Man pages for scientific-computing-solutions/sibyl
Extrapolate Parametric Survival Curves

addModel-methodsMethod to add extra models to be fitted
AvCurvePlotData-classClass storing the dataframe used to plot the parametric...
calcModelRmst-methodsMethod to calculate model restricted means
calcRmst-methodsMethod to calculate RMST on subset of data contained in a...
ColumnDefConstructor for 'ColumnDef' object
ColumnDef-classClass representing a column of input data for the...
coxphLogRankTest-methodsMethod to extract the logrank test from the Cox model fit for...
coxSnellRes-methodsMethod to calculate Cox-Snell residual
createAvCurvePlotData-methodsMethod to create the 'AvCurvePlotData' object
createIcTable-methodsMethod to create to create the information criteria table
createLifeTable-methodsMethod to create life table
fitModels-methodsMethod to create the 'SurvivalModel' object
fitSemiParametric-methodsMethod to fit semi-parametric model (Cox) and Kaplan-Meier...
fitSplines-methodsMethod to create SurvivalModel object with different spline...
getBestModelOutput the model distribution with the lowest AIC
getCholeskyDecomp-methodsMethod to return Cholesky decomposition of...
getDistributionDisplayNamesConvert the distribution names from FlexSurv (e.g. 'lnorm')...
getEndpointUnits-methodsMethod to extract the endpoint units for a given object
getMaxEndpointTime-methodsMethod to calculate max endpoint time for semiparametric data
getSplineKnotLocationsGiven a SurvivalModel object, output a data frame containing...
getZeroTimesOutput details of subjects with zero times for any endpoint
isSingleArm-methodsMethod to check whether an object contains data/models for a...
kmPlotWrapperCreate survival plot with numbers at risk.
maxObservedTimeCalculate the maximum observed time for a given endPoint
minOfMaxObservedCalculate the maximum observed time for each arm for a given...
plot-methodsPlot methods for Sibyl package
removeModel-methodsMethod to remove fitted models from a SurvivalData object
schoenfeldResiduals-methodsMethod to calculate the Schoenfeld residuals for a...
SemiParametricModel-classSemiParametric class definition
show-methodsShow methods for Sibyl objects
SibylSibyl: The package fits parametric models to time-to-event...
sibylDataExample time to event data set for subjects trying to stop...
specificEndpointRulesProduce warning messages if SurvivalData object endpoints do...
summariseCoeffsMethod to create summary tables of coefficients for each...
summary-methodsSummary methods for Sibyl objects
SurvivalDataConstructor for 'SurvivalData' object
SurvivalData-classClass representing the data to be used by Sibyl for model...
SurvivalModel-classClass storing the fitted survival models for a specific...
vcov-methodsMethod to return covariance matrix of estimated model...
scientific-computing-solutions/sibyl documentation built on May 21, 2019, 8:40 a.m.