
#' @include GuiElement.R
#' @include BaseGui.R

#' A module is a GuiElement that has a whole user interface associated with it.
GuiModule <- setRefClass(
  contains = 'GuiElement',
  fields = list(
    gui = 'BaseGui' # an S4 gui class
  methods = list(
     initialize = function(...){
       # so the Gui knows which module it belongs to (for multi module Guis)
       gui@module <<- class(.self) 
       ### default setting for a module
         windowSize = c(800, 600),
         windowTitle = "Module",
         windowModal = FALSE,
         protect = TRUE
     #' Get module (flexibility for multi module Guis)
     getModule = function(name = 'Module') {
        return (.self) # standalone module always returns itself
     #' Module make function
     makeGui = function(...) {
       showGui(gui, .self) # show module Gui
       # Note: the loadGui() function is executed via the BaseGui through the focusHandler to enable data loading in modal dialogs
     #' By default, Modal Dialog fetches data and settings from its GuiElements when saving the Gui
     saveGui = function(fetchData = TRUE, fetchSettings = TRUE) {
       callSuper(fetchData = fetchData, fetchSettings = fetchSettings)
sebkopf/cside documentation built on May 29, 2019, 4:58 p.m.