knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)


scaRabee is a toolkit for modeling and simulation primarily intended for the field of pharmacometrics. It was initially a R port @Rcitation of Scarabee, a Matlab-based application developed for the simulation and optimization of pharmacokinetic and/or pharmacodynamic models specified with algebraic equations, ordinary or delay differential equations @Bihorel_2009. It is now the only version supported and being developed. Since its first release, the scaRabee package has been improved and now contains functionality which was not present in the original Matlab version.

Preliminary notice

This vignette constitutes a user manual for scaRabee. This manual assumes that the reader is familiar with the concepts of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic modeling and the underlying statistical theories. It is not the objective of this manual to explain and review those methods and theories. Readers who are new to this field are invited to read the excellent introductory and more advanced books from Gabrielsson and Weiner @Gabrielsson_2007, Bonate @Bonate_2006 or Ette and Williams @Ette_2007.

The systems analyzed in scaRabee must be specified, for most parts, using the R language and all analyses should be executed within the R environment in interactive or batch mode. Presentations of the R language are out of the scope of this manual.

What's new?

Version 1.1-3 introduces minor changes to scaRabee related primarily to the update of the neldermead package. Dosing variables Dx and Rx can now be provided as derived variables.

How to obtain scaRabee

scaRabee is available at the Comprehensive R Archive Network and also on gihtub. scaRabee is distributed under a GNU General Public License version 3. Please, review the terms of this license before using this package.

Installation and dependencies

This package is available as source archive. You are invited to read Section 6.3 Installing packages from the R Installation and Administration manual @Rinstall_2010 for more details on how to install a source package from a local .zip or .tar.gz file on your system. Model optimization in scaRabee (as described in Section 'Types of analysis performed in scaRabee') relies on functions from the neldermead, optimsimplex, and optimbase packages, which are also distributed from CRAN and github as compressed archives or source.


scaRabee was written by Sebastien Bihorel, alumni of the Paris 5 - Rene Descartes University and of the State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo, upon suggestions and contributions from:

The neldermead, optimsimplex, and optimbase packages, used for parameter optimization in scaRabee, are R ports of the Scilab modules of the same names which were developed by Michael Baudin at INRIA (Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique) and now at the Digiteo consortium. More information on Scilab can be found at

Reporting bugs

We welcome bug reports, questions, and suggestions concerning any aspect of scaRabee functions, documentation, installation, anything... Please email them to

For bug reports, please include enough information to allow the maintainer to reproduce the problem. Generally speaking, that means:

Patches are also most welcome.

Analysis types

scaRabee allows the optimization and simulation of non-linear systems at the population and subject levels but does not implement non-linear mixed effects modeling. For each subject included in an analysis, scaRabee allows users to split the analysis problem into subproblems (also referred to as treatments), while still defining a unique model. This feature is especially useful when data obtained from several dose levels or regimens are fitted simultaneously, because it avoids the duplication of algebraic or differential equations usually needed to accommodate the different dose levels or regimens.

scaRabee allows users to perform three types of analysis: simulations, estimations, and direct grid searches.


Simulation runs allow to generate detailed model predictions based upon initial parameter values provided by the user. scaRabee also produces default overlay plots of model predictions and actual observations.


Estimation runs allow to optimize model parameters based upon the observations, the structural model and a residual variability model. Model parameters are optimized by the method of the maximum likelihood, more precisely by the minimization of an objective function defined as the exact negative log likelihood of the observed data, given the model structure and a set of parameter values. The minimization algorithm is based upon the Nelder-Mead simplex method, as implemented by the fminsearch function from the neldermead package. The computation of the data likelihood and the covariance matrices of primary and secondary parameters are performed as described in the Adapt II software user's manual written by D'Argenio and Schumitzky @Dargenio_1997.

The analysis of population data can be performed by naive averaging, naive pooling, or by the standard two-stage approach @Ette_2007. Note that the standard two-stage approach is automated only since version 1.1-0.

Direct grid search

Direct grid search runs allow to explore the search space of an optimization problem around the initial point $x_0$ of parameter estimates. This scaRabee feature automatically creates a grid of search points selected around the initial point and evaluates the objective function at each one of these search points. The boundaries of the grid are set either by the lower and upper boundaries set by the users, or by a vector of factors $\alpha$ applied to $x_0$ as follows: $[x_{0}/\alpha,x_{0}\times\alpha]$. The number $npts$ of points evaluated for each parameter (or dimension of the optimization problem) can also be defined. The total number of points in the grid is $npts^{p_e}$, where $p_e$ is the number of parameters to be estimated. At the end of the search, a table sorted by increasing value of the objective function is created.

