SemiParametricModel-class: SemiParametric class definition

Description Details Slots See Also


SemiParametric class definition


Class storing the fitted Cox semi-parametric model and the Kaplan Meier estimate (from survfit) for a given subgroup and endpoint for a SurvivalData object.



(coxph or NULL) The Cox model fit for the given subgroup and endpoint fitted using coxph and no stratifiation or covariate variables. NULL if single arm trial


(coxph or Null) The Cox model fit for the given subgroup and endpoint fitted using coxph and the selected stratifiation and covariate variable. If no strata included then this is the same as slot cox. NULL if single arm trial and no covariates/strata


(survfit) The Kaplan-Meier estimator associated with the given subgroup and endpoint generated by calling survfit. Note this estimator does NOT include the covariates and strata included with the Cox model fit


(SurvivalData) object used when fitting the models. NOTE: if a subgroup was selected when creating this object then only subjects in the given subgroup who have data for the given endpoint will be included in this object


(character) which subgroup the SemiParametricModel is associated with (or NA if not associated with any)


(character) which endpoint the SemiParametricModel is associated with


(character vector) names of covariates used when fitting the Cox model


(character vector) names of covariates to be used to stratify the Cox model fit


(list) defines name, time and censor column for the fitted endpoint

See Also

fitSemiParametric for further information

scientific-computing-solutions/sibyl documentation built on May 21, 2019, 8:40 a.m.