knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE,
                      comment = "#>",
                      eval = TRUE)

Installing and loading the package:


This package also downloads records from from GBIF and jabot collections. The function rgbif2() encapulates funtions from rgbif package to receive a species scientific name and return the output as a .csv file written on disk.

devtools::load_all() # for development
# Using the funtion **rjabot**

## Search by species scientific name
j01 <- rjabot(filename = "jabot-01", 
               scientificName = "Prepusa montana") 
## Example 02: search by species name and province
j02 <- rjabot(filename = "jabot-02", 
              scientificName = "Prepusa Montana",
              stateProvince = "Minas Gerais")
## Example 03: search by species name and collection

j03 <- rjabot(filename = "jabot-03", 
              scientificName = "Prepusa Montana",
              stateProvince = "RB")

# all examples provide the same output :facepalm:

Using the funtion rgbif2

g01 <- rgbif2(filename = "gbif-01",
              species = "Aspidosperma limae")


g02 <- rgbif2(filename = "gbif-02", 
              species = "Aspidosperma melanocalyx")

saramortara/rocc documentation built on April 3, 2022, 3:41 p.m.