This table also reports the feasibility of the objective function at each particular search point because the grid search is actually delegated to the fmin.gridsearch function from the neldermead package. This function is a wrapper around optimbase.gridsearch from the optimbase package, which assesses the feasibility of a cost function in addition to calculating its value at each particular search point. Because fmin.gridsearch does not accept constraints, the objective function should always be feasible. Additional information is available in optimbase.gridsearch and ?fmin.gridsearch.

Getting started

All scaRabee analyses are typically conducted in analysis-specific folders and rely on the presence of a given list of files in this working directory. A typical scaRabee folder, as one created by the function, contains at least the following files:

While the names of these files correspond to the default assumed by the function, they can be modified at the user's discretion. In this manual, the default files names are used for the sake of simplicity. Finally, please note that you can add any file needed or not for your analysis in your analysis folder. The Sections 'Creation of a new analysis folder' through 'Execution of the master scaRabee script' offer a step-by-step description of the analysis process.

Creation of a new analysis folder

If you start a brand new data analysis, it is recommended that you open an interactive R session, and use the function to create a new analysis folder that will contain myanalysis.R, data.csv, initials.csv, and model.txt. It is recommended that you provide all arguments of to better set up the new folder:

Here is an example of scaRabee folder creation:

             path = 'some/target/directory/',
             type = 'simulation',
             method = 'population',
             template = 'ode')

Creation of new models in an on-going analysis

Alternative models for an on-going analysis might be created in three different ways:

Regardless of the chosen method, most analysis files require some form of modification, that are described in Section 'Editing of the data file' through 'Editing of the master scaRabee script'. Symbols and notations used in those sections as well as in the scaRabee function man pages are summarized below:

| Symbol | Definition | |:-------|:------------------------------| | $p_{e}$ | Number of parameters to be estimated | | $p_{f}$ | Number of fixed parameters | | $p_{s}$ | Number of secondary parameters to be estimated | | $p_{d}$ | Number of derived parameters | | $c$ | Number of covariates in the dataset | | $n$ | Number of subjects in the dataset | | $k_{i}$ | Number of subproblems for the $i^{th}$ subject | | $b_{ij}$ | Number of bolus events in the $j^{th}$ subproblem for the $i^{th}$ subject | | $f_{ij}$ | Number of infusion events in the $j^{th}$ subproblem for the $i^{th}$ subject | | $d_{ij}$ | Number of dosing events in the $j^{th}$ subproblem for the $i^{th}$ subject ($b_{ij}$+$f_{ij}$) | | $m_{ij}$ | Number of observation times in the $j^{th}$ subproblem for the $i^{th}$ subject | | $s$ | Number of system states | | $o$ | Number of system outputs | | $l$ | Number of delays defined for a solution of a system of delayed differential equations |

Editing of the data file

The data file (named data.csv by default) contains the dosing information and endpoint measurements to be modeled or matched against a model simulation. It is required for any type of run. The scaRabee data files adopt similar structure and standards as those used in programs commonly used in pharmacometrics, such as NONMEM @NONMEM_7, S-SADAPT @Sadapt, or MONOLIX @Kuhn_2005.

The data must consist of a time-ordered series of dosing and observations events specific to each subproblem (or treatment; see below) of each subject included in the dataset. Blocks of subject/treatment specific data must simply be stacked one after the other. The dataset must respect a tabulated, comma-separated value, format and can be edited in any text editor or spreadsheet. All scaRabee data files can be saved as any user-defined base name; however, the .csv extension is compulsory. The content of the data file must be a full rectangular table, with the following structure:

NONMEM users must be warned that several data standards and variables are not implemented in scaRabee, e.g. all records set with EVID of 2, 3, or 4 are ignored by scaRabee, and the CONT, ADDL, II, and SS variables are considered as covariates.

Editing of the parameter file

The parameter file (named initials.csv by default) contains the information about the primary model parameters. Derived parameters, i.e. parameters that are needed for model computations but do not need to be estimated, can be specified in the \$DERIVED or \$OUTPUT blocks in the model section. Secondary parameters, i.e. parameters that are typically not needed for model computations but fro which precision statistics are required, can also be defined in the model file using the \$SECONDARY block of code.

