
Defines functions summarise_metric

Documented in summarise_metric

#' Summarise a TB Metric - A Quick Look Summary
#' @description This function provides a curated list of summary measures for a given TB metric in countries of interest.
#'  It can been used to facilitate reporting and is used extensively in the TB report included in the package
#'  (see \code{\link[getTBinR]{render_country_report}}). It outputs the most recent year of data in the target country for
#'  a given metric, along with the year this data was recorded, the regional and global rank and the average change
#'  in the last decade. For a more customisable metric summary see \code{\link[getTBinR]{summarise_tb_burden}} as a starting point.
#' @param conf Character vector specifying the name variations to use to specify the upper
#' and lower confidence intervals. Defaults to c("_lo", "_hi"), if set to \code{NULL}
#' then no confidence intervals are shown.
#' @inheritParams summarise_tb_burden
#' @inheritParams  prepare_df_plot
#' @importFrom dplyr filter select mutate arrange pull summarise first desc
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom tidyr drop_na
#' @importFrom rlang sym quo_name !!
#' @importFrom purrr map_dfr map_dfc
#' @return A tibble containing the name of the target country, the year of the most recent data available, the most recent
#' value for the metric, the regional rank, the global rank and the average change in the previous decade.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Get a summary of TB incidence rates for the united kingdom and germany
#' summarise_metric(metric = "e_inc_100k", countries = c("United Kingdom", "Germany"))
#' ## Get a summary of case detection rates in France
#' summarise_metric(metric = "c_cdr", countries = "France")
#' ## Get a summary of case detection rates in France - without confidence intervals
#' summarise_metric(metric = "c_cdr", countries = "France", conf = NULL)
#' ## Provide a dataset and get summary measures from it.
#' tb <- get_tb_burden()
#' summarise_metric(df = tb, metric = "c_cdr", countries = "France")
summarise_metric <- function(df = NULL, metric = NULL,
                             countries = NULL, conf = c("_lo", "_hi"),
                             download_data = TRUE, save = TRUE,
                             verbose = FALSE, ...) {
  if (is.null(df)) {
    df <- get_tb_burden(
      download_data = download_data,
      save = save,
      verbose = verbose, ...

  ##  Set up metric with confidence intervals
  metric <- sym(metric)
  metric_lo <- sym(paste0(quo_name(metric), conf[1]))
  metric_hi <- sym(paste0(quo_name(metric), conf[2]))

  internal_summarise_metric <- function(target_country) {
    country <- NULL
    year <- NULL
    g_whoregion <- NULL
    change <- NULL
    . <- NULL
    target_country_in_df <- df$country[grepl(target_country, df$country)] %>%
      unique() %>%

    ## Filter for the country of interest
    country_df <- df %>%
      filter(country %in% target_country_in_df) %>%
      mutate(country = target_country)

    ## Most up to date year of incidence data
    recent_inc <- country_df %>%
      drop_na(!!metric) %>%
      filter(year == max(year))

    if (!is.null(conf)) {
      recent_inc <- recent_inc %>%
        select(!!metric, !!metric_lo, !!metric_hi, year, g_whoregion) %>%
        mutate(inc_rate = paste0(!!metric, " (", !!metric_lo, " - ", !!metric_hi, ")"))
    } else {
      recent_inc <- recent_inc %>%
        mutate(inc_rate = !!metric)

    if (nrow(recent_inc) >= 1) {
      ## Country rank
      ranked_countries_inc <- df %>%
        filter(year == recent_inc$year) %>%
        arrange(desc(!!metric)) %>%
        mutate(rank = 1:n())

      ## World rank
      target_rank_world <- ranked_countries_inc %>%
        filter(country == target_country_in_df) %>%

      ## Region rank
      target_rank_region <- ranked_countries_inc %>%
        filter(g_whoregion %in% recent_inc$g_whoregion) %>%
        mutate(rank = 1:n()) %>%
        filter(country == target_country_in_df) %>%

      ## Summarise annual change
      country_change <- summarise_tb_burden(
        metric = quo_name(metric),
        stat = "mean",
        countries = target_country,
        compare_to_region = FALSE,
        compare_to_world = FALSE,
        compare_all_regions = FALSE,
        annual_change = TRUE,
        verbose = FALSE, ...
      ) %>%
        filter(year > (max(year) - 10)) %>%
        summarise(change = mean(!!metric, na.rm = FALSE)) %>%
        mutate(change = round(change * 100, 1) %>%
          paste0(., "%")) %>%

      out <- tibble(
        country = target_country,
        year = recent_inc$year[1],
        metric = recent_inc$inc_rate[1],
        world_rank = target_rank_world,
        region_rank = target_rank_region,
        avg_change = country_change
    } else {
      out <- tibble(
        country = target_country,
        year = NA,
        metric = NA,
        world_rank = NA,
        region_rank = NA,
        avg_change = NA


  out <- map_dfr(countries, internal_summarise_metric)

  out <- map_dfc(out, ~ ifelse(is.na(.), "(Missing)", .))

seabbs/getTBinR documentation built on June 16, 2020, 12:44 p.m.