knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE,
                      comment = "#>",
                      eval = TRUE)

Installing and loading the package:



This package downloads information from the speciesLink API. It generates the desired url and uses functions from jsonlite package to GET the url and save the output as a csv file. The speciesLink API is a courtesy of Sidnei de Souza from CRIA (Centro de Referência em Informação Ambiental) :)

See ?rspeciesLink for all search options. Bellow function's arguments.


Example 1: basic search

Search for records of Eugenia platyphylla and Chaetocalyx acutifolia in speciesLink API. Same as:

sp1 <- "Eugenia platyphylla"
sp2 <- "Chaetocalyx acutifolia"

Setting scope "plants".

ex01 <- rspeciesLink(filename = "ex01",
                     species =  c(sp1, sp2),
                     Scope = "plants")

Checking search output.


Checking if required species are in the output.

# are required species in the output
## list species in the output
ex01.sp <- unique(ex01$data$scientificName)
## check if species are in the output - yes!
c(sp1, sp2) %in% ex01.sp

Checking colnames in data output.

knitr::kable(data.frame(columns = sort(names(ex01$data))))

Example 2: specifying collection of origin and specimens with image

Search for Rauvolfia selowii and Cantinoa althaeifolia. Now using collectioncode and Images arguments.

Same as:

ex02 <- rspeciesLink(filename = "ex02",
                     collectionCode = "uec",
                     species = c("Rauvolfia sellowii", 
                                        "Cantinoa althaeifolia"),
                     Images = "Yes")

Checking again if species are in the search.

# again species are in the output
c("Rauvolfia sellowii", "Cantinoa althaeifolia") %in% ex02$data$scientificName

Checking url used in the search.

# check output

Is data only from UEC collection?

# check fiel collectioncode

Example 3: testing coordinates quality selection

For species Tillandsia stricta.

ex03 <- rspeciesLink(filename = "ex03",
                     species = "Tillandsia stricta",
                     Coordinates = "Yes",
                     CoordinatesQuality = "Good")

Checking if species is in the output.

"Tillandsia stricta"%in%ex03$data$scientificName

Checking url and output.

# output check
dim(ex03$data) # 1623

Now with another selection of coordinate quality.

# another selection of coordinates quality
ex03b <- rspeciesLink(filename = "ex03b",
                      species = "Tillandsia stricta")
                   #coordinatesQuality = "Bad")

Checking url and output.

# check output
dim(ex03b$data) # 1762

Example 4: Only plant species in IUCN Red List in a particular geographic area

This example searches for 100 herbarium plants collected in Mariana county (Minas Gerais state, Brazil) that are in the IUCN Red List.

ex04 <- rspeciesLink(filename = "ex04",
                     Scope = "plants", 
                     basisOfRecord = "PreservedSpecimen",
                     county = "Mariana", 
                     stateProvince = c("Minas Gerais", "MG"),
                     country = c("Brazil", "Brasil"),
                     RedList = TRUE,
                     MaxRecords = 100)

Example 5:

Checks for synonyms on Flora do Brasil 2020, the official plant list for taxonomic nomenclature.

ex05 <- rspeciesLink(filename = "ex05",
                     species = "Tillandsia stricta", 
                     Synonyms = "flora2020")

There is a limit of nine species for requiring to check for synonyms. If the lenght of species name vector is > 9, function stops.

tensp <- c(
  "Tillandsia stricta", "Rauvolfia sellowii", "Cantinoa althaeifolia",
  "Eugenia platyphylla","Chaetocalyx acutifolia", "Asplenium serra", 
  "Asplenium truncorum", "Prepusa montana", "Ocotea catharinensis",
  "Asplenium triquetrum"

Function stops if argument Synonyms is used with more than nine species. If

ex05 <- rspeciesLink(filename = "ex05",
                     species = tensp, 
                     Synonyms = "flora2020")

Returns error:

Function does not support synonym check of more than nine species

General check

Checking if files were written on disk

Listing files on list.

resu <- list.files("results", pattern = '.csv', full.names = TRUE)

All outputs are readable.

all.resu <- lapply(resu, read.csv)

saramortara/rocc documentation built on April 3, 2022, 3:41 p.m.