Man pages for sanchezi/phisStatR
Phenoarch Greenhouse Data Analysis

diagnosticLMa function for representing the residuals of a linear model
diagnosticResidualsa function for representing diagnostic graphics for each...
fitGSSa function to model curves using smoothing splines anova...
fitLocfita function to model curve of a dataset using a local...
fitRega function to model the phyllocron using a linear regression
fmGlobala function to modelize a trait in different trials taking...
imageGreenhousea function for representing a trait in the phenoarch...
outlierCriteriaa function for several outlier criteria
outlierHista function for representing distribution using histogram and...
plant1Parameters of interest of plant over thermal time in an...
plant2Visible leafs of plant over thermal time in an experiment
plant3Parameters of interest of plants over thermal time in an...
plant4Parameters of interest of plants in an experiment for outlier...
plotCARBayesSTa function for representing a CARBayesST result
plotGSSa function for representing a smoothing spline anova result
printExperimenta function for experiment description
printGSSa function for gss analysis description
thermalTimea function to calculate thermal time
sanchezi/phisStatR documentation built on Nov. 14, 2019, 7:10 p.m.