Man pages for sartorlab/methylSig
MethylSig: Differential Methylation Testing for WGBS and RRBS Data

bsseq_destrandedBSseq object read from destranded coverage files
bsseq_multichromBSseq object with loci on multiple chromosomes
bsseq_strandedBSseq object read from stranded coverage files
diff_binomialDifferential methylation analysis using binomial model
diff_dss_fitPerforms model fit for general experimental design
diff_dss_testCalculates differential methylation statistics under general...
diff_methylsigCalculates differential methylation statistics using a...
filter_loci_by_coverageFilter BSseq object by coverage
filter_loci_by_group_coverageFilter loci based on coverage threshold per sample per group
filter_loci_by_locationRemove loci by overlap with a 'GRanges' object
methylSigMethylSig: Differential Methylation Testing for WGBS and RRBS...
promoters_grGRanges object with collapsed promoters on chr21 and chr22
tile_by_regionsGroup cytosine / CpG level data into regions based on genomic...
tile_by_windowsGroup cytosine / CpG level data into regions based on genomic...
sartorlab/methylSig documentation built on Aug. 22, 2024, 5:58 p.m.