
discussion notes

from abstract:

Linking our model to real-world salmon conservation

Link simulation and results to real issues for PNW salmon

Our salmon model is relevant to PNW salmonid guidelines and mandates in the US and Canada. In the United States, NOAA consider salmon in Viable Salmonid Populations and Evolutionary Significant Units, which could be considered as portfolios and assets in our model. Viable Salmonid Populations refer to XX, and Evolutionary Significant Units to XX.

Our recommendations policy guidelines for VSPs. In particular, VSP guidelines suggest... Likewise our results suggest...

In Canada, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Wild Salmon Policy designates management units, and evaluates different levels of management intervention.

focuses on maintaining Conservation Units "protect the genetic and geographic diversity of salmon species" "policy recognizes the importance of habitat protection and rehabilitation" The Wild Salmon Policy recognizes the importance of genetic and geographic diversity as well as the protection and rehabilitation of habitat (REF) WSP will provide [from WSP itself] "Healthy,diverse,and abundant wild salmon populations for future generations" while providing fisheries and accounting for ecosystem and habitat values

or WSP end goal: "Restore and maintain healthy and diverse salmon populations and their habitats for the benefit and enjoyment of the people of Canada in perpetuity"


Link to existing guidelines and mandates in Canada and the US

What new do we learn for salmon management and conservation?

Prioritizing metapopulation conservation

Highlight how our work complements other simulation-based paths to prioritization

There are a number of specific extensions to our simulation that could be useful.

Our work suggests three broad research priorities.

  1. Identifying what drives productivity in different scenarios --- e.g. density, environmental relationship, regimes? [Bring in @vert-pre2013] and therefore identifying management approaches that are robust to our uncertainty
  2. Identifying response diversity and spatial asynchrony [e.g. thermal tolerance curves in @eliason2011]
  3. Looking for real-life case studies as in situ experiments testing our conclusions; does managing salmon portfolios result in better outcomes?


seananderson/metafolio documentation built on Feb. 13, 2024, 5:47 a.m.