SOAPServer: Create a SOAP server object

Description Usage Arguments Value Note Author(s) References See Also Examples


These are constructors for the basic SOAPServer class which represent the location of the web services and methods. The basic SOAPServer-class is used to identify the host, port and URL of a SOAP server. The dynamic SOAP server is represented by the class DynamicSOAPServer-class and that contains not only the location of the SOAP server, but also information about its methods and data types. This information is typically read from a Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file.

We can use the form server$method(arg1, arg2, ...) to invoke a method in both types of server.


SOAPServer(host, url, port = NA, s = new(className))
dynamicSOAPServer(iface, obj = new("DynamicSOAPServer"))



typically, the name of the host machine, e.g. "". Alternatively, a complete URL (e.g. may be given as the value for host and the individual parts are extracted from this.


the file/URL within the server that contains the SOAP server. If this is omitted, we attempt to find the value from the value of host.


the port number on which the server is listening. This is typically 80, the standard HTTP port. However, one can specify this when creating the S server object to identify a different port. This is useful when testing a server since one can use a user-level port. It is left as NA if not specified to indicate that it was not explicitly set to 80.


the object being created and initialized. Having this as an argument allows the caller to specify the class of the desired object and supply a partially initialized value and still get the “standard” initialization for the server object. className is computed in the body of the function and this mechanism works via lazy evaluation.


this is an object of class SOAPClientInterface-class typically returned from a call to genSOAPClientInterface. This represents the collection of methods that the SOAP server provides.



the object that will be returned from the dymanicSOAPServer function. This is specified with a default value so that this constructor can be easily reused for derived classes. Typically, a user-level call to this function will not need to specify this.


An object of class HTTPSOAPServer, FTPSOAPServer or SOAPServer. If the host is specified with an ftp: or http: prefix, an object of class FTPSOAPServer or HTTPSOAPServer respectively is returned. Otherwise, a generic SOAPServer is created.


In the future, we will use a SOAPConnection class that builds on the server and maintains a connection to the server. The URL may get dropped from the server as we can use the same basic host and port combination with different URLs for different requests. Experience will give us a better handle on an appropriate interface.

Also, we may store a server-specific, default SOAPAction value in the server.


Duncan Temple Lang <>


See Also



server = SOAPServer("", "TimeService/TimeService.asmx")

sckott/SSOAP documentation built on Sept. 16, 2020, 5:49 p.m.