fx_write: Effex functions: Write data

Description Usage Arguments Functions JSON formats


The fx_write-family will cover the transformation of semantic data to human-readable documents. The idea behind this is the fact that semantic data is more likely to be changed manually. From the perspective of version control, this means that changes can most easily be tracked if one either codes these decision or makes the files human-accessible. These formats are also easier to work with for non-programmers so that, after a short introduction, they can change this information, as well. Reviewing changes via version control is transparent in this mode. fx_change will be concerned with making change of semantical data available to non-programmers in the future.


fx_write_json(data, path, ..., reader = NULL,
  write_params = list(pretty = TRUE, null = "null"))



either a metaframe or an object with attribute metaframe


The path specifying the folder of the different objects


A name-value pair of the name of the file and the respective columns that are to be saved in that file


specify your own reader for the resulting filepath columns.


A list of additional parameters for jsonlite::write_json()


JSON formats

Currently, only a json format is implemented. This format represents a good compromise between flexibility and readability. However, it is advised to make certain that the retrieval via fx_read() yields the same data. Due to the sparse specification that comes with readability for non-programmers, some tweaks in the retrieval function might have to be added. If data is grouped, a sub-folder will be created for every grouping variable. In order to ensure that the folders are approriately named, we remove or replace the following characters: ., :, *, ?, \", <, >, /, \ and |.

sflippl/tectr documentation built on May 6, 2019, 8:51 a.m.