
Defines functions get_rank max_prexif_jaccard backbone_edges umst layout_as_backbone

Documented in layout_as_backbone

#' backbone graph layout
#' @description emphasizes a hidden group structure if it exists in the graph. Calculates a layout for a sparsified network only including the most embedded edges. Deleted edges are added back after the layout is calculated.
#' @name layout_backbone
#' @param g igraph object
#' @param keep fraction of edges to keep during backbone calculation
#' @param backbone logical. Return edge ids of the backbone (Default: TRUE)
#' @details
#' The layout_igraph_* function should not be used directly. It is only used as an argument for plotting with 'igraph'.
#' 'ggraph' natively supports the layout.
#' @return list of xy coordinates and vector of edge ids included in the backbone
#' @examples
#' library(igraph)
#' g <- sample_islands(9, 20, 0.4, 9)
#' g <- simplify(g)
#' V(g)$grp <- as.character(rep(1:9, each = 20))
#' bb <- layout_as_backbone(g, keep = 0.4)
#' # add backbone links as edge attribute
#' E(g)$col <- FALSE
#' E(g)$col[bb$backbone] <- TRUE
#' @references Nocaj, A., Ortmann, M., & Brandes, U. (2015). Untangling the hairballs of multi-centered, small-world online social media networks. Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications: JGAA, 19(2), 595-618.
#' @export

layout_as_backbone <- function(g, keep = 0.2, backbone = TRUE) {

    if (igraph::ecount(g) == 0) {
        stop("graph is empty")

    if (!requireNamespace("oaqc", quietly = TRUE)) {
        stop("oaqc is needed for this function to work. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)
    if (igraph::any_multiple(g)) {
        stop("backbone layout does not work with multiple edges.")
    if (igraph::is_directed(g)) {
        stop("backbone layout does not work with directed edges.")
    if (any(igraph::is.loop(g))) {
        stop("backbone layout does not work with loops.")

    if (any(igraph::components(g)$no > 1)) {
        warning("input graph is disconnected. The algorithm works best on connected graphs and may lead to misleading results for graphs with disconnected components. Run the algorithm on each component separately and delete isolated nodes to mitigate this issue.")

    # weighting ----
    orbs <- oaqc::oaqc(igraph::get.edgelist(g, names = FALSE) - 1, non_ind_freq = T)
    e11 <- orbs$e_orbits_non_ind[, 11]

    qu <- rep(0, igraph::vcount(g))
    el <- igraph::get.edgelist(g, names = FALSE)
    el <- cbind(el, e11)
    for (e in seq_len(nrow(el))) {
        qu[el[e, 1]] <- qu[el[e, 1]] + el[e, 3]
        qu[el[e, 2]] <- qu[el[e, 2]] + el[e, 3]
    w <- apply(el, 1, function(x) x[3] / sqrt(qu[x[1]] * qu[x[2]]))

    w[is.na(w)] <- 0
    w[is.infinite(w)] <- 0
    igraph::E(g)$weight <- w

    # reweighting -----
    w <- max_prexif_jaccard(g)
    igraph::E(g)$weight <- w

    # umst ----
    g_umst <- umst(g)

    # filtering ----
    igraph::E(g)$bone <- w >= sort(w, decreasing = TRUE)[ceiling(igraph::ecount(g) * keep)]
    g_bone <- igraph::graph_from_edgelist(el[igraph::E(g)$bone, 1:2], directed = F)
    g_lay <- igraph::simplify(igraph::graph.union(g_umst, g_bone))
    # if there is an issue with isolates (see #44)
    if (igraph::vcount(g_lay) != igraph::vcount(g)) {
        n_iso <- igraph::vcount(g) - igraph::vcount(g_lay)
        g_lay <- igraph::add_vertices(g_lay, n_iso)
    if (backbone) {
        bb <- backbone_edges(g, g_lay)
    } else {
        bb <- NULL
    xy <- layout_with_stress(g_lay)
    list(xy = xy, backbone = bb)

# helper functions

umst <- function(g) {
    el <- igraph::get.edgelist(g, names = FALSE)
    el <- cbind(el, igraph::E(g)$weight)
    el <- el[order(el[, 3], decreasing = TRUE), ]
    el <- cbind(el, rank(-el[, 3]))
    vfind <- 1:igraph::vcount(g)
    el_un <- matrix(0, 0, 2)
    for (i in unique(el[, 4])) {
        el_tmp <- matrix(0, 0, 2)
        Bi <- which(el[, 4] == i)
        for (e in Bi) {
            u <- el[e, 1]
            v <- el[e, 2]
            if (vfind[u] != vfind[v]) {
                el_tmp <- rbind(el_tmp, c(u, v))
        if (nrow(el_tmp) == 0) {
        for (eb in seq_len(nrow(el_tmp))) {
            u <- el_tmp[eb, 1]
            v <- el_tmp[eb, 2]
            partu <- vfind[u]
            partv <- vfind[v]
            vfind[v] <- partu
            if (any(vfind == partv)) {
                vfind[vfind == partv] <- partu
        el_un <- rbind(el_un, el_tmp)
    return(igraph::simplify(igraph::graph_from_edgelist(el_un, directed = FALSE)))

backbone_edges <- function(g, g_lay) {
    tmp <- rbind(igraph::get.edgelist(g_lay), igraph::get.edgelist(g, names = FALSE))
    which(duplicated(tmp)) - igraph::ecount(g_lay)

max_prexif_jaccard <- function(g) {
    if ("name" %in% igraph::vertex_attr_names(g)) {
        g <- igraph::delete_vertex_attr(g, "name")
    el_tbl <- igraph::as_data_frame(g, "edges")

    N_ranks <- lapply(1:igraph::vcount(g), get_rank, el_tbl = el_tbl)
    el <- igraph::get.edgelist(g, names = FALSE)
    new_w <- reweighting(el - 1, N_ranks)

get_rank <- function(el_tbl, u) {
    Nu_idx <- el_tbl[["from"]] == u | el_tbl[["to"]] == u
    omega <- el_tbl[Nu_idx, "weight"]
    Nu <- setdiff(c(el_tbl[Nu_idx, "from"], el_tbl[Nu_idx, "to"]), u)
    r <- rank(-omega)
    r <- match(r, sort(unique(r))) - 1
    Nru <- cbind(Nu - 1, r)
    Nru[order(Nru[, 2]), , drop = FALSE]
schochastics/graphlayouts documentation built on March 12, 2024, 5:30 p.m.