Man pages for seanchrismurphy/twtools
Utility functions for dealing with tweet data from Twitter

clean_tweetsClean Tweets
collect_follower_timelinesCollects timelines of followers
control_rate_limitControl requests in line with the rate limit
create_closed_networkCreate Closed Network
create_mentions_networkCreates a mentions network
dictionary_countDictionary count
most.frequent.hashtagsSee most frequent hashtags in the data
most.frequent.mentionsSee most frequent mentions in the data
most.frequent.tokensSee most frequent tokens in the data
most.frequent.wordsSee most frequent words in the data
tokenize_tweetsUtility function to tokenize tweets without removing...
tot_limitsGet total rate limits
twtools-packageUtility functions for dealing with tweet data from twitteR.
seanchrismurphy/twtools documentation built on May 29, 2019, 4:27 p.m.