Man pages for scientific-computing-solutions/eventPrediction
Event Prediction in Clinical Trials with Time-to-Event Outcomes

AccrualGenerator-classA class to allow additional subjects to be recruited onto the...
AnalysisResults-classClass that contains results from the predict function of the...
CalculateDaysAtRisk-methodsCalculate the number of days at risk
CalculateProgEventTypesThis function calculates the event type for pfs data
censorInformation-methodsOutput a data frame containing all subjects who been censored...
CRGIStudyCreate a 'Study' object for a CRGI type study
csvSnifferFunction which attempts to read in a csv file picking a...
CutData-methodsCut the Event Data
DiagnosticPlot-methodsOutput a plot showing the lag between censoring and the date...
DisplayOptionsDisplayOptions constructor
DisplayOptions-classClass defining display options for predict from parameter...
EmptyEventDataCreate an 'EventData' object with no subjects
estimateAccrualParameter-methodsGeneric function to estimate non-uniformity accrual parameter...
event.dataSimulated data that was originally obtained by the exportData...
EventDataConstructor for event data object
EventData-classClass representing data to use for new predictions
EventModel-classAn S4 class containing a fitted survival model of an...
eventPrediction-packageExpected Progress of a Survival Study Assuming...
EventVsTimePlot-methodsMakes a barplot with the number of events over time
fit-methodsFit a survival model to an EventData object
FitMixtureModelGiven trial assumptions describing an exponential model Use...
FromDataParam-methodsMethod to create FromDataSimParam objects
FromDataResults-classClass that contains results from the simulating event...
FromDataSimParam-classAn S4 class containing the function required to simulate...
Generate.AccrualCreate An AccrualGenerator using a power law recruitment
Generate.PoissonAccrualCreate A Poisson process accrual generator
isNullLag-methodsFunction to check whether Lag is a null lag
isSingleArm-methodsIs the 'Study' a single arm study
LagEffectLagEffect constructor
LagEffect-classParameter settings for when including a lagged effect.
LatexSurvivalFn-methodsMethod to output a Latex String of the object
LongLagSettingsConstructor for 'LongLagSettings' object
LongLagSettings-classClass which determines how the simulation (from data)...
NullLagCreate a LagEffect object with no lag
OnlyUseRecTimes-methodsMethod to create new 'EventData' object only including...
plot-methodsThe plot methods for EventPrediction package
predict-methodsThe predict methods for EventPrediction package
risk.table-methodsCalculate KM risk.table
Sfn-classA Class containing the Survival Function (for a single arm)...
show-methodsThe S4 show methods for EventPrediction package
SimQOutput-classA class containing the expected (and CI) dates for a specific...
simulate-methodsThe simulate methods for EventPrediction package
SingleArmCRGIStudyCreate a 'Study' object for a CRGI type single arm study
SingleArmStudyCreate a 'Study' object for a single arm trial
SingleSimDetails-classClass containing the subject level event data for each...
siteInformation-methodsOutput information about how up to date subject censor dates...
standarddaysinyearReturn the number of days in the year
StudyConstructor for a Study
Study-classClass defining the Study
summary-methodsThe S4 summary methods for EventPrediction package
scientific-computing-solutions/eventPrediction documentation built on May 29, 2019, 3:44 p.m.