This parameter file is required in all types of runs, and can be edited in any text editor or spreadsheet. All parameter files must respect the comma-separated values format but can be saved under any user-defined name (the .csv extension is compulsory though). The content of parameter files must be provided as a full $(p_e + p_f + 1) \times{} 6$ rectangular table (where $p_e$ and $p_e$ are the numbers of fixed and estimated parameters), with the following structure:

Editing of the model file

The model file (named model.txt by default) is a text file in which users can specify the structural model, residual variability model, and secondary parameter computations. The model file is required for all types of analysis. It can be modified in any text editor and saved under any user-defined name.

The model file implements a tag-based syntax similar to the one used in NM-TRAN control streams @NONMEM_7, S-ADAPT-TRAN @sadapt_tran or MONOLIX @Kuhn_2005 model files. Tags are defined as strings of characters starting by the \$ symbol followed by a keyword. At the exception of \$ANALYSIS, each tag of the listing below marks the beginning of a block of R code defining one particular component of the evaluated system. Because of these tags, scaRabee model files cannot be interpreted directly by R; their content must first be parsed by scaRabee, before each block of R code could be evaluated at relevant stages of the analysis process. Within those blocks of code, users can call any R function that would be available in their work space.

Upon creation of a new analysis folder, the model file is pre-filled with the tags that are appropriate and required for the specified category of model. The complete list of tags required for each category of model is below

As stated above, users can modify the newly created file in any text editor. Note that any tag keyword could be abbreviated to the first three letters of the keyword, except for \$IC. When a analysis is started (see Section 'Execution of the master scaRabee script'), the model file is read, parsed, and checked by scaRabee. If requirements are not met, the analysis stops and users are invited to check the content of the model file. Note that scaRabee determines the category of structural model by scanning the content of the file for the \$ODE and \$DDE tags: if the \$ODE tag is detected, the model is assumed to be defined with ordinary differential equations; if the \$DDE tag is detected, the model is assumed to be defined with delay differential equations; if both tags are not detected, the model is assumed to be defined with algebraic equations. The \$ODE and \$DDE tags cannot coexist within the same model file.


The \$ANALYSIS tag allows users to provide a name to the analysis, which is used to name the folder created to store the results of the analysis (see Section 'Execution of the master scaRabee script') and the analysis report files. The name extracted by scaRabee is the first word following the tag.

The \$ANALYSIS tag must be present in all model files, regardless of the category of models.


The \$DERIVED tag is specific to and required for structural models specified with ordinary or delay differential equations. It allows users to define derived parameters which could be called later within the \$ODE or \$DDE blocks of code. Within the \$DERIVED block, users can call any primary parameter defined in the parameter file and any covariate name to define new objects. Only the new R objects created in the \$DERIVED block will be considered as secondary parameters; in other words, all modifications of a primary parameter will be ignored. Furthermore, users can choose to leave this block of code empty, if no derived parameter is needed.

Although users could choose to define derived parameters within the \$ODE or \$DDE blocks, it is computationally more efficient to define them in the \$DERIVED block, as this block of code is only evaluated once for each model evaluation, while the \$ODE or \$DDE blocks of code are evaluated up to several thousands of times.

Note that the \$DERIVED tag is not required (and actually ignored) for models specified with algebraic equations, because derived parameters could be defined within the \$OUTPUT block without loss of computation efficiency.


The \$IC tag is specific to and required for structural models specified with ordinary or delay differential equations. It allows to define the initial conditions of the system of differential equations. Users can call any primary or derived parameters within the \$IC block.

scaRabee expects the creation of the init object, which must be a vector containing as many elements as there are states in the system of differential equations.


The \$SCALE tag is specific to and required for models specified with ordinary or delay differential equations. It allows users to scale any instantaneous or continuous inputs into the system. This is particularly useful when the dimensions of the inputs and the associated stated are different, which is the case when a dose of drug in mass (g) or amount (mol, IU) is assigned to a state modeled as a concentration (g/L, mol/L or IU/L). Users can call any primary or derived parameters within the \$SCALE block.

scaRabee expects the creation of the scale object, which must be a scalar or a vector containing as many elements as there are states in the system of differential equations. Consequently, all inputs into a given system state will be scaled identically.


