getReturnNode: Get XML node from SOAP response

Description Usage Arguments Value Author(s) See Also

View source: R/SOAP.S


Parse the XML content from the SOAP response and traverse the tree to find the node in the Body element associated with the result of the request. It looks for a node named This attempts to be helpful by taking input in various forms, i.e. text of the body of the HTTP response, header and body in a SOAPHTTPReply object returned form .SOAP, or the root node of a previously parsed XML tree.


getReturnNode(node, name = "return")



either an XML node that was obtained from parsing the text of the reply or the SOAPHTTPReply object returned from the .SOAP call which contains the header and body of the HTTP request, or alternatively this can be the text content from the body of the HTTP response.


the name of the node in the SOAP response that is the container for the content of the response. This is often "return" but can be any legal XML node name and is often given to us in a WSDL.


An XMLNode object.


Duncan Temple Lang

See Also

.SOAP xmlTreeParse

sckott/SSOAP documentation built on Sept. 16, 2020, 5:49 p.m.