
Defines functions distmap

Documented in distmap

##' Construct a mapping between the distributions of two sets of
##' values.
##' Distribution mapping adjusts the individual values of a dataset, x,
##' such that its statistical distribution matches that of a second
##' dataset,y. This is accomplished by converting data values to
##' probabilities using the CDF of the first distribution, and then
##' from probabilities back to data values using the CDF of the second
##' distribution.
##' The \code{distmap} function constructs this mapping and a transfer
##' function that implements it non-parametrically, by integrating
##' kernel density estimation of the PDFs using the trapezoid rule.  It
##' uses monotone Hermite splines for the construction to guarantee
##' monotonicity of the transfer function.
##' @param x A vector of values whose distribution is to be mapped.
##' @param y A vector of values whose distribution is the target of
##' the mapping.
##' @param densfun A kernel density estimation function, such as
##' \code{stats::density} or \code{KernSmooth::bkde}.  This function
##' must return an object that can be passed as input to
##' \code{\link{pdf2cdf}}.
##' @param pgrid A vector of probability values used for the mapping
##' between CDFs.  It need not be regular but must be strictly
##' increasing.
##' @param truncate Logical; if TRUE, truncates the kernel density
##' estimates of the PDFs at the minimum value of the input data.
##' This is useful for preventing the transfer function from
##' generating negative values in the case of a variable bounded at
##' zero like precipitation.  Defaults to FALSE.
##' @param trim a function used to omit unwanted values when
##' constructing the mapping. This is useful for preventing
##' overfitting of the tails in heavy-tailed variables like
##' precipitation by trimming very extreme values using a function
##' like \code{\link{lof1d}} or \code{\link{chauvenet}}.  The function
##' should take a vector of values as input and return the same vector
##' with the unwanted values removed.  Defaults to NULL.
##' @param na.rm Logical; if TRUE (default), remove NA values before
##' constructing distribution mapping.
##' @param ... Additional arguments to densfun.
##' @return A list of class \code{distmap}, with the following elements:
##' x,y: The input x and y data.
##' pgrid: The vector of probabilities used to construct the mapping.
##' xpdf,ypdf: The estimated PDFs of x and y.
##' xq,yq: The quantiles of x and y corresponding to the probabilities
##' in pgrid.
##' transfer: A function that will transform x to have the same
##' distribution as y.
##' @examples
##' library(nor1mix)
##' set.seed(222)
##' x <- rnorMix(1e6, norMix(mu=c(-3,2),sigma=c(1,2),w=c(2,1)))
##' y <- rnorMix(1e6, norMix(mu=c(-2,2)))
##' dmap <- distmap(x,y)
##' z <- predict(dmap)
##' title = "PDFs; z = x mapped to match y"
##' plot(NA, type="n", xlim=c(-10,10), ylim=c(0,0.33), main=title)
##' lines(density(x), col="blue",   lwd=2)
##' lines(density(y), col="black", lwd=3)
##' lines(density(z), col="red",  lwd=2, lty=2)
##' legend("topright", c("x","y","z"),  col=c("blue","black","red"), lty=c(1,1,2))
##' dev.new()
##' pp <- pnorm(seq(-2,2))
##' yr <- c(-5,5)
##' par(mfrow=c(3,1))
##' plot(y[1:100],type="b",ylim=yr,xlab="")
##' abline(h=quantile(y,pp), lty=c(4,3,2,3,4))
##' plot(x[1:100],type="b",col="red", ylim=yr, xlab="")
##' abline(h=quantile(x,pp), col="red", lty=c(4,3,2,3,4))
##' plot(z[1:100],type="b",col="blue", ylim=yr, xlab="")
##' abline(h=quantile(z,pp), col="blue", lty=c(4,3,2,3,4))
##' @importFrom KernSmooth bkde
##' @importFrom stats splinefun ppoints
##' @export

distmap <- function(x, y, densfun=KernSmooth::bkde,
                    pgrid=ppoints(1000), truncate=FALSE, trim=NULL,
                    na.rm=TRUE, ...){

        x <- x[is.finite(x)]
        y <- y[is.finite(y)]

    stopifnot(all(pgrid >= 0))
    stopifnot(all(pgrid <= 1))
    stopifnot(all(diff(pgrid) > 0))

      x <- trim(x)
      y <- trim(y)
    xpdf <- densfun(x, ...)
    ypdf <- densfun(y, ...)

      xpdf$y[xpdf$x<min(x)] <- 0
      ypdf$y[ypdf$x<min(y)] <- 0
    xcdf <- pdf2cdf(xpdf)
    ycdf <- pdf2cdf(ypdf)
    xq <- splinefun(xcdf$y, xcdf$x, method="monoH.FC")(pgrid)
    yq <- splinefun(ycdf$y, ycdf$x, method="monoH.FC")(pgrid)

    transfer <- splinefun(xq, yq, method="monoH.FC")

    result <- namelist(x, y, pgrid, xpdf, ypdf, xq, yq, transfer)
    class(result) <- "distmap"

### Copyright 2015 Univ. Corp for Atmos. Research
### Author: Seth McGinnis, mcginnis@ucar.edu
sethmcg/climod documentation built on Nov. 19, 2021, 11:12 p.m.