knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE, cache = FALSE, warning = FALSE, 
                      message = TRUE, result = 'asis', 
                      fig.width = 8, fig.height = 6)

Data Preparation

Filtering Samples

Parameters selected:

sample_select_prompt_out <- switch(params$sample_select_prompt, 
                                   all = "Use all samples",
                                   include = "Include selected samples",
                                   exclude = "Exclude selected samples")

if(params$sample_select_prompt == 'all') {
  sample_select_out <- 'Not applicable'
} else {
  sample_select_out <- paste0(' ', params$sample_select, collapse="\n")

Samples included in analysis:

kable(params$met1) %>%
  kable_styling("striped", full_width = TRUE) %>% 
  scroll_box(width="100%", height="500px")

Aggregating Features

Parameters selected:

Aggregated Features

Aggregated Taxonomy Table

kable(params$aggregated_tax) %>%
  kable_styling("striped", full_width = TRUE) %>% 
  scroll_box(width="100%", height="500px")

Aggregated Count table

kable(params$aggregated_count) %>%
  kable_styling("striped", full_width = TRUE) %>% 
  scroll_box(width="100%", height="500px")

Filtering Features

Parameters selected:

# features to exclude from analysis
asv_select_prompt_out <- switch(params$asv_select_prompt,
                                all = 'Use all features',
                                some = 'Filter features')
# Filter features by
if(params$asv_select_prompt == 'some') {
  asv_filter_options_out <- switch(params$asv_filter_options,
                                   asv_by_count = 'read count',
                                   asv_by_select = 'selection')
} else {
  asv_filter_options_out <- 'Not applicable'

if(params$asv_select_prompt == 'some' & params$asv_filter_options == 'asv_by_count') {
  # Set filter cut-off by
  cutoff_method_out <- switch(
    abs_count = 'Read count',
    percent_sample = 'Percent of total read count of each sample',
    percent_total = 'Percent of total read count of dataset'

  # Read count cut-off
  asv_cutoff_out <- params$asv_cutoff

  # Feature prevalence
  prevalence_out <- params$prevalence

  # filter message
  asv_cutoff_msg_out <- params$asv_cutoff_msg
} else {
  cutoff_method_out <- 'Not applicable'
  asv_cutoff_out <- 'Not applicable'
  prevalence_out <- 'Not applicable'
  asv_cutoff_msg_out <- 'Features not filtered by read count'


r if(params$asv_select_prompt == 'some' & params$asv_filter_options == 'asv_by_count') { paste("* Filter features by:", asv_filter_options_out, sep=" ") paste("* Set filter cut-off by:", cutoff_method_out, sep=" ") paste("* Read count cut-off:", asv_cutoff_out, sep=" ") paste("* Feature prevalence (# of samples):", prevalence_out, sep=" ") "\n" asv_cutoff_msg_out }


r if(params$asv_select_prompt == 'some' & params$asv_filter_options == 'asv_by_select') { paste("* Filter features by: ", asv_filter_options_out, sep=" ") "* Features selected to be excluded:" }

out <- params$tax1 %>% 
  filter(featureID %in% params$asv_remove) %>% 
  relocate(sequence, .after=last_col())
kable(out) %>%
  kable_styling("striped", full_width = TRUE) %>% 
  scroll_box(width="100%", height="500px")

r if(length(params$empty_sample) > 0) { sprintf("%s samples contained 0 reads after ASV filtering. The following samples have been removed:\n%s", length(params$empty_sample), paste(params$empty_sample, collapse="\n")) }

r if(length(params$empty_asv) > 0) { sprintf("%s asvs contained 0 reads in all samples after ASV filtering. The following asvs have been removed:\n%s", length(params$empty_asv), paste(params$empty_asv, collapse="\n")) }

Features included in analysis:

out <- params$tax2 %>% 
  relocate(sequence, .after=last_col())

kable(out) %>%
  kable_styling("striped", full_width = TRUE) %>% 
  scroll_box(width="100%", height="500px")

Pairwise Feature Comparison

One approach to analyzing the microbiome is to look at features in a pairwise fashion, and evaluate their correlation with one another. Given the compositional nature of 16S gene sequencing, proportionality is used instead of correlation to evaluate the association between two features. The proportionality index, rho ($\rho$), ranges from -1 to 1, where the more extreme values indicate stronger associations. The R package propr is used to calculate proportionality. [link to propr vignettes]. Proportionality is calculated on CLR-transformed counts. Please note that the CLR-transformation applied does not impute zeroes. Rather, all zero counts are replaced with 1, and then CLR-transformed. This is different than CLR-transformation performed by ALDEx2, applied elsewhere in the app, which imputes zero values from Monte-Carlo sampling of a Dirichlet distribution. Please take caution that spurious correlations may occur with zero counts if your dataset is sparse (high proportion of zeros).

When comparing features in a pairwise manner, caution must be taken to account for the accumulation false positives. To account the this, the false discovery rate (FDR) is estimated for varying rho values. It is recommended that you choose the largest rho cutoff that limits the FDR to below 0.05. Empirically, a good starting place for 16S data is rho $\ge$ |0.6|.

Pairwise feature comparision results in a matrix of rho values, to show the proportionaity of a given feature with all other features. The rho values are summarised in the histogram in the centre. You can the relationship between all feature pairs, but in cases where there are many features, this may result in an unreasonable number of feature pairs to visualise. You can choose to filter rho values based a set of rho cutoffs. You can choose 'outside range' to examine stronger associations (more extreme values of rho), or the 'inside range' to examine the weaker associations.

Rho False Discovery Rate


Summary of Rho Values

Parameters selected:

kable(params$prop_summary, caption="Rho distribution in filtered pair-wise proportionality matrix") %>%
  kable_styling("striped", full_width = TRUE) %>% 
  scroll_box(width="100%", height="300px")

Proportionality Matrix

Heirchical cluster parameters selected:


Visualizing Feature Pairs

kable(params$prop_table, row.names=NA, digit=3,
      caption="Full table of pairwise feature proportionality measures") %>%
  kable_styling("striped", full_width = TRUE) %>% 
  scroll_box(width="100%", height="500px")

Feature pairs selected for visualization:

out <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(params$pairs_to_vis), 
                         byrow = TRUE),
kable(out, row.names=NA, col.names=c('feature1','feature2','rho')) %>%
  kable_styling("striped", full_width = TRUE) %>% 
  scroll_box(width="100%", height="300px")

Feature Pairs


By Metadata


schyen/OCMSExplorer documentation built on Feb. 15, 2023, 4:39 p.m.