersect(stream_shp_pts, stream_shp_buffer)
  stream_df_pts <-
    as.data.frame(stream_shp_pts) %>%
    cbind(int@data[, reach_id]) %>%
    magrittr::set_colnames(c("lon", "lat", "reach"))

  # calculate euclidean distance to well
  stream_df_pts$dist <- sqrt((stream_df_pts$lon - wel_lon)^2 + (stream_df_pts$lat - wel_lat)^2)

  # put columns in order and return
  return(stream_df_pts[, c("reach", "dist", "lat", "lon")])
samzipper/streamDepletr documentation built on July 30, 2023, 12:19 p.m.