The \$LAGS tag is specific to and required for structural models specified with delay differential equations. It allows users to define the delays at each the system of differential equations should be evaluated. Users can call any primary parameter and any derived parameter to define delays within the \$LAGS block.

All primary parameters of type 'L' and all new R objects created in the \$LAGS block will be considered as delays. All modifications of a primary or derived parameter will be ignored, so users cannot directly set primary or derived parameters as systems delays. Except for the parameters of type 'L', all delay parameters must be derived from previous parameter and be given new names.

Users must define at least one system delay (either as a primary parameter of type 'L' or as a new R object inside the \$LAGS block) when the structural model is defined by delay differential equations.


The \$ODE tag is specific to and required for structural models specified with ordinary differential equations. It allows users to define the system of differential equations. The parameters available to users within the \$ODE block are:

scaRabee expects the creation of the dadt object, a $1 \times s$ matrix of system states. Note that it is not necessary to include exogenous inputs (boluses and infusions) into the system of differential equations, this is automatically done by the code.


The \$DDE tag is specific to and required for structural models specified with delay differential equations. It allows users to define the system of differential equations. The parameters available to users within the \$ODE block are:

scaRabee expects the creation of the dadt object, a $1 \times s$ matrix of system states. Note that it is not necessary to include exogenous inputs (boluses and infusions) into the system of differential equations, this is automatically done by the code.


The \$OUTPUT tag must be present in all model files, regardless of the category of models. It allows users to defined the output(s) of the structural model.

In models defined with algebraic equations, the \$OUTPUT block is the place where the derived parameters and the structural model should be defined. The parameters available to users within the \$OUTPUT block are:

In models defined with ordinary or delay differential equations, the \$OUTPUT block is the place to define the model output using the predictions from the integration of the system of differential equations. The parameters available to users within the \$OUTPUT block are:

scaRabee expects the creation of the y object, which must be a $o \times{} m_{ij}$ matrix, where $o$ is the number of system outputs. For any type of run, the data records set with a DVID value of dvid will be matched against the $dvid^{th}$ system output. Therefore, the maximum value of the DVID variable in the dataset must be $o$.


The \$VARIANCE tag must be present in all model files, regardless of the category of structural model. The presence of a \$VARIANCE tag is required for types of runs, except for simulations. The \$VARIANCE block allows users to define the residual variability models associated with each structural model outputs. The parameters available to users within the \$VARIANCE block are:

scaRabee expects the creation of the v object, which must have exactly the same dimension as the y object created in the \$OUTPUT block of code. v represents the matrix of variance associated with each model prediction. Typical residual variability models are (assuming $o=1$):

v <- rbind(ones(1,ntime))
v <- rbind((SD^2)*ones(1,ntime))
v <- rbind((CV^2)*(y[1,]^2))
v <- rbind((SD^2)*ones(1,ntime) + (CV^2)*(y[1,]^2))


The \$SECONDARY tag is optional for all model files, regardless of the category of structural model or run type. It allows users to define $p_s$ secondary parameters for which associated statistics must be computed (typically precision and parametric confidence interval). The only parameters available to users within the \$SECONDARY block are the primary parameters. Only the new R objects created in this block will be considered as secondary parameters; in other words, all modifications of a primary parameter will be ignored. Furthermore, users can choose to leave this block of code empty, if no secondary parameter should be computed.

Editing of the master scaRabee script

The master scaRabee script (named myanalysis.R by default) is the R script that you must execute to perform any analysis. You must edit several lines location in a specific section of the file (from line 21 to line 57, or 60 if 'dde' was selected as a template when was called) to define the settings of your analysis. Any other line of this file should typically not be modified. Commented lines within the user-editable section explain what and how variable(s) should be defined.

Execution of the master scaRabee script

Once all necessary files have been edited, the analysis can be performed by executing the master R script. This can be done in two ways:

In both modes, scaRabee creates a new folder in the working directory which name has the following structure: ..#
where is the string of character directly following the \$ANALYSIS tag in the model file, is 'est' for estimation runs, 'sim' for simulation runs, 'grid' for direct grid search runs, and # is a two-digit integer.

At the exception of the .Rout file, all run outputs are stored in the newly created folder. Additionally, a subfolder called 'run.config.files' is created to backup all original analysis files (data.csv, initials.csv, model.R, and myanalysis.R).

