
Defines functions shrink boundary_check normalise ComponentlayouterAddin Componentlayouter

Documented in Componentlayouter ComponentlayouterAddin

#' Componentlayouter
#' \code{Componentlayouter} is an RStudio-Addin that facilitates layouting networks with several components.
#' @details To run the addin, highlight an igraph-object in your current script and select \code{Componentlayouter} from the Addins-menu within RStudio.
#' @return \code{Componentlayouter} returns the layout as xy coordinates.
#' @import miniUI
#' @import shiny
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import ggraph
#' @import rstudioapi
#' @import igraph
#' @name Componentlayouter

Componentlayouter <- function(text) {
    if (!requireNamespace("graphlayouts", quietly = TRUE)) {
        stop("graphlayouts package not found. Install it with install.packages('graphlayouts')", call. = FALSE)
    if (any(ls(envir = .GlobalEnv) == text)) {
        g <- get(text, envir = .GlobalEnv)
        if (!igraph::is.igraph(g)) {
            stop(paste0(text, " is not an igraph object"))
        xy <- graphlayouts::layout_with_stress(g)
        # xy[,1] <- xy[,1] - min(xy[,1])#normalise(xy[,1],to = c(2,3))
        # xy[,2] <- xy[,2] - min(xy[,2])#normalise(xy[,2],to = c(2,3))
    } else {
        stop(paste0("Couldn't find  the graph ", text, "."))
    comps <- igraph::components(g)
    V(g)$grp <- comps$membership
    rv <- reactiveValues(xy = xy, grp = comps$membership, placed = rep(FALSE, nrow(xy)), g1 = igraph::graph.empty(), xy1 = xy)
    # ui ----
    ui <- miniPage(
        tags$style(type = "text/css", ".selectize-dropdown{ width: 200px !important; }"),
        tags$style(type = "text/css", ".form-group.shiny-input-container{width:50%;}"),
        tags$style(type = "text/css", "#nextC{margin-top:24px;}"),
        gadgetTitleBar("Component Layouter"),
            height = line.height, width = "85%", flex = c(2, 1, 3),
                label = "Component", choices = order(comps$csize, decreasing = TRUE),
                selected = 0, width = input.width
            actionButton(inputId = "nextC", label = "next"),
            checkboxInput("ggforce", "component labels", value = FALSE)
            flex = c(4, 1), height = "80%",
            plotOutput("Graph1", width = "100%", height = "100%", click = "move"),
            plotOutput("Graph2", width = "100%", height = "50%")
            width = "50%", height = line.height,
            actionButton(inputId = "rotateL", label = "rotate left"),
            actionButton(inputId = "rotateR", label = "rotate right"),
            actionButton(inputId = "shrink", label = "shrink"),
            actionButton(inputId = "grow", label = "grow")

    # server ----
    server <- function(input, output, session) {
        # observe next ----
        shiny::observeEvent(input$nextC, {
            ord <- order(comps$csize, decreasing = TRUE)
            id <- which(ord == as.numeric(input$compId))
            if (id == length(ord)) {
                sel <- ord[1]
            } else {
                sel <- ord[id + 1]

                session = session, inputId = "compId", label = "Component",
                choices = order(comps$csize, decreasing = TRUE), selected = sel

        # observe click ----
        shiny::observeEvent(input$move, {
            mxy <- c(input$move$x, input$move$y)
            ids <- which(rv$grp == input$compId)
            xy_grp <- rv$xy[ids, ]
            meanx <- mean(xy_grp[, 1])
            meany <- mean(xy_grp[, 2])
            xy_grp[, 1] <- xy_grp[, 1] - meanx + mxy[1]
            xy_grp[, 2] <- xy_grp[, 2] - meany + mxy[2]

            xy_grp <- boundary_check(xy_grp, 10, 10)

            rv$xy[ids, ] <- xy_grp
            rv$placed[ids] <- TRUE
        # observe rotators ----
        shiny::observeEvent(input$rotateL, {
            ids <- which(rv$grp == input$compId)
            xy_grp <- rv$xy[ids, ]
            meanx1 <- mean(xy_grp[, 1])
            meany1 <- mean(xy_grp[, 2])
            xy_grp <- graphlayouts::layout_rotate(xy_grp, 10)
            meanx2 <- mean(xy_grp[, 1])
            meany2 <- mean(xy_grp[, 2])

            xy_grp[, 1] <- xy_grp[, 1] - meanx2 + meanx1
            xy_grp[, 2] <- xy_grp[, 2] - meany2 + meany1

            xy_grp <- boundary_check(xy_grp, 10, 10)

            rv$xy[ids, ] <- xy_grp

        shiny::observeEvent(input$rotateR, {
            ids <- which(rv$grp == input$compId)
            xy_grp <- rv$xy[ids, ]
            meanx1 <- mean(xy_grp[, 1])
            meany1 <- mean(xy_grp[, 2])
            xy_grp <- graphlayouts::layout_rotate(xy_grp, -10)
            meanx2 <- mean(xy_grp[, 1])
            meany2 <- mean(xy_grp[, 2])

            xy_grp[, 1] <- xy_grp[, 1] - meanx2 + meanx1
            xy_grp[, 2] <- xy_grp[, 2] - meany2 + meany1

            xy_grp <- boundary_check(xy_grp, 10, 10)

            rv$xy[ids, ] <- xy_grp
        # observe shrink ----
        shiny::observeEvent(input$shrink, {
            ids <- which(rv$grp == input$compId)
            xy_grp <- rv$xy[ids, ]

