
#Test to see if merge search terms works properly.
#Will merge rDNA and Mitogenome terms together, which will be included in the package as data. 
#Do one to test if it merges and another to see if it sorts
test_that("merging search terms works", {
data("mtDNAterms")#load mito search terms
data("rDNAterms")#load rDNA search terms
#No Sorting
reg_merged<-rbind(mtDNAterms, rDNAterms)#simple rbind
reg.test.merge<-MergeSearchTerms(mtDNAterms, rDNAterms, SortGenes = FALSE)#run the function w/out sorting
expect_identical(dim(reg.test.merge), dim(reg_merged))#test to see if same dimensions
expect_identical(reg.test.merge[1,], reg_merged[1,])#test to see the first row is the same 
expect_identical(reg.test.merge[dim(reg.test.merge)[[1]],], reg_merged[dim(reg_merged)[[1]],])#test to see the last row is the same 
#With Sorting
sorted_merged<-reg_merged[order(reg_merged$Locus),]#order the manual ones
sort.test.merge<-MergeSearchTerms(mtDNAterms, rDNAterms, SortGenes = TRUE)#run the function with sorting
expect_identical(dim(sort.test.merge), dim(sorted_merged))#test to see if same dimensions
expect_identical(sort.test.merge[1,], sorted_merged[1,])#test to see the first row is the same 
expect_identical(sort.test.merge[dim(sort.test.merge)[[1]],], sorted_merged[dim(sorted_merged)[[1]],])#test to see the last row is the same
sborstein/AnnotationBustR documentation built on Feb. 18, 2024, 11:04 p.m.