In interactive mode, the run progression will be reported to the console, while it is stored to a log file in batch mode. Upon successful completion of the run, a termination message is reported and graphical outputs and ASCII text reports are produced. Most errors happening during the execution of the master R script should stop the run and prevent the creation or the finalization of the graphs and report files. Instead, an informative message should be displayed.

Simulation runs

Upon successful completion of the run, you should be able to see (in interactive mode) as many figures as the number of subject-subproblem combinations (see Section 'Scope of analysis' for more details about how the scope of analysis impacts this number). Those overlay figures represent the predicted changes in all selected outputs on top of the observed data. As stated above, all figures are stored in the newly created folder.

A file called <myanalysis>.simulation.csv file is also saved in the same folder. This file lists the values taken by the model outputs at >1001 points within the studied time interval (typically from the minimum dose event or observation time to the maximum observation time), for each subproblem of each subject (see Section 'Scope of analysis' for more details about the impact of the scope of analysis on this file).

Estimation runs

Upon successful completion of the run, a figure summarizing the changes in the objective function and the estimated parameter values as a function of the iteration number is created for each subject and stored in the newly created folder. A overlay figure of model predictions and observed data, and a figure showing 4 goodness-of-fit plots (predictions vs observations, weighted residuals vs time, weighted residuals vs observations, weighted residuals vs predictions) for each subproblem of each subject are also created and stored in the same folder (see Section 'Scope of analysis' for more details about the impact of the scope of analysis on these plots). Starting on scaRabee version 1.1-0, those figures are not displayed on screen when the analysis is run in interactive mode.

A file called <myanalysis>.report.txt file is also saved in the same folder and provides, for each subject in the analysis, a summary of the estimation run, a summary table of final parameter estimates associated with precision statistics expressed as a coefficient of variation and a confidence intervals (calculated as described in @Dargenio_1997), the matrices of covariance and correlation for primary parameters, plus a summary table of computed secondary parameters associated with coefficient of variation and confidence intervals (calculated as described in @Dargenio_1997).

Moreover, a file called <myanalysis>.iterations.csv is saved in the folder and provides, in a tabulated format, the values of objective function and estimated parameters obtained at all iterations for each subject.

A file called <myanalysis>.predictions.csv is also saved in the folder and provides the values of observations, predictions, residuals, variances, and weighted residuals for each non-missing observation time, stacked by subject, subproblem, and model output.

Finally, a file called <myanalysis>.estimates.csv is also saved in the folder and summarizes the final parameter estimates for each subject included in the analysis. This file could be helpful to calculate statistics of distribution of the different parameters in the analysis population.

Direct grid search runs

Direct grid search runs include two main steps: the actual grid search, followed by a simulation step that is based upon the combination of parameter values that provided the lowest objective function value during the grid search. Direct grid search runs coerce the scope of the analysis to the population, even though the method variable in the master scaRabee script is set to 'subject'. Therefore, the computation of the objective function during the grid search and the model predictions obtained during the simulation step are performed at the population level (see Section 'Scope of analysis' for more details about the impact of the scope of analysis)

The progression of the grid search step is reported on the console in interactive mode or in the log file in batch mode. Upon completion of this step, no graph is created. Instead, a regular simulation run starts and results in the creation of the standard diagnostic plots mentionned above.

The same files created by standard simulation runs are generated by a direct grid search run in the newly created folder. Furthermore, the results of the grid search are reported in a text file called <myanalysis>.report.txt that is also saved in the newly created folder.

Scope of analysis

scaRabee analysis can be conducted at the subject or population level. Users can set this scope of analysis by modifying the method variable in the master scaRabee script, as described in Section 'Editing of the master scaRabee script'.

When method is set to 'subject', scaRabee processes and stratifies the content of the data file assuming that all dosing and observation records with specific ID values were obtained from different individuals. In this case, estimation runs optimize the model parameter separately for each individual, starting at the same search point provided by the initial parameter estimates. This corresponds to the standard two-stage approach, when the data file actually contains data from multiple subjects (i.e. multiple unique ID variable values can be found in the data file), or to the naive pooling approach, when the data file only contains data from a single individual (i.e. the ID variable is set to 1 for all records) @Ette_2007. Simulation runs performed at the subject level evaluate the model for each subproblem/treatment of each subject using the same initial parameter estimates. Grid search runs are not performed at the individual level, as the `method} variable is coerced to 'population' for this type of analysis.