            xy_grp <- shrink(xy_grp, 0.1)
            xy_grp <- boundary_check(xy_grp, 10, 10)

            rv$xy[ids, ] <- xy_grp
        # observe grow ----
        shiny::observeEvent(input$grow, {
            ids <- which(rv$grp == input$compId)
            xy_grp <- rv$xy[ids, ]

            xy_grp <- shrink(xy_grp, -0.1)
            xy_grp <- boundary_check(xy_grp, 10, 10)

            rv$xy[ids, ] <- xy_grp
        # plot ----
        gg_reactive <- reactive({
            if (all(!rv$placed)) {
                xscale <- 10
                yscale <- 10
                code_scale <- paste0("scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0,", xscale, ")) + scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0,", yscale, "))")
                empty <- "ggraph(igraph::graph.empty(),layout = \"circle\")+theme_graph(foreground=\"black\",border=TRUE)"
                p <- paste(empty, code_scale, sep = " + ")
            } else {
                idx <- which(rv$placed)
                rv$g1 <- induced_subgraph(g, idx)
                rv$xy1 <- rv$xy[idx, ]
                # print(rv$xy1)
                xscale <- 10
                yscale <- 10

                code_layout <- "ggraph(rv$g1,layout = \"manual\", x = rv$xy1[,1], y = rv$xy1[,2])"
                code_nodes <- "geom_node_point(shape = 21,fill = \"grey25\",size=2)"
                code_edges <- "geom_edge_link0(edge_width=0.2,edge_colour=\"grey66\")"
                code_theme <- "theme_graph(foreground=\"black\",border=TRUE)"
                code_scale <- paste0("scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0,", xscale, ")) + scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0,", yscale, "))")

                if (input$ggforce) {
                    if (!requireNamespace("ggforce", quietly = TRUE)) {
                        stop("ggforce required. Install it with install.packages('ggforce')", call. = FALSE)
                    code_grp <- "ggforce::geom_mark_hull(aes(x, y, group = grp, label=grp),concavity = 4,  expand = unit(2, \"mm\"))"
                    code <- paste(code_layout, code_edges, code_nodes, code_grp, code_scale, code_theme, sep = " + ")
                } else {
                    code <- paste(code_layout, code_edges, code_nodes, code_scale, code_theme, sep = " + ")

                p <- code

        # render plot ----
        ggnet <- renderPlot({
            eval(parse(text = gg_reactive()))
        output$Graph1 <- ggnet

        previewPlot <- reactive({
            idx <- which(rv$grp == as.numeric(input$compId))
            preview <- igraph::induced_subgraph(g, idx)
            xy_prev <- rv$xy[idx, ]
            ggraph(preview, "manual", x = xy_prev[, 1], y = xy_prev[, 2]) +
                geom_edge_link0(edge_width = 0.2, edge_colour = "grey66") +
                geom_node_point(shape = 21, fill = "grey25", size = 2) +
                theme_graph(foreground = "black", title_size = 12, title_face = "plain", border = TRUE) +
                labs(title = paste0("Preview of Component ", input$compId))

        output$Graph2 <- renderPlot({
        #  DONE -----
        observeEvent(input$done, {
            # rv$xy <- round(rv$xy,2)
            # result <- paste0("xy <- ",paste0(deparse(rv$xy),collapse="\n"))
            # result <- formatR::tidy_source(text=result,output = FALSE)$text.tidy
            # rstudioapi::insertText(result)
            V(g)$x <- rv$xy[, 1]
            V(g)$y <- rv$xy[, 2]
            eval(parse(text = paste0("assign(\"", text, "\",g", ",envir = .GlobalEnv)")))

        # cancel ----
        observeEvent(input$cancel, {
    viewer <- dialogViewer(dialogName = "Componentlayouter", width = 1200, height = 1000)
    runGadget(ui, server, stopOnCancel = FALSE, viewer = viewer)

#' @export
#' @rdname Componentlayouter

ComponentlayouterAddin <- function() {
    context <- rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext()

    text <- context$selection[[1]]$text
    # text <- "gr"
    if (nchar(text) == 0) {
        stop("Please highlight an igraph object before using this addin.")


normalise <- function(x, from = range(x), to = c(0, 1)) {
    x <- (x - from[1]) / (from[2] - from[1])
    if (!identical(to, c(0, 1))) {
        x <- x * (to[2] - to[1]) + to[1]

boundary_check <- function(xy, xmax, ymax) {
    if (any(xy[, 1] < 0)) {
        xy[, 1] <- xy[, 1] + abs(min(xy[, 1]) * 1.05)
    if (any(xy[, 2] < 0)) {
        xy[, 2] <- xy[, 2] + abs(min(xy[, 2]) * 1.05)
    if (any(xy[, 1] > xmax)) {
        xy[, 1] <- xy[, 1] - abs(max(xy[, 1] - xmax) * 1.05)

    if (any(xy[, 2] > ymax)) {
        xy[, 2] <- xy[, 2] - abs(max(xy[, 2] - ymax) * 1.05)


shrink <- function(xy, fac) {
    mx <- mean(xy[, 1])
    my <- mean(xy[, 2])
    xy[, 1] <- (1 - fac) * xy[, 1] + fac * mx
    xy[, 2] <- (1 - fac) * xy[, 2] + fac * my
schochastics/snahelper documentation built on Nov. 19, 2023, 7:12 p.m.