When method is set to 'population', scaRabee processes the content of the data file assuming that all observation records were obtained from a single individual. The dosing history is extracted from the dosing records with an ID variable set to 1. In this case, estimation runs optimize the model parameter on the global data, starting at the search point provided by the initial parameter estimates. This corresponds to the naive pooling approach @Ette_2007. Simulation runs performed at the population level evaluate the model for all detected subproblems/treatments found in the dataset, using the initial parameter estimates. Finally, all grid search runs are performed at the population level.

Design information

Solvers of differential equations

Structural models defined using systems of differential equations require those systems to be integrated before model outputs could be generated. This step of integration is performed using solvers of differential equations, which are the lsoda solver from the deSolve package for systems of ordinary differential equations and the dde solver from the PBSddesolve package for systems of delay differential equations. Users are invited to refer to the documentation of those packages for more information.

Implementation of dosing history for model defined with differential equations

Instantaneous (i.e. bolus) and zero-order (i.e. infusion) inputs are automatically allocated to the appropriate system state by the functions evaluating the systems of differential equations (see the source code of ode.model and dde.model for more details). General rules for the implementation of dosing history are provided below.

Input scaling

All bolus and infusion input amounts (provided in the AMT variable) must be scaled by users. Input scaling is implemented in the R code provided in the \$SCALE block of the model file as explained in Section 'Editing of the model file'). Scaling is particularly useful when the dimensions of the inputs and the associated stated are different, which is the case when a dose of drug in mass (g) or amount (mol, IU) is assigned to a state modeled as a concentration (g/L, mol/L or IU/L).

Bolus inputs

The lsoda solver used for models defined with ordinary differential equations does not include any handler of discontinuities. Because bolus inputs represents discontinuous events, their implementation require the integration of the system of differential equations to be performed by steps. When bolus inputs are detected in the data file, scaRabee splits the global integration interval into several continuous integration intervals based upon the dose event times. The initial conditions of the system are updated for each integration interval by adding the scaled bolus amount (AMT) specified in the data file to the value of the state (CMT) at the end of the previous interval (or the specified initial conditions in the case of the first interval). Therefore, all model predictions made at the time of a bolus assume that this bolus has entered the system. Users are thus advised to set the time of pre-dose samples slightly before the time of the boluses, to ensure that those samples are handled as pre-dose and not post-dose samples.

Infusion inputs

The reduction from multiple data files to a single one introduced in the version 1.1-0 of scaRabee resulted in major modifications in the automated processing and assignment of infusions to system states.

Previous versions of scaRabee required infusions to be 'constructed' by multiple records in a dosing-specific input files. Input rates were then linearly interpolated between two consecutive time points, allowing for an infusion rate to change over time. In version 1.1-0 of scaRabee, infusions are documented as single dosing records in the data file, providing the time of infusion start, the amount and rate of dosing. The rate is assumed to be constant for the whole duration of the infusion. If RATE>0 for the dosing record, the duration is calculated as RATE/AMT. If RATE=-1, the rate of infusion is estimated and the duration is calculated as R#/AMT, where R# is a derived parameter expected to be defined in the \$DERIVED block (# represents the value of the CMT variable set for the dosing record). If RATE=-2, the duration of infusion is estimated and the rate is calculated as AMT/D#, where D# is a derived parameter expected to be defined in the \$DERIVED block (# represents the value of the CMT variable set for the dosing record).

The following example illustrates the automated dosing allocation in scaRabee. Let's assume that the system is specified by two ordinary differential equations, both fixed to zero, and that the data in provided as follows in the dataset:

| OMIT | ID | TRT | TIME | AMT | RATE | CMT | EVID | DV | DVID | MDV | |:-----|:---|:----|:-----|:----|:-----|:----|:-----|:---|:-----|:-----| | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1000 | 100 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | | 0 | 1 | 0 | 15 | 100 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | | 0 | 1 | 0 | 20 | 10000 | 50 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | | 0 | 1 | 0 | 20 | 250 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | | 0 | 1 | 0 | 45 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | | 0 | 1 | 0 | 45 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |

State 1 receives 1 bolus dose at time 20 and 2 infusions: the first, between 0 and 10, has a constant rate of 100, and a second starts at time 20 and does not stop before the last observation. State 2 only receives a bolus dose at time 15. The following graphs show the changes in the infusion rate entering both states (top graphs), as well as the accumulation of the drug in both states (bottom graphs).

Implementation of dosing history for model defined with algebraic equations

Dosing history cannot be automatically assigned to a model defined with algebraic equations. However, users can use dosing information in the \$OUTPUT block by calling the bolus and infusion variable, which each contain the TIME, CMT, AMT, RATE variable extracted from the $d_{ij}$ dosing records identified as instantaneous (RATE=0) or zero-order (RATE$\neq$0) inputs. Relevant data extraction would need to be performed by user-specific code.

It might also be convenient to carry dosing information in a covariate (i.e. DOSE) which could be used in a explicit solution of a specific pharmacokinetic model.

As such, it might have occurred to users familiar with NONMEM that the implementation of models defined with algebraic equations in scaRabee is not too different from what NONMEM allows via to the \$ERROR record.

Analysis examples

This section is designed to illustrate some selected features of scaRabee. Eight examples are available as demos using calls such as the following (replacing ex by example1 to example8):

demo(ex, package = 'scaRabee', echo = FALSE)

Running these examples will create analysis folders in your working directory. We recommend that you review their content after their creation.

Example 1: Simulation of a model defined with algebraic equations at the population level

A simple PK/PD model defined with algebraic equations is simulated at the population in this example . The PK model describes the drug concentration $C_p$ using a one-compartment model with linear elimination after a single 2h infusion. The response $E$ is related to $C_p$ by a direct effect Imax model:

$$ \begin{array}{l} C_p(t) = \frac{infusion \, rate}{CL} \cdot{} \bigg( 1-H(t-2) \cdot{} \Big( 1-e^{-\frac{CL}{V_c} \cdot{}(t-2)} \Big) - e^{-\frac{CL}{V_c}\cdot{}t} \bigg)\ E(t)= E_0\cdot\Big(1-\frac{I_{max}\cdot{}C_p(t)}{IC_{50}+C_p(t)}\Big) \end{array} $$

where $H$ is the Heaviside function, $CL$ the elimination clearance, $V_c$ the volume of distribution, $E_0$ the baseline response, $I_{max}$ the maximum inhibition factor, and $IC_{50}$ the half-inhibitory concentration.

Note that because this is a simulation, there is no need for a \$VARIANCE block.

Example 2: Simulation of inputs into a model defined with ordinary differential equations

This example uses a model defined by a system of 2 ordinary differential equations to illustrate how inputs are automatically assigned and scaled to system states. Because both states have null initial conditions and gradients, the output of the model represents the cumulative scaled amount of drug assigned to each state based upon the information provided in the dataset.

Example 3: Simulation of a model defined with ordinary differential equations at the population level

A target-mediated disposition model for interferon-$\beta$1a pharmacokinetics in monkey was described by Mager and colleagues @Mager_2003. This model is simulated at the population level in example 3 using the following system of differential equations:

$$ \begin{array}{l l l} & SC & IV\ \frac{dA_D}{dt}=-k_a\cdot{}A_D & A_D(0)=F\cdot{}D_{SC} & A_D(0)=0\ \frac{dA_L}{dt}=k_a\cdot{}A_D - k_{a2}\cdot{}A_L & A_L(0)=0 & A_L(0)=0\ \frac{dA_P}{dt}=k_{a2}\cdot{}A_L + k_{tp}\cdot{}A_T + k_{off}\cdot{}DR - (k_{on}/V_c)\cdot{}A_{P}\cdot{}R - & A_{P}(0)=0 & A_{P}(0)=D_{IV}\ \quad{} \quad{} (k_{pt}+k_{loss})\cdot{}A_P & & \ \frac{dA_T}{dt}= k_{pt}\cdot{}A_P - k_{tp}\cdot{}A_T & A_{T}(0)=0 & A_{T}(0)=0\ \frac{dDR}{dt}=(k_{on}/V_c)\cdot{}A_{P}\cdot{}R - (k_{off}+k_{int})\cdot{}DR & DR(0)=0 & DR(0)=0\ R=R_{max}-DR & &\ \end{array} $$

where $A_D$, $A_L$, $A_P$, and $A_T$ are the amounts of drug in the subcutaneous depot, lymph, central, and peripheral compartments and $DR$ is the concentration of drug-receptor complex. The noteworthy features of this example are:

Example 4: Simulation of a model defined with delay differential equations at the population level

This example features a 2-compartment model with linear inter-compartment distribution but with a delayed entry of the drug into the peripheral compartment. The system can described by the following equations:

$$ \begin{array}{l l} \frac{dA_P}{dt}=-(k_e+k_{pt})\cdot{}A_P(t) + k_{tp}\cdot{}A_T(t) & A_P(0)=0\ \frac{dA_T}{dt}= k_{pt}\cdot{}A_P(t-xyz) - k_{tp}\cdot{}A_T & A_T(0)=0 \end{array} $$

where $A_P$ and $A_T$ are the amounts of drug in the central and peripheral compartments and $xyz$ is the delay of entry into the peripheral compartment.

This system is simulated at the population level assuming repeated bolus administrations is the central compartment. The noteworthy features of this example are:

Example 5: Estimation of a model defined with algebraic equations at the

population level

This example estimates the parameters of the Example 1 model using the observations provided in the Example 1 dataset and the naive pooling approach. The model file was however modified to include the variance models of the concentrations and responses. Note that the concentrations were initially log-transformed in the dataset to fit the original data with log residual variability model. Consistently, the predicted $C_P$ concentrations are log-transformed before assigned as the first raw of $y$.

Example 6: Simulation of a model defined with ordinary differential equations at the subject level

In this example, a precursor turn-over model is simulated at the subject level. The rate of transformation of the precursor $P$ into response $R$ is inhibited by the drug concentration $C_p$. The changes in drug concentration, precursor and response are described by the following equations:

$$ \begin{array}{l l} \frac{dC_P}{dt}=-k_e\cdot{}C_P(t) & C_P(0)=D/V_c\ \frac{dP}{dt}= k_{in}- k_t\cdot{}(1-\frac{I_{max}\cdot{}C_p}{IC_{50}+C_p})\cdot{}P & P(0)=R_0\ \frac{dR}{dt}= k_t\cdot{}(1-\frac{I_{max}\cdot{}C_p}{IC_{50}+C_p})\cdot{}P - k_{out}\cdot{}R & R(0)=R_0 \end{array} $$

Example 7: Estimation of a model defined with algebraic equations at the subject level

WARNING: this example can be time consuming.

This example estimates the parameters of the Example 1 model using the observations provided in the Example 1 dataset and the standard two-stage approach. The model file was however modified to include the variance models of the concentrations and responses. Note that the concentrations were initially log-transformed in the dataset to fit the original data with log residual variability model. Consistently, the predicted $C_P$ concentrations are log-transformed before assigned as the first raw of $y$.

Example 8: Direct grid search for a model defined with delay differential equations

WARNING: this example can be time consuming.

This example illustrates how direct grid search can be performed using a life-span model for paclitaxel ($C_P$) on leukocytes counts in cancer patient @Krzyzanski_2002.

Normalized leukocyte counts ($R_\%$) collected in one patient were digitized and a direct grid search run is performed to improve the estimates roughly chosen for the PD parameters ($C_P$ is assumed to be accurately described by the parameter estimates obtained for a 3-compartment model). The paclitaxel effect is modeled with the following delay differential equation:

$$ \begin{matrix} \frac{dR_\%}{dt}=k_{in\%} \cdot{} \Big( e^{-\int_{t-T_P-T_M}^{t-T_M} f\big(C_P(z)\big)dz} - e^{-\int_{t-T_P-T_M-T_R}^{t-T_M-T_R} f\big(C_P(z)\big)dz} \Big)\ f\big(C_P\big)=\frac{K_{max} \cdot{} C_P}{KC_{50} + C_P} \end{matrix} $$

The grid is formed by combining 3 grid points per variable parameters ($T_P$, $T_M$, $K_{max}$ and $KC_{50}$) and by setting the scaling factor to 2 for all parameters. $T_R$ was fixed as described in @Krzyzanski_2002. The best solutions found by direct grid search is finally compared to the reported estimates.

Network of scaRabee functions

Map of the functions distributed with scaRabee (1/2, click to view at full scale)

Map of the functions distributed with scaRabee (2/2, click to view at full scale)


sbihorel/scaRabee documentation built on Feb. 7, 2022, 9:50 p.m.